Well, in another day the year 2015 will be no more. All of us at the Gazette wish all of you a very happy and productive new year.


One issue to be dealt with in 2016 is of extraordinary importance to Fillmore and many other Ventura County cities. It is the plan to transport sand from the mine on Hwy. 23 to restore the beach at Malibu. It's hard to exaggerate the extent to which this outrageous proposal (nearly completely approved) will negatively impact our city. This should be fought with all the resources we have. See the story on page one.


I have mixed emotions about the coming New Year. I feel a sense of relief and foreboding. The relief comes from knowing that Obama has only 11 months more to finish the job of wrecking the nation. My foreboding comes from understanding just how much he has already succeeded in diminishing America's strength, prosperity, and security. It will take a decade to repair the damage, assuming everything doesn't come off the rails before the Obama administration breaths it last.

It could be worse however, if a criminally stupid electorate actually votes-in another Clinton. That's a horror beyond my ability to contemplate. It is possible. I shudder to recall that same electorate (Democrat Party) voted Obama in for a second term. The second witch in Macbeth voices my trepidation, "Something wicked this way comes.” America faces the wickedness of fundamental Islam and its plan to subdue the world. We can forget "the good Muslims" - they are almost irrelevant. It's the Islam which has bedeviled the Western world since the year 632 with its demand that all non-Muslim peoples "submit" by conversion, taxation, or death.

These are the facts, this is the truth, and America is about to discover this truth, inconvenient or otherwise.
Let's not forget Barack Obama's gift of aid and comfort to the enemy (Iran) in the amount of $150 BILLION. That is the legacy he has sought, that is the American demise he has brought.



From all of us at the Gazette to all of our readers Happy, holy, and peaceful Christmas!


It's a beautiful day today especially after the nice soaking rain we had a short time ago. I don't feel like talking politics or commenting on the Islamic murder wave we are facing. It seems more fitting to contemplate the many blessings we continue to receive from the Father.

Despite the absence of political leadership America has experienced these past seven years and the moral misdirection urging us towards the cliff, we still live in the strongest, freest nation in the world. We are, however, in desperate need of remembering the source of our strength and freedom. So, in this Christmas season let's give thanks to God.



Last night's Republican debate: An engineered waste of time.

Our Commander-in-Chief has decreed that all combat positions in all military branches are now open to women, for the first time in history. This is a sort of ultimate insult and injury to our fighting men, and an ultimate victory for political correctness and the feminist Left.

In a sane world guided by traditional Judeo-Christian principles and morals no explanation would be necessary for the virtually timeless, universal prohibition against the use of women in combat. Common sense and natural law dictate that men protect women against harm, especially from evil men. This is deeply engrained, almost genetically inscribed on the male psyche. It is a principle that helps assure the existence of humanity's next generation. The statement "Women and children first" should always be honored in practice. They are our nation's future.

Obama and his lickspittle Leftist minions, like his new Secretary of Defense, have struck another blow against Judeo-Christian normalcy with this new policy. The arguments against this new law are so profound and numerous that they can only be addressed in a book. One such book, among many, should be read by everyone who values the special position of honor and dignity women have always enjoyed throughout the civilized world (I don't include fundamental Islam in that world). That book is entitled "CO-ED COMBAT, the new evidence that women shouldn't fight the nation's wars", by Kingsley Browne.

It is a outrageous fraud to pretend, as Obama does, that women are as capable of engaging in combat as men. Women are absolutely equal to men in dignity, but not combat. I dare even the most virulent feminist to refute the data in this book.

Women have always contributed to the defense of our country in most valuable ways, from the Revolutionary War to date. There is no question or doubt about that. And women have engaged in combat (in very small numbers) in the Soviet Union - even in Israel, for short periods of time, in dire circumstances - and served heroically. But that is not the point.

Co-Ed Combat is meticulously researched, utterly objective, heavily noted, with comments from both sides of the issue. Conclusion: Women should not be allowed in combat;

"The climate of political correctness is so strong that revealing reservations about the performance of women in the military is likely to be a career-terminating event."

"The military can force men to "accept" integration in the sense that soldiers must "accept" virtually anything their superiors impose upon them, but it cannot force men to trust women, and the absence of trust in battle can be deadly."

"In 1971 alone, there were 333 confirmed incidents [of fragging] and another 158 possible ones." "...The objections that many men have to women are of a kind that would create a potential for fragging." "Two of the most frequently heard complaints about women in the military are that women obtain favored treatment from superiors and that they are less combat capable and will not pull their weight in combat, thereby endangering the lives of male soldiers."

These arguments are only the tip of the iceberg. Women in combat, as now ordered, is wildly immoral and deadly impractical.

Read the book before yelling misogynist!


Life and death issues now confront us daily. Seeking a workable defense against Islamic terrorist activity, despite President Obama's dreamy, nonchalant attitude, is an immediate challenge. The issue of Personal self-defense is new to millions of Americans seeking to arm themselves against Muslim attack for the first time. And all of the liberal media political correctness will not diminish the reality of the threat.

It's reported that since Obama's election the American people have purchased more than 100 million firearms. That's a strong indication that at least they understand, if only instinctively, they and the nation are in grave danger.


First, a huge note of thanks and congratulations to all of the local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies who participated in defeating the jihadist murderers in San Bernardino. It was inspiring to see such effective cooperation and coordination.


I am frankly amazed at how exceptional our fighting forces are. Their performance has been stellar and they deserve our undying gratitude. What amazes me most is the fact that they do so well despite the corrupt and incompetent leadership they must depend upon. http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2015-12-08/story/navy-fires-rear-admi....

Their Commander in Chief renders aid and comfort to the enemy which he refuses to identify (for the past 7 years!), much of the top brass (with strong exceptions) are mere sycophants, like his bevy of homosexual generals and our new Secretary of Defense.

The insane rules of engagement (no strike if even a single "civilian" is present) and the latest policy change (first in American history) permitting women in all combat roles (guarantee our daughters would be included in any future draft and drastically diminishing force effectiveness) means losing. Political correctness is literally killing this nation. Where are those to stand-up for traditional values and principles?
Our armed forces have been deeply corrupted with radical liberal-progressive policies and practices. Our Obama government doesn't give a damn about the normal, traditional Christian men and women who have been the backbone of our nation's defense since 1775. It is they who have to tolerate the conduct of the new Left members. In fact Obama and his crowd of anti-Judeo-Christian social saboteurs truly hate the American tradition of moral normalcy.

Our next president should be a combination of General Patton and Abraham Lincoln. Then, at least, we could recover our self-respect, and possibly that of the enemy.

Most of all, we would recover the protection of our God in Whom we say "...we trust."


Everyone in the office has been sick this week and I'm getting over a week-long cold. So I won't attempt a column today.

As I write these words, a social services building in San Bernardino has been attacked by three heavily armed, masked gunmen. At least 20 shooting victims have been reported and a black Yukon SUV is being sought after it departed the area. A bomb squad is surveying the building.

The shooters entered a conference room and began to gun down everyone in sight. The shooting ended shortly after that with the perpetrators having left the scene.

This has some earmarks of a possible Islamist-based attack, though no such connection has been made. I wonder if this incident will serve to wake-up Obama and his idiot minions to the immediate threat within his planned Syrian immigration.

But never fear. Our Commander in Chief is dealing with climate change which he sees as the greatest threat to our nation and the whole world.

Barack Obama is as mad as a hatter. He needs some immediate psychiatric attention to save us all from his delusions of grandeur.

I should caution however that this particular incident could be criminal rather than political.


I listened to Obama's thanksgiving message to his underlings today. He told us not to worry because he's got our back and the unnamed terrorists cannot inflict any more workplace violence upon us while we enjoy our holiday turkeys.

He also assured us that we have scores of mostly unnamed NATO nations backing us up, as soon as we provide them with the weapons to do so. He says there will be no more "setbacks" like the Paris attacks because our Secretary of State John Kerry has made friends with Syria, Russia, and Iran. Besides, President Obama has also told us that we are not at war with Islam and never will be.

What a relief!

Obama knows we should have no concern about trucking-in 10,000 more un-vetted Syrians, despite the fact that our military, FBI, CIA, NEA, intelligence sources (and just about everyone else with a normally functioning brain) is telling our P.O.T.U.S. not to do this. Welcoming these people in, they say, virtually guarantees immediate and long-term terrorism in America.

Well, I disagree with our president. I hope Americans understand the extraordinary threat to our health and safety that this flood of un-vetted immigrants represents. We don't need to study this problem. Give common sense a chance. Just take it all in cold turkey.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


What do you do when you determine that the nation's Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, and leader of the free Western world, is mentally deranged - crazy?

Everyone should read David Kupelian's editorial in WND of 11-17. "Obama: Delusional or something worse?" (David Kupelian examines the president's stunning denial of reality.)

Trying to understand Obama's consistently bizarre decisions and confused policies is beyond the bounds of normal logic. They usually don't make sense from a pro-American and pro-Judeo-Christian perspective. To most rational people these decisions and policies only make sense from an anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian standpoint.

Kupelian has written the clearest summary of Obama's dangerous mental state that I've seen to date, among many others. He shows that Obama is not only delusional but suffers from that state of mind in a way which endangers our country. The only other conclusion that makes sense is to declare Obama a traitor, a Manchurian Candidate-type, brainwashed to damage or destroy the country. That conclusion is a little too sci-fi for me. I have to agree with the growing number of serious on-lookers who are alarmed at Obama's destructive influence of world affairs, and America's in particular. "A little later in Fox’s primetime lineup, former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.” "Psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed:..." This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.” “It’s absolutely pathological,” responded Loudon. “And it’s not just pathological; it’s stupid and it’s dangerous.”

“One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained."

“He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack....".

"Some, as previously mentioned, cite the disturbing degree to which Obama manifests full-blown symptoms of narcissism and/or sociopathy. " Some cite Obama’s childhood and upbringing. His Marxist-atheist-alcoholic-bigamist Kenyan father abandoned him, his Islamic stepfather raised him as a Muslim in Indonesia, his mother essentially abandoned him, and his most influential mentor as a young teenager was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, a pornographer and admitted sexual abuser of minors."

His religious views were imprinted by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, America-hater and hater of white people and our democratic system.

I've quoted much from Mr. Kupelian's article (WND of 11-17. "Obama: Delusional or something worse?"). I urge everyone to read it for a superb analysis of a crazy, malicious president who is a clear and present danger to America's immediate future.


I watched Barack Obama commenting on his administration's accomplishments yesterday. He appeared reflective, totally absorbed in the greatness of his imaginary achievements. In this case he gave himself an intellectual hug by expressing appreciation for interracial goodwill he has engendered between white, black, and Hispanic people.

He had in mind no doubt Treyvon Martin, and 6'-4", 300 pound, 18-year-old felon, Michael Brown, together with 28-year-old officer Darren Wilson, who had to shoot Brown in self-defense. Both shooters, after exhaustive investigation by local, state, and federal police were found innocent and the shooting fully justified. Obama jumped into both investigations, making biased allegations before any facts were established. Both shootings caused great racial confrontation - the Brown case started a massive riot with great destruction.

I assume this was the hope and change Obama advertized before entering office. It was part of his objective to "fundamentally transform" America.

Let me crash into your delusional self assessment Mr. Obama. Don't listen to the girls in your back room who have structured your thinking and been telling you how wonderful you are. Listen instead to the reality expressed by the hundreds of millions of Americans who, despite their Christian inclinations, would turn you into a small pile of ash if the intensity of their hate for your deliberately destructive policies, actions, and failures to act were released at once.

I think of an entire generation of Middle Eastern Christians, Yasidis, and others, in the hundreds of thousands, who have been wiped from the face of the earth because you would not defend them in their desperate need. Yet you and your cowardly minions seek to placate the most infamous of America's enemies by signing an unconstitutional "deal" with Iran while they spit in our face.

Your craven inability to recognize the danger you have caused the world by funding racism, stampeding millions of refugees from the Middle East into "Christian" Europe where they are causing chaos and mayhem will be responsible for true world war - soon.

Dream on you pathetic little man. You will be remembered as a weakling and a charlatan who, in former Vice President Cheney's words, " [successfully brought] America down".


Just when I thought I could escape more talk about America's dire condition (moral, military and mental) I spot a paragraph from Michael Savage, which exactly captures my own concerns. I can't escape the belief that we are already in the fringe winds of a perfect storm. This is a quick summary of that remark:

"A major battle in a war over the future of Western civilization has been lost as millions of migrants from the Middle East who largely oppose Judeo-Christian values and have no intention of assimilating flood the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other nations, talk-radio host Michael Savage told his listeners Tuesday."

Discussing the issue of open borders in America he says ' ...many who come “have no intention of assimilating and living the American dream” but prefer to “co-opt America for their own purposes.”

It may not be too late for America. It's hard to tell at this point but it doesn't look too good. I believe Europe may not recover its thousand-year-old culture. Muslims fleeing Islamic jihadist butchers by the millions have created a human tsunami which has overwhelmed the Judeo-Christian west.

"Paraphrasing an email, Savage said that what German Chancellor Angela Merkel is "doing to Germany, what the weakling is doing to England, what the socialist is doing to France, what Obama the psychopath is doing to America, will render this country non-existent in less than 50 years."

"Savage claims Marlow’s observation isolates only half the problem. He forewarned, “If we thought we had problems with illegals coming from south of the border, that is nothing compared to what is coming if Barry from Honolulu is allowed to bring in 100,000 Syrian Muslims, most of whom are military age men.” On the radio a few days ago, Savage said that “we lost the battle” and was asked by callers if he was a “defeatist?” But he asserts that he didn’t say “we lost the war, but we lost the battle.”

The former Prime Minister of Australia shares Savage's view: “All countries that say ‘anyone who gets here can stay here’ are now in peril, given the scale of the population movements that are starting to be seen,” Mr. Abbott, a conservative, said on Tuesday during a lecture honoring the British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. Mr. Abbott recommended the same approach for Europe. “This means turning boats around, for people coming by sea,” he said. “It means denying entry at the border, for people with no legal right to come. And it means establishing camps for people who currently have nowhere to go.” " Such a tough policy would “gnaw at our consciences, yet it is the only way to prevent a tide of humanity surging through Europe and quite possibly changing it forever” he said.

This world is about to explode, and American government won't even tell its citizens to duck and cover.


If you want to get a quick idea of what's happening in the world I can't think of a better way than to click on to the DRUDGE REPORT. It will show you the good, bad, and ugly in a hurry. Unfortunately, it's often mostly bad and ugly, but that's reality. Let's take an especially ugly fact playing out on DRUDGE.

Many conservatives expect American assets to be attacked by some combination of Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran before the end of Obama's final year in office. Iran has repeatedly broadcast its intention to attack and destroy Israel in its Islamic mandate to rid the world of all "unbelievers" in Islam. The US is the targeted "great Satan" while Israel is targeted as the lesser demon.

Iran is on a roll in its preparations for war. The Obama administration, in its greatest act of treachery towards America, has unleashed the dogs of war by signing the unconstitutional nuclear "deal" with Iran (by fiat, his executive order). He not only let Iran off the leash (sanctions) he has financed this terrorist state with the practical equivalent a trillion dollars in spending money. Iran can now build or buy any number of weapons of mass destruction they wish - and they are off to the races. Every Middle East nation who happens to be an enemy of Iran is now frantically preparing a nuclear-based defensive, since they no longer believe the US can be trusted to defend them.

Israel is in a precarious position as never before, with Russia, Iran, and North Korea, and China (all nuclear enemies) converging on her. How can a nuclear war be avoided now? Americans have no idea how extensive those nations have re-armed. Russia, nearly broke, is pouring money into high-tech armaments, particularly electromagnetic pulse weapons - already deployed. All are aggressively expanding their influence.

At the same time Obama has weakened US defense capabilities as never before.

Americans must pay attention to what is happening on the military front. At least then they will be less surprised when we are attacked, before Obama sneaks out of office.


It's great to see that our old neon-highlighted "Fillmore" sign at Central and Hwy. 126 has been refurbished. It was made a landmark back in the 90s.


The Obama administration is succeeding at an ever faster pace in its efforts to give back to the Sharia Islamists everything that our warriors fought, bled, and died for in the Middle East. Through his shameful weakness in the face of the enemy Obama has also energized and facilitated Czar Putin's aggressive megalomania. Putin is not the strategic genius the world is making him out to be. His tactics simply follow a path of least resistance, and our commander-in-chief doesn't know how to resist even clear and present dangers to American freedom.

He has destroyed US influence throughout the Middle East. Obama left the door open and Putin stepped right in, like he did in Crimea. We will be at war again soon in Syria against Russia, Iran, and their surrogates. "U.S. defense officials have confirmed that military equipment issued by the United States to Syrian rebel fighters has been funneled to an al Qaeda offshoot, raising new questions about the ways in which the Obama administration is safeguarding U.S. arms in the war-torn Middle Eastern country." (Adam Kredo). Last time - 2,000 armored humvees to the enemy. Pentagon: U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebels Surrender American Arms to Al QaedaPentagon: ‘We can’t control every situation that these fighters encounter’

God only knows what further wounds of weakness Obama intends to inflict on our nation during his last year in office. But it's not hard to guess. I'm guessing he will make a gift of our Guantanamo Bay naval base to the Castro Brothers, in use‎: ‎1898–present. Democrats like to give America's stuff away, like Carter gave away the Panama Canal, and Zone - soon passed on to communist China de facto.

Obama has already launched another fruitless attack on our Second Amendment - which will have the predictable effect of stampeding gun sales through the roof. I predict our great leader's anti-gun efforts will stimulate gun sales by an additional one million units. What a phenomenal, if utterly clueless, community gun-sales promoter.
He has announced a trip to Oregon to visit the scene of the most recent gun attack. He made the announcement before the bodies were counted at the college. He is not wanted there; his huge entourage would certainly disrupt the solemnity in the mourning community. I hope he doesn't chew gum while there.


Another bold step by Vladimir Putin today moved the US much closer to war. The intolerable naiveté, cowardice, and ignorance of our radical leftist Commander in Chief has abandoned America to an ignoble military fate.

Russia began bombing the US supported troops fighting Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. This is the worst outcome that could happen in Syria. Russia has now entered the war on behalf of Iran and will lock-in Iran's and its own hegemony in the Middle East for generations.

Once again caught with his pants down by this Russian surprise attack, Obama's press secretary sounded like a foolish child in his attempts to explain-away America's defensive negligence. Our cream puff, happy-go-lucky Secretary of State John Kerry even told us that the United States was prepared to "welcome" Russian military action in Syria - but only as long as it was directed against IS and al-Qaeda-linked groups. Obama expects Putin to play fair - or else. Or else what? Maybe he will scold Putin? Putin would politely answer "Well, you told me you would be more flexible after you were reelected."

I guess now that Obama has moved all US forces from the area we might as will give control over to our foremost enemy, Russia. It's time for an emergency psychiatric examination of American leadership. Then we can lock-up the delusional leaders!

Putin's strategy has been obvious for years; he wants to recreate the old Russian Empire. He started with attacks on Ukraine, then the prompt takeover of the Crimean peninsula, bullying the Balkan states, provocative overflights of NATO and US space, and a type of EMP attack on an American (high tech) missile destroyer in the Black Sea. Just like Old Man River he just keeps rolling along. All testing the American Commander in Chief's backbone - which Putin discovered was purely gelatinous.

Putin didn't really have to test Obama's will to respond, he already knew - he was able to listen in to all of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's top secret communications with the White House, CIA, FBI, etc., free of charge, for FOUR YEARS, on her bathroom server. These were safe, easy moves for Putin, and will continue to be for about one more year of Obama's community organizing. And, our pitiful president has the gall to "taunt" Putin?
Obama taunts Putin, China at U.N.: 'I lead the strongest military the world has ever known'

Mr. Obama, you couldn't lead a girl scout group to make a column right.

America and the world are in the most dangerous pre-war situation we have ever been in before. Israel has been placed in an almost untenable position due to American evacuation of the Middle East. War is inevitable.

I hate to write when I'm angry, and hearing that Putin has demanded that US aircraft now leave the Syria area makes me white hot. Just imagine what's going to happen during the next year before the end of Obama. Obama is our twenty-first century Benedict Arnold. We need a General Patton for president to save the day.


Our armed forces have been led by a craven leftist Commander in Chief for nearly seven years now. We are often reminded that the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps have been reduced to levels not seen since pre-WWII levels.

Not surprisingly, the only military leaders who can speak with impunity are mostly retired generals and colonels. Any active duty officer making critical remarks about present military organization is a career-ending mistake. What these generals have to say should alarm all thinking Americans.

They inform us of a president who has essentially alerted our enemies to the fact that he will not fight - for any reason, that we have no strategy to fight ISIS or sufficient military presence anywhere in the Middle East to keep the peace. Our retired generals tell us that Russia is taking over Syria and that Iraq is out of control. They say that the 14 percent reduction in U.S. troops renders the United States "unable to deter conflict and prevent wars.” The Navy Times says, "The numbers of U.S. nuclear missiles, and deployed bombers, have continued to drop while Russia's have climbed, according to a new U.S. State Department report on strategic weapons.”
"Retired General John Allen will be stepping down as envoy to the global coalition this fall. Just before he became Obama’s lead official in the fight against the Islamic State, Allen wrote an op-ed article in which he called the group a “clear and present danger to the U.S.” and said it “must be destroyed” quickly, using capabilities and power only the U.S. can bring to bear. Just over one year later, the president has yet to commit to a real plan to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State, as he has repeatedly said is his goal.”

Most recently, the corrosive effect of Political Correctness demands that women be ushered into the ranks of all combat specialties. Women are there now in small numbers, especially in support units, but that is a destructive plan.

Two women were cheered recently for completing Ranger school. Now it is revealed that they received special treatment in the form of lower standards - as is happening across the board. "GOP lawmaker questions test scores of female Army Rangers” Radical feminists have pushed the plan to include women with men in every available combat specialty. The results, despite fraudulent reports alleging success, have been disastrous. There is one particular book which spells out the indisputable facts: Kingsley Browne's, Co-Ed Combat, the new evidence that women shouldn't fight the nation's wars."

There simply are no valid reasons to integrate the sexes in the military, and many to put a stop to it. I challenge any feminist to counter the facts in this book. Unless the country is ready to draft women into our armed forces, reasonable citizens have to speak out, like all of the retired generals have.

Browne's book is an extremely interesting read, scholarly and factual but written for the average reader.


(CORRECTIONS) I've gotten into a bad habit of writing my column at the last minute before deadline. It's a matter of pure laziness and it's costing me some accuracy among other things.

For example, last week my Realities had two errors. First, I stated that Islam's bloody legacy began in the year 332 a.d. Wrong. It began in 632, the year of Muhammad's death. And, I spoke of China, Russia (and allegedly Iran) having anti-aircraft missiles. I meant to say they claim to have anti aircraft carrier missiles - big difference. I will try to mend my ways.


(A note to readers)

An apology is necessary for the length of this column. Frankly, after studying these issues for the past two weeks, I got caught-up with the magnitude of these military problems without time to condense them. I have lost confidence in our military leaders, except those who are now retired. I agree with Lt. Col. U.S. Army (Ret.) Robert L. Maginnis's assessment of our present military leadership in his book "Deadly Consequences, How Cowards Are Pushing Women Into Combat." Also with Prof. Kingsley Browne's book "Co-Ed Combat". No honest person can disagree with the factual conclusions of these books. Our military is in a state of deadly confusion.


I've wondered about how bad America's defense situation is today. Obama has shriveled our armed forces to levels not seen since pre-WWII days. Virtually every retired American general, and honorable flag-level officer condemns Obama's foolhardy leadership. "Faced with a shortage of U.S. Navy ships, the Marine Corps is exploring a plan to deploy its forces aboard foreign vessels to ensure they can respond quickly to global crises around Europe and western Africa.´(USA Today). " The top officer said that the 14 percent reduction in U.S. troops — which shrank the number of soldiers from 570,000 to 490,000 — "...renders the United States unable to deter conflict and prevent wars.”

" Former NATO Supreme Commander James Stavridis criticized President Obama, his former boss, for recent cuts to military spending while U.S. troops are still engaged on multiple fronts around the world.“We have already cut defense … about 30 percent over the last 10 years, and we’re still at war,” Stavridis´said.

How about the condition of our strategic nuclear force? Here's a sample of our nuclear leadership: "Nuclear commander lost job after being caught playing fake poker chips..." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11248777/Nucl...

By day, Vice-Admiral Timothy Giardina was one of the US Navy’s most senior figures – as deputy head of US Strategic Command, he was number two in command of America’s nuclear arsenal. But by night, at the Horseshoe casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa, he was known as Navy Tim, a heavy gambler who was accused of making his own $500 poker chips and eventually banned.”

General in charge of America's nuclear weapons sacked for misbehavior. "(The US Air Force general in charge of America's nuclear missile arsenal has been sacked for a 'loss of trust and confidence' following allegations of misbehavior.´(The Telegraph, 9-16-15). Defense Secretary Hagel: Hagel's reviews concluded that the structure of U.S. nuclear forces is so incoherent that it cannot be properly managed in its current form, and that this problem explains why top-level officials often are unaware of trouble below them."

UPDATE: Data shows drop in US nuke arsenal, growth in Russia's... http://www.navytimes.com/story/military/pentagon/2015/01/09/new-start-tr...

North Korea has made a number of "innovations" in its nuclear weapons programme "by steadily improving the levels of nuclear weapons... in quality and quantity", an official of the Atomic Energy Institute told state media."
"PAPER:[Russia is] Reviving Nuke Trains to Counter U.S. Attack Capability... http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/russia-looks-to-revive-nu...

"When Russia sent military forces into Syria last weekend, it caught NATO by surprise and proved that its members can neither stay ahead of threats nor even decide which ones are the most pressing, the alliance’s intelligence director said." September 10, 2015 By Kevin Baron, Defense One.

How about the general health and continuity of our armed forces?

"Army Gen. Randy Taylor introduces his husband at Pentagon Gay Pride event." "What made this seemingly routine introduction noteworthy is that Brig. Gen. Randy S. Taylor introduced his husband, Lucas." "We bet everything on my Army career,” said Gen. Taylor, whose 27 years of service spanned an outright ban on gays, then “don’t ask, don’t tell” and finally, the ban’s lifting in 2011."This general broke the Uniform Code of Military Justice for most of his career. Gen. Taylor was the master of ceremonies for the Pentagon’s 4th Gay Pride celebration that showcases a month of gay-themed posters and history." Of course for most of those 27 years the general violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

There is an urgent need to phase-out all combat positions artificially created for women. The exclusion of women from direct ground combat was ended in January of 2013. Absolutely nothing has had a more demoralizing effect on troop cohesion, readiness, and morale than gender integration. Our Joint Chiefs of Staff are to blame for being too cowardly to stand up against this ludicrous political plan. They have spread false allegations about the success of this integration to save their positions. The effect of this action has had paralyzing effects at all levels down to the ranks of the private soldier, sailor Marine, Airman, and Coast Guard. There is no longer an honored place for the normal GI holding traditional Christian morals. Criticize women in combat units, or object to the now massive homosexual set-up, and you are harshly punished or dismissed from service. I hope to comment further on this incredible issue next week.

America is in distress today, particularly our armed forces. Our government has been corrupted to the core by an infestation of radical left feminists and homosexuals, which has accomplished the destruction of traditional military standards of order. Most Americans have no idea of the extent to which this new feminism has undermined readiness and morale. We are vulnerable to attack as never before. Obviously our enemies (China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and most of the Sharia-believing Muslim world) see our weakness as an irresistible opportunity to attack. The window of opportunity for attack will be open for the remainder of Obama's term as Commander in Chief of the United States.


Yesterday's city council meeting divulged a lot of good news. The city is growing, fast. New homes and projects are popping-up all over the place. We have made truly extraordinary progress during the past two years. That means we have a great council working smoothly with highly competent city management. Congratulations to both.


Oh, by the way - did I tell you that a great war will be with us shortly, much bloodier than any we have fought since WWII.

It's the war that Islam has prayed for since the year 332 a.d., the war to subdue the non-Muslim world on every continent. Islam, as it is practiced in virtually every Muslim country, demands every non-Muslim to do one of two things; convert to Islam or pay a protection tax, like the Mafia uses. There are certainly millions of peace loving Muslim people in the world; but they are a small minority of the billion and a half true believers. Besides, peaceful Muslim people, the vast majority, are frightened silent about Sharia atrocities. Or, as Brigitte Gabriel has reminded us, "Peaceful Muslims are irrelevant".

Let's pay closer attention to the military activities of our enemies, Russia, China, North Korea, Pakistan, and ISIS. With the present exception of ISIS, each has nuclear arms, and Iran, thanks to Obama, will soon join the club. Each is working at warp speed to improve its weapons, in quality and quantity. China and Russia have their anti-aircraft missiles, anti-satellite missiles, new atomic drone submarines with atomic torpedoes capable of traveling supersonic underwater, etc.

All we hear about US nuclear forces is poor maintenance, aging missiles, and bad morale. We are about to be trounced. Over the past 7 years Barack Obama has rendered our armed forces nearly frivolous, with aging equipment, major problems with forced integration of women in combat units, and the depletion of troop numbers. Only the stellar performance of our fighting men keep us in the game. The integration of women is a powerful negative force, a serious disincentive for enlisted men, as are openly gay, transsexual, tri-sexual, and quadrasexual personnel.


America is sick, and may be dying.

For any rational person keeping up with national news this can't be surprising. The odor of morbidity is too pungent to be ignored.

The greatest country in human history has not succumbed to its numerous deadly enemies, it is committing suicide. America's soul has been breached like organs of a preborn child at the hands of a greedy abortionist. As all Judeo-Christian believers know, the soul is the primary spark of human life. Life ceases to exist without a soul. America's soul has, since its inception, been Judeo-Christian in nature, in its understanding of itself, but primarily in its acknowledgment of Almighty God as its creator.

Today most of America, perhaps 51 percent, has rejected our God and his precepts - His commandments. We are about to suffer the withdrawal of God's traditional protection, His blessing. Without a quick change of heart we will certainly experience the same fate as ancient Israel. As the book of the same title, Harbingers, tells us, that fate clearly faces us.

I've just been informed (youngcons.com) that 8 police officers have been murdered in the past 9 days in our country. Most of these murders were perpetrated by young black men, inspired by their black president. Barack Obama has facilitated months of violent racial turmoil by encouraging the spread of murderous slogans like "Black lives matter; Hands-up, don't shoot”, and most recently (referring to police officers) "Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon". These slogans are the marching melodies of the radical black left which has taken control of many cities. They are marching with the Devil, and will have the Devil to pay. Without exception, these hateful emotions lead to riots that destroy black communities, ultimately causing racial suicide. And they repel and diminish the only force that can save their communities - the sworn police forces of our nation.

The majority of our government workers and the people we have elevated to public office, Congress, Supreme Court, and president, are directly responsible for America's cultural death spiral. Ultimately, of course, we the people are responsible for voting weak, incompetent, and unscrupulous people into office..

As a government we've lost our common sense. Without leadership we have become stupid. We pass a huge, disasterous Obamacare bill without having it read by any legislator. We can't know what it's all about until we pass it, said Congresswoman Pelosi. In a few days our shameless pro-Muslim president is about to have his Mad Hatter Iranian nuclear agreement passed by the same people, without knowledge of its secret content, or understanding of its obviously deadly consequences.

This coming election will tell the story of America's future. That's been said many times before, and we're still here. But this time is different. We've never had a president so intent on destroying our country. He has sold America out and endangered the world as no president has done before. The Iran deal will doubtless bring on nuclear war. Obamacare will beggar our healthcare system. And, without immediate support for both our armed forces and police forces, we can expect social chaos.

Just remember - we brought it on ourselves.


I'm glad our city council neglected to pass the "Residential Property Report Inspection” proposal at last night's meeting.

This is a check list of 31 possible problems with a home which must be corrected before sale. It's a very intrusive list, everything from condition of siding to cracked patio slabs, things which would require correction before sale. About 10 prominent real estate brokers, many former presidents of county reality organizations, showed up to voice their opposition to the proposal which could delay or kill home sales.

The council decided to study the idea further before making a decision.


My time is short this week so I can't expand on the glee I feel at the spectacle of Hillary Clinton finally losing her political entitlements. I still don't believe many people understand the extraordinary damage her customary recklessness has cost this nation in top secret disclosures to our enemies. From what we already know of her military intelligence transgressions she should be slapped with a criminal indictment and tried. The FBI should name the investigation "Operation Loose Lips". Just think, Hillary, through her prohibited private bathroom server, served-up top secret information to Russia, China, Iran, and any amateur hacker just having a little fun, for FOUR years!.

Since, as America's chief ambassador to the world, Hillary spoke to the White House daily, for four years, our enemies learned just what a craven, spineless creature Obama truly is. This knowledge eliminated any doubt about whether the US would defend Ukraine or the Crimean peninsula, so Russia just walked over and took Crimea - without a peep from the US or NATO. Maybe a NATO peep is all we could manage. The same is true of China's trespassing island creations to increase its hegemony in the South China Sea, outright theft. China also learned of Obama's testosterone deficiency by listening in on Hillary's bathroom server. Most important of all - Iran's murderous mullahs were listening in as well. That's why the so-called nuclear negotiations became such an embarrassing American collapse.

But Obama will try to do something impressive (read offensive), in his eyes, during the next 15 months. I'm guessing he will try to give Guantanamo Bay back to the Castro Brothers. Obama would be attracted to such a move by the serious division it would cause in the US.


"OK, cuff her." I awoke from a weird dream with these words ringing in my memory, watching the distressed woman in jailhouse orange being led away.

Oddly enough, when I later switched on the DRUDGE REPORT, there she was again, Hillary Clinton, in bright jailhouse orange dodging a reporter's questions. How about that for a deja vu? "...And I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified – which is the way you know whether something is.'"

Well, Hillary surely knows things about the word "is". But, in the context of that questioning it can't help her any more than it did former POTUS, husband Bill. As they say, it is what it is and it isn't looking very good for Democrat front-runner Hillary. Her stance evokes the spirit of another famous liar, Bart Simpson: "I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, there's no way you can prove anything."

In this case, Hillary, yes we can. And if the FBI and US Justice Department can pass the acid test, Donald Trump may be right, you may be headed for the Big House instead of the White House. That is, once again, if the FBI and Justice Department honor their oaths of office, avoid politics, and provide at least the same justice in Hillary's case that they enjoyed inflicting upon former, highly decorated 4-star General and former CIA Director David Petraeus, hero of the Iraq surge. He served with great distinction for 37 years, while you, of course, served as a failed Secretary of State, and are the greatest national defense intelligence disaster since Aldrich Ames. All of America's worst enemies were listening-in to all State Department top secret communications that were run through Hillary's bathroom server - for 4 years! I'll say it again, it's no wonder Putin (and China and Iran) has acted so aggressively during the Obama-Clinton years. He knew (as did others) that we were weak with no defense strategy at all; why not attack? Why not just walk in and take Crimea?


Congratulations to our City Manager David Rowlands and our city council for producing a terrific "new" Active Adult and Community Center. The grand opening was celebrated Saturday and was thoroughly enjoyed by a large crowd. The Center has been completely rejuvenated, floor to ceiling. Be sure to stop by and participate in any of the scores of new programs or relax in the new library.


Shame on Chevron for surreptitiously turning over the operation of the soon-to-be hillside solar system to the county. Fillmore has worked with Chevron for years, and endured much inconvenience during the clean-up operations.


I have to say I had to roar after viewing Hillary's photo on top of today's DRUDGE REPORT. She has that inimitable startled ground squirrel look. After a lifetime of skullduggery with husband Bill it appears she's finally checkmated, caught with several top secret emails on her secret, home based server. Many of her squirrelly girlfriends are also being checked for fleas.

Bill and Hillary are two of America's most morally despicable political players, and have been since their Arkansas Whitewater days. The stain they have left on the political scene can never be removed. A disgraced and impeached former president and his Hell-bent-for-leather radical feminist wife, must go down in history as arch exemplars of what is killing America: immorality, greed, untrustworthiness, and criminality.

The Democrat Party loved and facilitated Bill Clinton and they embrace his wife Hillary as well. I have to ask what is left of that party? It has become a haven for Socialists, Leftists, anarchists, ambiguous genders, and New World Order fanatics.

Just think, former Secretary of State Hillary, during her whole six years in office, has provided all of her top secret information to our deadliest enemies. Russia, China, Pakistan, North Korea, ISIS, et al, have been listening-in on all of America's defense secrets - if any remain. It's startling and unprecedented.

Just think again - Hillary Clinton is the Democrat Party choice to become president of the United States! She's their frontrunner.

No wonder Putin and friends have been acting so boldly. They have been listening-in to our gutless, witless president through Hillary's home computer. They know they have nothing to fear, including fear itself.


The Gazette would like to extend its heartfelt sympathies to the Cervantes family upon learning of the recent tragic death of Adrian Cervantes in a traffic accident yesterday. God bless and console his wife Lisa, and his two children Ava and Andrew.

Rest in peace, Adrian.


I listened to President Obama on radio this morning. He was touting his Iran nuclear deal. I listened carefully as he rolled-out his rendition of reality and found it to be completely unreal. If he actually believes what he is saying he is the most deviously delusional president in American history.

I know that deviousness requires a deceitful state of mind, which Obama has in spades. But if he is also delusional it must mean that he somehow actually believes his factual distortions at some level are authentic. I guess this means that Obama has successfully constructed that famous "parallel reality" that liberals are so fond of using.

But the rest of us, we normal Americans suffering under his "leadership", have to stick to old-fashioned reality, the one that causes us to make sense of the world, the one that enables us to distinguish truth from BS.
Former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz sums-up the danger of this deal with Iran. see:

Iran nuclear deal much worse than experts ... - Fox News
www.foxnews.com/.../Iran-nuclear-deal-much-worse-t...Fox News Channel
Jul 14, 2015 -

"The nuclear agreement with Iran announced Tuesday was billed by EU, Iranian and US officials as historic. It is that: it is a historically dangerous accord that will destabilize the Middle East by legitimizing the nuclear program of a radical Islamist state and a state-sponsor of terror."

...the agreement will do nothing to stop activities such as warhead development and possibly covert uranium enrichment at undeclared sites."

"...As a result of these provisions, this deal will actually shorten the timeline to an Iranian nuclear bomb and enable Iran to produce many more nuclear bombs than it currently can construct using enriched uranium and plutonium fuel."

"...It is crucial that the U.S. Congress send a message to the world by decisively rejecting this agreement and making it clear that a future Republican president will reject it on his or her first day in office."

I urge everyone to read the objections to this insane deal with Iran and judge for themselves whether the terms of the deal itself (Text of Iran Nuclear Deal‎ www.cnn.com/‎). make any sense at all for America. This is the most dangerous "treaty" ever to endanger the United States. It typifies Obama's dissembling Left Wing blather.