I'm coming down with a cold; please excuse any thought irregularities.

I really grow tired of writing about negative things, especially because responding to what I see as critical issues, most people are inclined to ignore. What worries me most about America's new political Left (socialism and the New World Order) is that it has become attractive to our new crop of citizens hungry for power. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez typifies the character of new freshmen Democrat House leaders, as does Freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. who scandalized her young son by cursing the president. Both are bold, foul-mouthed liars. So much for these new Dem. socialist-communists; they try to lead the nation downhill. If Rashida talks like a slut, without apology, she must be a slut.

But I would like to address some of the headlines on DRUDGE, to illustrate the nation's alarming state of decline, morally, mentally, and spiritually. Conservatives of sound mind - read them and weep.


Really? For the whole world? The world will come to that call. That's an invitation for state bankruptcy.

"California promises total sanctuary."

Just think of it. Now, California's new Governor, socialist Gavin Newsom, has opened the door to international immigration, without restrictions or regulations. This also opens the rest of the nation to a virtual flood of criminals and terrorists. We will now enjoy the same upheaval that western Europe has, or all of South America for that matter.

"House Budget Chairman lays groundwork for single-payer [healthcare]." This is the biggest effort to socialize our medical care. Well, that's what our new Democrat House does - grow the government as never before.

"Record number of migrant families crossing border."

There are billions in this world's "huddled masses yearning to breathe free", and we sympathize, and have always helped those billions. But there are logical limits to assistance beyond which things fall apart. Let's assist the border crashers where they live. As things stand now, we are under direct attack and our sovereignty is in jeopardy.

"Tuberculosis, flu, infections rampant"

Members of the border siege are bringing diseases to this country that we haven't seen in a hundred years.

"Trump: Emergency declaration coming IF no deal..."

Defending America is the President's highest priority. Democrats in Congress refuse to help him do his job, for mostly PERSONAL reasons. An emergency does in fact exist. Trump has a duty to declare an emergency and build the wall (barrier) to keep us safe.

"'Traditional masculinity" deemed harmful by medical group...."

This declaration has to have been thought-up by a family of eunuchs. It is "traditional masculinity" that has fought, died, and saved America's freedom for nearly 250 years. Why is it today that the most profoundly simple truths have to be explained, and fitted into that nihilist trap, the New World Order? Like it or not, America was created to live under its Judeo-Christian-constitutional laws. Those laws demand that men defend their families and country. It's a part of that eternal Natural Law that liberals hate. Men, it's time to stand up and be counted.

As a famous man once said; That's all there is, there isn't any more.



Happy New Year everyone! Let's all pray for a safe and successful 2019.

I have about 30 minutes to say a few words before going to press so I'm just going to comment on a few things.

The Democrat Party has now taken possession of our House of Representatives. The Party has "distinguished" itself by threatening to continue to attack President Trump in every conceivable way for the next two years, by obstructing legislation, slow-walking the process of government in general, etc. They promise to do this in the face of grave threats to our nation from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and of course, millions of people trying to crash through our southern border, the wall, and the global disease of Islamic Sharia dreamers.

President Trump has had extraordinary success in many important areas of government, especially in the revival of our national defense.

All of these challenges should be on the front burner at this time - which makes it a very crowded hot spot, but Dems are focused on destroying our President.

Let's just take our national defense for example.

Russia (Putin) has bragged for several years now about his ultimate weapon, something capable of "wiping-out the entire US Naval force in a few hours or so." He demonstrated this capability against one of our multi-billion dollar atomic destroyers in the Black Sea a few years ago, by utterly paralyzing the ship's electronic systems. It had to be towed back to port. This was accomplished by a simple fly-around of the ship by a single Russian war plane. Making a long story short, from a non-scientist like me, Russia developed (during the cold war) and produced and supplied this Electromagnetic Pulse weaponry to all levels of its military. It is no longer necessary for an enemy to explode a nuclear weapon 150 miles above to US to wipe-out our entire electric grid. The weapon has been miniaturized.

These weapons are derivatives of ideas from Nicholas Tesla who claimed a "cheap as dirt" new energy, which was passed over by American industry because they could not make money from it. Anyway, check out scalar energy, a new, unique energy force capable of wiping out a billion people and all of their earthly belongings in a matter of seconds.

Hate to leave you hanging there, but please do a search on scalar energy and its military uses. The Russians have it - America does not. Again, the United States of America has no defense against these new energy weapons.

Maybe it would be a good idea to stop attacking our President and begin constructing a defense against these new scalar weapons. That might assure a Happy New Year.



I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. We've certainly have had beautiful weather as we approach the new year.


Like many people I have been disappointed with our president's behavior during his first two years in office from time to time. I still strongly support him, but three recent decisions deserve equally strong condemnation.

His decision to withdraw from Syria and Afghanistan really shocked me - the loss of General Mattis was the third. This (Afghanistan and Syria withdrawal) was an abrupt decision, against the advice of his most experienced military advisors, which precipitated the resignation of his Secretary of Defense, James Mattis. This move leaves our most faithful military friends, the Kurds, at the mercy of Turkey and its Muslim turncoat leader, Recelp Erdogan.

As I type-out these words Erdogan is massing his tanks and troops in preparation for an attack on the Kurds, to wipe them out. We are leaving them hanging as we did South Vietnam troops before abandoning them in that war. Again, the vacuum we create by withdrawing from Syria will be quickly filled by the disease of Sharia law terrorists.

The same will happen in Afghanistan. It makes far more sense to maintain a very small and powerful base in both nations to secure what we have achieved by such a tremendous expenditure of blood and treasure, than to throw it all away. All of our most dangerous enemies will gain substantially from this foolish decision. When I first heard of the president's decision here I thought he had lost his mind. That's how serious a mistake he is making. Which of our allies can trust our president's national and international defensive strategic thinking now?


I have learned, a short time ago, of the death of Joseph Kern. Joe was a long time friend and indispensable advocate for the Fillmore Gazette. Without his assistance over the years, and his generous nature, this newspaper would have disappeared long ago.

I will have more time next week to expound on Joe's helpful presence for more than 30 years.

My condolences to Mrs. Lynda Kern and the entire family.

Rest in peace Joe, you were a friend indeed, which I will never forget.


After learning of the passing of such a friend I don't feel much like discussing politics. I would, however, comment on the last Fillmore City Council election. I find it alarming that the Democrat Party is now helping to determine Fillmore's city government. It's bad enough having to deal with federal Democrats shredding the fabric of our democracy. Now it appears that local Democrats are obstructing the natural, historical way residents of Fillmore chose their Council members. The word Democrat (large D) has taken on a new meaning for me since the 2016 election, it now simply means underhanded obstruction. Now, as never before, we have to consider the political party each Council member belongs to. Edmonds is quoted as saying: “It’s a nonpartisan race, but I am a strong Democrat”. I wish that were still true, but, obviously, future races will never again be "nonpartisan," because "Party" is where the money is. Fillmore's political races are no longer local.

Of course our system is still democratic (small d) it will just be less local and congenial. For example, we will be asking if the candidate is a Never-Trumper, or a Hillary supporter. What could be more divisive?

However, warm thanks to Carrie Broggie for her fine performance on the Council, and congratulations to Diane McCall for winning a second term. I also congratulate and welcome Lynn Edmonds to our Council and wish her the very best.


I will enjoy speaking to members of the Ventura County Leadership Academy this week. The group, sponsored by Patti Blair, Administrative Officer to Chancellor and Board of Trustees, County Community College District, would like to learn something about Fillmore's history and of the Gazette.

I retain such a multitude of memories from the last 30 years that they could fill volumes. Those years involved the Gazette in the greatest changes in newspaper history. They affected this small weekly community newspaper just as much, or more, as they affected the largest daily papers. Technology exploded, leaving papers with obsolete equipment. The last newspaper I acquired in northern Idaho in the 1980s was in a little town on the Clearwater River. The publisher of that paper was dearly loved by his subscribers, a few hundred. This was a true "traditional" community paper, composed on a Linotype machine (like Mark Twain used) printed on a barrel press, and distributed by hand to hundreds of subscribers. The page was huge, and the couple of pictures were produced by scribing on a cylinder. Most editions were about four pages. I still have one of those tightly rolled editions. It contained only very local news, like who had returned from a trip, or who happened to be ill.

Bill, the publisher, hand-set all the type for decades. He had three machines in his tiny brick-built shop, two for parts and one operable. The machine kept a pot of molten lead ready to pour into brass magazines, one line at a time - thus Linotype. The keyboard was very large. It is an ingeniously complex machine which I would love to have today.

Then came the Apple Mackintosh, and the Mackintosh Plus, which could compose a justified line of type - on paper, which still had to be pasted to layout boards with hot wax. This (Mackintosh) was a dramatic (I would say a Gutenberg) breakthrough from the Compugraphic machine which required large rolls of film, still needing paste-up.

Well, I will certainly have to show up with notes to do any justice to the story. The extraordinary array of digital technology available today has proved to be both a blessing and a lethal curse for the newspaper industry, sending those ancient lead metal type slugs through the atmosphere at the speed of light.

Now, some say, who needs newspapers? Well, no online newspaper has survived by itself. I just read a story about the multi-million dollar failure of a New York online paper, which lost about $30 million, and fired all of its staff. It had lasted four years, after heavy financial support.

I've said it before - If our power grid is destroyed by cyber attack, or electromagnetic (EMP) attack, the man with a mechanical typewriter, a stack of paper, and a bicycle will be king.

Newspapers, even small ones, will always be needed, and will continue to exist as long as they are supported.


Chief Justice John Roberts joined the ranks of congressional Democrats recently when he criticized President Trump for calling a fellow justice an "Obama judge". He was wrong on two counts. First, his position on the court demands political neutrality, which he violated. Secondly, as most of the world knows, federal, as well as state courts, honor this principle nearly as much in the breach as in observance. So Trump was speaking truthfully while Roberts was speaking wistfully. Republicans recognize that Trump's most important duty now as restoring "original intent" as a basis for Constitutional interpretation of law, seeking the Founders' original intent. In other words, to avoid the meandering, imaginative wishful thinking of liberal judges and justices. Justice Antonin Scalia was a famous proponent of "textualism", close to a strict reading of our Constitution. Roberts made a serious mistake in publically exposing his political opinion. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is also infamous for publically criticizing Trump, calling him, among other things, "a faker." She should recuse herself from any cases involving the President, due to prejudice. Roberts ends with, "The independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.” I would agree; when we get independence in judicial decision-making, instead of personal opinion, we should all be thankful.


I could have saved a lot of words last week by just saying we need to build a wall at our southern border to protect our sovereignty from massive illegal, foreign invasion. Countless millions of lives, over some 230 years, have been spent in developing an exceptional Judeo-Christian nation under law and order. No nation in world history has been more generous with its blood and treasure than The United States of America. We have been a friend in need (and in deed) to billions of people, and have rarely asked for compensation.

"The entity chiefly responsible for organizing and leading this horde of migrants – euphemistically dubbed a “caravan” by most media outlets – is Pueblo Sin Fronteras (PSF, “People Without Borders”), a Chicago-based nonprofit organization founded in 2001 by Roberto Corona, a Mexican-born activist dedicated to promoting the rights of illegal aliens in the United States. PSF is a sister group to two other Chicago-based entities, Centro Sin Fronteras (CSF) and its outgrowth, La Familia Latina Unida (LFLU, “The United Latin Family”). PSF is a member of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), which seeks to “protect and expand [the] civil, labor, and human rights” of day laborers in America, of whom approximately 75% are illegal aliens. (FRONTPAGE MAG, November 28, 2018.)

What strange frame of mind has entered into this most recent hoard of illegal aliens charging our southern border? Do they think Americans will just lay down to be trampled? Only a Democrat would want that!



I have not had an opportunity to verify claims from several sources alleging that one campaign involved serious funding irregularities, including unreported excess funds from Democratic Party associates. I received these claims from highly reliable sources. Anyone having corroborating evidence regarding this charge is welcome to contact this office. In small elections such as Fillmore's unlawful funding can skew the results dramatically. I hope this did not happen here.

Unlawful electioneering in and about precinct locations was also reported widespread by voluntary precinct observers - countywide.


I haven't been able to find out why the new ($9-million) firehouse is a year late to scheduled completion. I do know, however, had it been finished (equipped and manned) in December, 2017, (instead of remaining unfinished today) it would have helped to extinguish the flames that consumed thousands of homes and took thousands of lives.


Well, those Senate Democrats who mocked their Republican rivals when the alarm was sounded to stop the invasion of illegal aliens through Mexico, should be happy today. They said "They're thousands of miles away. They're walking barefoot. Don't worry." Their defiant refusal to fund the wall or pass legislation to protect our borders, has precipitated a crisis. But remember Democrat Rahm Emanuel's famous proclamation about crises: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." This is classic Democrat strategy. After all, they admit they are all about obstruction, delay, smear, slow-walking, blocking, and I should add defaming per se. Dealing with our foreign enemies alone keeps the American government very busy. Deliberate obstruction of government business is dangerous. What common good is served by these obstructionist tactics? And they call themselves "Progressives".

The tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free are now at the door, enticing millions to join the 22-million already here. It is not un-Christian to employ common sense in the service of national survival. God established order in his creation. Without His exquisite order only chaos would rein. There are good reasons for the fact that He divided us into tribes, which become cultures, which become countries, always defined by borders. Remember that phrase "Law and order." Europe today shows us how unordered hoards of people disrupt good order and produce crime, poverty, cultural and religious confrontation.

It's common today to find millions of people denying the existence of the Creator; I suspect most of the higher scientific echelon are atheist. The most popular public TV science programs tout evolution exclusively and disparage even remote suggestions of creation. In doing so they contradict the basic idea of science - scientific method. Scientists speak of going to the "edge of space" I would just ask "How big is that space?” No matter how fast we travel we can never measure the extent of space. It is always traveling away from us. Here we face the most troublesome dilemma in science - infinity - because only God is infinite. Science is beautiful. Science is exciting. Science can measure and explain many things, but it cannot measure infinity. And all things are based upon order.

But this is not a religious tract; I'm just trying to establish a moral basis for halting the invasion of our country based upon the concept of order. I would argue that it is immoral to permit the destruction of natural order by permitting our borders to collapse, which will destroy the cohesion of our fundamental institutions. We make things; we do not create things from nothing. We cannot create enough schools or houses, we cannot provide medical treatment or jobs, or police protection for a ceaseless flow of illegal aliens - because we struggle to provide the same for our own. These spontaneous unlawful events cause disorder, conflict, and resentment, and violence.

There is one difficult but better way to handle this explosive problem. That is to provide food, medicine, shelter, and work for these people WHERE THEY LIVE. America has done this, and continues to do this all over the world. The major problem here is safeguarding this assistance from massively corrupt government. Of course this corruption is the basic reason millions flee their countries. There are no viable alternatives to avoiding armed violence in the defense of our sacred borders from unlawful invasion. There is another, sacred, obligation to defend our borders. It is to keep the faith with those who gave their lives to establish and preserve the boarders of this greatest of nations. We keep the faith with the spirits of those who fought through the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican-American War, American Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War. Whether we believe these wars were equally good, we must honor the millions who died to keep our country safe and free. They are dead, and gone, but we forget to honor their sacrifice at our own peril.



This week finds me very short of time. However, I have the burning issue of voter fraud to deal with.

After reading a letter on this issue by Diane Sutton, a member of Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa), I have to say my eyes have been opened and I am alarmed by the extent of election code violations. If these violations are so rampant in the small town of Fillmore I can only imagine how bad things are in other cities, Ventura County, the State of California, and across the country.

We’re talking about voter fraud, the unlawful activity that steals votes and violates a fundamental Constitutional right. We hear so much of the outrageous voter fraud in two Florida districts that it may distract us from looking at our own widespread local illegalities.

It’s time to hold those responsible for supervising polling locations (preventing fraud in many ways) to account. When I went into a voting booth I noticed two persons next to me, speaking in Spanish, one person was voting for the other, who seemingly, hardly knew why she was there or what she was doing.

Ms. Sutton’s letter ends with enumerating many of the Election Codes which she witnessed being violated.

The Fillmore City Council election process has apparently been surreptitiously, and wrongfully, influenced by members of a Democrat group providing unreported financial donations. So it appears that the little town of Fillmore has lost its innocence, and no longer enjoys honest elections, free of county-state political influence.

I will expand this issue when more information is available. Strong penalties should exist for fraudulent voting.

Thank you Diane Sutton for your valuable, if alarming, letter.


I am very sorry to announce the passing of a long-time friend and American patriot, Don Gunderson. Don was a distinguished, retired Navy Captain who, with wife Ruth, were true pillars of Fillmore civic activity for many years.

Don spearheaded major improvements at our VFW building, was City Councilman and Mayor, active Rotary member and volunteer for many other activities. I always admired his patriotic stance for his country.

He will surely be missed, but his presence while amongst I will not forget.

Rest in peace, Don.


I must also remember Marylou Carrillo, who passed away this week. She was the wife of the late Hank Carrillo, two of Fillmore's special citizens. Both Hank and Marylou were much beloved members of our town.

Rest in peace, Marylou.


Congratulations to Diane McCall and Lynn Edmonds for winning seats on the Fillmore City Council. This was a hard-fought election. I hope the Council continues the smooth-running operation we have observed for several years to date.


Measure "T" (which asked voters to approve indoor commercial marijuana buildings in Fillmore) failed to pass. I have to confess I hate marijuana (except in highly regulated medical uses) and regret that this Measure was rejected. Under California's radically liberal government, all resistance to the massive spread of this harmful plant seems to have collapsed. This will prove to be a deliberate, unstoppable tragedy for our youth for many years to come.

As expected, Gavin Newsome flooded into the Governor's chair on a green wave of Billionaire's money. Though Cox ran a mediocre race, he never had a chance. California is now completely enveloped in all things Liberal, moral and secular, like a bug wrapped in a spider's sticky silk cocoon. When I think of a Newsome regime I have in mind "Something wicked this way comes."

For normal American citizens, residents of California, just about everything of material value will be offered "for free". Democrats in Sacramento are about to construct a new Utopia, free schooling, medical care, food, housing, whatever, especially for illegal aliens, ex-convicts, the drug-addled homeless, for anyone who can walk across the border without permission.

Because California is deemed a Sanctuary City by the Democrat elites, it will attract alien criminals with all of their various activities, like kidnapping young women and girls for prostitution (sex slavery), drug cartel marketing, gang murder, smuggling, and foreign terror; name the crime and this state will attract it through disparagement of law enforcement and weakening of laws. California will become a place unfit for honest, law-abiding people. Democrats will (are) making this state a dangerous place to live - and unaffordable due to taxes and regulations.


As for the national election, it turned out much better than I thought it would.

Republicans strengthened their hold on the Senate which will greatly facilitate the rehabilitation of our courts. Amongst all of President Trump's solid achievements, placing the last two Supreme Court justices on the bench is by far the most important. Our judges will now return to the application of original law as stipulated by our Constitution, and reject decisions based upon personal preference and private feelings. Our laws should be based upon the application of law as found in our written Constitution, not upon the imaginative whims of liberal would-be judicial legislators. Congress makes our law and the courts decide their validity based upon that Constitution.

With the Senate in Republican hands, let the House Democrats continue with their frivolous "investigations". Like the President has just reminded the Dems, two can play that game - though the business of the nation will not be done.

The Democrats should finally reconcile with the fact that Trump won the election of 2016, and understand the only proven "collusion" at that time was undertaken by Hillary Clinton and friends in the FBI, CIA, and Justice Dept. Clinton should be prosecuted for her many felonies to let America know its judicial system is still intact and dealing equal justice for all.

Lock her up!


I would like to enthusiastically endorse incumbent Fillmore Council Member Carrie Broggie in her effort to secure another term on the Council. Carrie has proven to be an essential part of our highly productive city government for the past 4 years. Her professional performance as a Council team member is especially appreciated by those of us who remember the turmoil in past years. Carrie is a true team player whose years of experience and cooperative attitude has always been a welcome benefit in Council deliberations.

I ask for your strong support for Carrie Broggie for Fillmore City Council.

I also endorse Dianne McCall, incumbent Fillmore City Council Member, for another term on our Council. Like Carrie Broggie, Dianne McCall is another team player on our Council. She has worked diligently and cooperatively with the other members in plotting the future of our city. I hope we will keep these two great Council members on the team that has been so successful.

I urge Fillmore residents to vote for Carrie Broggie and Dianne McCall for City Council. Together, especially, they are a winning team.


I'm sure I'm not alone in growing tired of the intense political conflict we face today. Americans are living through unprecedented times.

After so many obvious beneficial achievements, foreign and domestic, during normal times, President Trump should be able to relax a little and savor his accomplishments. Of course this can never happen because he faces the slings and arrows of outrageous, subversive Democrat attacks. The battle lines are clearly drawn between the violent, Leftist Democrat Party and the steadfast, traditional Republican Right. Neither description is exaggerated. Physical violence is promoted and undertaken by those organizations affiliated with the Democrat Party. This atmosphere of violence inspires weaker minds, like that of James T. Hodgkinson, the shooter in the (Majority Whip) Steve Scalise incident.

So Trump will have no victory party and Congress will find no will to create the laws necessary to protect the country, like immigration and border control legislation. Without passage of these urgently needed laws the problems, like invasions of our national borders by organized mobs, will continue. The Democrat half of our Congress is playing dead in hopes this turbulence will cause one of those incidents Democrat Rahm Emanuel finds valuable: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." We now have a serious crisis on our hands. So watch Dems and their fellow anarchists go to work when the amnesty mobs arrive at the border.

Votes for any Democrat is a vote for continuous chaos.


America is under siege. We are being invaded by a coordinated mass of 14 thousand Hondurans and thousands of other nationals from Central American countries forcing their way through Mexico, determined to breach the weak U.S. border.

The defiant challenge to enter the U.S. illegally is being aided and abetted by radical agencies of several corrupt Middle and South American countries, claiming they are helpless to stop the surge. The financial assistance keeping this hoard on the road and on time for the upcoming U.S. mid-term elections is most likely radical anarchist and leftist billionaires like George Soros. Mexico claims to be impotent to stop the invasion from el Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua through its land.

They claim to be seeking asylum, safety from criminal gang assaults and corrupt governments which have ruined their currencies and are starving their citizens.

Even if this is true in many cases, America is a sovereign nation with valid laws and borders. Most of the members in this massive (and growing) invasion are seeking financial assistance. That's certainly understandable, but still inexcusable as the means to this end. The reasons are obvious. Virtually every Middle and South American nation today is suffering from the same disease, namely utterly (and traditionally) corrupt government and socialist -communist leanings. Venezuela is the most glaring example to date, but certainly not the only one.

There is one huge, inescapable practical issue involving this Great Escape from Central America: its population of 43 million. This, with the other surging populations of South America (425 million) together with Mexico, (131 million), has the U.S. facing a needy total current Latin American and Caribbean population of 653,905,279 million, as of Friday, October 19, 2018. The last thing America needs is to hear a call of "All aboard!" from the conductor on that perpetual motion "train" through Mexico. I threw-in the Caribbean because it is a dynamic part of the problem of illegal human migration and the maintenance of social order and cultural integrity. And no, cultural integrity is not a racist dog whistle. Anyone familiar with human history knows that people will often die for their culture even before defending their "country". It is a prominent cause of the bloodiest of wars, right up there with religion.

So, the war cry in this most recent illegal migrant charge to our border may be "Asylum!" but the counter cry must be national survival!

It is reported that 5,333 children are in this group. Why would a mother risk this? Is it because "The report also said the local officials were providing shelter, food, water, and even medical treatment [and] the Mexican Health Ministry is “vaccinating the children and carrying out blood tests.”

Make no mistake about this event. Whatever the reasons, it is a direct attack on American sovereignty. Trump must hold the line.



The rumor tsunami continues to inundate the Fillmore scene about our new $9M firehouse and the new Rotorcraft Support, Inc. helicopter maintenance and repair business.

Rotorcraft, despite the lack of activity outside their large new building, is doing just fine. I hear its a little behind anticipated opening date, but still doing great. Phase 1 of the two-phase project is nearly complete with the construction of a 67,872 SF hangar, and parking spaces. A lot of inside work is being completed, and work remains to transfer equipment from their Van Nuys location. Rotorcraft employs 58 full time employees who will relocate to Fillmore.

Rotorcraft will be accompanied by a second business, The Guardian, which is organized to fight forest fires. The Guardian employs approximately 15 full time men who will be at fire sites nine months out of the year. Those employees will be training in Fillmore when not attending to fires.

Phase 2 consists of constructing a 45,066 SF hangar for a future undetermined tenant.

Progress on the new $8 million Fillmore FIRE STATION is not going well. It appears that final stages of construction have been halted due to union concerns. Repeated efforts to contact Glenn Berosettett, project manager, have been unsuccessful. The firehouse project is nearly a year over scheduled completion. I will continue to get some official information as soon as I can run the manager down.

I have heard nothing more on the infamous Malibu sand truck proposal. One issue I think I neglected to address is the RETURN TRIPS. If the Malibu Geologic Hazard Abatement District (not a government department) has its way, we can't forget that those 400 (per day) double belly-dump sand trucks must find their way back through Fillmore - so it's really 800 trucks per day - for at least 20 years. I still find it hard to believe that our Coastal Commission permitted this outrageous plan. This plan is so exceptionally bizarre it would make excellent material for a PhD thesis on how even absurd, utterly self-serving, anti-environmental proposals can win with the help of crooked government and a venal court system - in a time of hyper-sensitive Liberal awareness. In short, how Liberals breed hypocrisy.

A quick look at DRUDGE today sums-up America under siege, by itself. I have never seen our country so divided, politically, socially, and spiritually.

Republican Candidates Assaulted in Minnesota... "...two GOP candidates have been assaulted in suspected politically motivated attacks."

The first shot fired by representatives of the Democrat Party against the Republicans happened during the Judge Cavanaugh hearings. Under other circumstances, the Judge could have won treble damages against many of his false accusers in an action for defamation, what's called slander per-se. The calumny against the judge was absolutely unprecedented in the Democrat "the end justifies the means" strategy of the Democrat Party. Accusing the judge of rape!

How long does the DNP expect to walk away from vicious defamatory, and now actual, physical assaults? Count the days till the first defensive shot is fired by some Republican member. Steve Scalise has already suffered the near fatal attack by hate-provoked Democratic Party minions. "In addition to Scalise, who was in critical condition Wednesday night, the gunman shot a lobbyist, a congressional aide and a Capitol Police special agent who was a member of Scalise’s security detail.”

The Democrat Party has become a dangerous, now lethal, mob in the political mayhem it has produced to win the near mid-term election. I disagree with those who think the Dems will retake the House of Representatives in this election, now that the American people have seen who they really are.

To vote Democrat this year is to throw away all of the Trump administration achievements, foreign and domestic.


The Fillmore Gazette has just passed its 30th birthday. During that time this column has been denounced and berated by some readers who have been offended by my consistent conservative point of view. I have, for 30 years, invited readers of a more liberal persuasion to respond.

Few of the offended readers have accepted my invitation, which makes things less interesting and even boring at times. I am, however, thankful for the few who have joined in the discussion. Most recently, Mrs. Kelly Scoles took me to task for my opinion on the disgraceful Star Chamber treatment the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats inflicted upon (now Supreme Court Justice) Brett Kavanaugh.

But from time to time I do get blasted for my opinions - that keeps me going. For example, a while ago, a gentleman entered my office to publish an obituary. As he was leaving he noted, "I like your editorials, but he [the deceased] hated your guts". When I discuss political or religious issues I think many readers may share that opinion. That's OK. I just wish more readers would respond, like Mrs. Scoles. Feeling the lash from liberal berserkers reminds me of why I'm undertaking this mostly thankless job.

I had another less than uplifting incident happen to me several months ago. These things usually happen when I'm alone in the office. There I was, just minding my own business, watching FOX, when a very agitated man burst into the office demanding to know why the police report had not been in the paper for the past two weeks. I explained why it was an issue of space and that we always try to get it in. He exploded with, "The blotter is the only reason I buy this piece of s..t!” He shouted that epithet three times, I guess to be sure I understood the meaning, ending his salutation with a very loud "F.... you!" - twice. With that, he stomped out, slamming the door behind him, leaving his latest edition of the Gazette on the desk, with his subscription label exposed.

Well, you can't please everyone. This last visitor, I'm convinced, was a liberal. He exhibited the emotional attributes of those liberals who have shot Congressman Steve Scalise, confronted Senators in restaurants, hallways, offices, and parkways. This man, I'm sure, was not a violent felon, like the Democrat man who attempted to kill several Republicans on that baseball field, or the Democrat radicals who have sent email messages telling everyone what diabolical, hideous attacks they would like to perform on the president, his family, and Republican members of Congress. I think that man was just very angry, not really maniacally hateful like Maxine Waters.

I'm just glad to know Justice Brett Kavanaugh has a tough guardian angel. God bless him and his whole beautiful family.


Reading a cynical letter to the editor this week from Mrs. Kelly Scoles, I might say (private joke) I was taken aback by her mawkish attitude. Some of us are right some of the time, and some wrong. Here is an example of someone wrong all of the time.

The scandalous Star Chamber treatment of Judge Kavanaugh at the hands of Democrat Senators has now passed the big bang stage of Constitutional contempt. Republicans have seen enough to understand we are in a war with the radical Left. It's time for weaklings, like (appropriately named) Senator Flake, to get a backbone, and other anatomical requisites, to enable an honorable defense of this beleaguered, honorable man.

These are the 100 special men and women sworn to be distinguished legislators and defenders of our Constitution? To a man/woman, Democrat members of this Senate Judiciary Committee to evaluate the Judge Kavanaugh's qualifications to be seated on our Supreme Court, are an offense to our Constitution, arrogant political hacks seeking power alone while depriving the nominee of a fair and impartial hearing - which must conform to fundamental (Constitutional) concepts of justice and equality.

As an American citizen Judge Kavanaugh has the Constitutional right to confront his accusers and to cross-examine them. Kavanaugh has had six previous FBI investigations throughout his political and judicial work years. He is recognized for his a highly distinguished judicial work, by both liberal and conservative judges, clerks, and social acquaintances. No nominee in the history of our Supreme Court has had a more meritorious professional history. He is acclaimed as "highly qualified" by the liberal American Bar Association. He is also known to be a great family man and arch supporter of women's rights, both on and off the bench.

Yet Democrat Party members of this Judiciary Committee have nearly exhausted themselves in their efforts to destroy his reputation professionally and socially. The accusers have proved to be a group of laughably incredible, political hacks, bent on doing the bidding of Senate Democrats. None of them have any corroborating evidence of wrongful actions by Kavanaugh. Indeed the "evidence" itself is nothing more than foggy half-memories from 36-years ago, during alleged high school days. The allegations of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford are now shown to false in several sworn-to incidents; her "fear of flying" (a complete, manufactured lie) her knowledge of polygraph technology and her use of it, and several other indisputable untruths. She could actually face an felony indictment for some of these lies. Her "credibility" on the Left is entirely based upon feelings and sympathy, when hard, corroborated facts are required.

How many Committee members would be willing to submit their own reputations to uncorroborated charges of attempted rape? These senators all have notorious, credible, accusations to answer for. Look, for example, at Dianne Feinstein who deliberately caused the confusion, Richard Blumenthal who falsely claimed to be a Vietnam war veteran, Mazie Hirono who wants all men to "shut up", Cory Booker who beats women and lies about it, and Kamala Harris, a showboating leftover from her salad days in California with Willie Brown, (in 1994 "Brown, 60, met Kamala Harris, a full 30 years his junior, and she became “the Speaker’s new steady,” “girlfriend” That's where she learned about politics and ethics.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, as a witness in this unconscionably unfair investigation, is a store-bought fraud.

It's time for Republicans to stand up and fight for Judge Kavanaugh, for his fine reputation, for his family. Those who heard the judge relate a touching moment with his 9-year-old daughter, and describe it this way: "And we had a sitting judge who mawkishly told dubious stories of his children "praying for Dr. Ford" have hearts of granite.

It's time for defensive political smash-face with Senate Democrats, to preserve the honor of the Senate.


I can't get the Brett Kavanaugh Senate hearing out of mind. Even with the low regard I have for most elected federal officials, understanding the depth of Senatorial venality exposed in this review of the Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, is both stunning and alarming.

Immediately following this traditional hearing a Democrat Party hit team is attempting to assonate this good man's reputation beyond recognition. Brett Kavanaugh is being accused by non credible men and women of criminal sexual activity, including rape. These accusations are coming so fast and plentifully Kavanaugh has hardly had time to deflect them and defend himself.

What has been known of Judge Kavanaugh during his entire life, by all women who have worked with him and known him socially, is that he is a strong Christian man with the highest moral character. Yet the all Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have urged the president to pull the Kavanaugh's nomination or "direct the FBI to re-open its background investigation" to examine accusations, even though accusations have no basis in fact.

"The media have also ganged-up on him: During the twelve days since Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein publicly announced the existence of an unspecified allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows have spent nearly six hours (344 minutes) regurgitating various unproved allegations against the Supreme Court nominee. But only a tiny percentage of that coverage — a measly eight percent — has been devoted to Kavanaugh’s denials and the lack of corroboration for his accusers’ accounts". (Rich Noyes).

This is a tactic habitually employed by the Democratic Party operation in congress. This is also the most outrageous of the many other outrageous behaviors of this Party during former Supreme Court nominating committees (Judge Bork, Justice Clarence Thomas). It is a Party without conscience - only political power drives it.

The slanderous sexual allegations building coughed-up by the highest ranking Democrats on the Committee are totally without merit. Accusers even demand that Kavanaugh speak to the Committee before the accusations are formally made. In other words, they deprive him of his Constitutional right to confront his accusers by cross examination. Where did their lawyers go to law school. The Senate has disgraced itself again; in the eyes of the average American citizen, they don't deserve their high positions. Think of it, our Senate is composed of a mere 100 members in the whole country of 325 million, and we have exalted the likes of Senators Dianne Feinstein, Leahy, Durbin, Whitehouse, Klobuchar, Coons, (Vietnam hero) Blumenthal, Hirono, Booker, Harris! All disgusting liars without conscience. They need personal exposure themselves following this formal, catastrophic, defamatory assassination of one of the very best candidates for a seat on the high court.

It's not surprising that the false accusations against Judge Kavanaugh pertain to sexual misconduct - but even more ironic. He has stated he lived a celibate life through high school, college, and law school - which is in strict accordance with Roman Catholic doctrine. Not surprising again since he was a devout Catholic through a Catholic grade school and high school. He is an ardent family man who has supported women of every age and level of achievement - just ask the hundreds who have defended his reputation during this hearing.

God bless Judge Brett Kavanaugh and secure his so-well deserved position as associate justice on the Supreme Court.


I think I was born conservative. Though I've always signed-in as a Republican, I'm more of a conservative independent. Republican office holders have never avoided my criticism where necessary. Our present Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for example, has transitioned from well liked, to questionable, to ending up as an utter political disaster.

On the other hand I've always accepted the Democrat Party as normal political opposition, big government, big taxes, with strong liberal bias and the social baggage that comes with that. At least during my adult life Democrats have also espoused moral convictions which are often profoundly opposed to traditional Judeo-Christian principles. This opposition has reached critical mass today.

The treatment of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by the liberal Democrat members of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary is astonishingly outrageous. These minority Democrat members: Patrick Leahy (VT) Dick Durbin (IL) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Amy Klobuchar (MN) Christopher A. Coons (DE) Richard Blumenthal (CT) Mazie Hirono (HI) Cory Booker (NJ) Kamala Harris (CA) are a disgrace to their offices. Booker and Harris, in particular, are prostituting their elected positions to this highest body of legislators, anticipating a run for the presidency themselves. I guess this makes them prostitutes.

Kavanaugh has successfully run the gauntlet of FBI investigations six times during his highly distinguished judicial career. He has not only been determined "highly qualified" by the (very liberal) American Bar Association, but has long been recognized as a brilliant judicial scholar, judge, and wonderful family man. His career is without stain or blemish - unlike senatorial freaks such as Blumenthal, who has lied about being a Vietnam combat Marine, which he is not.

Now, after Kavanaugh has answered thousands of background questions, personal and professional, some flakey Democrat-contributing woman from California (Christine Blasey Ford) is alleging he sexually harassed her 35-years ago, in high school, when she was 15 and he was 17. This is a scandalous, last minute set-up facilitated by some Stanford University group, to slow or kill Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation. A more worthy candidate for the Supreme Court cannot be found.

The reality here is that the Democrat Party is in full panic, hysteria over the immediate possibility that a near-perfect nominee for associate justice will be confirmed - consolidating a strict constructionist Supreme Court. In other words, justices who would rule on the law, rather than the liberal imaginative hopes and dreams of what the Constitution should say - thus creating new law and ignoring the clear language of the Constitution, the liberal way. Liberal Dems find legal rights where they don't exist, and infringe on clearly existing rights which they don't care for.

With the incredible revelations of massive corruption in the FBI, AG, State Department, CIA, NA, and other high agencies, and the Democrat Party, this new attack upon Kavanaugh is the shot which will be heard around this nation. This is a Fort Sumter moment if Kavanaugh is not confirmed to the high court.

My personal opinion of the Democrat Party has been permanently changed. I now see these people and this group as true enemies of our Constitutional Republic. I think this nation is on the brink of political disintegration.


I have just a few minutes today so I'll go again to DRUDGE for some quick inspiration.

Pope Blames Devil for Sex Abuse...
I have no problem believing this. Our world has gone sex crazy. Hollywood and friends have provided a rich bed of visual manure which spontaneously produces toxic spores in our society. Traditional Judeo-Christian guidance has been largely abandoned. It's really killing our entire culture. Men have a greatly reduced respect for women, and vice versa. Our children are rarely taught anything about traditional Judeo-Christian virtues, and our schools are legally prohibited from mentioning them. It's an unfolding tragedy.

Ad Agency Darkens Skin of Students in School Photo to Promote 'Diversity'...
America has become so obsessed with issues of race and diversity that we don't understand that diversity for diversity's sake is pointless and counterproductive. Let's just get on with life and be respectful of each other. That doesn't require any artificial blending.

Mark Wahlberg grueling daily regime begins with 30 mins prayer...
Now here's a guy that knows something about life! How refreshing to find some good news amongst all of the bleeding trash that's documented every day on DRUDGE. Thanks Mr. Wahlberg for such an uplifting example! I know nearly nothing about Hollywood, except what I read in the newspapers, but this is a truly refreshing note to hear in Tinseltown's usual cacophonous composition.

USA Now Largest Global Crude Oil Producer...
This is great news. President Trump can take a bow here because it is largely the result of his deregulation. Trump is Making America Great Again in real terms. If he is impeached after all the good he is doing I believe that would spark a true second American revolution.

I know this is a skimpy column this week. Just didn't have the time. Our prayers go out for those in danger from hurricane Florence; "80-foot waves"!


I'm disappointed to find so little of the Supreme Court Kavanaugh confirmation hearing on DRUDGE. It is a spectacle worth remembering when identifying anyone or anything with Democrat Party affiliations.

That the Democrat Party is an unscrupulous, soulless piece of political flotsam has long been recognized as such by observers of American history. For a refresher course on Democrat Party history read Dinesh D'Souza's latest book, Death of a Nation. This book clearly sums-up the historical events which lead to an understanding of why this Party continues to plague the normal constitutional process of American government. This book illustrates the reasons why Democrat members of the Senate Judiciary Committee continue to hector and subvert all attempts at providing Judge Brett Kavanaugh a fair hearing towards confirmation to be our next Supreme Court Justice.

Senators Patrick Leahy, Dick Durbin, Sheldon Whitehouse, Amy Klobuchar, Richard Blumenthal, and Dianne Feinstein have admittedly orchestrated the obstruction of the normally orderly confirmation process. In the guise of performing their official duties of vetting the candidate they obstruct and delay the meetings in the futile hope of preventing Kavanaugh from being seated on the high court. It's what the party has done since Reconstruction days, the good old days of the KKK and Jim Crow. The stench of anti-Constitutional obstruction is strong as ever.

Brett Kavanaugh, as I've mentioned before, is a 24-Karrot nominee for the Supreme Court. Rated highest, "Well qualified" by the American Bar Association a liberal body. Brett Kavanaugh, by every normal standard, is a superlative candidate, so say his numerous fellow judges, clerks, and associates. His treatment by Democrat members of the Committee is outrageous.

But this unfair, biased treatment is nothing new for these Party members. We should reflect on the previous treatment by Democrats of other conservative Supreme Court candidates. Senator Ted Kennedy's unconscionable attacks on Judge Bork has become infamous. To treat nominees so badly is to "Bork" them. Then we have the "Borking" of now Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; perhaps the most dramatic instance of the Democrat's gross misbehavior.

With the orchestrated screaming disruptions from the back of the chamber (too slowly ended by officials) and more orchestration from the above-mentioned senators calling for a halt in the proceedings, in measured, pre-determined time, the meeting is constantly disrupted.

I have to look at the Democrat Senators with disgust; in particular, Richard Blumenthal. It was Blumenthal who widely represented himself to be a veteran of the Vietnam war - which he was not. How this liar continues to be honored as a U.S. Senator is beyond my comprehension. But he is now passing judgment upon one of the most honorable judges on the American bench!

A pox on all of their houses.

Let's not let these rogues get their aqua regia hands on this gold nominee, Judge Brett Kavanough!


I'm usually a little aggravated when I start this column. I try to decipher my notes from last night's city council meeting (can't hear most of the discussion) before Realities, which leaves me an hour or so to finish, after dog duties. With all the crucially important stuff going on in Washington, especially the revelation of the massive conspiracy by our highest federal agencies to undermine the candidacy of Donald Trump, and to destroy his office as President, it's like having that dream where you're running as fast as you can but don't progress. (If I had more time that last sentence would have been shorter).

The good news for conservatives is that Trump is winning despite the political snipers trying to knock him out. We're in a vortex of deadly political confrontation. It's a true civil war between the right and the left - the Deep State subversives and conventional American conservatives. On this scale nothing like this has ever happened before in our history.

It is now a proven fact that Democrats pushing for Hillary Clinton, through minions of the Obama administration, the DNC, and the Clinton Foundation, have weaponized our most powerful governmental agencies to assure a Clinton victory.

The FBI, CIA, DOJ, Department of State, NSC, etc. (I'm running out of letters) through their directorships, have truly committed treason and endangered the security of this nation.

Gregg Jarrett sums up many of the principle criminals in his new book: "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump." This is the clearest summation of the growing scandal.

The rogue's gallery of federal criminals include FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, et.al..

I would throw in Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, as well.

Our present peek-aboo Attorney General Jeff Sessions belongs there now as well.

It's a disgusting lot to be sure. The question now is, will justice be done in charging this all with the multiple felonies they have committed. Then we can start with the Clinton criminal crowd, which is larger than the Rosenstein-Mueller folks.

Times up - for me, and I hope for them as well.


Yesterday, the Bard might say, President Trump suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune at the hands of once trusted friend Michael Cohen, and the conviction of Paul Manafort, the president's ex-campaign chairman.

Manafort was found guilty on 8 felony counts on the same day Cohen pleaded guilty to paying "hush" money allegedly at Trump's direction. Both men are former friends of the President. The scene is set for one of the strangest scenarios ever in American political history.

The criminal Michael Cohen now says (according to his new attorney) that he would not accept a pardon from Trump, because "He considers a pardon from somebody who has acted so corruptly as president to be something he would never accept". What was that about the pot calling the kettle black? Or is that just racist today?

Manafort was praised by the President following the conviction. While Trump accused Cohen of lying to prosecutors in order to get a deal, he stated unlike Michael Cohen, "he [Manafort] refused to break” - make up stories in order to get a “deal.” "Such respect for a brave man!."

Republicans rightly condemn the trials of both men, unlawfully begun during Special Counsel Robert Mueller's unlawful appointment. The investigation was for crimes, which required that a crime be identified to initiate the investigation. No crime has ever been identified in this so-called Russian collusion farce. The doctrine of the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree should have been applied long ago - this exclusionary rule would have thrown out evidence unlawfully gained in this unlawful investigation. Mueller's investigation of alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign in 2016 should not have begun, and has found nothing after nearly 2 years.

Democrats and Never-Trump anarchists are on a tear. They smell blood and see a path to impeaching President Trump. That's what all of this political machination has been about since our marshmallow Attorney General Jeff Sessions melted away. They won't get there but the fight has begun in earnest. The Democrats have their plan, but as the saying goes, attributed to Mike Tyson, "Everyone's got a plan, until you're hit in the face." Liberals, anarchists, socialists, and other anti-Constitutionalists are about to receive the second part of Tyson's observation.

For the first time in my life I believe that this country could actually explode into revolutionary chaos due the inability of the Left to accept Donald Trump as their legitimate president. If Trump should lose this fight and be impeached by the crooked Left, all bets are off.

This country is as politically and emotionally unstable as I have ever seen it.