It appears the Democratic Party has hit the wall. None of its many aspirants seem able to reach the brass ring to qualify as candidate to defeat President Trump. They're just too weak to handle the most powerful job in the world.

I thought Bloomberg might have a chance with his $40 billion to play with. But recent revelations of his blatant racist thinking should end it for him.

What do we have left? Sanders is more than a socialist; he's really a neo-communist. He truly believes in the socialist legacy, which is at the heart of communism. He believes the state should run most things. Only a true believer would actually honeymoon in communist Russia in 1988.

I'm not so much worried about Bernie becoming president of the United States. What worries me is the fact that so many young Americans are so sympathetic to socialism. This reflects a serious failure in the American educational system. Either that or a deliberate undermining of our democratic republic. This sympathy towards the false promises of socialism by our young citizens is an historical embarrassment.

Our young citizens should be introduced to "The Black Book of Communism - Crimes Terror Repression. (Harvard College Press, 1999.) Ignorance of communism and its infectious cousin, socialism, in the American educational system, is almost criminal.
Enough about Bernie.

What about Buttigieg? He's a factory produced liberal. He is a 30-something, small city mayor, "married" to a man who pretends to be Buttigieg's "husband". As his “spouse” I try to envision both of them dancing at their inaugural ball, or meeting with Islamic heads of state.

Radical liberal American voters will hate my evaluation of Mayor Pete, but I am just voicing the otherwise muted traditional Judeo-Christian stand against public sexual degeneracy, so popular in Hollywood. Is Pete to become leader of the free world? If so he and his "husband" would also become the fullest examples for our youth.

The public no longer cares about private, personal morality. What it should care about is public conduct influencing our youth. I know it sounds corny today, but the traditional Boy Scout rules should still maintain:

"To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."

However, this too is being destroyed in America.



I watched most of the State of the Union speech yesterday. I have to say I've never heard a more powerful statement from any president than Trump delivered on this occasion.

His achievements are phenomenal. No other president has come close to successfully finishing so many promised goals for the benefit of our nation. There were so many highlights in the presentation it's hard to single one out for special praise. First Lady Melania Trump awarded conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom on behalf of President Donald Trump. Several other presentations were noted during the speech. Of particular interest to me was a mother and her little girl from Kansas City, one of the youngest premature babies to survive after birth. Born at merely 21 weeks, she is a glorious example of the unique, sacred value of all human life, at every stage of life, which Trump defends.

The speech was President Trump at his very best. His list of positive accomplishments is simply extraordinary. Unfortunately, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of President Trump’s speech at the end of his address. The scene of Pelosi shredding the speech behind the President's back was more bizarre evidence of her Party's free-floating hatred of the president, and a national embarrassment. This is another symptom of the psychotic animosity which has powered the Democratic Party's frenzied determination to remove the President from office - for the past 3 years!

When will the Democratic berserkers get some help to calm their rage?

In terms of national accomplishments, Donald Trump is in the fast lane to become the greatest American president in recent history. And this, while fighting-off unprecedented, incessant attacks, legal, political, and personal. God bless President Trump and family.

He showed up for us just in time.



Like the rest of the nation, I feel the grief of Kobe Bryant's family at the time of his death. What an unfathomable loss. Where can we find another such supremely good man? It's just hard to grasp the reality of our loss.
God rest his soul and the soul of his beautiful daughter Gianna.


It seems almost sacrilegious to switch from deepest sorrow at the loss of Kobe Bryant, to extreme contempt for the 45 perfidious Democratic Senators shredding our Constitution in their unceasing efforts to remove our president from office.

I have to say I have never heard a more pellucid, scholarly explanation of the defects in the Democrat's two articles of impeachment than were delivered recently in the defense of President Trump. All of Trump's lawyers performed flawlessly. Attorneys Pat Cipollone, Jay Sekulow, Kenneth Starr and Alan Dershowitz wiped-out the entire fraudulent impeachment articles. There is no crime therefore President Trump is an innocent man!

Let's get this farce over with and get on with the real business of the nation.


I've watched all that I can stand of the impeachment trial of President Trump. Center stage in this farcical scheme to get rid of the president is little Adam Schiff.

The loquacious Schiff began speaking early this morning. An hour later I turned on the TV and he was still talking. He has become the most recognized liar in Senate history. Every single sentence that falls out of his mouth is easily identified as a lie. It's truly remarkable. He has turned the entire truth in this impeachment scenario up-side-down. The "facts" he asserts are all false. Listening to Schiff is like being forced to believe in the most confusing parts of Alice in Wonderland. I just wish someone would shout "Off with his head!"

I think he deserves a special medal for being the smoothest, most infamous liar in congressional history. Others might prefer a more direct response for his outrageous slandering of an innocent man. This is another unforgettable Brett Kavanaugh lynching. Just expressing the anger millions of Trump supporters feel during this mock trial, I recall the 1856 beating of Senator Charles Sumner by Representative Preston Brooks in the Senate chambers. True to the historical pattern, Brooks was a pro-slavery Democrat, and Sumner an abolitionist. Sumner had fiercely criticized slaveholders.

Sumner's speech, and subsequent beating (which nearly caused his death) strongly contributed to the political polarization in the nation over the issue of slavery. "It has been considered symbolic of the breakdown of reasoned discourse and the use of violence that eventually led to the American Civil War."

Thankfully, the unconstitutional attempt to remove President Trump, by means of wholesale corruption in our highest government offices, and the Democratic Party, has not caused that level of retaliation. But emotions are high and the need to remedy Democratic Party villainy is palpable. Maybe the only solution left is a gigantic landslide victory for President Trump in November.


Well I'm told that I have only 40 minutes to come up with something in this column. First it was dog duties, then other tasks to slow me down. Haven't even had time to look at DRUDGE.

First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Let's hope and pray that it will be a more peaceful new year. It's already a prosperous one.


Maybe my wish for more peace is naive. I see that Iran-provoked militants have attacked the American embassy in Iraq. More marines are on the way.

I have to fight my feelings about the entire Middle East, actually about fundamental Islam. Since the year 632, the founder's death, Islam has murdered more human beings than anyone else, including Hitler, Stalin, and Chairman Mao. Its mission is to force the entire non-Muslim world into submission. The choice is conversion, slave status, or death.

I guess the only solution is to have all Jihadists eliminated, which means perpetual war. So, like it or not, America must maintain its highly effective military in places where Jihadism is a constant threat to normal civilization. And today it's the Middle East that needs protection for millions of non-Muslim peoples - particularly Christians and Jews. The Christian population in the Middle East has been decimated by the millions. The whole area was once Christian.

Let's hope the New Year finds America strong and united.


A very Merry Christmas to everyone!

This is the day Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, God incarnate, by the Virgin Mary. This year God has given us a truly beautiful, sunny Christmas Eve; everything freshly washed with a gentle overnight rain.

Christmas was celebrated for the first time on December 25th, in the year 336, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine, the first Christian Roman emperor.

In 1870, by an Act of Congress signed into law by Ulysses S. Grant, it became a national holiday. No doubt Grant, and the whole nation, felt it proper to thank God by honoring the birth of Christ, as Savior of the world for all time - following the end of America's bloodiest war, our Civil War. It is seen as especially appropriate because Jesus, among Christians, is acknowledged as the Prince of Peace, in a nation founded upon Judeo-Christian principles.

So, again, Merry Christmas and peace to all men of good will.


I wish we could start the new year on a positive note in national politics, but the ugliest headline on DRUDGE this morning is "House committee raises prospect of more impeachment articles...." Just the thought of more impeachment efforts by Democrats stops me cold. I'm beginning to believe our nation is well into the beginnings of a second Civil War. The Democratic Party, Democratic House of Representatives, and the Democratic media, have challenged the Republican Party by depriving Republican President Donald Trump wholesale due process in equal protection under the law.

I won't itemize these violations; it's enough to see that the President has not received his Constitutional rights as stipulated in the 14th Amendment of our Constitution. A basic fairness he is deprived of here is the fact that Democrats refused to send the dispute about whether there is sufficient criminal evidence to impeach the President. This should have been given to the Supreme Court to decide. That would have determined the issue forever, and spared the country even more grief, time, and money.

This is a very bad start for America entering 2020.

But this shouldn't stop us from wishing each other a happy, holy, and peaceful Christmas.


I'm really tired of listening to the dramatic rhetoric from Democratic House members bent on impeaching President Trump; I can't wait for the whole farce to be shuttled over to the Senate. The whole thing is like an unending nightmare.

It's hard for me to understand a headline from DRUDGE today: "Dems Ordered Not to Victory Dance [over impeachment vote]. "Dance?" "Victory”? The massive cloud of delusion continues within the ranks of Democratic Party leaders. They really believe that their 3-year conspiracy to remove President Trump from office was a victory; well, I'll grant it was a classic Pyrrhic victory. They can celebrate in the ashes of their fraudulent conspiracy to depose our duly elected president.

The jig is up for the Liberal Left DNC and those who have supported it. After 3-years of relentless, fraudulent attacks against Trump, they have exposed themselves to be utterly corrupt. Any average first year law student should be able to analyze the entire scope of impeachment allegations and find them lacking in sufficient cause. There is no crime, real or alleged! That should be the end of it in a fair and impartial judgment.

The coming Senate trial will proceed to rip the bandage from the impeachment wound. I hope to see a full trial in the Senate. In any event, the damage has been done. This whole 3-year series of investigations has been a fraud on the electorate, a huge waste of time, and has greatly weakened our Constitutional Republic.

If you want to know how our judicial system has become so corrupt just replay the testimony of the three law professor "witnesses" under the Schiff investigation, especially the goofy Stanford prof. with her home-baked theories on the case. Just think, she is responsible for turning out new lawyers with the same perspective.

Because of the outrageous abuse of House-Congressional power in this impeachment, I can see an enormous Trump landslide in November.


“I’m not going to take any sh*t,” House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said to his fellow Democrat conspirators, in a closed-door prep session Tuesday morning - according to POLITICO.

Why should the Chairman be so defensive? He's been dealing out sh*t during his whole' long political career. He reminds me of George Costanza of the Seinfeld program - striking resemblance, but not so funny. Nadler and Adam Schiff are, for me, emblematic of the Democratic Party, utter lust for power, complete absence of conscience, wholly incapable of truth, with no sense of humor.

I've watched enough political House Intelligence Committee machinations to seriously question the reality of equal justice under law. The whole impeachment plan since Trump's inauguration, including the media, Democratic Party, FBI, CIA, etc, now shows where the real collusion has been all along. I am eager to hear the proceedings in the Senate, where some semblance of fairness and traditional due process of law will finally be accorded the president.

The vicious, unrelenting attacks upon President Trump during the three years of his term in office has done serious harm to our system of government. Treating the judicial mechanism of impeachment so casually as the Democratic Party has done, in order to remove a duly elected president, has already set regrettable precedents. As they say, what goes around comes around - and it is quickly coming around now. It will take generations to recover the trust and respect that once existed between the two American parties.

Politicians are fond of reminding us that politics ain't beanbag. True, but it shouldn't be a blood sport either, which it has become.

George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley, the only Republican witness allowed by Democrats to appear at the impeachment hearing Wednesday, "...did not use his opening statement to defend Donald Trump. But he stated that "Rage against the president is not a reason for removal."


That's all there is, there isn't any more.


The offense of military insubordination has always demanded a harsh punishment. It's considered a cardinal sin in all militaries. But the new Politically Correct military of 2019 seems to ignore thousands of years of tradition.

I'm thinking of two particular incidents. The first should have merited a court martial and immediate removal from command.

It occurred in 2017, shortly after President Trump announced that “transgender” individuals would be banned from serving in the military: "Admiral Paul Zukunft, commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, said that he would defy the decision of his commander in chief rather than “break faith” with [13] cross-dressing members of his service branch." "Zukunft indicated that the Coast Guard's “investment” in its handful of transgender members was more important than following orders from the President." And he retired with honors, to join The Center for Climate and Security.

This was an unbelievable, almost unheard of act of insubordination, a public refusal to obey a direct order by the President of the United States - our Commander in Chief, broadcast around the world. This extraordinary act should have landed the Admiral in jail, not simply removal from service. But the President was new in office and Zukunft escaped judicial punishment, which set a precedent for all future members of the Coast Guard.

I just have to ask how Zukunft ever reached flag level. This sort of political correctness has become epidemic in our military. We will pay a terrible price when we are once again thrust into widespread warfare. “...break faith” with cross-dressing members of his service branch." Really? He broke faith with his oath of command. He demonstrated his untrustworthiness.

The second incident happened recently, concerning Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, a highly decorated SEAL, who was convicted of battlefield misconduct in Iraq. He was sentenced to a demotion in rank and pay, though no prison time. But last Friday President Trump restored Gallagher's rank and pay, allowing him to retire on a full pension, also keeping his coveted SEAL Trident pin.

However, the Navy's top SEAL, Rear Admiral Collin Green, then convened a special five-member panel to review the case and recommend whether Gallagher should be stripped of the 'Trident pin' designating him a SEAL.

President Trump responded immediately in a tweet: "The Navy will NOT be taking away Warfighter and Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher's Trident Pin. This case was handled very badly from the beginning. Get back to business!"

Navy Secretary Richard Spencer was fired by Defense Secretary Mark Esper over the Gallagher case. Esper said he asked Spencer to resign because he had lost "trust and confidence in him regarding his lack of candor," according to a Pentagon spokesman.

After combing through various stories about the Gallagher prosecution and its aftermath, it seems clear to me serious pockets of anti-Trump sentiment exist at the highest levels of our Navy. That surprises me because I have always thought our military men strongly support the President.

However, the farther up the ranks we go the more ballooning vainglory we always see. Sometimes it's just a part of genius (Generals MacArthur and Patton) which comes with strong character and extraordinary success. More often though, it's petty self-obsession, into delusion.

The military, like all hierarchical organizations, produces as many bad members as good. It's the competitive structure where one corrupt member can promote another. So, maybe that's what happened to SEAL Rear Admiral Collin Green in Seal Eddie Gallagher's case. In any event, too many in the military hierarchy failed to respect the Commander in Chief's authority - without question.

Without obedience to lawful authority the military has nothing. Tradition is everything - and for 240 years, Judeo-Christian authority was the accepted basis of our American law, civil and military - which prohibited, for example, “transgender” individuals. To "break faith" with this fact, as in the Admiral Paul Zukunft matter, shatters military tradition and dissolves the ties which bind the ranks together.


Thank you Lord for the rain! How good you are to your undeserving people.


I actually watched several hours of impeachment hearing No. 3. I've seen the enemy, and they belong to the Socialist Democratic Left. Anyway, very boring.

Trump is entering his fourth year as our President and Commander in Chief. The grief he has taken since pre-inauguration days, to date, has been vicious, fraudulent, and incessant. The Democratic Party has shown itself to be a poisonous influence on the Constitutional health of the nation.

Indisputable proof of an unprecedented coup to destroy the president is quickly emerging from several investigations. This criminal plan to remove Trump involves the Democratic Party (including figures from the previous administration), our four most powerful government agencies, the Leftist media, Hollywood, Education, as well as UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy. The last three are confessed and committed globalists. Check out the Pope's most recent words - he hates America (I always have to remind readers that I'm Catholic myself - this is in no way bigotry).

The never-Trumpers weaponized impeachment from the beginning to take Trump out of office. First it was "collusion" with the Russians. They called him a traitor. After three years of this treatment, the much vaunted Mueller investigation failed completely to find that elusive "high crime or misdemeanor" required by our Constitution. Then false allegations of obstruction of justice, then violations of the emoluments clause, then disclosing classified information, destruction of public records, campaign finance law violations, most recently, bribery and that infamous "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.

Struggle as they will, the anti-Trump forces still can't identify a single crime that Trump is guilty of. But the leftist wish list is long. Let me help them out. Bribery didn't work, neither did obstruction of justice or collusion; how about robbery, kidnapping, homicide, arson or mayhem? People like Schiff, Swalwell, Castro, etc. who love to play in the mud, can at least come up with allegations. Facts are unimportant to them.

The mass of deadly serious Congressional business has been put aside for the past 3-plus years while the would-be impeachers seek to kill-off our President. It seems only fitting that the 2020 electorate should hand President Trump an historic landslide in November.

Then we can get back to the real business of defending against China, North Korea, Russia, Syria, terrorism, our southern border, etc.


I was impressed with Mr. Charles Richardson's presentation at last night's City Council meeting. He is complaining about the poor quality of water that services the El Dorado Mobile Home Park. He also displayed three large water filters, demonstrating that fact. We will publish his prepared remarks and photos of the filters in next week's Gazette.


It's an established fact that Liberals make our country ugly and dangerous. That's what they do.

But just because they do make things ugly and dangerous doesn't mean that they can't make things uglier and more dangerous when they put their minds to that agenda.

Take, for example, the City of San Francisco - please. Evidence of this notorious Liberal effect can almost be detected by we southerners in a strong north wind. Case in point headline: San Francisco's New DA: Public Urination 'Will Not Be Prosecuted' ... What about on the DA's steps? Nothing announced yet about dealing with number two. Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris (Senators both) - where are you?

I'll say it again, Liberals are dangerous and their natural inclination is to make things uglier.

Little Adam Schiff was recently described as unflappable. The Los Angeles congressman has been given the responsibility to orchestrate the president's impeachment. I think of Schiff as Senator Lickspittle. There is no shortage of Democratic lickspittles. In my rogues gallery of Democratic lickspittles are Eric Swalwell (always wanting to squeeze his face into the picture), and - sorry, the gallery is too long. Anyway, I lost a subscriber the last time I characterized a Democrat. All I did is describe Hillary Clinton, the most despicable Democrat in history, as the bitch goddess of untruth. What intellectually honest American can challenge the accuracy of that description? Yet it cost me a subscription of a very nice lady with beautiful handwriting.

I get these kinds of thoughts as I watch our Congress disgrace itself with this impeachment debacle, while whittling away at our Constitution. If the quality of most of the Democrats I see and hear is indicative of the state of the electorate, only prayer will save the Republic.


My apologies for the short column this week. Just had a tooth extracted.


I got quite a surprise at last night's school board meeting.

As might be expected, an overflow of teachers and family members seeking to discuss the heated issues of District budget provisions, (i.e., teacher salaries and benefits) filled the Board room.

I usually walk to the front of the room, and stand in a corner beside Board members for photos. This week was different. As I walked towards the usual place my path to the traditional spot was blocked. The man sitting in the chair simply said "NO", indicating that I should not pass. It became a dramatic standoff. I am used to placing myself there during the 31 years that I have covered School Board meetings.

But things could have gone ugly, since the clear intention of this interloper was to keep me from doing my job. It appeared that he had been instructed to do as he did. So, I quickly reminded him that I have been doing my job for 31 years (probably before he was out of diapers).

With a nod from one Board Member he moved his chair.

Victory. I guess the relationship between the Board and the Gazette has deteriorated.

Stay tuned!


The fires in California are turning what were normal days into confusion. Once again, Edison has notified us that we will be losing power tomorrow as they must shut down transmission lines to avoid more sparking due to the extremely high east winds.

We pray for the safety of our firefighters and the residents in fire-prone areas. And, as I type out these words, that east wind is getting stronger.

We hope to be able to send the paper down to the printer before the power is cut off.


Alexander Vindman, an Army Lieutenant Colonel and trusted intelligence officer with authority to listen to President Trumps confidential telephone conversations, is testifying against the President on the Ukraine "quid pro quo" matter. It is his intention to join the mob and assist in attempting to impeach his Commander in Chief.

A 20-year member of the Army, he showed up in his dress blues, with the combat infantryman's badge, paratroop wings, 25th Army Division patch, and other awards I could not read. So he has done his duty for his country.

I can't understand how such an apparently honorable man could stoop to such a dishonorable act, as to stab his commander in the back in an attempt to bring him down. It disgusts me. He is marching to the tune of the lying Liberal Left. In my mind this act makes him no better than a barracks thief.

Whether or not President Trump is eventually impeached by the political hyenas in the House, the Senate will prove the entire Democratic coup attempt an obvious fiasco. Any Republican, Representative or Senator, who joins in this malicious scam, will be marked forever, like Vice President Aaron Burr. But they won't succeed.

As for Republican politicians like Mitt Romney, turncoats amidst the greatest political fight in American History (excluding the Civil War), their names will live in infamy. I would have voted for Romney once upon a time; that makes me shudder now. As they say, with friends like this, who needs enemies.


I am sad to report the death of Miriam Harnage, mother of Wanda Castel de Oro, esteemed staff member and friend of the Gazette. Mrs. Harnage passed away one month from her ninety-eighth birthday.

While I feel Wanda's sadness at the loss of her mother, I am also grateful to our Lord that her severe, prolonged suffering is now ended.

Rest in peace, Miriam.


The DRUDGE REPORT, a place I frequently browse, had this today: Partisan political division and the resulting incivility has reached a low in America, with 67% believing that the nation is nearing civil war, according to a new national survey.
I agree. In fact, if police were less able to keep the peace, I could even see bloodshed.

Since Trump won the 2016 presidential election every conceivable unconstitutional weapon has been, and is being, employed by the radical Liberal Left to disrupt, destroy, and remove our president from his duly elected office.

Hard evidence of this historically unprecedented conspiracy to nullify the 2016 Republican vote has been, and is being revealed today. It is clear that the highest and most powerful offices of our government (FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, etc.) with Democrat Party and most media, have conspired to invalidate the Republican vote.

I no longer have faith in the legitimacy of most of these organizations today. They are all corrupt. Our House of Representatives stinks with the Democrat control of committees. It has destroyed the President's Constitutional right to Due Process, and goes forward with its lies. The Democrat agenda is to nullify the 2016 vote and remove our President from office, by any means whatsoever. Republicans no longer have a voice in our democracy.

If this situation had occurred 100 years ago, we would certainly see half of our country sounding the alarm "LOCK AND LOAD". The Democrat Party, with the collusion of the above co-conspirators, has polarized and stymied the function of our democracy. For these reasons I have come to hate the Democrat Party and the nefarious demagogues, criminals, and traitors who represent it. Who can tolerate them? It has become the most socially corrosive group in the nation today.

I hope the Democrat Party not only loses the next general election, I hope it is beaten into political dust.

Next week, I'm really going to tell you what I think of the Democrat Party!


Last week’s Realities column dealt with a heated controversy over the cancellation of a charity event in Thousand Oaks. Political differences between the outfit organizing the tag football game and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department caused support to be pulled out at the last minute.

The event was set to honor fallen Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ron Helus, killed in the notorious 2018 mass shooting at Borderline in Thousand Oaks. Sixty percent of the donations were to be given for support of the Helus family, according to Mike Randall, of Fallen Officers Foundation.

I have read everything I could of the organizers’ side of the controversy. I could not contact those in charge on the Departments’ side. However, Ventura County Sheriff Bill Ayub (my sincere apologies for the misspelling of Sheriff Ayub’s name last week) concerned about what he perceived as a growing politicization of the event, pulled the Department’s support and the event was cancelled. The dispute quickly escalated and exploded into the media, local, state, and national - including TV. The driving force behind this spectacle was political - Democrat supporters versus Republican.

The organizers of the event, Florida based Fallen Officers Foundation and its Vice President Mike Randall, claim the event was publicized as “No politics”, and that Democrat Governor Newsom’s public safety liaison and others were invited to speak. Republican attorney Ronda Kennedy, a previous election opponent of California Democratic Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, was also scheduled speak.

As I understand the facts, widely reported in various media outlets, Irwin, learning of the scheduled Republican speakers, refused to attend unless the Republicans were disinvited to the event. Thereafter, Randall was told to disinvite the Republicans, including Trump supporters Scott Baio and singer Joy Villa. Irwin has denied Randall’s allegation and published her denial [see end of editorial].

I have to admit I was in an angry frame of mind when I wrote last week’s editorial. I heard only one side of the story, but could not get any denials or corrections from the Sheriff’s Department’s side before press time. After studying the issue, I stand by my assertion that Irwin torpedoed the entire event by her insistence that Republicans be disinvited.

In the interest of full disclosure here, I plead guilty to being a Republican (really an Independent) and conservative, at that. I also harbor a strong antipathy towards the Democrat Party, particularly since the Star Chamber treatment of now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This outrage has indelibly influenced my opinion against the Democrat Party. However, I have striven to be as fair as possible in reporting this controversy. This is particularly true because a friend of many years, Sheriff’s Commander Tim Hagel, became a central figure in this unfortunate event.

I have to say, as I have known so many outstanding members of the Sheriff’s Department over 31 years, Commander Tim Hagel stands out as one of the best. I used to be able to say that I would trust him with my wife, my life, and my wallet - but the wife is long absent. I often have to write my columns quickly, and it often shows. I am told that, understandably, Tim walked into a beehive of emails during this heated controversy, and I couldn’t get a response to my own. I just did the best I could at the time. At least on my part Tim remains a trusted friend.

I am troubled when I think politics too strongly influences our civic functions, but not naive enough to believe it never happens. Today our nation is ferociously divided between traditional conservatives and radical liberals. It’s a fight to the death for Constitutional responsibilities and fundamental rights. Intransigence may set the powder off - while our many enemies crouch nearby with lean and hungry looks I continue to believe that, despite her denial, Irwin destroyed the Blue Bowl tag football charity event for the family of our lost Ventura County Sheriff Sgt. Ron Helus.

Peace - with strength.


Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin's Response to the Cancellation of the Sgt. Ron Helus Blue Bowl Fundraiser:

“Our community came together in the painful aftermath of the Borderline shooting when 12 people were murdered, including Sergeant Helus who charged into danger to save our friends and neighbors. That is what Ventura County does as a community. We come together. We come together as friends, neighbors, and, yes, as Republicans and Democrats. I’m very disappointed in what has happened over the last weeks. We have mourned at funerals together, we have memorialized the victims at the State Capitol and in our community parks, and we have called, texted, and kept in contact with families as they find their way through unimaginable grief. Our community has been focused on healing for the past 11 months and now a group that has no ties to Ventura County or California has come to tell us that we are doing it all wrong. Those organizing the event are trying to divide our community. They are disparaging Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel, a personal friend of Sgt. Helus. Chief Hagel is revered in this community for his commitment and service. The people who live here know that. Honoring Sgt. Helus and the victims of the mass shooting has been my focus since last November and will continue to be my focus. My only participation in the event was going to be to give a 2-minute speech. I chose to withdraw after the Sherriff’s Department declined to participate and it became clear to me that self-promotion was being put before our community and before honoring Sgt. Helus. I choose to lift up the names and memories of Cody, Alaina, Blake, Daniel, Jake, Justin, Kristina, Mark, Noel, Sean, Telemachus, and Sgt. Ron Helus.”


The recent cancellation of a charity flag football event in honor of fallen Ventura County Sgt. Ron Helus has caused an uproar like I've not seen before in my 31-years as publisher of the Gazette. Sgt. Helus was killed in 2018 during the mass killings at the Borderline bar in Thousand Oaks.

The event, called Blue Bowl, was organized to provide financial assistance to the Helus family. The LA Rams donated jerseys with Sgt. Hellus' name and footballs were ready to be signed by Rams players with Sgt. Helus' picture on them. The event was almost completely ready, with donors having contributed thousands of dollars, and Sgt. Helus' wife had met with organizer Mike Randall, Vice President of the Florida based Fallen Officers Foundation, when politics intervened.

Randall told the Gazette, during a lengthy conversation from his Florida home, that Democratic Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin complained that Republican attorney Ronda Kennedy, a previous election opponent, had also been invited, along with Trump supporters Scott Baio and singer Joy Villa. Baio went to the same church as Sgt. Helus. At that point Randall alleges that Ventura County Sheriff's Commander Tim Hagel told him to cancel the Republican speakers. Hagel is alleged to have also told Randall that "We don't want Republicans here". Hagel allegedly questioned why Republicans were invited, although Hagel is also quoted by Randall to have said "the only thing you coulda made this worse, Mike, was to invite Dick Cheney and Sarah Huckabee Sanders". Randall verified statements attributed to have come from Hagel in other publications.

When Randall refused to comply with the Sheriff's Department to disinvite the scheduled Republican speakers, he claims to have received a text from Hagel stating that, following consultation with Sheriff Ayb, the Department was pulling out of the event. The scheduled presence of the honor guard was also cancelled and sponsors with other supporters dropped out as well. All money is being returned to sponsors and the event is now cancelled.

There is no doubt that the Blue Bowl tag football event was torpedoed by California State Assemblywoman Jacqui Irwin. She called to demand that all conservative speakers be removed. Randall claims the Blue Bowl speaker list was bipartisan. It included Gov. Gavin Newsom's public safety liaison, and others. The event was advertised as "No politics". This is a prime example of the corrupting influence of politics in civil affairs. Irwin is just doing what Democrats always do - disrupting and delaying all functions they disagree with. Here, the kneejerk obedience of the Sheriff's Department to the financial detriment of the family of a fallen hero, Sgt. Ron Helus, is simply disgusting. Jacqui Irwin perfumed the event with the stench of her officious liberalism. The Department should at least be embarrassed for caving so quickly - conservatives have rights as well.

I only wish I had more time to comment on this event.

Jacqui - I wear the red hat - am a lifelong, life member of the NRA, am a staunch conservative Roman Catholic - and a Republican! Here's a feast for any bigot.

Come and stop me before I organize a Blue Bowl of my own.


This week's Realities will be unusual, thanks to Mrs. Mabel "Tobey" Bowers. Mrs. Bowers stopped by the office Monday with an old "Realities" column, and one from Charles Mozley - from July of 1993. She found the columns as she was cleaning out some old things. What struck me, and the reason for running the column again after 26 years, is the fact that the subject was illegal immigration. Some things never change. Congress has done NOTHING to fix the problem for 26 years!
Thanks Tobey for reminding me of just how shameless and untrustworthy the American Congress is.


I attended part of last night's School Board meeting. There was an overflow crowd of teachers protesting the Board's refusal to amend the most recent agreement with the teacher's union. Though the Board should have reasonably anticipated the large crowd, the auditorium was closed and the attendees filled the Board room and the hallway as well. I think that showed disrespect.


Fillmore Sheriff's Captain Eric Tennessen has been promoted to Commander, and will be serving in the City of Camarillo.
Eric is a 21-year veteran of the Ventura County Sheriff's Office. He is greatly admired in the City of Fillmore and will be missed. Congratulations Eric, and the best at your new assignment!


At this last City Council meeting, Captain Tennessen explained that the Sheriff's office regularly tows cars that have been parked too long in the city. All vehicles which have been towed have had a notice posted of intent to tow, for at least 72-hours before action is taken.

Some complaints have been registered about vehicles which were towed without receiving a notice. The Sheriff's office will be glad to listen to these complaints during Council Meetings or in person at the Sheriff's Office.


Only our Civil War divided the country more than the election of 2016. Half of the country voted for Donald Trump, and half for Hillary Clinton. The Democrat Party, the media, Hollywood, the universities, and any other colorful scraps of liberalism which happened to be lying around, voted for Clinton. TRUMP WON!

Republicans, by and large, continue to hold fast to traditional American Judeo-Christian moral values, like life, family, bible, and yes, believe that "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Democrats, on the other hand, reject these principles which were foundational for our country, and like a political [!@#$], say, as they did in the 1960s,"If it feels good, do it". According to this philosophy, abortion, sexual promiscuity, pornography, political and sexual indoctrination of students from grades 1 through 16, and facilitating the rejection of all Judeo-Christian values, is claimed to be "progressive".

Evaluating the cluster of Democrat presidential wannabes, I have to ask which, if any, could lead the nation against enemies like China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc.? If one of them should win the general election, that would touch the hair trigger of massive conflict. That's also when we would understand just how much damage the Obama administration has done to our armed forces. It'll be a twofer - grossly incompetent and inexperienced government, with rank military unpreparedness.

As for President Trump, I don't see him ever escaping the slings and arrows of outrageous Democrat sedition. I'm just fed-up trying to keep up with free-floating Democrat lies. This most recent accusation of impeachable presidential conversations with the President of Ukraine, is just another embarrassing lie. What a waste of time the Democrat Party has inflicted upon the normal American public since 2016!

It's my hope that, come the next general election, the Democrat Party is totally destroyed. It is slowly killing our country.


A response to Cynthia Tuthill's letter to the editor:

Ms. Tuthill, first let me thank you for your letter. I really enjoy controversy. But I regret I must decline your request to retract my column of September 4. If anything, I should double down on its primary conclusion: that women should be excluded from all military combat activities. My comments are neither "ignorant" nor "unfair". They are based upon established fact.

As I see you have earned a PhD, I expect you to read my words carefully, which I don't believe you've done. Let me correct some of your misunderstandings.

Far from being a "polemic against women in the armed services", I praised military women: "Women have always been essential to the American armed forces,...". It may be true, as you say, that "males and females of all species are on a continuum of size and strength..." but this seems irrelevant to the issue of enlisting the strongest sailors which happen to be male. As every truthful study of real-life data on gender differences concludes, women do not belong in combat organizations, for many reasons other than strength.

Professor Kingsley Browne, in his scholarly study on women in combat (Co-Ed Combat; Penguin, 2007) states, "First, something like the "risk rule" should be reinstated, excluding women not only from combat positions but also from positions presenting a substantial risk of combat or capture." He continues, "Women should also be barred from warships. Problems of pregnancy and sexual relations and the impact on cohesion that they can have pose a substantial threat to military effectiveness. In war and peace, but especially in war, all hands must be prepared to pitch in and perform the highly physical task of damage control. Women's lack of upper-body strength puts the entire ship's crew at risk."

Browne's book, CO-ED Combat, is highly praised by experts in the field: "An absolutely first-rate, even-handed, and scientifically sound book that takes a clear-headed look at the evolution of sex differences and how they play out in the modern workplace." (David Buss, professor of psychology, University of Texas at Austin, ..."). In my opinion, Browne's book is the best, most comprehensive study of women in combat available today." His warning against this integration has been ignored due to extraordinary political pressure and weak, promotion-conscious officers. A very instructive statement by Browne in CO-ED Combat explains why this destructive idea of women in combat always seems to advance despite data from numerous studies warning against it : "There is little that will terminate a military career faster than expressing doubts about sexual integration." This is sad proof of controlling political correctness.

A note from the dust cover: "The notion that women can be trained to behave like men in combat is grievously mistaken. Nor can men be socialized to accept them [in combat]."

Browne's book includes 12 pages of notes. It is a scholarly work which includes (Part V) involving "Threats to Cohesion and Effectiveness Arising from Mixing the Sexes." This is a fascinating read by a well informed, unbiased, author. His conclusions are supported by much serious research.

You claim that my description of aspiring female combat members is "biologically incorrect to claim that women have "weak wrists" or are not "physically fit." But those few who apply, for example, to Ranger School, are admittedly very fit, though many tests show them to be unfit for the endurance training. A hero of mine is Capt. Katie Petronio, retired, who wrote the inspiring recollection of her Marine combat experience in Afghanistan and Iraq (Get Over It! We Are Not All Created Equal, January 29, 2913). I highly recommend this piece.

She was as strong a woman as you might find, but opposes women in combat. "As a company grade 1302 combat engineer officer with 5 years of active service and two combat deployments, one to Iraq and the other to Afghanistan, I was able to participate in and lead numerous combat operations." " main concern is a question of longevity. Can women endure the physical and physiological rigors of sustained combat operations, and are we willing to accept the attrition and medical issues that go along with integration?" The answer? No. "This issue [women in combat] is being pushed [for years] by several groups, one of which is a small committee of civilians appointed by the Secretary of Defense called the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Service (DACOWITS)."

Capt. Petronio concludes, reflecting on 5 months in combat which destroyed her health, "I understand that everyone is affected differently; however, I am confident that should the Marine Corps attempt to fully integrate women into the infantry, we as an institution are going to experience a colossal increase in crippling and career-ending medical conditions for females." "I am here to tell you that we are not all created equal, and attempting to place females in the infantry will not improve the Marine Corps as the Nation’s force-in-readiness or improve our national security."

"...the rate of my deterioration was noticeably faster than that of male Marines and further compounded by gender-specific medical conditions. At the end of the 7-month deployment, and the construction of 18 PBs later, I had lost 17 pounds and was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (which personally resulted in infertility..."

Capt. Petronio continues, "I am here to tell you that we are not all created equal, and attempting to place females in the infantry will not improve the Marine Corps as the Nation’s force-in-readiness or improve our national security."

These are the words of a multi-sport collegiate champion and a valiant, truthful Marine leader. Read the full story.

The first reason to end the deployment of women into combat specialties is moral - Natural law and thousands of years of tradition demand special protection for women. The second is practical, as numerous tests and studies show, women lack the physical strength for sustained combat. The handful that graduated from Ranger School achieved that goal through a scandalous lowering of standards under politically surreptitious means. The women were given special treatment.

I hate to do a "research column" in the short time I have write. And, I have no time left to include a brand new book on this subject, STAND DOWN, by author James Hasson. Just received it a day ago. Subtitled "How Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America's Military". It corroborates all that Kingsley Browne's book, CO-ED COMBAT, does. It describes how Obama instigated a military readiness crisis throughout our military, especially including the feminization of our armed forces. I will review the book soon.

I regret that I have no more time to devote to my answer, Ms. Tuthill. But I'm happy to engage in further discussion with you on this subject. Thanks again for the letter.

"Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and the man who leads that gains the victory.

George S. Patton Jr.
Martin Farrell


This week I bit-off too much from the Navy Times and didn't have time to cut it down. Apologies.

I seem to drift too often into negative territory when I scribble about world events these days. I guess that's to be expected at 80, as I reel-off the remainder of my life. Good things happen also and are maybe too often ignored. But it's not the good stuff that's getting us in trouble.

I think of the Catholic Church for example, because it's the oldest and largest religion in the world. Its precipitous decline should be a point of interest if only for that reason, but even more so if this degeneration is shown to be intentional, which it is.

I wonder if our Navy is any healthier than the Church. The answer is a startling "No".

It seems our Navy was first to cave to incessant feminist demands to be involved in active combat positions equal to men. Feminism is at the heart of American military deficiencies. Women have always been essential to the American armed forces, primarily as nurses and technicians. The extraordinary heroism of female nurses during the Vietnam War especially exemplifies this. But the push to enlist women into combat positions, particularly aboard war ships and submarines, has proven to be a disaster for readiness, discipline, and mechanical operations. This is a fact that, due to instant and severe retribution (loss of rank) these issues are often ignored.

The fact is women are often unable to handle much of the heavy, difficult, dangerous workloads necessitated in handling shipboard equipment. This has nothing to do with intelligence, it has everything to do with physical strength. This is a fact (hotly disputed by feminists) in all combat branches of all services. Many studies prove this.

But the first, universal, historical objection to women in combat is their special, honored status as creators of our future. They bear the children of the next generation. No army has ever fielded women into combat for this reason. Exceptions due to emergency situations prove the rule. So, when the deck is on fire, slick with fuel and falling steel, the call should not be for small hands and weak wrists to save the ship and rescue the men.

After the numerous problems with women in combat (pregnancies, health issues, children, fraternizing with shipmates and physical fitness) there is the eternal problem of men taking orders from women in combat. Say what you want - it's a fact infused in a man's primordial understanding of a duty to protect women. Hard to deal with the opposite situation. Despite what the United Nations (and most social philosophers) may think, there's no such thing as gender equality - except absolute dignity. Men will never bear children and women will never be stronger than men.

On the practical side of the Navy's problems is, a serious shortage of sailors, serious lack of maintenance, serious lack of ships, and a very serious lack of traditional military ethics. Take the case of Fat Leonard, the bribery and corruption scandal.

"Since 2013, 31 people have been criminally charged in connection with the Fat Leonard bribery and corruption scandal. According to investigators, by November 2017, more than 440 people — including 60 admirals — have come under scrutiny under the inquiry." "As of September 2018, 30 people have pleaded guilty; 12 others have been charged (including eight Navy officers who were indicted in March 2017); four admirals were disciplined by the military; two others, four-star admiral Robert Willard and three-star Joe Donnelly, were known to be under investigation." I haven't followed-up on this case, but I believe it's the largest investigation in Navy history.

As for serious lack of training: "Magnifying the 7th Fleet’s troubles, and the Navy’s broader state of decline, were brutal and sudden budget cuts during the Obama administration by a Congress riven by continued partisan enmity."

"The Navy had seen its budget cut by almost 25 percent in real dollars in the 1990s, after the Cold War ended. The 600 ships the Navy boasted in the late 1980s would shrink by half. Then, the administration of George W. Bush committed America to two long and frustrating land wars."

"The efficiencies even included eliminating a requirement for ship captains to post lookouts on both sides of ships, a cut that would later prove crucial when the Fitzgerald’s crew failed to see a fast-closing cargo ship until it was too late."

"Clemons served as XO of the sister Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Fitzgerald from August 2017 to December 2017 — after the ship collided with a commercial vessel off Japan in June of that year, killing seven sailors."

"Promising a “workforce for the 21st century,” Clark’s team tried out new training and staffing ideas, including a decision that officers no longer needed to attend months of classroom training to learn the intricacies of operating billion-dollar warships. Instead, aspiring Surface Warfare Officers, charged with everything from driving ships to launching missiles, could learn mostly at sea with the help of packets of CDs. The program was widely derided by sailors as “SWOS in a Box.” "Four years later, confusion over the [destroyer] McCain’s new steering system caused the ship to turn in front of an oil tanker."

The 7th Fleet is hurt most seriously by lack of maintenance and shortage of experienced staff.

"A legion of poorly trained junior officers aboard the ships were being promoted, Balisle warned, creating a generation of unprepared leaders."

"When the Navy had 600 ships, about 100 were at sea at any given time. With half as many ships, the Navy still keeps about 100 at sea. In other words, as the Navy shrunk its fleet, it increased the workload on its sailors."

"The Navy’s surface forces needed $3.5 billion, he said, just to fix what was wrong with training alone."

The specter of a “hollow” Navy was expressed by senior officers.

"Three years later, the Fitzgerald would set sail with many of its computers and software out of date. For instance, its primary navigation system, known as the Voyage Management System, was running on Windows 2000 — the oldest version among ships based in Japan. Sailors would say that the navigation system would wrongly plot their position or the position of other ships."

"In January 2017, the USS Antietam, a guided missile cruiser on loan from the 3rd Fleet, ran aground on a shoal in the Tokyo Bay, in part because its skipper was in a rush that morning to get underway. No one was injured, but the ship gushed hundreds of gallons of hydraulic oil into the sea."

"They put together a troubling statistical picture: The fleet’s pace of operations was the highest in the Navy. Training was down. Certifications, which crews received after proving they were prepared to handle crucial war-fighting duties, had dropped from 93 percent completed in 2014 to 62 percent in 2016. That year, only two of the fleet’s 11 destroyers and cruisers received all recommended maintenance. One ship only got a quarter of its scheduled upkeep."

"It's hardly the picture the Navy’s top command presented to Congress. Indeed, on Feb. 7, 2017, four-star Adm. William Moran, vice chief of naval operations, testified before the House Committee on Armed Services. The Navy was in top shape, he testified. Overseas fleets, including the 7th, he said, were “operationally ready to respond to any challenge … and they have the training and resources they need to win any fight that might arise.”

That was a lie.

On Aug. 21, 2017, Aucoin got the call that another of his destroyers was involved in an avoidable crash. This one was worse than the last. Ten sailors dead.

First, the Catholic Church going down from criminal prelate activity, and now our Navy going down due to Congressional criminal negligence.

Next week maybe another piece of the problem.