A response to Mary (aka Kelly) Scoles', Second Opinion.

It's OK to allude to pelicans in your swat at Republicans, Mary, i.e. "Relicans", a bird so full of élan that it inspires poetry: "A wonderful bird is the Pelican. His beak can hold more than his belly can. He can hold in his beak, Enough food for a week! But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican?" - but, nice try. The pelican is historically symbolic of many good things.

I'm glad you recognize Governor Andrew Cuomo to be "... a pain in the neck, smug, bullying, bombastic, ego-maniacal, and now likely... ("leaving aside for now the two sexual harassment claims..."). But wait! This just in -- Cuomo has attracted another sexual harassment claim, number three! Who could hope for more? This is why we refer to leaders of the Democratic Party as Democrats, or Rats for short. Besides, who can say "Joe is a Democratic?"

And, please, as for Senator Cruz at CPAC. What conceivable harm did he do to anyone? He was only behaving like that immortal, symbolic pelican - taking care of his kids. As I said before, he's a good Dad. Talk about "The easy political virtue of the Relicans"? Think about the virtues of a hovering social buzzard like Cuomo!

As for CA Atty.Gen. Xavier Bercerra, OK. OK. We'll call him a doctor, just get him out of California, please. But remember, the majority of Congress is composed of Hypocritic, Oath- Taking Democrats who spawned Joe Biden and family's international rackets.


It's with a sense of sadness mixed with alarm that I think of America's security today. The fraudulent election of 2020 has caused a perfect coup d'é•tat, a perfect seizure of power (the White House, Congress, and the Courts) by the Cabal, Democratic Party and virtually all associated power bases in this nation. Our country has been subverted.

Nothing like this coup d'état has ever before attacked our Republic, and many still deny the fact. Warnings were ignored and Constitutional defenses were withheld. Loyal citizens, after observing the fraud, took hope in our Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal, and District Courts. But our entire judicial system refused to take action, refused even to consider the evidence, before and after the election, and therefore joined the Cabal. The most meticulously constructed case (Sidney Powell's) has just had her final appeals to the Supreme Court dismissed.

“The Supreme Court's failure to address the massive election fraud and multiple constitutional violations that wrought a coup of the presidency of the greatest country in world history completes the implosion of each of our three branches of government into the rubble of a sinkhole of corruption,” Powell said in an email to Forbes Monday. “It is an absolute tragedy for the Rule of Law, the future of what was a Republic, and all freedom-loving people around the world.”

This is a case where the saying "Truth is stranger than fiction" applies absolutely. Despite the rejection by the courts, proof of this astounding, successful criminal conspiracy is indisputable - that is, anyone understanding mathematics, alone, must affirm the conclusion of the most prominent scientists who have studied the election, i.e. the election was systemically fraudulent. To those who continue to dispute this conclusion the challenge remains, here's the proof, show us where we are wrong! There are no takers. Our court system is now largely corrupt.

The election process should have been halted for examination of evidence of systemic fraud. Nothing was done. An emergency election shut-down device of some kind must be mandated hereafter because Democrats are planning another mail-in fraud-fest next election.

Those who disregard the scientific, and eyewitness facts and conclusions, I must say, are fools, or abettors. Their foolishness and disbelief helps to doom the health of our Republic by destabilizing government. The danger is at hand.

That often identified cabal of power mongers, once again: Big Tech, Big Industry, Big Banks, the Democratic Party, Big Teacher's Unions, Big Media, and Communist China, seasoned the conspiracy with unlimited cash (nearly $400 million from Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) in the Georgia run-off). Corrupt liberal state courts, governorships, and mayoralties, managed details as well - with paid-off turncoat Republicans. In short, absolute power has corrupted absolutely.

Skipping the practical details, this is what happened, and what may happen again soon.

A Trump landslide of historical proportions was overturned at the last minute. An illegitimate, mentally challenged person was (as planned) fraudulently inaugurated president, and a woman known more for her sleeping arrangements than for any successful executive experience, was trotted-in as vice president.

Sham president Biden began his term as expected, exhibiting cognitive dissonance and a frantic determination to begin legislating by signing more than 40 executive orders immediately, canceling many Trump orders. Obama and Trump authorized less than 10 during their first year. Biden is unable to speak with leaders of foreign nations, as is traditional, and has sham VP Harris handle the calls instead. He has avoided his State of Union Address. We should be mindful that sham VP Harris knows nothing about foreign policy; what does she say to those foreign leaders?

Biden's mental incapacity is so pronounced now that we should be asking who is making the every-day decisions, for example, who decided when and where Iran was recently attacked? Who made that decision? How will Biden (or Harris) handle North Korea? I try to imagine Ms. Harris engaging with Mr. Kim about nuclear issues. What about China's planned attack on Taiwan? The South China Sea?

And then there are the special issues of Communist China, a personal friend and business associate of sham president Biden for years when he was pimping his son Hunter out for the family's huge, lucrative deals, in the billions. Then there are the two laptops with "tens of thousands of tapes, photos, and documents of a criminal nature, including drugs, child porn, and Hunter's participation in this conduct. See: Tucker Carlson footage of Tony Bobulinski (a Biden family CEO) interview on Biden family, with credible, emails, text messages, phone calls, credit cards, and Homeland Security Committee corroboration.

But, nobody wants to hear the facts!

Imposed silence is also clear evidence that the liberal media are enemies of the American people (free speech). This is why it's so difficult to show any facts proving the Biden family has been a criminal syndicate for many years. It's just too astounding for many to believe, but those credible emails, text messages, phone calls, credit cards, and Homeland Security Committee corroboration establish the facts.

I've strayed again from the message. Watch closely and ask - who is acting as chief executive of the United States? Who is pretending to be Commander in Chief of our armed forces? Who is in charge of the "atomic football" (which 30-plus Democrats signed a petition to have removed from Biden's possession)? It's NOT Joe! And Kamala is clueless.

Our government has fragmented. Time to duck and cover - or get Trump back!



My thanks to David Johnson for his letter and (the recently late) Rush Limbaugh's final letter to President Trump. Rush was one of the greatest political thinkers, communicators, and patriots of the past 100 years. I agree completely with Rush's assessment of President Trump's character and extraordinary accomplishments in four short years. His fraudulent election defeat marks the beginning of the end of our American Republic if this crime remains unacknowledged, the criminal conspirators escape conviction, and if courts fail to provide absolute protection against such future treason. For now, American democracy is in severe jeopardy, at the point of communistic conversion. Beware the Democratic Party and its Chinese Communist Party subversives.


Response to "Second Opinion", by Kelly Scoles.

Hello, Kelly.

How can I correct you? Let me count the ways.

Let's begin with your statement "...the weaponry retrieved from the mob in Trump's Capitol War." No firearms were found on the 100 or so rioters who entered the Capitol building. Among the 100,000-plus demonstrators outside the Capitol, weapons were found on Capitol grounds and elsewhere. "The grounds immediately surrounding the U.S. Capitol are bordered by a stone wall and cover an area of 58.8 acres." Inside the Capitol, during the riot, weapons "...including hockey sticks, flagpoles, fire extinguishers and a police shield stolen from an officer" were found. This is not to say the invasion was not criminal in itself. But it's interesting to note that despite the trashing of office files, most office floor lighting and furniture was largely undamaged, and the building was not set on fire, as is typical of serious rioting (like last summer) by BLM and Antifa.

Also, the single death by firearm was due to a poorly instructed Capitol police officer who had not learned to leave his trigger finger out of the trigger well and along the slide, instead. The rest of the officers complied with this universal safety manual of arms requirement and did not fire. Video shows a rioter throwing a fire extinguisher at the head of a police officer, who later did die of other causes.


Texas Governor Abbott is renowned for quick action. Video shows him wondering why Biden was taking so long to respond to his appeals for assistance in this once-in-a-hundred years emergency. Many suspect political revenge. Abbott merely encouraged Texans to be strong, as they are famous for being, while explaining the large range of emergency actions being taken. The guilt for insufficient preparedness lies with the Texas grid company, ERCOT.


Senator Ted Cruz (whom I admire for courage, truthfulness, and intelligence) took his two daughters south for a long-planned vacation - and promptly returned home to Texas. He's a good Dad.


As for your libel of Rush Limbaugh, who died last week: "...if the truly malign state of political affairs in the country could be laid at the feet of any one person, it would be Limbaugh." You say he is guilty of routine comments which were "...rude, cruel, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, conspiratorial, and undemocratic, things that [others] were too afraid or "civilized" to say." It must be exasperating to run out of nasty adjectives in the middle of a tirade, so long before you run out of never-Trump hatred. Rush got the central issue in American politics today right, as you recall, “Democrats were enemies of the state and were '"not entitled to govern.'"

The outrage of the 2020 fraudulent election steal (scientifically, indisputably proven by numerous means - and now admission!) affirms the validity of this last condemnation.

I first heard Rush on radio in Seattle, in the late 1980s. Given the fanatical liberal bias in that city, I wondered how long it would be before the enemies of free speech shut him down. He was a singularly positive phenomenon! He gave hope to a dying conservative populace, and 32-years later he finished the race, accomplishing a true miracle of political enlightenment.

Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, for he was a genuinely good man.



A response to Kelly Scoles “Second Opinion.”

It's often challenging for a conservative to debate a liberal because, in responding, the conservative usually has to spend so much time correcting so many false premises of the liberal that too much time is eaten up to reach a valid conclusion.

I'm not knit-picking, here are some examples, (paraphrased): "Vast majority, Republican Senators don't care that Trump violated every democratic standard of high office, and every oath he took - inciting a riot." Let's remember, he was acquitted by the Senate. He was found innocent of inciting riot. (To shorten responses all will be paraphrased.) "House managers did good job..." House managers did a pathetic job, had absolutely no evidence, and the RS did not "twirl and show knickers.” They were steadfast, as though wearing kilts; and no one knows what lies beneath a kilt!

You continue: True, "McConnell took to the podium claiming Trump guilty as charged". True as well, McConnell was without kilt, shaming the entire Congress with his flowery knickers - not Knickerbockers mind you, true knickers.

"The Senate established jurisdiction over a private citizen? If so, be careful. The omnipotent Senate may impeach you for associating with the conservative Gazette, destroying any future political office you may have been coveting. "Past bad presidents refrained from like conduct because of likely consequences." Not true! Hillary Clinton, once denounced as the "Bi.ch Goddess of Untruth", continues to enjoy popularity among her Marxist friends. The person responsible for that sobriquet was unfairly criticized; after all, she was elevated to a supreme distinction, not merely royalty, like a duchesse.

About those "...white nationalists and militia fringe groups". With true blood-letting arsonists, looters and killer-anarchists in the Antifa-BLM family keeping us busy, who has time to search for the White Lives Matter Too folks? After all, they weren't burning and looting throughout last year's (cop-hating) $3-billion Seattle "Summer of Love".

"The president advocated it (Capitol riot)”. Once again, not so. The FBI, Nancy Pelosi and others knew, weeks before the break-in, that the riot was planned, including pre-placed pipe bombs. Again: "Trump threw gasoline on their heavily armed impulses to save their country." None of the 100 or so intruders were armed. The woman killed was shot by a poorly trained police officer. None of the other deaths were due to deadly force - including the alleged fire extinguisher.

Your hatred of Donald Trump is uncovered by your description of him being "emotionally-crippled, and unprincipled". His nearly 80-million ardent supporters disagree with you. But we at the Gazette salute our First Amendment which confers, from God, your right to say such things, even when misguided. "We were given opposable thumbs...so we could use them.” At last, I have to agree with you. Those thumbs can indicate rejection - with a downward motion indicating outrage at the fraudulent election steal and unconstitutional impeachment of an ex-president with a perfect alibi - and an extraordinary, patriotic record.

I have to rest my case because it is 12:30 and I'm an old man.


Just one more thing, Kelly. Last week you intruded the "artist" Jackson Pollock into the conversation. Haven't heard much about that man for a long time. But a quick check of his work confirms my previous opinion. Art historians will scoff (or throw something) but when a man can become famous by dribbling any kind of paint on a large floor canvass (even auto body paint, applied with a turkey baster) (...Dubbed "Jack the Dripper" by Time magazine) and have his work sell for big bucks, I wish I had someone with similar talents to sell subscriptions for me. His work should be left on the floor. I continue to think that any purchaser of his "paintings" has to be a clueless liberal. But....

"No. 5, 1948, by Jackson Pollock sold in 2006 for $140 million. At the time, it was the most expensive painting ever sold. It was originally sold in 1949 for $1,500."

Just the same, Kelly, I prefer paintings from the tube and brush, not a can of paint and a turkey baster - and the person who bought that 1948 No. 5 was a loon.

To think that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre-Auguste_Renoir Renoir and Manet can be had for under $70mil today - now that's a bargain.

It's comforting to hear that Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi sold for US$450.3 in November 2017, top of the market today. And they didn't ask me - but I don't think it's a Leonardo! Probably just done by someone who hung around the studio. It used to be that you could buy a Van Gogh for an arm, a leg, and an ear. Today you can take one home for something near the $70s - the same with a Manet.

But I really digress because I'm tired of thinking about catastrophic politics.

One last thing, Kelly, and excuse my English and ignorance, but - what the hell is a Pimms Cup, and who painted it?


A response to Mary Scoles "Second Opinion."

Saying "Second impeachment and second trial for one president" certainly makes the whole thing sound official, even important. But most Americans know by now the American Democratic Party of years-gone-by has mutated, it is no more. The mutation it has suffered is a disease, a genetic disorder, which has unleashed it to the dark side of reality where truth is a stranger. All the impeachment efforts by Democrats are national embarrassments.

The cause? The cause is a self-destructive, near suicidal craving for power - at any cost. So, after the stunning 2016 election loss, the Party was Woke to this promise: "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." So, they knelt before their demigods, and the scheme proceeded.

An astounding admission of the election coup can be found here: "But surprise, surprise, the cabal has come out of the closet in a shocking piece that ran in Time magazine titled: "The Secret Bipartisan History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election" by Democrat-with-byline Molly Ball” https://www.time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/ Now that the traitors feel home free, they boast of their success. Molly continues: "That's why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream — a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. [emphasis mine].” She is talking about the enemies of our democracy.

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/02/hubris_elites_brazenly_gloa... "Control flow of information" (like Hunter Biden crimes) see "demigods": Big Tech, in particular, Facebook, Googel, Alphabet, Amazon, and Apple. These demigods worship themselves, while demanding veneration by all others. But the god they must worship is Communist China, which supplies an endless flow of cash to grow treason in America. Throughout the years the cry of "Cash! Cash for souls!" can be heard. And many are bought out of the highest places - Congress, Wall Street, Unions, Education, the Deep State and State Government, all are corrupt. The ravenous appetite for Chinese money consumes all natural political virtues, including Truth, Justice, and what used to be the American Way of Freedom. Millions of Americans have died in battle to preserve these virtues, now so frivolously discarded by Marxist Democrats.

And the true American patriot, as always, pays the price, like Mike Lyndell. (Mike should be helped by Republican billionaires!) Today, in the political arena, the law itself plays pimp to China, procurer for Wall Street, Big Tech, and the rest of America's obsequious defectors. Nothing matters to them but power, and money provides that on an unprecedented scale. Traitors all.

These multi-billion-dollar defamation lawsuits by Dominion and Smartmatic seem suicidal to me. Believe it or not, pristine scientific statistical, mathematical, mechanical and now thousands of sworn eye-witness affidavits, should be sufficient prima facie proof of the fraud, for any honest court. But who actually caused it? Not us, Dominion will say; we just sold the machines. But no one knew those machines better than the company that designed them, and the design facilitated fraud, with how-to instructions. They no longer owned the machines or software. On the other hand, the defendants will yell "res ipsa loquitur!" (the thing, fraud, speaks for itself). I hasten to say I'm not a lawyer, just someone who likes to toss foreign words around once in awhile. I wish I could have a front row seat at this trial! I think Dominion must show malice, something I think that's hard to prove vis-à-vis mountains of scientific proof of actual fraud. Dominion might try the Bart Simpson dodge: "I Didn't Do It, Nobody Saw Me Do It, There's No Way You Can Prove Anything!" In any event, the defendants here will probably respond with a lawsuit, or more, of their own. A brutal tactic of the Democratic Party Left is to crush the defendant with overwhelming costs of litigation, when there is little merit to the case, like they did to General Flynn, to intimidate and/or destroy. Remember, Dems have access to more money than they can use. (Mark Zuckerberg gave nearly half-BILLION to Dems in the Georgia run-off!)

But I digress!

Mary, I think the Gazette has been generous to you with its space over the years. That generosity will continue - res ipsa loguitur!

Jayson Pollack was a liberal - with lousy taste. Trump's "2021 Capitol War" was really a typically specious, 12-hour, attack on Republicans, after Dems encouraged arson, mayhem, and murder all summer long. Cancel Culture could, if not stopped, cancel our democratic culture. "Marjorie Something Greene" before winning by 70-percent of her electorate, said some spooky things. She recanted. It's not the business of the Democrat House to Cancel Republican members of whom they disapprove! Leave that to her constituency. When will Democrats begin apologizing for their (Maxine Waters's, et al.) violent threats, lies, and foolery? Ms. Greene received a standing ovation for her courage - she was standing tall against the enemy.

Mary, you mock the efforts of conservatives to get justice with due process relating to this last presidential election. You see no fraud though it's clearly proven. To put all of the fraudulent electoral machinations, by the persons and organizations mentioned above, into one place, would shift the planet's gravity. I feel sorry for the many individuals who have to endure the Dominion lawsuits; even if they "win" it will ruin them financially. The suit intimidates those seeking truth and justice in American government, by design. My feeble hope is for billionaires on the Right to assist the defendants in this case, to level the playing field. Otherwise, the "god" and demigods of this world will have stolen our democracy and the American dream.


Hello, Mary (Scoles).

This time I'm determined to finish engaging in a few issues with you without interruption. While the success of the criminal conspiracy to install Joe Biden as "president" of our country will forever preoccupy my thoughts, this China virus, as co-conspirator, is also high on my list of troubles.

As for "the increasing mutation of Covid-19" I offer an expose' on Dr. Fauci. On the issue of masks, I'm a little confused. See: "If One Mask Doesn’t Work, Try Two, or Three, or Four"… - Ted Noel, MD, American Thinker, Jan 31, 2021.

Let me run through some of your statements. My information on the influenza pandemic comes from a very informative book: The Great Influenza, by John M. Barry, (Penguin, 2005).

Strong evidence shows that the influenza pandemic of 1918 started with "...someone from Haskell County, Kansas, carried the influenza virus to Camp Funston. Around February of 1918. “Within three weeks eleven hundred troops at Funston were sick enough to require hospitalization. Twenty-four of the thirty-six largest Army camps were soon infected." Quickly thereafter thirty of the fifty largest cities in the country were also infected.”

To shorten the history, American troops going to France to fight in WWI infected allies, and then the German troops. Why labeled "the Spanish Flu"? Spain being neutral during the war, Spanish newspapers were not censored, and details of the war, including the flu, could not harm the Spanish military. Coverage by the warring states was censored to avoid damaging morale of their troops.

How many died world-wide? "In the 1940s Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel Laureate who spent most of his scientific life studying influenza, estimated the death toll at 50 to 100 million." "...with most of the deaths coming in a horrendous twelve weeks in the fall of 1918 -- in excess of 5 percent of the people in the world died." "The worst mortality figures fell upon those aged twenty-one to thirty."

You mention "many theories" about when, where, and why COVID-19 erupted. The recent FOX news program, Steve Hilton, investigates origins of COVID-19, links to US commissioned research, Jan. 25, 2021 - 15:49 - 'The Next Revolution' host breaks down the evidence surrounding the origins of COVID-19. This is truly alarming information concerning Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top virus expert in the U.S. It turns out that COVID-19 was purposefully designed in a dangerous "gain of function" research project. Its goal was (is) to create truly "novel" viruses that can be transmitted to human hosts 10 to 20 times more easily than normal. This project (gain of function) was funded for 3 years, in China by Dr. Fauci, after the Obama administration ordered a stop to the experiment for being far too dangerous. Formal, detailed documentation of this expose' is solid.

Fauci funded the China research with $3Million, for three years, despite the stop order from Obama. This activity has given the world numerous "novel " Frankenstein viruses, completely unknown before, weaponized through extraordinary reverse genetic engineering, and many times more infectious and lethal than any known natural viruses. It's unfair to call it a Frankenstein thing. After all, Mary Shelley's 1818 novel did not make her creature evil. It had no name and was created by Dr. Frankenstein; but Dr. Fauci's communist, man-made super virus is indeed entirely evil. Every American must view this report to see why "the virus" will not go away, normally. This FOX report is spectacularly well supported by official documentation, names, dates, and amounts.

Dr. Fauci (hero to unsuspecting millions) now exposed as a mad scientist in league with the enemy for pay, to advance Communist China's newest, quietest, most indiscriminately devastating tool of death. After Joe Biden, just how many Gain-of-Function Judas clones can be tolerated before its checkmate for America?

Let's hear it for Dr. Anthony Fauci, the world's top disease designer. He could soon have America in an arm-bar hold for total submission to Communist domination. China expresses this goal boldly. The expert on this issue is Michael Pillsbury. In his The Hundred-Year Marathon: "Pillsbury marshals a lot of evidence showing the Chinese government has a detailed strategy to overtake the US as the world’s dominant power. They want to do this by 2049, the centennial of China’s Communist revolution." This should not be news to anyone paying attention to world events.

This is why I see so much darkness in America's near future. First, we witness a grotesquely fraudulent presidential election (and failed judiciary) placing the nation into frighteningly incompetent Marxist hands, then encountering Communist China's "perfect" weapon of silent mass destruction. How can we respond defensively when unable to definitively prove the source - of perhaps repeated attacks? And we destroyed our defensive stocks of chemical-biological weapons long ago - to assuage liberal sensitivities. Maybe we suffered an attack of stupid-gas at that time.

My friends, Almighty God is still in charge. If we get back in step maybe He will hear our prayers for help amongst the sound of oncoming Communist boots.


I'm not a pessimist, although an honest discernment of America's near-term health, safety and independence is, in my opinion, not good. Frankly, due to the theft of our last election, it's dark. The most painful part is the fact that we (Trump electors) have no remedy for this shocking, unprecedented treason. Constitutionally, we should have been able to at least halt the action and spotlight the crime. It didn't happen.

Fraud was expected by Republicans. It has always been a seasonal experience, especially in "election sewers" like Georgia and Pennsylvania. Until the last possible day fair-minded voters believed that our proverbial "court of last resort" would come to the rescue and stop the steal. Instead, our Supreme Court justices turned their backs, refusing even to look at the mountains of carefully prepared evidence of systemic fraud. This collapse of judicial integrity hit the Republican electorate wronged by the fraud, a second time, like an unexpected Mike Tyson smashing right to the face. The injured 80-million were left without recourse. The American judicial system lost many believers, including myself.

The treacherous Never-Trump Left triumphed in its infamous assault on our Constitution, destabilizing the Republic. Like that crack in the Liberty Bell, it will never be fully repaired.

I've always had a special love for the law. Haunting used bookstores in my college years, I purchased two special books, when cash was always short, for $50 apiece. One tome was an unabridged dictionary of Shakespeare, the other "Cooley's Blackstone: Commentaries on the Laws of England”. I enjoyed perusing the Commentaries. When America was still young every lawyer needed one. I was also impressed to find it so infused with Christian tradition. Both books are still in my library. Though the internet has made them more quickly available, there's nothing like the original.

So, a special sadness brackets the anger I feel at the clear demise of our Constitution by the men and women whose sacred duty it is to preserve and defend it. These traitors deserve a special place in history, as in Dante's Ninth Circle of Hell. "This final, deepest level of hell is reserved for traitors, betrayers and oathbreakers (its most famous inmate is Judas Iscariot)".

There seems to be no remedy for the stolen election. But, the damage done, the perpetrators are ecstatic with the results. The long-term consequences will be catastrophic, starting immediately with crazy executive orders; Biden will sign anything because he is indelibly compromised by China, his old partner in crime, and his rabid left wing. In short, the lengthy Biden family criminality throughout Europe and Asia will go uninvestigated and unpunished. All of the criminal members of the nation's highest offices (FBI, CIA, NSI, DOJ, etc.) will go uninvestigated and unpunished as well. All the bogus investigative "evidence" of Trump "Russia Collusion (4-years)" will disappear. The Clintons will escape, again. The corrupt players of the Obama administration are on for a second run - untouched. The fix is in to pack the court, eliminate the filibuster, make the DC and Puerto Rico give birth to additional senators and representatives, and end the Republican Party forever. We will then be a one-party organization, like California, no longer a Republic. A clean sweep for villainy.

In other words, justice will never be done -- despite four years of phony investigations, leaving hundreds of innocent individuals defamed, financially ruined, and otherwise injured, without recourse. Eventually, the whole tragic story will be told for posterity's sake, a lesson of government betrayed, how the Republic fell. We must remember who did this to us.

One of America's greatest, most successful Presidents, Donald Trump, will leave condemned by treacherous Democrats, but a hero to 80-million Republicans. Adding insult to treason, today, Democrats have launched a vengeful and preposterous second impeachment. The law no longer applies to that Party.

War with China is inevitable, as is its attack on Taiwan. The China virus will stay because Mr. Xi enjoys his new weapon. New viruses will appear from China because China uses it as a choke hold in preparation for further aggression. Israel, having lost her best friend in Donald Trump, will probably have to attack Iran, alone. Trump was abandoned by friends and betrayed to his communist enemies.

I've seen the fullness of America's government decrepitude in this last election steal, to place an illegitimate "president" in office. I have lost my trust in the integrity of most of our institutions, our Congress, our courts, and in the state infrastructure. America has been infected with a double virus, one foreign and one domestic. We are now wobbling into the future with a bastardized "president" trying to stay awake.

But not to worry - it will be fearless Kamala to the rescue.

The End.


My thanks for letters from Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson, Kelly Scoles, and Art Sandford Sr.

No response required here for the Johnsons, there words speak for themselves.

Hello Kelly. My apologies for being unable to answer your letter last week. Just ran out of time and space. I certainly hope the country continues to be stable, but honestly, we're in for a dangerously rough time.

Hello Art.

I appreciate your response to last week's comments.

It's always tough to break through that liberal trademark barrier of reality-denial in order to engage in argument, but I'll try.

In order to save time, I would skip the "inferences" you mention. Let's just talk facts, verifiable by a half-dozen means.
First, I congratulate you and greatly respect your father for his distinguished military service to our country. I'm glad you inherited his strong anti-communist beliefs. Virtually all members of my family, both sides, as well as myself (though most in no-war years) served our military. In particular, my great uncle Edward Eaton served the Union during the Civil War, and I am honored to retain his infantry saber and sash. When did you serve, Art?

But we're crossing swords, metaphorically, as individuals with strongly different political ideas. While I certainly respect your views and your right to express them, I do the same for myself, that makes life interesting.

You continue to vilify Jay Valentine's work on election fraud. Clearly, you haven't read his voluminous materials or studied his methods, or reputation. Here are a few more experts: Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Peter Navarro, Dec 17, 2020. ‘The Immaculate Deception’ Report, Russell Ramsland, Patrick Byrne, Special Report with Patrick Byrne. They provide factual, scientific proof of systemic fraud. I ask you to challenge these facts, and/or methods. Incidentally, (thanks to Big Tech) blog evidence is being removed from the internet: "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." I used it last week! Isn't free speech great!

You say "The challenges facing this country can only be met through thoughtful, civil discourse and rationale, well-planned actions." Hard to have civil discourse when the platforms of speech are arbitrarily removed. Where was your side's "civil discourse" during the $2-billion riot-fests of 2020, with all the arson, theft and murder? If you were not sympathetic to the Democrats during the incessant 4-year attacks on Trump, are you just kind of angry about Making America Great Again? Otherwise, what are we debating?

I think it wasn't unreasonable for me to assume you were a Democrat (being sympathetic to that Party's animus to Trump) by your statements. I have to chuckle somewhat at hearing Harvard Data Science Review. I can find 10 truly unbiased forensic studies for every Harvard one. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer (study above), until this obvious fraud issue popped up, had only contributed to Democrats. Your Ph.D in Education is no more helpful in the forensic auditing of large scale statistical data pattern analysis, than my J.D. would be helpful, or, for that matter, Mrs. Biden's Ed.D. The work has been done by the most eminent statistical data pattern analysis experts; why not look at it, even though the courts shamed themselves by refusing to do so? By characterizing the election as "...fairly mundane" you show yourself to be either untruthful or willfully ignorant. The science is there! Scientific refutation is not.

You question the number of co-conspirators needed to pull-off the scam in 50 states. Again, you have not studied the issue. Where have you been? All sides concede that only the "swing states" would be needed, and that is where the fix was accomplished. Though 3,000 affidavits tell of individual voting fraud, the truly massive fraud came with the internet-attached Dominion machines. To understand exactly how to do it one has only to read the Dominion manuals. There are several video demonstrations available on YouTube as well. Dominion is famous as a do-it-yourself fraud machine. See: Election Fraud Evidence - Jovan Hutton Pulitzer - YouTube. Shall we duel with the links? Mine are objective, scientific, and open to forensic analysis.

As to "insurrection deniers on right wing media" (didn't know there were any right wing left), it was a strange insurrection indeed - a hundred or so colorful felons easily entering the capitol (video shows police opening barrier for them) stopped within 24-hours, and one officer who didn't know how to handle his firearm. All criminals will be punished strongly, unless found to be Antifa or BLM veterans of last summer's 6-month, $2-billion, multi state riots. Now that was true insurrection, in duration and intention.

I'm crushed by your mean-hearted characterization of "Mr. butt-hurt Trump and his acolytes." You crucify him for allegedly bad manners, yet you invite Biden and Harris to the inaugural table, though we are warned: "Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine." In ignoring the warning, today we've also tossed the crown jewels.

The nation will miss him very soon after he's gone. By its desperate fraud the Democrat Party (and its Deep State conspirators) have deprived the nation of a great leader at a crucial time, and 4-years of future stability. America will be eaten from the inside out, like the Biden family has been doing for years. We're going to experience a dystopian horror show with Joe Biden shouting Olly olly oxen free while the slimiest of power-craving swamp creatures will be seen quickly slithering for power positions.

Today, despite Potemkin appearances, the world is viewing an extraordinary inaugural crime scene. Eighty million Americans have had their nation stolen through an audacious, fraudulent conspiracy. We now have a virtual president controlling the nation's power as Commander in Chief, with his revolting sidekick for back-up. The Deep State will again coalesce and continue its transformation of the Republic to a globalized socialist underling among nations. Communist China will subsume our Judeo-Christian culture and economy, eventually treating us like the Uyghurs, once Autonomous, now enslaved by the millions. Democrats have sold-out America for money, lots of cash. The Big Tech coffers will swell beyond our understanding with deals made in China - but, eventually, an omnivorous communist China will eat them as well.

As Joe Biden and his venal consort approach the swearing-in, I see only a Catholic Judas and a gleeful [!@#$] of Babylon bringing up the rear.

Only an omnipotent miracle can save us now.


Hello Tom Somers.

Nice to see you back. I apologize for lack of time and space. Just time for one thought -- have you ever read the Black Lives Matter manifesto on their website, about their hatred for the traditional family, etc.?


Once again I have three letters to respond to: Marjie Bartels, Kelly Scoles, and Art Sandford Sr.

Dear Mrs. Bartels, thanks for the letter. I too am sensitive about flags, especially our American flag which is so frequently burned by radical leftist Democrats and their BLM-Antifa-compatriots. May I suggest a good old-fashioned American solution? Why not have the Board members vote on whether to fly that flag? No mail-ins. No adjudications. Paper ballots only!

Just a friendly suggestion. Good luck.


Thanks again Mr. Sanford.

There is no need for you to fear that your letter would not be published. I have always invited opinions contrary to my own, and (forgive the humorous size comparison) but unlike Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Sundar Pichai, I encourage controversy instead of stifling it, though the audience is much smaller.

To be fair, I think you should check your notes again about Jay Valentine, because I know how scrupulous Democrats are about seeking political truth. Not that I doubt your knowledge of statistical pattern analysis, and forensic audit analysis by data scientists, several of whom on my list, have multiple PhDs, but can you give us your credentials? "...nothing statistically impossible about Biden's win"? let me refer you to just one source among scores of others: American Thought Leaders with @JanJekielek @AmThoughtLeader. I've provided about 10 others in recent weeks, all world-renowned specialists.

Here's a typical pathetic challenge to Jovan Pulitzer's expertise, about his ability to digitally examine millions of ballots to scientifically prove if ballots are authentic or fake. He says we need to access the physical and digital ballots and within seconds can determine authenticity. His technology and approach have nothing to do with accessing the actual Dominion or other vendor machines. He's still waiting to access those ballots (which, by law, are owned by the American people for 22 months following the election). Why are the managers keeping the data from us?

Jovan Pulitzer responds to GA Voting systems manager,Gabriel Sterling, for GA Secty. of State Office, Jan 4, 2021 Full report https://youtu.be/ViJt9gvM1wk.

When you talk of "multiple statistical models predicting Biden victory" those must have come from Biden's basement. A minimum of effort will quickly debunk your false statement. Try it.

As for Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham, they are among the last minute swarms of faint-hearted sunshine soldiers who couldn't take the heat.

One last word about the outrage at the nation's capitol. Hundreds of thousands gathered outside while a few hundred (Antifa-inspired) were actually ushered through the front barriers. They should be severely punished. By the way, evidence of Antifa's presence was found in the feces smeared inside the Capital - DNA would quickly identify the criminals. That's a BLM-Antifa trademark.

Lastly, Art, the ideology you seem to identify with is Marxist, Communist, Socialist -- and profoundly anti-Judeo-Christian. Let's settle for anti-Religion, according to the Founders, the absolute essential foundation of our democratic Republic, and without which our Republic is dissolving.

America was from its beginnings a Christian country - Judeo-Christian by inclusion. Spanish settlers came to St. Augustine, Florida more than 450 years ago, the oldest European settlement, in 1565. Jamestown was settled about 40-years later, the earliest English settlement. In 1604, the first European settlement north of Florida was established by French explorers Pierre de Monts and Samuel de Champlain. So it was that what became America, eventually the United States of America, was sandwiched between the Catholic French in Canada and the Catholic Spanish in St. Agustine, Florida, with Jamestown the oldest Protestant settlement - Plymouth Colony came a little later in September 1620.

Since those difficult early years America has prospered more than any other nation on earth. Blessed with two oceans protecting against foreign invasion before WWII, it also has some of the richest land and industrious people. The greatest blemish in American history was slavery, which was abolished by force during the Civil War, at the cost of 600,000 souls. Slavery exists today in parts of the Middle East, China and elsewhere. Forced labor is a fundamental tenet of Communism.

An essential part of Christian America has always been a democratic-republican form of capitalist government. This has made Americans the freest, most prosperous of countrymen under a solid Constitution - our primary source of law.

But our Founding Fathers agreed from the beginning, to a man, that the heart of this great experiment was religion. Without this requirement the whole thing would fail. Our ingenious Constitution permitted freedom of religion as one of our God-given rights - not merely a privilege. In our time religion has been degraded by foreign influence, namely variants of Communism, an atheistic system which hates God and seeks to replace our Republic. That scheme is working, and our religious values have all but disappeared. This can be clearly seen in the proven fraud which disenfranchised nearly 80-million pro-Trump voters.

I don't intend this to be a geography lesson, but geography is important, it once set us apart from political systems in other places that are not free, which still embrace slavery, such as China. Our downfall began in the 1960s, when the radical left (Democratic Party) preached drugs, abortion on demand, anti-military sentiments, and against traditional American Judeo-Christian culture. Our most deadly national enemies targeted, in particular, the American family. It was encouraged as much by what was not taught as by what was taught in school. Gone were the patriotic Christian truths of my youth, 1940s and '50s, when everyone was proud and thankful to be an American, when it was an acknowledged blessing, brought home by the aftermath of World War II.

In those war years, like today, we faced socialism (National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi) and Communism under Stalin's USSR, though only Churchill understood what lay ahead for the "free world" once Hitler was destroyed. Little has changed for the better. I guess that Frenchman was right - "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Americans are constantly lured to find a replacement for God. Power, through money or politics, is what "leaders" want again today. Since Big Tech has a new game to play with our lives (billionaires seeking to be trillionaires) it seems that, once more, religion doesn't stand a chance. Christians know the truth (final victory) but appear to have to undergo the 20th Century all over again to prove it. Evil exists, and we are in constant war with it. The most evil of men want to become short-term gods, gods with notoriously short shelf-lives - but with horrible, fiery special effects for the rest of us. This time they have become perilously close to achieving their fantasy, by allying with communism, socialism, and globalism.

Barack Obama said he would "fundamentally" change America. Joe Biden repeats the threat. Congress, the Supreme Court, Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Social Media, Deep State, Corrupt State Government, conspired to remove President Donald Trump from office. They are all complicit in the disintegration of our beautiful nation. They are guilty of the greatest crime in American history - but none will be punished. That the Joe Biden crime family will succeed to the presidency is nothing short of macabre.

Today, I see only amber waves of thorns. I think God has heard our prayers, and his answer was "No more. Live with what you have created as you can."


My thanks to Pastor Leslie Lanier, Dave Johnson, and Mary Scoles, for their letters. Also, my thanks to FUTA President Tammy Ferguson for her report on in-person instruction. (I strongly, if respectfully, support immediate opening of normal school activities - studies and sports.)


I am just starting on my column, and it's 11:15 p.m. I've spent too much time trying to organize the many links to 2020 election fraud evidence. I confess my fixation on these "elections" for the past year. It's the greatest scandal and national civic injury since the Civil War. It is also the greatest fraudulent election in human history. And, what that war won for us by the deaths of 600,000 souls, (liberty, unity, and justice) this universal scandal of the 2020 election is stealing away. I try to avoid sentimentality, but the means with which this election was stolen leaves me deeply saddened - and angry. Joe Biden does not belong in the White House - he belongs in prison. The US Senate, House of Representatives, and entire judicial system have betrayed their Constitutional oaths of office, i.e. “I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

The Founding Fathers worried about "factions", today's political parties. Today, the Democratic Party (faction) has shamelessly betrayed our country through a massive, treasonous conspiracy to unseat a duly elected president by means of criminal fraud. If there were such a thing as an Octogenarian Platoon, I'd be in the first squad with my trusty old M1 to secure a fair election. If Republicans lose in Georgia, they might finally understand that naivety and civility don't work in a knife fight with Democrats.

Bottom line: Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election; it was stolen by a sinister criminal conspiracy. President Donald Trump won this election by an historical landslide. The American governmental system abandoned him; no court would hear the evidence of fraud. As Hosea 8:7 states, "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."


As I write, I haven't dared to look at the final tally in the Georgia senatorial run-off election. I value a good night's sleep. But I'll look before leaving the office. I fear another notorious "razor-thin" loss, especially because the same Dominion system was used. How stupid was that?

(Up-date: -- (Checked before leaving the office and discovered that the FIX is in both elections - an extraordinary calamity. Another razor-thin theft.)

Regardless of the winners, the whole structure of my understanding of American national politics and civil society, especially of our law, has completely changed following events since the 2016 election. We are now a different, post Judeo-Christian, atheist nation. Atheistic, Communistic, Socialistic forces (represented by virtually all Media, Big Tech, Big Banks, Billionaire Globalists, Papal Venality, and all of our Communist enemies - especially China), have taken charge. Among the traitorous billionaires endangering our Republic is Mark Zuckerberg, who gave a half-billion dollars to the Communist Left, enough to bribe every Democrat from judge to bag lady (like Stacey Abrams).

Here is evidence of the kind of damage so-called Social Media did to the election process:
"Statistician and Fraud Expert Jay Valentine Weighs In: YouTube just announced that it will remove all videos “alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election”, uploaded on or after December 9, 2020. This is why most of the US heard nothing of the spectacular Hunter Biden criminal activity in China.

From American Thinker: Google/YouTube is erasing all evidence of election fraud - 12/10/20 We have entered a truly Orwellian world, with Google acting the part of Big Brother.

Both elections are invalid due to wholesale fraud across the board. The old legal dictum, "Fraud vitiates consent" applies here. Voters did not consent to subjecting themselves to a fraudulent process. This is the foundation of legitimate demands for an audit of both election outcomes, including details of proven fraudulent activity.

We now know both elections were tabulated by machines designed to cheat. Both elections were run through machines illegally wired to the internet. Both elections were illegally tabulated in Europe. Many forensic inspections show obvious fraud in the vote spikes, and in the shutdown of ballot counting absent required Republican oversight.

Democrat claims that 50-plus courts rejected the evidence of election and voter fraud are untrue. The fact is that NO COURT WOULD CONDESCEND TO EVEN LOOK AT EVIDENCE. Carefully prepared briefs and complaints were denied a hearing on PROCEDURAL grounds, not substantial. They wouldn't look at the facts presented. Cases were deemed either too early or too late -- in this life-and-death Constitutional election! The courts aided and abetted the fraud!

It's hard for me to write when angry, and this column didn't turn out as planned. The distraction of this Georgia election, which gives the nation over to its enemies, has sort of stopped me in my tracks. So much evil will explode in our country if President Trump and Vice President Pence are unable to stop the steal; unprecedented damage will happen quickly.

As they say in dire combat situations, "They're in the wire!" Time to fix bayonets!


It's impossible to fairly summarize the complexity and audacity of the 2020 criminal conspiracy to steal the election. It is truly colossal in scope, implicating enemies foreign and domestic. It is an indictment of the Democratic Party, our most powerful US government departments, financed by virtually all social media, Wall Street, and our most infamous foreign enemies, including communist China. Indeed, it can be seen as a coming-out party for communism. Evidence of this global cabal, from the Pope in Rome to Xi Jinping in China, has been clearly revealed with all its remarkable coordination. The name of the game is "take-out Trump" at all costs. If there is any life left in our subverted Republic, this astonishing evidence should see Trump reelected - by a landslide of historic proportions. Otherwise, this nation has been undone.
This column simply lists a series of indisputable forensic proofs of massive election and voting fraud, produced by engineering and mathematical geniuses, in order to save our Republic. Democratic anti-Trumpers yell for proof -- HERE IT IS, IN SPADES -- A Royal Flush!


Mr. Somers, I thank you for your letter, also Kelly Scoles, concerning my last REALITIES column. I encourage letters, especially those that strongly disagree with my opinions (otherwise, life is boring) - but not so much those disputing facts. I still welcome them but have no worthwhile response other than to lay-out those facts to review. Here, you question facts, as millions of uninformed American voters continue to do - until (as is happening now) they see what has happened to our election process. I hope I can convince you of the unprecedented criminal conspiracy which robbed 80-million Republicans of their voting rights - and threatens our Republic, so you can join in the rescue effort on January 6.

In 2000, Gore conceded, then soon rescinded his concession, then conceded again after 36 days and a final Supreme Court decision. Today, our Supreme Court has disgraced itself in the eyes of 230-million citizens seeking due process of law and equal protection of the laws, as our 14th Amendment demands - by refusing to even consider the extraordinary (quantitative and qualitative) evidence of election fraud.

The question is: if definitive factual evidence would convince you that a massive criminal conspiracy to rig the 2020 election occurred -- would you still support a Biden win? Would you then understand the righteous outrage being expressed by pro-Trump voters? Would you then demand correction? Well, here's your chance to evaluate the facts and come to a fair and honest conclusion.

The following links present several expert analyses, produced by world-eminent scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, and forensic cybersecurity analyst experts, which prove the extent of fraud in the 2020 "election". They challenge skeptics to "Prove us wrong"! This foreign intervention itself amounts to formal acts of war.

This election fraud has to be described in terms of superlatives to be understood - as the Republic's last hope under attack. One example: Joe Biden will soon be shown to be, historically, (with his whole family) America's greatest felon. Wife, son (Hunter), brother, et al, have betrayed this country for decades by selling influence (access) to the President and other high officials, while laundering billions. Most recently: "Ukraine press conference explicitly ties Hunter and Joe Biden to corruption - 12/29/20 A newly released video from Ukraine provides more details about how millions [billions] of dollars from the Ukrainian people ended up in Biden family bank accounts." (see online).

And this utterly compromised man (China, Ukraine, et al.) would be President of the United States?? Now, do we understand the necessity for hyperbolical language?

Here are some of the men and women seeking to save us from a fraudulent election outcome. Among the best and brightest there is complete agreement: Joe Biden succeeded in stealing the election through massive fraud, and is therefore not electable.

JovanHuttonPulitzer ™ #JovanHuttonPulitzer@JovanHPulitzer. A NEW WAY TO DETERMINE FRAUD. Tech expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, best known for inventing the QR code, has rattled the Internet with his claim that illegal ballots can easily be identified. In an interview on Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman, Pulitzer, the holder of a number of patents, laments that the presidential election is not subject to even a grocery store standard when it comes to fraud detection and punishment. Pulitzer reminds us that when physical ballots go through the scanning machines, a duplicate copy is created. By law, an American voter owns this copy for 22 months after the election.

Peter Navarro, Dec 17, 2020. ‘The Immaculate Deception’ Report News Conference Transcript. Detailed analysis of the fraud conspiracy - machines, software, ballot manipulation, foreign tabulation, and timing. "White House Advisor Peter Navarro released his own 36-page report alleging election fraud called “The Immaculate Deception.” He presented the contents of the report in a press conference on December 17, 2020. Read the full transcript there".

Russell Ramsland: PDF: Dec 13, 2020. "Antrim Michigan Forensics Report REVISED PRELIMINARY SUMMARY, v2 Report Date 12/13/2020 Allied Security Operations Group. Antrim Michigan Forensics Report REVISED PRELIMINARY SUMMARY, v2 Report Date 12/13/2020A. WHO WE ARE 1. My name is Russell James Ramsland, Jr., and. I hold an MBA from Harvard University, and a political science degree from Duke University. I have worked with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), among other organizations, and have run businesses all over the world, many of which are highly technical in nature. I have served on technical government panels. 2. I am part of the management team of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC, (ASOG). ASOG is a group of globally engaged professionals who come from various disciplines to include Department of Defense, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency. It provides a range of security services, but has a particular emphasis on cybersecurity, open source investigation and penetration testing of networks. We employ a wide variety of cyber and cyber forensic analysts. We have patents pending in a variety of applications from novel network security applications to SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) protection and safe browsing solutions for the dark and deep web. For this report, I have relied on these experts and resources. B. PURPOSE AND PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS: Report Date 12/13/2020

The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election. 2. We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified." (emphasis mine).

Patrick Byrne, special report. "Despite efforts to block the truth from getting out, concerned citizens are working together to protect our election system and democracy. There is significant evidence that the 2020 election is one of the largest industrial frauds to take place in the history of the world. It is critical that Americans hold the line and ensure a fair election system is in place to protect our democratic republic. This week... Patrick Byrne is in the Economic War Room® to share election fraud insights he has helped uncover and explain the mathematical impossibilities of the vote in these six swing state counties.

Navid Keshavarz-Nia, Phd.: "In my expert judgment, the evidence is widespread and throughout all battleground states I have studied. I conclude the following: a. The vote count distribution in PA, WI, MI, AZ, NV, and GA are not based on normal system operation. Instead, they are caused by fraudulent electronic manipulation of the targeted voting machines. The unanimous decision to intentionally stop counting by all five battleground states is highly unusual, possibly unprecedented and demonstrates prior coordination by election officials in battleground states.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the inventor of email, [at age 14] is a scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, and Fulbright Scholar who holds four degrees from MIT including his PhD in Biological Engineering testifies about election fraud to a select committee of Arizona legislators. #everylegalvote. - Exposes how the 2020 election was rigged https://youtu.be/Ztu5Y5obWPk.

Jay Valentine, The Man That Actually Built EBay’s Fraud Protection Engine Exposes Voter Fraud. Explaining the Voting Switching Voting Hardware and Software: "Step 1 – The Canadian-owned DOMINION vote counting machines are used in 28 states. Step 2 – DOMINION gets its software from SMARTMATIC which is a Delaware company owned by Venezuelans close to the Communist Venezuelan Chavez and Maduro family. Step 3 – Then our votes are stored on a server in Frankfurt Germany. Step 4 – Then our votes actually get counted in Barcelona, Spain and Smartmatic has a special software feature that allows users to change votes."

Sidney Powell, a detailed 104-page complaint, working with attorney Lin Wood, containing sworn affidavits, by the thousands. SCOTUS refused to accept evidence.

It's time for angry, determined, retributive justice.


Merry Christmas everyone. Sorry to publish such a gloomy column but we're dealing with very solemn political realities. The future would be so utterly catastrophic should Joe Biden steal the election that I believe God will spare America one more time. Joe Biden will never set foot into the oval office if he's fended-off with prayer.


I believe this is the first time in 31 years that I have substituted my REALITIES column for another column. I do this because my "substitute" has earned my respect for boldly and clearly speaking the truth on critical issues concerning politics and religion. In my detailed study of the opinions he has expressed in his Church Militant programs over the years, I have never found an error.

Be forewarned, this is a conservative Catholic website, but non-Catholic American citizens will find his political information consistently accurate and trustworthy - especially in his (justified) contempt for most of today's corrupt Catholic hierarchy. Here he summarizes in particular the truly massive criminal voter and election fraud conspiracy proven to have manufactured the "win" for Joe Biden. Whether you're Catholic, or hate that church, Michael Voris' political commentary is uniquely valuable.

Bottom line: STOP the steal - save our Republic!

The Vortex, By Michael Voris
Dec. 18, 2020
It’s China
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.
The Chinese Communist Party got Joe Biden elected. That stunning revelation is coming from those investigating what went wrong on election night and the couple of days following.
It was done through a combination of software and computer hacks in a handful of key counties in the United States, which piled up impossible margins for Biden, which flipped those states, thereby flipping the Electoral College and handing the election to Biden — for now anyway.
The vehicle for doing all of this was a combination of software by a company called Smartmatic and the actual voting machines themselves from Dominion Voting Systems. Of course, both companies deny all the allegations. But their denials do not make the election fraud untrue.
The lead on all this is a man by the name of Patrick Byrne, a billionaire who was asked to assemble a team of leading experts by the state of Texas to investigate claims of voter fraud there after the 2018 midterm elections. Byrne is leading the research efforts for attorneys Lin Wood and Sidney Powell and their lawsuits laying all this out. [Special Report with Patrick Byrne, MASSIVE Electronic anomalies.] He's also working the company that conducted the forensic audit on Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan, which discovered fraud and published the finding in a 22-page report earlier this week [Russell James Ramsland, Jr] — a report, by the way, that Michigan's Secretary of State tried unsuccessfully to suppress.
So convincing is all the proof that the GOP in seven states have issued their own competing slates of electors. Tweet
Antrim County was the first domino to fall in this investigation of election night because after the solidly red county went way too much for Biden, a local citizen said, "something's wrong here." His inquiries forced the county to admit that 6,000 votes had flipped from Trump to Biden.
At first it was passed off as a "glitch," but as a Church Militant interview with expert Jay Valentine revealed, that sort of "glitch" is impossible; miscounts perhaps, but actually moving secured, tallied votes from one candidate to another — flipping them — the software doesn't have that capability. Why would it? Who would build that into a program that is designed to do nothing more than tally votes ... unless of course if someone wanted that to happen?
That was the finding of the forensic audit — that the software was not secure, could be hacked and that result could happen.
After news got around that the impossible "glitch" had occurred — which of course revealed the hacking potential — Michigan's Marxist-loving Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson issued a two-page letter blaming everything on human error by the clerk. That claim was untrue, as the forensic audit later proved.
Likewise, the state of Texas had rejected Dominion's overtures multiple times to buy their machines precisely because of their lack of security — meaning, they could be plugged into the internet and then an outsider could go into the tabulation software and shift votes around.
Likewise, a software update could be downloaded onto the machines — again by an outsider — which would introduce a mathematical equation, an algorithm would ensure a certain outcome.
That algorithm has been discovered by various researchers in the aftermath of the election — an algorithm that weighted Biden [in decimal] votes more heavily than Trump votes.
So for example, every vote received for Biden would count as one and a quarter votes and every vote counted for President Trump would only count as three-quarters of a vote for him.
When hundreds of thousands of votes are finished tabulating, that fractional difference would spell a very large margin. In fact, that was the very discovery revealed by a statistical model analysis, which lines up with multiple other models investigating what happened.
That model shows Trump actually won all the contested states — some by large margins — and here in Michigan gained 48.6% of the vote, enough to have probably won here as well.
Yet another analysis found that when all was said and done, Dominion machines — with their compromised software that was penetrable from the outside and downloaded software updates — added 3% to Biden on election night in key states.
If this is true — and it's all looking more and more likely — then Joe Biden did not win and is not the president. So far, all the Democrats have been able to say is "there's no evidence." But that, as we know by now, is completely false. ...
"... And as to China specifically, he [Byrne] says, "There's a chain of command basically from China through Iran to Cuba and Venezuela. The Chinese are funding Smartmatic through the Panamanian division of Smartmatic, but it bounces through Venezuela. There is code [Smartmatic] buried within the Dominion machines that has been turned up that seems to show Chinese provenance."

See also: Peter Navarro's "Immaculate Deception". December 18, 2020, complete details.


It's my lucky day. I have two letters to respond to, one from Kelly Scoles, and one from Art Sandford Sr. Thank you both. I'll do my best while trying to leave some space for myself.

Mr. Sanford Sr. first.
Hello Art, I've grown old and grey with Pebbles the Wonder Dog since we last spoke in the Gazette. To save space, let me answer your comments bullet-wise.

Trump did not bully his way through the 2016 Republican primaries. He just showed strength in the midst of weakness, and voters were fed-up with weakness.

Is there something wrong with being "primarily high school-educated, white (88%) conservatives"? This is the most blatant racist remark the Gazette has reported in many years. "Unfiltered" or on the rocks, most voters were (are) hungry for traditional American populism - I remember when "Truth, justice, and the American way" was more than a mere comic book slogan.

Thanks for the congratulations on Republican wins. You mock allegations of a rigged election due to "massive fraud", but how can you answer now-emerging, forensic evidence of such massive election fraud? More in my response to Kelly Scoles. However, let it suffice here to refer you to Russell Ramsland, of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC (ASOG), who just completed his forensic analysis of Dominion machines in Antrim County, Michigan. There is no "conjuring" here, just lead-pipe cinch facts. Why not present to court? We are trying on many levels, in several courts. Latest theory on rejections - death threats (and lethal incidents) against judges and families. On all other questions, see Russell Ramsland, or several other expert forensic scientists' analyses proving sophisticated, systemic, election-turning fraud.

Nice talking with you again, Art.


Hi Kelly (Scoles),
It's always a challenge to respond to your statements and opinions because they are, as here, so numerous. You question sources, statistical anomalies, adequate proof of fraud, court decisions, Gore v. Bush rationale, Republican reaction to fraud, Hillary Clinton's loss, Dems suspicions of (eternal) Russian interference, Hillary's tardy concession, Trump's alleged "emotional problems", the totality of Trump's "grift" and "malignant despotism"! Holy cow! Let's agree to disagree on all of the small stuff and concentrate on the central issue: systemic criminal election and voter fraud sufficient to invalidate the election.

By doing this I agree to avoid unloading that warehouse of conclusive evidence of Biden family crime (i.e. Tony Bobulinski documents.)

The volume of evidence proving election-voter fraud in the 2020 election overwhelms the normal ability to even present it to courts in the short time available. The race is on between frantic cover-up agents and patriotic whistleblowers. The Democrat criminal alliance of Party, media, big tech, Wall Street, state politicians, federal politicians (deep state), government agencies, and revealed foreign players, demands a heavy boot on the brakes to enable a timely, orderly disposition of facts. This evidence of fraud is dispositive. We have till January 20, by Constitutional writ, to implement a cure, and save our Republic. Let's count two basic ways this fraud demands invalidation of this election (Way over my word allotment):

(1) On the issue of voter fraud there are more than 1,000 sworn affidavits from eye-witnesses to illegal ballot processing and denial of Republican observation, etc..

(2) Formally documented fraudulent voting machines and software. Big data mathematical analysis reveals impossible national vote outcomes by unnatural anomalies. See: Russell James Ramsland, Jr.
www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/12/interesting_nuggets_from_the_antrim.... 1. My name is Russell James Ramsland, Jr., and I am a resident of Dallas County, Texas. I hold an MBA from Harvard University, and a political science degree from Duke University. I have worked with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), among other organizations, and have run businesses all over the world, many of which are highly technical in nature. I have served on technical government panels....

1.The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election.

2.We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.

"Additionally, the software was illegally changed, violating a legally mandated safe harbor period, including changes between tallies. Basic security was ignored. Logs were removed, and someone tried to delete the entire voting record." "This was a preliminary report, so you can expect more information. If what happened in Antrim County was repeated wherever Dominion systems are used, there's no doubt that a huge percentage of write-in votes were rerouted to people (some or all of whom may have been overseas). These people "adjusted" the votes to achieve a desired, Biden-esque outcome."

See also: Election Fraud Evidence - Jovan Hutton Pulitzer - YouTube "Jovan Hutton Pulitzer sets out how he can determine if there was wide scale voter fraud by means of scientific data" - high speed scanning of ballots alone (millions per day). Finding absolute proof quickly and easily without any concern for machine codes or Dominion software. "It is not necessary to establish who committed the fraud for the purposes of obtaining the correct results, his software can identify the exact number of fraudulent ballots and remove them from the count, declaring the true election results." Check his unimpeachable credentials as world renowned expert. This is a new way to determine fraud. This test should be done immediately. "This will determine if our vote will ever count again." Why would anyone object?

It's time to remove this pretender from his self-styled "Office of the President Elect". Our nation has not faced such a critical fight since the Civil War. As many are saying today: this a hill on which to die. The Supreme Court is our last hope. What happens two to four years from now is irrelevant. Our government cannot fall into the hands of two rank grifters. This election steal must be STOPPED - NOW.

So, Let's Roll!


Response to Kelly Scoles’ "Second Opinion" Letter to the Editor

Hi Kelly,
On the Republican side of this election there are no "baseless doubts" concerning election and voter fraud, as never before experienced in America. Their beliefs are based upon hundreds of documented cases. I provided a few links last week. I could provide hundreds more. You won't find them on any TV station, including FOX. A quick way to find these links is to consult the many "new" scrupulously, meticulously, mathematically accurate online blogs. A good start would be American Thinker. All provide solid facts concerning the massive, election-stealing fraud taking place. Check out Jay Valentine, Russell Ramsland, Navid Keshavarz-Nia, or Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD., all noted experts in their fields. You will find no honest examiner of the technical data and eye-witness evidence (sworn affidavits) of election and voter fraud to dispute this conclusion. Those who allege disbelief are either ignorant or dishonest.

Therefore, I have to believe you are ignorant of facts - have not confronted the evidence sufficiently before believing "The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history." This statement is the official lie of the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). I guess the biggest lies require the biggest titles. Have you at least read Powell's complaint? The judge didn't either.

Even the most naïve political neophyte anticipated fraudulent activity in this historical election, but not the scope. And the Republican Party was not naïve - just (as usual) not assertive enough. Again, no one anticipated the enormity of this orchestrated fraud. A few, like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Rep. U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, Senator Ted Cruz, and others filing scores of lawsuits seeking hearings in state and federal courts, have fought to be heard. The extent of judicial rejection so far indicates the depth of Judicial-political corruption.

About AG Bill Barr. He remains a mystery, acting like some fifth column ringer. For "Attorney General William Barr [to declare] Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election" appears to be a breathtaking betrayal of Trump and the truth. It is inexplicably stunning. But I'm not omniscient, and evidence is supposed to be examined before judgment can be fairly passed. For some reason Barr ignores manifestly present fraud.

You wonder why the Dominion and Smartmatic voting system could only "negate votes for Trump"? Well, that's the central point of the whole investigation. Again, go back to Jay Valentine for an explanation - and demonstration. These machines are designed and guaranteed to produce a pre-determined winner, regardless of the ballot count. This system is notorious for creating fraudulent results, on command, by way of its Smartmatic software. This is not a "mystery", it's a known fact. So, knowing this, why did the State of Georgia buy Dominion-Smartmatic systems for a cool $100 million dollars? And, by golly, it paid off! Paper ballots would be both cheaper and safer. Computer election systems should be banned because of inherent cheating capabilities.

As for Sydney Powell, she is attempting to find an honest court to take her 200-page complaint for a hearing. So far, no success. She is a bright, gutsy woman, demanding a fair presidential election. Because, as J. Robert Smith has said:
"If the presidential elections fraud succeeds, 74 million citizens will have their votes nullified. What would this act of disenfranchisement be other than war by other means?” And my vote was one of the 74 million.

You mock my statement about evidence of fraud being "too numerous to mention here." I've given you several links. Read them, inform yourself, it's exciting to view the largest election fraud in American history unfold. Learn about the internet connections, foreign ballot tabulation, distribution to communist China, Germany, Spain. Learn about all the ballot printing, dumping, re-scanning, missing thumb drives, etc. Learn of the bullying and exclusion of Republican vote watchers, stopping the ballot count, sending Republican observers home, then continuing the count unobserved for hours. It's all very exciting; issues too numerous to mention here - but easily available for honest inquiry.

Please study the details on election and voter fraud mentioned here. There'll be a quiz on Monday.

In all seriousness, what Jay Valentine discovered as industrial scale fraud in our 2020 presidential election must be acknowledged by our judicial system. It's my prayer that, at least, our Supreme Court is sufficiently bias free to render a verdict of no confidence in this year's election - necessitating either a fresh election or a declaration of Donald Trump's reelection. The civic health of our nation demands this - most Americans will not live under socialism.

American society is staggering under the weight of 40-plus years of political corruption. Cleaning things up will be a Herculean task. But if Hercules could flush-out the Augean stable in a day, Donald Trump can flush-out the deep state swamp - after a new, honest election - with another four years.

Otherwise, our Republic has come to an ignominious end.


The life of our Republic hangs by a thread today, due to an all-embracing election fraud perpetrated by the Democratic Party and its co-conspirators. The American electorate has never before experienced fraud of this magnitude. Besides the DEMs, Trump is facing the media, Big Tech, Wall Street, the education industry, corrupt judges-lawyers, crooked governors, mayors, Members of Congress - and criminal computer companies peddling their fraudware.

The conspirators themselves can best be understood as a group of energized, Trump-hating sociopaths, determined to destroy the President at any cost. Despite this juggernaut of evildoers pursuing him, Trump will finish as conquering hero. There is now an insanely intense race by all Never-Trump conspirators to halt fraud investigations cold, by intimidation, physical attacks, even death threats.

By keeping his promise to drain the DC swamp, the President has disturbed the deep lair of swamp monster, Joe Grendel Biden. It's now the task of Beowulf Trump to cut his head off. Excuse the awkward metaphor, but we are dealing with monsters here and courage is compulsory.

Here are the facts:
President Donald Trump has won the 2020 election by a documented landslide! Documented as well are the facts proving the time, methods and instruments used in the criminal attempt to steal this election. I say "attempt" because I have confidence in the courage and determination of lawyers like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, the large number of expert mathematicians, cyber engineers, acknowledged software and hardware specialists, who have studied the evidence and presented it for court hearings - with the hundreds of eye witnesses having provided sworn affidavits to the courts, of massive election fraud. Read what Russell Ramsland, co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, has to say about it, as well as many other top experts.

Read the history of Dominion, as I have, and the legal-political confusion will make your head spin. This product was specifically designed by gangsters to cheat, to guarantee a winner - for a high price (paid by Democrats).

Absolute proof of criminal design in the Dominion election computers is provided by indisputable expert testimony, like Ramsland, whose complete demonstration of Dominion's fraud capabilities is shown online. His video is "a primer, not about the 2020 election, but about the way in which Dominion systems (and other voting machines) are structured to allow bad actors to manipulate votes to achieve fraudulent outcomes". See also: "Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science," by Jay Valentine. "Here’s the summary: For the election returns in many precincts to happen the way they did, Biden would have to flip a coin 1,000 times and get heads every time. We aren’t done here. He would also have to do it over and over again, in scores, perhaps hundreds of precincts. Welcome to big data analysis." "...Using big data, measuring against historical trends, enables many of the math geeks who inhabit the internet to find these frauds."

See also: Navid Keshavarz-Nia, and Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email, @va_shiva: This count "can only be done by computer algorithm. Is so precise over so many precincts. A computer algorithm was in place to lower Trump's votes as a function of % of Republicans in a precinct. (In this case linearly)."

In Sidney Powell's 104-page complaint detailing everything she asserts took place in Georgia, she also gives a history of the Dominion computers. She quotes a Venezuelan whistleblower's direct testimony about the two systems (Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines) including, "Chávez's requirements that the software would hide vote manipulation from audits. The computers were designed to enable virtually endless vote manipulation throughout the voting process, whether printing ballots, feeding them into the counting machine, or actually counting them. The computers were also connected to the internet, so, when it came to data manipulation, no one had to be physically present with the computers. The systems have been associated with election fraud in various countries."

The 2020 election was rigged, by old-fashioned ballot stuffing, printing, and deletion, but mainly by the systemic use of fraudulent Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines and software, purposefully designed to guarantee one of the candidates will win the election; here, Joe Biden.

Evidence of systemic fraud is more than sufficient proof to invalidate the election. It is simply overwhelming, too voluminous to begin listing here.

The fate of the United States of America lies in the hands of (hopefully) honest state legislatures, District and Circuit Courts, our new Supreme Court - and oceans of prayer. That's it. If the Democratic Party is allowed to steal this election in full view of this massive fraudulent conspiracy, our Republic is lost. The Republican electorate must demand a new, honest election.



A combination response to Mary Scoles letter to the editor:

Hi Mary,
Some corrections to your conclusions (online Letter to Editor) are in order. First, the election is not over yet. Second, Republicans expect "significant change" in both the vote count and evidence of massive, systemic fraud. (In the law at least, "Fraud vitiates consent.") See the Supreme Court case of UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON, (98 US 61), finding that "Fraud vitiates everything." In this case the systemic fraud in voter count would (I believe will) invalidate the entire election. I believe the Supreme Court will decide the winner - Donald Trump. This is a scandal, in the words of attorney Sidney Powell, of "Biblical proportions."

Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are proceeding with their federal cases based upon this historically pervasive fraud at multiple levels, nationally and internationally. America, in its two hundred forty years of existence, has never before experienced anything close to this massive, obvious cheating, by ballot, machine, software, servers, and hands-on ballot stuffing.

Statistician and fraud expert Jay Valentine ends his American Thinker column, entitled "Why Industrial Scale Fraud Is Just So Hard To Hide" with, "Get some sleep". Valentine led the team that built the eBay fraud detection engine. To affect a successful fraud investigation he says we need the source codes, log and transaction files, and the Dominion voting machines. Reports claim we have all of these materials, despite Dominion's panicked retreat from inquiring experts.

Basic forensics accounting will show sufficient criminal manipulation on a national scale to overturn an election of this magnitude.

If we look at published data pattern analyses, they show the same algorithm is used across 6-7 precincts. Where a greater proportion of straight Republican votes are found, so-called Weighted Race votes moved from Trump to Biden, Biden votes given more weight in the program. This Weighted Race aspect is a special feature which can guarantee the winner in any political race.

Centrally organized fraud was certainly occurring on a national scale. Democrats used the same type of pattern across multiple data stats in multiple states. "The trends, curbs, and algorithms were identical, and this can only happen if a centralized authority is manipulating from multiple locations. It was the pattern in 3-3 states. Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the inventor of Email (at age 14), scientist, engineer, tells by pattern recognition analysis, "there were mathematical impossibilities in the vote count." "We need to get Dominion machines, look at source code, and log files. Then, look at published data pattern analyses, which will show the same algorithm is used across 6-7 precincts, where they voted straight Republican ticket.” As GOP votes grew, a greater proportion of those votes moved from Trump to Biden. Curves and graphs are available that anyone can understand. From [a] layman's point of view, it's the same as flipping a coin 1,000 times and landing heads each time. This happens in not just one precinct, but in all 5-5 precincts, (the equivalent of a mathematical impossibility) and this shows the "fire" in the software for these voting machines. "A change has taken place. Computers don't glitch."

Valentine once again: "Industrial scale fraud is not sustainable because lies that big just cannot be hidden."


I started out trying to show how the American people have been defrauded of an honest 2020 presidential election. I ended up getting tangled in too many details. But what is shown beyond doubt is that Donald Trump has been reelected to the presidency, by an apparent landslide. Joe Biden and his corrupt Democratic Party minions have instigated this enormous criminal conspiracy to steal the election with their magical Weighted Race software feature, phony hardware, and thousands of corrupt facilitators.

All those clamoring for proof of these facts will soon be satisfied when at least five federal lawsuits will soon be filed.

Of particular interest are lawsuits being filed by attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and their team. Powell, as above, promises her evidence will be "Biblical." As Jay Valentine tells us: "... One honest person or two, here, are Kryptonite to industrial scale fraud." And, that scale of fraud will overturn this election.

Our hope is in the Name of the Lord - and our new, Constitution-respecting Supreme Court.


I think this will be one of the most difficult columns I've ever written. Not in terms of any great dilemma, because the required action is absolutely certain. And, not because the issue is difficult to understand; it's clear and present. The difficulty is in convincing citizens of good will to act immediately in the very short time left to save our nation - for we are close to losing it.

Though I watched closely as election day approached, and even more closely as it has passed, I only began to understand the urgency of the problem during the past week as startling details of truly massive election fraud have emerged from the confusion. President Donald J. Trump has won reelection by a landslide, though a corrupt media proclaims he has lost the election by that infamous "razor-thin margin".

Here is the truth: "The object here is to dispel this myth that Joe Biden won the presidential election." The urgent message here is for states that used the Dominion Voting Systems in their ballot counting to not certify the final count, because all voting has been infected by systemic, fraudulent software. And no, this is not some hysterical conservative alarm. The information is based entirely on mathematical analysis by eminent mathematicians, such as Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. (@va_shiva) Inventor of Email, (at age 14) and the most highly respected lawyers such as Sidney Powell.

A clear explanation of how the Dominion software is (intentionally) fraudulent can be found on numerous websites today. It was slow in coming in, but as Sidney Powell now says, it's coming in as if "from a fire hose."

Proof of systemic fraud which dramatically changed the election outcome is mathematically solid. Dr. Shiva compares the certainty of the fraud to Joe Biden "flipping a nickel one thousand times and having all flips turning up heads." His conclusions have been validated, and he challenges anyone to "Prove us wrong!"

I'm flooded with election fraud and Dominion machine history. I only have time to provide some links here, but they are all instructive if not electrifying.

Joe Oltmann was interviewed on Machel Malkin's program recently, machelMalkinLive. Oltmann is a highly respected blogger-political activist who has deeply researched the Dominion company, and one Director, Eric Coomer. Coomer is described as both a PhD nuclear physicist, VP for Security and Strategy, major shareholder - and alleged sociopath. His social media shows not only his hatred for Donald Trump, but for America in general; filled with hateful statements, vitriol, hate for police, etc. Apparently, Oltmann has copied much of Coomer's Facebook information, with very scary selfies of Coomer holding weapons, etc. This man is also a salesman for Dominion. See Malkin Live for more info. See also American Thinker for additional info.

For some reason FOX news has been quiet about the details of this astounding, election-invalidating fraud accusation. The rest, the corrupt CNN, etc, are virtually silent on the issue.

In short, our 2020 presidential election has been mathematically proven to have been systemically fraudulent, which should invalidate the outcome entirely.

The incidents of fraud are numerous, from deleting ballot images (violation of USC code 20701-20702), to vote transfers. These fraudulent vote transfers from Trump to Biden were facilitated by a (notorious) computer algorithm, "a Weighted Race Algorithm method, transferring a percent of votes from one candidate to another, a weighted decimal value."

Diebold (voting machines) had original feature which was sold to other companies. Dr. Shiva asks if a coup is underway.

What should cause American citizens to "take arms" (politically) is the fact that the Dominion machines are purposely designed to cheat, to switch votes - that's the only reason a city, state, or country would want to purchase one with this software feature. These machines have been used in Cuba to guarantee victory for Castro's successor; and in Venezuela, to guarantee a dictator's victory. What’s more, our CIA and FBI have known about this for years. The deepest of the Deep State is here exposed.

In conclusion, research these allegations (and proofs) for yourself. This election must be invalidated. President Trump has been reelected in a (covered-up) landslide!


It's possible, now even probable, that this election may prove to be the most stunning embarrassment in American history, for the Democratic Party.

I know the odds are wildly against this happening, just as they were in 2016, when Hillary had ordered the fireworks and the media was drunk with joyful anticipation. But, hey, at my age I can deal with whatever rebuke I may bring upon myself if wrong. After all, I'm among those "deplorable" conservatives.

As I see it, Joe Biden has welcomed accolades from around the world as winner of the race for President of the United States. He has given speeches outlining his new policies and named a few cabinet members. He also failed to thank President Trump for his efforts during the past four years in office. Not very gracious for a self-styled President Elect.

Meanwhile, back in the Oval Office, duly elected President, Donald Trump is busy flushing out unprecedented masses of election fraud, of a criminal and unconstitutional nature. It appears that, despite Democrat denials, the 2020 election is rife with fraud. Trump ballots have been stolen and dumped out. Biden ballots have been manufactured and dumped in. Republican oversight demanded by law has been obviously denied, with counting room windows and doors covered and locked. Sworn affidavits of the above fraudulent activity are coming in by the hundreds.

But the single greatest example of wholesale ballot fraud has been discovered in the manipulated voting machine itself. This appears to be a longstanding, cryptic plan to guarantee a Biden win. I'm surprised and a little troubled that this information has been so slowly released by the media because the problem is so systemic, involving massive numbers of Biden ballots appearing and Trump votes disappearing. This is how hundreds of thousands of Trump votes vanished almost magically overnight.

But Joe Biden moves boldly along. "President-elect" Joe Biden dismissed President Donald Trump's refusal to concede, noting Biden's team has already begun the transition process. This is the nub of what I foresee as one of the most embarrassing events in human history for the proclaimed new "president elect." Just suppose that, after framing his new foreign policies, naming his cabinet, now dressed in his inauguration tux, his Obama-awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom (highest civilian honor in the U.S., festooned upon his chest) - then notice arrives from the Justice Department informing him that he is still only Mr. Sleepy Joe. All fraudulent votes have been struck from the final tally leaving Donald J. Trump in office. At this point "President Elect" Biden is seen on the podium butt naked - the proverbial president has no clothes. But he can keep his medal.

The result here may be more than a dream. The uncovering of the plot to dethrone Trump has just begun. The question is, how fast can the evidence be produced, presented, and judged? Here are some facts:

The voting machines in question are manufactured by a company called Dominion Voting Systems. "Along with controlling roughly one-third of the voting machine market, Dominion has contracts in all of the key swing states where Trump’s campaign team is mounting legal challenges, plus Nevada and Arizona."

"Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell recently raised alarms over Dominion’s ties to the Democratic Party. Powell pointed out that Nadeam Elshami, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) former chief of staff, became a lobbyist for Dominion last year. Richard Blum, Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) husband, is also a significant shareholder in the company. During an interview, Powell said no fewer than 450,000 ballots have been identified in key states with only a mark for Biden and no other down-ballot candidate."

As usual, Republicans are slow to attack this problem. The evidence has to be pried from Democratic Party affiliations and presented to the Justice Department. Time is of the essence. For 172 million conservatives who voted for Trump, there is still hope. Democratic fraud should clearly determine Trump's reelection.


A quick response to a letter from Kelly Scoles:

Thanks for the note, Kelly. I can agree with most of your concerns but disagree with many suggested solutions. I truly hope there is no voter fraud but experience tells me to beware the count in Pennsylvania.


I'm tired! Stayed up too long last night after I saw FOX call Arizona for Biden, with nearly a million votes as yet uncounted. Then several important states were not called despite the fact they were strongly for Trump. An official working for the company that does the voter computing for FOX came out and provided a complicated (if unsatisfactory) explanation. Things not much better this AM.

Even though Biden has finally come out of his cellar with a big smile, without his usual double mask, his boast of effortlessly winning the election, I hope proves to be delusional. Absent serious cheating President Trump has been reelected. If not, count on quickly experiencing the great American demise.

For starters, all of the traitorous scoundrels who attempted a presidential coup during the past four years will go unpunished. The traitors at the CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, will escape justice. Mega liars like little Adam Schiff will also escape the lash he so justly deserves. In short, America's justice system will wear an indelible mark of infamy, never to be trusted again.

The numerous good things that Trump has accomplished during the past four years will be undone, such as the extraordinary treaties of peace in the Middle East between Israel and an increasing number of Arab countries. Also historically deep tax cuts will disappear. Just too many accomplishments to list here.

Above all, America, without a Trump second term, will be severely diminished, morally, and distrusted internationally. Abortion mills will grind away without reserve. China will also dominate us because Joe Biden is so completely compromised by his criminal family financial dealings in that communist country. U.S. business will once again flock to China, creating new American rust belts and destabilizing our economy.

And, the Biden Family Crime syndicate would never see a Grand Jury.

But, I pray we can avoid this threatened disaster. I believe President Trump will be reelected. He is a true patriot with an historically brilliant list of solid accomplishments.


This is the last edition of the Gazette before Election Day. I think it was Mark Twain who said, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Polling statistics come quickly to mind today, mostly those telling us that Joe Biden has a 90 percent chance of winning. But I would tell Joe not to order the fireworks just yet.

The embarrassing polls of 2016 also come to mind when I hear these things. and I fear the outcome of another such debacle. The entire Democratic Party apparatus suffered such an apoplectic shock that year from which it has never recovered - even after 4-years! My fears lie in thinking Democratic Party mass hysteria could happen all over again.

It seems like every manifestation of American civilization (except FOX News) has combined to crush President Trump's chances of winning. Nothing of this magnitude has ever happened before. Both national and international forces have combined to destroy the last, best hope of Democracy in America - Donald J. Trump's leadership.

I do not exaggerate; it is easily demonstrated.

At home we see the Democratic Party, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, NPR, etc. all attacking Trump with extraordinary bias. Ninety two percent of this "news" has been officially analyzed as negative Trump coverage. Even Matt Drudge, with his popular DRUDGE REPORT, a strong supporter of Trump in the 2016 election, has turned against him.

Communist China is playing a strong part in efforts to defeat Trump with its multi-faceted ownership in the above companies. In fact, all of the communications, except DRUDGE, are compromised by communist Chinese ownership - they are not American companies as historically understood.

Even Catholic Church members (especially the Vatican) are Biden-Harris supporters. This, despite the fact that the Biden-Harris cabal pushes abortion to the limit, while Church teaching condemns abortion as dogma.

To anyone paying attention to the Catholic Church's hierarchy this is not surprising. On the other hand, the vast majority of faithful Catholics are ignorant of this fatal corruption. The Church is now totally compromised by the Chinese Communist Party's $3 billion annual bribe to the present Pope, which has betrayed the Church in China - a complete sellout.

With these poisonous globalist-Marxist groups activated against a Trump reelection, it's no wonder the Never-Trump pollsters are hyperventilating with anticipation. It's like watching the attack of the Dark Lords' Orcs in Lord of the Rings. From fiction to alarming facts, the forces lined up against Trump are pure evil, anti-Christian, anti-democracy, and completely un-American. They are determined to change our country. From the financially corrupt predators, homosexual bishops with their heretical Pope Francis on the take, to corrupt media and BLM anarchists, the stage is designed for election chaos. Whether Biden wins or loses, the dark forces of Marxist globalism have been invited to cause confusion, hatred, and violence. It's what they do and have always done.

So, I am greatly encouraged to see those exuberant crowds standing in line for hours to squeeze into the Trump rallies. This is an election which will either successfully defend traditional American Judeo-Christian mores and values or surrender to the dark side of communism and spiritual subversion, of abortion, same-sex "marriage", and military weakness.

An obvious example of these enemies of freedom and democracy is the blatant cover-up by our news media of outrageous corruption in the Joe Biden family's dealings with China, and a dozen other foreign nations. Here we see one corrupt Never-Trump organization assisting another. With only a week to Election Day, and such early voting, it's too late for Americans to learn of this gigantic, long-running, billion-dollar Biden family conspiracy - which is confirmed!

I've run on too long. My prediction - President Trump will be reelected, impressively - due to a massive prayer tsunami. Unless, of course, Almighty God will call a time-out for un-Christian-like conduct.

You Catholics out there, remember - a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for more abortion.


A response to a letter from Kelly Scoles:

Hi again, Kelly:

I have to say your letter characterizing Judge Amy Coney Barrett as "...a justice who knows '"nuthin' 'bout nuthin." is a little unfair. After all, she graduated summa cum laude from Notre Dame, and her dean thinks well of her: "Marcus Cole, the law school’s dean, described Barrett as an “absolutely brilliant legal scholar and jurist. She is also one of the most popular teachers we have ever had here at Notre Dame Law School.”

And on a personal note, Cole said Barrett “is one of the most thoughtful, open-minded, considerate and kind people I have ever met. She lives a life of humility and grace, devoted to her family and community. Judge Barrett has served our nation with true distinction from the bench and would continue to do so if she were confirmed to serve on our nation’s highest court.”

Frankly, after observing the antics of Supreme Court Justices for the last 50 years, Amy Coney Barrett is nothing short of a judicial benediction. (Just a little jolt).

About those questions that she "couldn't answer". She, and every other nominee to the court must follow the "case or controversy rule": The Supreme Court first considered Article III's "case or controversy" limitation on the judicial power when President George Washington forwarded to the Court a request for guidance as to how best to maintain neutrality during an outbreak of hostilities between England and France,... Chief Justice Jay responded by informing the President that the Court was without power to help (the President had said he would be "much relieved" if the Court answered his questions). Jay said that the Constitution authorized the Court to interpret the law only in the context of a real case or controversy--it had no power to render an advisory opinion about the law."

No, I didn't remember this case, had to look it up. (Burned through a lot of words here.)

You mock Judge Barrett's "towering IQ"? But one doesn't come away with a summa by being dumb. One of her deans also commented that Barrett was "...the most brilliant student he had ever taught."

As for "originalism", a great book has just come out: "The Essential Scalia" on the Constitution, the Courts, and the Rule of Law." I was stunned to see the foreword was written by Justice Elena Kagan! Oh well, Justice Scalia was also a close personal friend of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I guess opposites can attract each other personally, and repel, professionally.

The word just stands for "original meaning", it's "not an attempt to get inside James Madison's head. Scalia is simply saying that, in a democracy, the standard of interpretation should be what the people who voted for the Constitution and its amendments understood the texts to mean when they voted." The Constitution should not "live" virus-like, to be shaped like nutty putty by liberal Justices to mean whatever they wish it to mean. That makes sense to me, like Scalia himself. And Barrett was Scalia's clerk. But it is really not a "brain-dead view" of interpreting our Constitution. It reins in constitutional cowboys who dream of halting climate change by their judicial fiat.

This issue has prompted a memory from years ago when I was invited to hear Justice Scalia speak at Thomas Aquinas Collage by a dear friend, the late Joseph Kern - may he rest in peace. It was a memorable honor.

As to "Kavanaughing" Barrett, Senator Mazie Hirono came close enough with her swinish sexual interrogation. What a pig she is. How can Hawaii be proud of that? And there was that sensational, washed-out liar, Christine Blasey Ford, who claimed (falsely under oath) a fear of flying, to avoid testifying in D.C. - though she regularly flies all over the world for fun. Like Mazie the Senator, her testimony was scurrilously mendacious, accompanied by that same offensive carnal scent.

You say "...she did not snivel and accuse the Senate Judiciary Committee of malice in their questions." Again, you allude to Justice Kavanaugh's defense of himself as "sniveling", against what is now established defamation per se? It was pure malice indeed that guided the Democratic senators during the Kavanaugh hearings - unprecedented, acidic malice.

God willing, and I think He is, Judge Amy Coney Barrett will soon be Justice Amy Coney Barrett of our Supreme Court. Welcome Justice Barrett, latest survivor of the Democratic Party acid bath confirmations. God bless you and your wonderful family.