Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Sweeney.
Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Sweeney.
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Tuesday’s special joint meeting of the Fillmore City Council and School District aired serious concern about funding the School Resource Officer (SRO) for the high school and middle school. The District has been paying $100,000 of the $135,000-plus cost of the SRO position, with the city picking-up $35,000. The Sheriff’s Department also helps by paying for two months of the SRO’s salary.
This position is recognized as being “absolutely critical” to the effective operation of the school, according to Sergeant Dave Wareham. The grant having expired, Fillmore High School is seeking continued financial support from the city to fund the job. A response, according to School Superintendent Jeff Sweeney is needed within the next couple of weeks.
The Council voiced strong support for the program.
A public hearing was opened by City Planner Kevin McSweeney concerning the appeal of builder Mike Sarahang from a Planning Commission denying a modification of permit 03-5 for construction under way at 341 Central Avenue. The appeal was denied in a 3-1 vote, Councilman Scott Lee dissenting. According to McSweeney, the applicant’s application of unapproved material (rough slump stone) for the lower, outside wall covering was not approved. The applicant had also ignored other plan regulations by painting the building a different color, and using other, unapproved, materials on the roof. After much discussion, Council decided the material in question was dangerously unsupported and posed a threat to pedestrians in the event of an earthquake. It also failed to confirm to the traditional design required in the downtown area.
Council voted to have the applicant remove the siding and to comply with the Downtown Specific Plan.
Oddly, and without explanation, Councilman Scott Lee was the only vote against this outcome. Staff was complimented by Council for having done its job in halting construction for non-compliance.
Council approved an easement for the Pool Complex, also approved the Pool Complex Construction Agreement (materials), and for Recycled Water Sub-Surface Drip Capital Improvements Project Schedule (materials).
Council also gave its approval for School/City Coordination of and Mitigation of Construction Impacts.
Discussion was undertaken concerning the enormous impact upon the city of the recycled water project from the new water treatment plant. Assistant City Manager Bill Bartels described the impact as something like the Northridge earthquake, in terms of disruption of traffic, rescheduling of sports events and other needed city-wide reorganization to facilitate the construction.
City Planner Kevin McSweeney summarized the city’s development activity list. He mentioned the 98-lot SunCal tract for north Fillmore, with its approved EIR and tract map. The project has not started.
Also mentioned were: the 3-acre, 51 unit north Fillmore Reider project, which has a petition circulating for a referendum to halt the plan; the Griffin “Bridges” tract, with 20 of 81 units remaining unsold. A 10-acre school site awaits phase 2.
The KD company’s approved 110 unit tract, south of River Street, will come on line 6 units at a time. Cabrillo’s 29-unit railroad tract is expected to begin construction this year. A two-story building at the old Masonic Temple site, 400 Central Avenue, will have medical offices and lower retail space, with 19 parking spaces.
Construction of the swimming pool complex should be completed in December of 2009. Grass playing fields should be available for the new 22-acre ark in June or July.
A major reorganization and rescheduling of sports programs, city-wide will be necessary as the water treatment plant construction brings water lines to the High School, Middle School, and Sespe School. This construction will severely impact all summer sports, and the traditional fireworks display will not be held at the football field. This will probably be moved to another park.



This is in hopes that all could come together for a cause to those who have had Seniors, have Seniors and Seniors to come.

We are $10,000 dollars short in raising money for Grad Night Live. Again we would like this to be very successful to all Seniors. Since Rayleen Chaney started this 12 years ago, and to my knowledge we have not lost a Senior to unforeseen circumstances.

We are planning a HUGE garage sale on May 10th 7am - 1pm at the district office on
Sespe Ave. We asking for any donations of unwanted goods, clothes, shoes, toys, etc.

Making a little is better then making nothing.

I know its Prom Night but this does end at 1pm and any one willing to donate your time to help out that day would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all in advance for your kind heart.
Mike Boblett



The committee is short $10,000 and has several activities planned to raise this money by May 15 in order to complete the bus and Harbor Cruise Boat reservations.

All donations graciously accepted and appreciated! Please watch for notices of events and mark your calendar:

Car Wash Saturday April 26 on Shiells Drive 8:00-12

Spaghetti Dinner (Mama Sue’s)
Friday, May 2 5:00-9:00 $10

BBQ Chicken Dinner (Fire Department)

Yard Sale (Spring Cleaning!! Or Thrift Shopping)

Movie Night at the theater

Grad Nite Live was started seventeen years ago so our kids would be safe at graduation. It has been a success because no graduate has lost their lives since this program was implemented. We need the community’s help to complete our fundraising effort. Thank you for your support.

(l-r) Dora Servin and Shaun Stehly
(l-r) Dora Servin and Shaun Stehly
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Two Fillmore HS students, Shaun Stehly and Dora Servin, will be honored at the 25th Annual Star Scholar Awards Banquet on Thursday, April 24 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley. These students were chosen by criteria set by the Ventura County Star for all senior classes in Ventura County. One $5000 scholarship will be awarded at the dinner in honor of the late Star editor Julius Gius. A tour of the Ronald Reagan Library and Air Force One exhibit as well as a reception will precede the dinner.

Beth White from NASA showcases an astronaut suit.
Beth White from NASA showcases an astronaut suit.
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Air Rockets (Balloons) with Fillmore Middle School helpers Nico Frias and Issac Gomez
Air Rockets (Balloons) with Fillmore Middle School helpers Nico Frias and Issac Gomez
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John Chavez and Luke Myers experimenting with bubbles.
John Chavez and Luke Myers experimenting with bubbles.
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Dalton Data eating a marshmallow frozen by liquid nitrogen!
Dalton Data eating a marshmallow frozen by liquid nitrogen!
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Phillip Cervantes, 3rd grader in a bubble.
Phillip Cervantes, 3rd grader in a bubble.
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High School community service helper Christian Prado with 1st grader Carlos Rivas. It took them a few times to get Carlos with a full bubble around him.
High School community service helper Christian Prado with 1st grader Carlos Rivas. It took them a few times to get Carlos with a full bubble around him.
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The First Annual Family Science Night and Science fair at San Cayetano on April 8th was a huge success. There were close to 300 students and families in attendance. The evening began with UCSB doctoral students exciting the crowd with liquid nitrogen activities on the main stage. After that the audience was free to visit all of the hands-on activities. The different stations that offered family excitement were: Robotics, NASA astronaut suit, Impact craters, slime, paper rockets, balloon rockets, air pressure, electromagnetics, static electricity, bubbleology and the Dental Care Foundation with toothbrushes for all. Also, each child at San Cayetano had some involvement in creating a science fair project either with their class or individually and all projects were on display. The kindergarten in partnership with El Pescador restaurant sold dinners as a fundraiser. This truly was a ground-breaking event and a baseline for creating a bigger event next year for our students and families. The event was a no cost event and the purpose was to bring students and families together participating in science exploration.

Natalie Garnica
Natalie Garnica
Student, Fillmore High School

As you might have noticed, Fillmore High School is now being fenced in. These new gates are not only going to make our school safer, but the gates should cut down on the amount of graffiti the school receives every year. It is estimated that $30,000 a year is spent on graffiti removal at the high school alone. Hopefully the gates will deter vandalism and protect our new buildings.
The softball team had an away game against Santa Paula on Tuesday, and the Golf team had an away match against Carpentaria. The Swim Team had a meet on Wednesday, and the Volleyball team has a home game on Thursday. The Track Team also has a meet on Thursday at Oak Park.
Juniors and Seniors are busy with reviewing for the SATs, AP Tests, and seniors are interviewing and applying for scholarships. The next SAT is being administered May 3rd, and AP Tests start May 9th and continue for the next two weeks. The Seniors were interviewed for the Alumni scholarship on Wednesday, and countless other scholarships are due. A list of scholarships is available in the College and Careers Center.
Prom is scheduled for May 10th, and tickets go on sale April 16th, starting at $85 for a couple and $50 for a single. This may seem expensive, but the Juniors have planned prom to be at the Ventura Beach Marriott, and dessert, soda, and parking have all been included in the ticket price. The theme is “Top Hats and Tails”.
For more information, call the Student Store at 524-8491.


Congratulations to the Fillmore HS winners in the AVID Write-Off contest for Region VIII! In Ventura County, there were over 200 submissions in the competition and Fillmore students placed in three grade level categories – an excellent showing for our school within Ventura County!
Winners for Fillmore HS were Elaina Olague (12th grade) who placed 2nd of all 12th graders who entered; Alejandra Castaneda who placed 3rd among all 11th graders; Michael Borahona who won Honorable Mention in the10th grade category, and Ashley Pech who placed 3rd among all 9th graders.
The AVID program stands for “Advancement Via Individual Determination” and is a program offered in most states to develop students’ awareness of college opportunities during these important years. Fillmore HS offers AVID courses at all grade levels, and by 12th grade, we proudly have a 100% rate of college acceptances! This incredible program is taught during the day as an elective course by Paul Fitzgerald (9th and 10th grade AVID) and by Erin Moriarty (11th and 12th grade AVID). Erin also serves as the Fillmore HS AVID coordinator, representing our school in AVID Region VIII activities.


As in any high school in America, we are entering a stressful period of time at Fillmore HS for our AP students. This year at FHS there are 90 students in AP (Advanced Placement) classes who are taking approximately 150 AP exams through the College Board over the two week period. Some of these students are taking more than one AP class and consequently are also taking more than one exam.
AP exams in the subjects of biology, calculus, English literature (12th grade), English language (11th grade), U.S. history, U.S. government, European history, Spanish language, Spanish literature, and macro economics will be given.
These college-bound courses are full year classes with summer readings or projects required as a pre-requisite to admission into the course in the Fall. Requirements are very stringent since these classes can count for college credit if the student scores high enough on the exam. The scale range is from 1 to 5, with a 3 being required as a minimum score to pass. (College and universities usually only award college credit for a score of 5 on an AP exam.)
Because of the nature of these very specialized courses, AP teachers are required to attend AP training and workshops in order to be eligible to teach AP. This year the College Board required every AP program in the nation (and international programs as well) to submit a course outline and syllabus for each separate AP course that is being taught at each high school. This syllabus was then audited by College Board professors who approved or rejected the course outline and syllabus,
and the submitting high school was notified whether the courses met the standard approved by the audit.
At Fillmore High School, all AP courses were submitted and approved as meeting the standards set out by the College Board for AP courses. Many thanks goes to the excellent AP teachers on our faculty: Nichia Huxtable – AP Biology; Matt Dollar – AP English Lit; Gina Watson – AP English Lang; Shelbi Mayo – AP Calculus; Lourdes Juarez – AP Spanish Lang and Spanish Lit; Debbie Hoffman – AP Macro Economics; Norm Andersen – AP U.S. History; Darby Schieferle – AP U.S. Government; and Cinda Francis – AP European History.


The sun was shinning bright, the birds were singing, and the flowers were in full bloom. It was a perfect day for a walk around the neighborhood! The Klittich Family invited the San Cayetano Kindergarteners to take a walking tour of their beautiful garden. Mrs. Klittich guided the students thought her vegetable and flower gardens giving bits of information about growing plants along the way. She
also led students through the chicken house! Kindergarteners got to hold chickens, pet rabbits, and hunt for eggs. Thank-you Klittich family for once again sharing your fantastic garden with San Cayetano Kindergarten!


A former student of Fillmore HS, Marcela Becerra, who participated in FHS cross country, track and soccer, has been recognized by Head Coach Sergio Segura from Holy Names University in Oakland, CA where she is currently working as an assistant cross country coach and finishing her masters degree.
She was honored after the NAIA Region II Championships at Woodward Park on November 3, 2007 for her coaching efforts by Coach Segura. The Hawks team finished 11th overall in the competition, and Coach Segura wrote an article praising Marcela’s coaching of the team. It is with great pride that Fillmore HS keeps up with our former students and their career accomplishments!

Picture left to right: 5th Grade Teacher – Ms. Cornejo, 5th Grade Teacher – Mrs. Silva, students: Gildardo Sandoval, Victor Prado, Kathy Castañeda, Shyann Villanueva, Anissa Ortega, Principal Richard Durborow, El Pescador owner Chuy Ortiz.
Picture left to right: 5th Grade Teacher – Ms. Cornejo, 5th Grade Teacher – Mrs. Silva, students: Gildardo Sandoval, Victor Prado, Kathy Castañeda, Shyann Villanueva, Anissa Ortega, Principal Richard Durborow, El Pescador owner Chuy Ortiz.
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Richard Durborow
Richard Durborow
Principal, Piru Elementary School

Piru Elementary 5th grade students just returned from an exciting 4 day/3 night outdoor education camping trip at Rancho Alegre. The students were all smiles as they described their camp experiences.
The Outdoor School facilitates the development of community and environmental stewardship in students through a direct experience with nature. The Camp broadens students’ horizons by inspiring a sense of wonder and curiosity about our local and global environment. Rancho Alegre is located across from Cachuma Lake in Santa Barbara County.
Piru students gained valuable knowledge about botany, geology, wildlife, astronomy, and the Chumash culture. Our students made new friends, acquired new skills of teamwork and cooperation, and developed a new understanding about their responsibility for the natural environment.
Special thanks, for all their efforts, go to El Pescador, Maria Villa (The Friends of Piru), Dewey Thompson, Fillmore Rentals, William L. Morris, La Verne Nursery, Mrs. Silva (5th grade teacher), Ms. Cornejo (5th grade teacher), and Susan Jolley (Literacy Coach).
We would also like to thank the following supporters for their assistance in making our 5th Grade Camping Field Trip possible: Maria Villa – President; Friends of Piru – PTA Group; Dewey Thompson Fillmore Rentals; William L. Morris; La Verne Nursery.
Our 4th grade students are excited about going to camp next year! If you want to find out more about attending the Outdoor School just give us a call. We have many pictures and stories we would be happy to share with you.