Letters to the Editor
March 13, 2019

To the Editor:
Early Saturday, March 1st, an arsonist tried to set fire to the Garage display building at the Fillmore Historical Museum. It was rainy and very wet and the fire took until 9 a.m. to smolder before it really caught fire. Thanks first to volunteer, Susan Hopkins, who saw the smoke and called 911. Then our gratitude to the very quick and efficient local fire department who made quick work of putting it out. Finally, thanks to the sheriff’s deputies who, using our video feed, were able to identify and then apprehend the person who was responsible. We are lucky in Fillmore to have such great professional public servants and museum volunteers.
Martha Gentry, Executive Director, Fillmore Historical Museum


Letters to the Editor
Febraury 27, 2019

To the Editor:
Thank You, Fillmore Lions Club
Our community is blessed to have such caring, generous, and dedicated men and women who strive to do good at every opportunity.
The Fillmore High School Drama Club would like to thank the Fillmore Lions Club for their continued support. Your donation will contribute to the education of young performers here in Fillmore, as it has for many years. Using past donations, FHS Drama has purchased new lighting and sound equipment, giving our actors the opportunity to learn the technical side of the performing arts. The funds have also been used to purchase tools and raw building materials, allowing our students the opportunity to develop important, hands-on, set design and construction techniques. The Lions Club donations over the years have allowed us to focus on the creation of art rather than the distraction of scrambling to raise funds every year. This year, your generosity will help fund our next production – keep an eye out for the announcement!
Thank you, Fillmore Lions Club!
Josh Overton – FHS Drama Teacher and Director and 97 grateful drama students.


To the Editor:
What do we know about Fillmore Middle School?
Parents take a minute to speak to your child son/daughter!
City of Fillmore only has one Fillmore Middle School.
1. Question: How many children attend Fillmore Middle School?
Answer: Too many!!
2. Question: How many staff supervisors on campus? During lunch and breaks?
Answer: Not enough supervision, low supervision/under staffed!!
3. Question: How many fights occur on campus?
Answer: Too many, majority fights aren’t reported, only few that they know about!!
4. Question: How many incidents of bullying on campus?
Answer: Too many!!
5. Question: How many incidents of peer pressure on campus?
Answer: Too many!!
Too many is too many, enough is enough!
Fillmore School District is spending thousands and thousands of dollars for laptops for our children at the Fillmore Middle School, great, very great! But what about these issues? Bullying, peer pressure, fighting? What about these issues? They won’t disappear or go away, they will continue and continue. So I say enough is enough!!
Fillmore Middle School is understaffed, low staff!!
I ask parents, we need to be aware of what goes on at the Fillmore Middle School and this is what goes on? Low staff/under staffed.
Negligent supervision at Fillmore Middle School.
Veronica Garcia


Letters to the Editor
February 20, 2019

To the Editor:
Your Editorial of February 17, 2019
I almost made it through your February 17 mini-editorial without groaning. But once I started, that pesky curiosity got the better of me.
Religion is a touchy subject as you undoubtedly found out last week after your earlier rant on the Vatican. Since you think that experience of religion is essential to bona fides in this matter, I will disclose that I too, was a Roman Catholic from birth, a graduate of Catholic grammar, high school, and Santa Clara University. I was in fact a sister in Dominican Convent, San Rafael, leaving as a novice. My disputes with the Catholic Church have to do with faith and I won’t bore anyone with the particulars.
I have read your opinions for years, so I know that you have at the very least remained silent on all manner of Church activity over the last 25 years. No calls for Cardinal Mahony to step down when he ritualistically concealed thousands of cases of sexual abuse by priests in California or tried to cheat his church gravediggers for honest pay. No condemnation of requests from the archdiocese for parishioner’s money to cover legal costs related to the abuses (let the cardinal sell off his mansion to cover those costs and live Christ’s life). No demand that Pope Benedict resign for his coverup of all manner of corruption including toleration of sexual abuse.
No, Martin, what gets your goat is that Pope Francis appears to be trying to shed a light on the failures and excesses of the Church, is trying to remove the veil from the secrecy from the Vatican, appears to be more concerned with social justice than preserving the reputation of the Holy See. And he’s got his work cut out for him with millennia of unchecked power to contend with, but he knows what the message of Christ was and is. And that involves love, forgiveness, and hope, and a people-centered, not clergy-centered, belief system. Yes, the Protestants got some things right.
Pope Francis parted the curtains on the Vatican and now, suddenly, he is responsible for all the ills of the Catholic Church of the modern era (sorry, Second Vatican is also complicit). You would, I think, far prefer he had never touched those curtains and the power of the hierarchy had never been challenged. I’ll bet they feel the same way in Vatican City ; just ask Theodore McCarrick who was not only removed from the list of cardinals, but was recently defrocked by Francis, i.e., he cannot exercise his priestly ordination for the remainder of his life as punishment for his sexual abuses.
Don’t start crying crocodile tears over the sins of the Church now. Pope Francis is not doing enough fast enough to cure its ills! He must resign! That’s not what really ticks you off, Martin. What gets to you is that this Pope is sounding like he’s not only principled, he is actually trying to exercise those principles! And, in doing that, he demonstrates suspicious tendencies. Sometimes he sounds like…..a Christian liberal. That’s why you’re grinding your teeth: that two-thousand year-old message of “love over law.” Such a betrayal.
- Kelly Scoles, Fillmore, CA

Letters to the Editor
January 30, 2019

To the editor:
What is going on at the Middle School? As any parent can tell you, administration is no where to be found, and inmates run the asylum! Does anyone ever see the Principle? He must be ghost because parents never see him. Who is this guy and where he come from? Why isn’t the staff doing anything about all the disrespectful kids? Just visit the school during lunch, you’ll see what I mean. No Principle any where. He must have alot more important things to look after than discipline at school.
S. Mubrev
Concerned Fillmore Community Member

Letters to the Editor
January 2, 2019

To the Editor:
I nearly fell off my chair reading your comments on the President pulling troops from Syria.
I know you are an avid president admirer. Thank you for your honest view!
To a degree I have my arenas of support. Foreign policy with Mr. Trump is not one of them.
His absolute lack of knowledge is so apparent that even a camp fire girl can see it.
In the beginning of his campaign and presidency he touted "MY GENERALS" and brought four to five into his administration. He said any conflicts/wars would be better understood and handled by the generals, he would not hold the reins, they would.
I felt any lack of experience with the Worlds order, and many issues of our worlds contentious/adversarial countries, would be identified and addressed, by Military educated Men and Women.
His North Korea non nuclear deal has fallen apart. Russia now has new age bombers in Venezuela; most of our allies are in distrust of the United States.
When you visualize the Commander in Chief mantel he wears, it leaves me with great concern with regard to his hip shooting uneducated, pre-dominate nature, (for World affairs and defending the Unite States of America.)
My problem is his daily contradicting of his previous pronouncements.
Now your Syria view. OMG yes, USA leaves, Turkey attacks our Kurdish allies and slaughter them.
Russia, Iran, Asad Syria consume the rest of the Syrian State. What country is right next door that they all want gone. Israel , even Iraq could get drawn into the tribe, they just told us to leave.
I think that this is a disastrous mess looking for the opening.
Would Trump go to Israels defense, our ally, he is ditching all the others?
Raymond S Brown, Sr.
Fillmore Ca.

Letters to the Editor
December 26, 2018

To the Editor:
Isn’t interesting that the resurfacing and repairs on our two state highways (126 & 23) started just before the vote on the proposition to stop the gas tax increase. Highway 23 was previously resurfaced just a few years ago and was still in good condition. Now we have new bumpy pavement from the bridge to Pasadena Avenue. Resurfacing was a big price to pay just to get a back massage while driving to Bardsdale..
Bob Morris

Letters to the Editor
November 14, 2018

To the Editor:
Dear Fillmore Community,
Serving the citizens of Fillmore the past four years as a councilmember and as mayor has been a huge honor for me and an incredible privilege. I am so very proud of the things we accomplished, and I am especially proud of my fellow councilmember’s, for their integrity, love for this community, and mutual respect we had for one another. One of my biggest take-aways from this experience is knowing that I made some incredible friends who endorsed me and supported me through my entire term in office, and I take great comfort in knowing that these friendships remain with me as I leave the dais.
I am also very thankful for the hard work our City staff does, and thank each one of them for all that they do to make the work of Council so much easier.
To Lynn Edmonds, please be assured that with the colleagues you are about to begin working with, both on Council and the City staff, you have every opportunity to succeed, and I wish you the best.
I encourage all community members to become engaged in the process of governing our city. Attend city council meetings, follow agenda items that have a direct impact on our lives. Speak at meetings on items you feel strongly about to let the Council know your position. Each individual voice has such value to the Council. Nowhere else can an individual have a greater impact than at the local city level. So let your voices be heard. Participate.
I want to take a moment now to look forward. I have no doubt that the good work that has begun the past four years will continue to move forward. There is still much to be done, and I will be anxiously awaiting news of more economic development to come our way, continued increases to our reserve fund, solutions to our affordable housing issues, and all the other projects and improvements that will continue to make Fillmore the great community that it is. We are all truly blessed to call Fillmore home.
Thank you, Fillmore, for allowing me the privilege to serve you these past four years.
Carrie Broggie, Former Mayor & Council Member


To the Editor:
Fillmore Election Day Observation...
As a concerned citizen of Fillmore and having a sincere interest to learn the voting process, I participated as a volunteer observer for Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa). I visited several of Fillmore’s precincts at last Tuesday’s election. What I observed was both enlightening and disheartening. I observed the opening of Poll Location #1, a hardworking assembly of grass roots citizens, with a “get it done attitude” that made up for their inexperience as poll workers. I thought this would pave the way for a very smooth and easy day of how our voting system works, or should work in California.
I traveled to the next Poll Location #2, where I was met with ‘Electioneering’ for a City Council Member. A campaign banner stretched across the tailgate of a small pickup truck parked less than 100 feet from the front door of this precinct. The driver was announcing loud and clear to a grounds worker that his candidate was going to win and that he, the grounds worker should go vote.
For those that don’t know the word “Electioneering” it is the display of candidate pictures, name, logo, T-shirt, etc., and audible discussions of ballot choices within 100 feet of a polling location. This is a violation to the fair integrity of our voting system, but in many cases hard to prove. It only got worse as I walked up to the precinct door and was ‘greeted’ by a young campaigner wearing a T-shirt with the words “Vote for ….” For City Council”. On entering the polling location, I directed the Poll Inspector (PI) to this issue and she did resolve the situation.
The same young campaigner reappeared in the polling location with a new plain t-shirt. The campaigner walked directly into the voting booth with a voter that already had two other adult occupants in the booth with her. This was another Election Code violation of privacy in the voting booth, or instructing voters how to vote without taking a required oath. When I went to the PI to question why several adult people occupying one booth was being permitted, I sensed resentment towards me by the PI. The PI called her supervisor who instructed the PI not to answer any of my questions and cover up all the signature books. I felt completely misunderstood because it was not my intention to interfere in the voting process. I found out later that this same Supervisor was the authority having jurisdiction over other precincts in Fillmore.
What began as a learning exercise suddenly went south and continued when I went to the next polling location #3. On entering this poll location, I actually met the Supervisor that had spoken on the phone to the PI at my previous stop. It was an awkward conversation as I walked in while the same Supervisor that had instructed the PI from Poll #2 was instructing the poll workers not to answer or acknowledge anyone observing at the polls. I took my place out of the way from any traffic and watched as an elderly man got his ballot and went into the polling booth. He didn’t appear to ask for help but another voter went into his booth and took over the marking of his ballot. I directed my concern to the PI of this location when the Supervisor interrupted and said to the PI that she didn’t have to listen to me…and to me she said, “I will take it under advisement”, but did not eject the assistant from the booth. The ballot was accepted from the elderly gentleman. I had seen enough at this location and a sinking feeling came over me that this may be happening all over Fillmore with this type of supervision.
My next stop was Poll Location #4 where I was greeted politely and welcoming, but there had not been any communication with this infamous Supervisor during my observation. This location became very busy and too confusing to observe. People asking if they could vote, should vote and what kind of ballot to use. I don’t know how poll workers can determine the eligibility of potential voters when the State of CA Legislature and Secretary of State have limited the ways to identify US citizens.
My last stop was Poll Location #5 where the experienced operation of the poll workers came through like a well-run assembly line. This showed me that a less confusing and knowledgeable panel does exist.
In closing this recounting of events as “I saw it”, some may recognize themselves in the telling of my experience. And I understand my opinion is subjective when it comes to how I felt while observing, but these violations did exist as I saw them. I have not mentioned any names and it may not matter. It just shows that these violations do exist and are apparently happening not just in Fillmore but County, State and Country wide. This is exponentially affecting the outcome of our elections and as a US Citizen everyone has the right to observe the functioning of an election. More people need to observe the Voting Process and understand that our complacency is being taken advantage of with Election Fraud. Please, don’t ignore the ‘rumors’ of Election Fraud as votes are being stolen across our state and country. It is happening, even in our “Small Town of Fillmore”.
Frustration was a catalyst when given the opportunity to join a nonpartisan organization that is truly concerned about the honest and ethical outcome of our US elections. A single voice can join like minds for change and improve the odds of outcome against voting dishonesty when you take action by observing in our next election.
If you feel the same as I did, please consider viewing the website for Election Integrity Project California-(EIPCa) www.eip-ca.com. Some of Election Codes Violated: {EC 319.5-Electioneering}; {EC 14224, 14282, 14283-Assisted Voter not taken Oath}; {EC 14222, 14224 (a), 14281-No more than one voter may occupy a single voter booth}; {EC 2300 (a) (9) (A)(B)(10), 14223 (b), 15104, 15104(b), 1510} Observer Rights;

Letters to the Editor
October 31, 2018

To the Editor:
I agree on the passing of Measure T as a resident of the City of Fillmore. I believe this approval with all votes in favor of Measure T will benefit the City of Fillmore. By allowing cannabis cultivation and companies to sell cannabis will allow our city to prosper with taxing companies that cultivate cannabis. As some people oppose this measure T, I understand how residents do not want to allow this to pass. Looking at the bigger picture prop 64 passed in the state of California. It is inevitable that cannabis will be everywhere. The future of this Country has changed and we have to be open to change. So why not be in favor for cultivation in our town as a benefit in our town instead of a burden. It is well regulated with laws that will not harm our city but instead grow it in income. It is regulated by the state and city with laws in place. People who cultivate cannabis are under strict rules if it causes a problem or nuisance permits can be revoked and can be in trouble by the law. No minors will be allowed in cannabis center this means no one under 21 also no minors can work at cultivation sites. Cultivation sites have to be 600 feet away from schools, day care centers, and youth centers. Workers for the cannabis industry will be back ground checked and finger printed. It is well regulated and taking precautions to prevent criminal activity. Cannabis regardless will enter the city legally and illegally. It is time to benefit from it by increase city revenue and helping people with medical problems. It is stated by the City of Fillmore, Small indoor cultivation facility (per the state license and regulations) could generate as much as $70,000 in taxes per year for the City, with each medium sized indoor cultivation facility generating as much as $150,000 per year, and each large sized indoor facility generating as much as $330,000 per year. It is you decision to adapt to the times and pass this measure to have it benefit the City of Fillmore.
Matthew Irie


To the Editor:
I was recently told not to get emotional about the marijuana issue in Fillmore. Hmm. Just how does one stay unemotional about an industry that has the potential to permanently change our town and hurt the people [I] love, in so many ways…crime, corruption, addiction? I have been fighting City Hall, along with so many others, for two and a half years on this issue. Just what will it take for us to stop our City Council on its quest for the dubious tax dollars from the Pot Industry? So here are a few the unemotional facts that the pot industry brings with it...
CRIME: Carpinteria is the only other town nearby that has created as much growing area as our City Mayor is proposing. In the last few months, Carpinteria had multiple major armed robberies of their pot growers- and that was only what was reported to the authorities.
The transport of marijuana and the cash only nature of this industry has made it a target of organized crime. Car and truckjackings have spiked from this- the most interesting one I have read: a pot truck was hijacked in San Francisco- in the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge! And that was a big city; we are a small town in a rural area.
Our City Council is asking the impossible of our police force and city manager to make sure each pot grower is truthful in the accounting of cash and product. He is to monitor the ‘back door’ movement of any pot (the dispensaries want more of the untaxed/illegal material as they make a better profit), the major security and personnel checks required for this industry. Then there are the environmental regulators who will need to monitor the huge amounts of water usage from our Valley’s aqueduct, and then the clean-up of that water. They will need to monitor of the enormous amount of fungicides and miticides needed for successful growing of a monocrop in a closed, humid environment.
All of us have watched the July 4th illegal fireworks go up in this town, and if we can’t handle regulating those for one day, how do we think our good chief of police and one city manager should be expected to keep this industry clean and honest?
CORRUPTION: City Hall refuses to hear us when we ask our representatives to stop participation in any aspect of the Pot Industry. Over 300 people at the city meeting, overwhelming support at the ‘listening session’ put on the City Hall to end the Pot direction it was taking, over a thousand people signed a petition to stop it (the petition was then lost at City Hall), the County District Attorney had to step in and slap the mayor’s hand because he repeatedly would not allow citizens our constitutional right to speak against the pot issue at city council meeting’s Open Comment…where is the transparency and honesty?
Besides the DA, other outside groups have looked into the issues in Fillmore. The California Election Integrity Project is training local observers to monitor precincts because of the major abuses found in other cities voting on marijuana issues- and they expect the same for Fillmore. The Elections Board is looking at Fillmore’s candidates for political donation guidelines irregularities (always remember the line: just follow the money)
A piece of good news though- for the first time in a very long time, both the Democratic Party and Republican Party have agreed on something- and that is that Fillmore’s Measure T is majorly flawed legislation. Both parties are urging a vote No on Measure T. Take a look at what our own city attorney has written about Measure T: if the Measure is voted in, it gives our City Council the authorization “to amend or appeal the ordinance without restrictions”. Medical Marijuana growing could soon include recreational cultivation and dispensaries as possibilities.
Folks, if there is this much wrong and corruption brought to our community by an Industry that is not even here yet, what do you think it will be like if the Pot Industry does get ahold of our community?
ADDICTION: Where do I even begin with this? As a parent and an educator, it is just plain wrong to say to kids: Just Say No, but we want to make the bucks off of it. How do you rationalize to kids that we want the tax money, even though 9% of those who use marijuana will become addicted, heavy teen use can lower IQ points by about 8 points, that many of the ‘cannabis products’ on the market are at such a high THC content that they have the ability to produce a permanent psychotic state, that pot today is can be at least three times stronger than it was decades ago. These are facts from Ventura County Behavioral Health-who is working already in our Middle School because of student drug issues. Knowing the facts about this product, is it worth it to us? Almost two dozen of our kids were expelled for drug related offenses in our schools last year–the majority of them being marijuana infractions-these are our kids, in our community! What amount of tax money justifies this for our City Mayor who proposed this Measure? Can’t you find any other ways to balance the budget?
Finally, can we all just agree on this one thing? Windowless warehouses the size of Vons, requiring high power security, lining both sides of town along the 126, are about as ugly a blight as we could bring on our community. On the purely aesthetic level, our City Hall must have no sense of who we are, or why ︣we live here, if they think that this is the town we want to show others, let alone what we want to live with ourselves.
I am sorry, but when someone asks me not to get emotional about this issue, you are asking too much.
The elections are this coming Tuesday. Please show that you care. Vote No on Measure T.
Regina Stehly Nuῄez


To the Editor:
The current mayor of Fillmore, Manuel Minjares, supports Measure T. He states the main reason for a yes vote is that it will provide a source of tax revenue for the City of Fillmore. The big problem, he wrote, is "The city is facing structural budget problems due to decreases in sales tax revenues." (Emphasis added. Quoted from The County Voter Information Guide, page 56-151)
Putting aside the debate concerning Measure T for a moment, if the City of Fillmore is so concerned about lack of tax revenue, why haven't the Powers that Be done anything proactive about all the empty storefronts and buildings on Central Avenue and State Route 126? This has been an issue for years. Why isn't there a serious revitalization program going on? By all means, preserve the historicity of Central Avenue when bringing in new tenants for that part of town, but on the other hand, with McDonald's, IHOP, Starbucks, ETC., the 126 does not have the same type of historicity that Central Avenue does. It is a potential gold mine of tax revenue, but besides Waba Grill just opening up next to RiteAid, what has been done to make it happen? Maybe that should be a priority before passing Measure T.
Phil Fewsmith
Resident of Fillmore


To the Editor:
Do we want to breathe in the sweet, clean smell of citrus trees, avocado groves, and nurseries, or do we want to breathe in the obnoxious, stinky smell of marijuana? Be good to our noses and vote NO ON MEASURE T!
The City Manager and some members of the City Council are trying to convince us that the “sweet smell of success” is money in the City coffers; not quality of life for residents. They seem to think that we are naive enough to believe that if they are *”…authorized to amend or appeal the ordinance without restrictions” they will not overwhelm our lovely community as cannabis growers have for citizens of Carpinteria and other places. Fillmore uniquely affords easy access for pot growers to three major traffic routes; the 5, 101, and 118 highways. Giving the City Council the ability to “…amend or appeal the ordinance without restrictions” is like opening the door to a candy store and telling a child they can go in and eat as much candy as they want to without restrictions.
People who need marijuana for serious medical conditions are a very small percentage of our community, and they know where to buy it in Ventura County. The majority of residents in Fillmore do not need to be subjected to the awful aroma of cannabis growing, the disposal of bio waste such as stalks, increased truck traffic on 126, and increased exposure of marijuana to our youth.
Once growers are allowed into a community it can be legally difficult and expensive to get rid of them because they invest large amounts of money in their businesses and fight hard to stay, especially in a place so strategically well-situated for distribution as Fillmore is.
Don’t be fooled…vote NO on MEASURE T!
*(according to the “City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis of Measure T”)
Joan Archer
Fillmore Resident

TUE, 05/15/2018
A lot has changed in the picturesque town of Carpinteria, California. And those changes are being seen, felt, heard -- and yes -- even smelled.
For years, the Santa Barbara County town had a thriving flower production sector. But the business has been waning due to competition overseas. Carpinteria’s once famous carnations are now being replaced by a new kind of plant: cannabis.
As County News reported last month, Santa Barbara County has the most legal marijuana farms in the state. Much of the growth is concentrated in Carpinteria, where greenhouses formerly used for flowers are now grow houses for the county’s booming marijuana industry. For the growers and county coffers and economy as a whole, it’s good thing. But for those with a keen sense of smell, it stinks.
“We don’t want a marijuana smell,” said 73-year-old resident and retired sheriff’s deputy Xave Saragosa. “We want fresh air.”
The county hears them. New odor abatement rules approved in February will go into effect later this year. As cultivators begin installing new odor abatement systems, the smell could let up.
But you can’t please every all the time and that’s clear in Carpinteria. For some, the issue may not be about the smell, but rather then change in the air.
“I would not like Carpinteria to be the ‘cannabis capital’ of Southern California,” said an 80-year-old resident and retired Episcopal priest. “I like it the way it is. It’s a very quiet, unpretentious beach town.”

Letters to the Editor
October 25, 2018

To the Editor:
As a former Council Member I know making decisions on behalf of the populace can be rigorous and at times, rewarding. You must show a steady hand of facts and empathy towards your constituents.
To date, that expectation has fallen by the wayside of our local representatives. An example is a statement made by Diane McCall in October of 2016 when voting to raise our sewer rates: Diane McCall, to paraphrase, stated.. “the sewer rate increase was modest” via (VC Star). This statement overshadowed Diane’s ability to engender empathy to an issue that is efficacious to all. While there are various components to this issue, ratepayers are entitled to respect and due diligence on a solution to this meticulous issue — not a cheap band aid.
This isn't the type of leadership I desire for Fillmore, or for any municipality for that matter.
We should be united to insist and persist in keeping our elected officials accountable. We can do better!
Brian N. Sipes
Former City Council Member (2010-2013)
[Editor’s Note: Mr. Sipes was elected to Fillmore City Council on Nov. 7, 2010, and served from January 2011 to May 2013, when he resigned before his term was completed.]

Letters to the Editor
October 17, 2018

To the Editor:
I want to thank all the workers who cleaned the F on the hill. They deserve an A for the F! It is beautiful and shines so brightly. Thank you everyone for making our town shine at night!
Jean Council

Letters to the Editor
October 10, 2018

To the Editor:
It was hard to miss the irony on the front page of your most recent Gazette.
There was Mayor Minjares - a longtime advocate of Marijuana, and now the author of Measure T, a local measure to be voted upon on November 6, which will open to door to Marijuana cultivation in Fillmore. He was sitting among a group of schoolchildren.
Just a few columns over and down was the reporting of the new Fillmore Unified District Resolution, “opposing Marijuana Dispensaries, Deliveries, Personal, and all Commercial Cultivation and other commercial activities.”
Marijuana is known to cause permanent brain damage in the brains of teens and in nursing babies. It is known to be addictive and to act as a gateway drug to unproductive lives of misery. It is still a Federally Illegal Controlled Class I Drug which most doctors are uncomfortable prescribing, and which most pharmacies, unsure of source quality, will not carry. The research on marijuana for medicinal use is at best, inconclusive.
Shouldn’t we, as a town, send a consistent message to our schoolchildren? I hope Mayor Minjares looked into the faces of those schoolchildren and has rethought his belief that indoor Marijuana cultivation in Fillmore is the answer to a possible city budget shortfall.
I believe that we should all, including our Mayor, SAY NO TO DRUGS, VOTE NO on MEASURE T, and keep Fillmore as a town where growing kids is more important than growing… pot.
Patrick King
Fillmore, California

Letters to the Editor
October 3, 2018

To the Editor:
Martin Farrell
Editor of the Fillmore Herald
On Thursday, many of us watched the Senate Judiciary Committee interview Dr. Christine Blasely Ford and judge Brett Kavanaugh. The contrast between of these two individuals could not have been more stark. We had a clear-eyed, emotional but disciplined accuser. And we had a sitting judge who mawkishly told dubious stories of his children “praying for Dr. Ford,” multiple lies about the status of other witnesses, the concocted meaning of well-known references to gross acts and “games,” such as “ralphing” (a term which literally no one thinks refers to the judge’s “weak stomach”), aggressively insulted the Committee and in particular senator Amy Klobuchar over his potential misuse of a beverage, and who claimed that all facts leveled against him were and are the result of a left-wing conspiracy on behalf of the Clintons.
His shocking lack of respect for the senators conducting the interview, his clearer-than-ever-before partisanship and mawkish display of emotion, show Kavanaugh does not have the judicial temperament or integrity to serve on any bench, let alone the SCOTUS. Can you imagine if Dr. Ford had melted down in such a self-indulgent tantrum?
Kavanaugh has been a political operative for decades. He was involved in the decisions on torture in W’s administration and was essential to the Clinton Whitewater investigation before he was on the bench. He falsely minimized his partisanship in those roles, but he showed his true bias on Thursday. And, while most of us can agree that beer may have benefits to its use, to carry on as passionately and defensively as Kavanaugh did about his past underage and present use of the intoxicant was so astoundingly juvenile and unsettling that it must be seen to be believed.
An elitist with the arrogance and disingenuousness to dispute it, Kavanaugh appreciates and relishes control over other people as his near-hysterical treatment of Klobuchar and other senators indicated. That his stated job on the bench is to “call balls and strikes” is clearly not his agenda. But look what happens when someone challenges him. He loses it. He cries and sniffles about his family’s pain, though his own ambition is what has subjected them to the experience. I believe him on that issue; it has to be difficult. But more difficult than being on the receiving end of his entitled, alcohol-fueled sexually-repressed behavior in high school and college? The Trump advice to fight back ten times harder revealed the soft, entitled, and undisciplined underbelly of Brett Kavanaugh.
Dr. Ford has had to live with that terrifying moment of being helpless and subject to the drunken abuse of an acquaintance with his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream for help, who later only recalls himself as being interested in sports, academics, good works and church. And, of course, “ralphing.” There are lots of enemies of Roe v. Wade on the Federalist Society list. I’m pretty sure there at least one who doesn’t have Kavanaugh’s baggage and who won’t weep with self-pity in a job interview.
Kelly Scoles


To the Editor:
Hi, I have something I want to state in the paper regarding the school district and how they put are children in Gateway. The vice superintendent said, "Oh it will be good for your son, don't worry. I will come visit once and check on him.” Well it never happened. He has never been back. Meanwhile my son has been in so much trouble because of the people he met from colonial, all over Ventura and Oxnard with tattoos on their faces. Some have gone to Juvenal Hall for murder. This is what they do to our kids from our town. They put them in this school with a bunch of thugs that in other circumstances would have never met these people and these kids were probably just like my son when they were sent there and when they come out they are different. Sure our kids shouldn't get in trouble but you don't put a baby in jail. Please advise and I am not the only parent that feels this way.
Leslie Beserra

Letters to the Editor
September 19, 2018

To the Editor:
This is an example of why we should not let marijuana businesses of any kind in Fillmore. People who legitimately need medical marijuana know where and how to obtain it legally. Once one type of marijuana business is allowed in Fillmore, others will follow, and our lovely community will be irreparably damaged by the ripple effect marijuana businesses have on a small community. Below is the referred to titled “Money Can’t Buy Everything in Compton or Fillmore”.
- Joan Archer, Concerned Resident
Monday, 02/12/2018
Compton, which has produced weed-loving musical artists from DJ Quik to Dr. Dre, has been called the "birthplace of hip hop and weed culture." Now its residents are trying to shed that image.
Compton voters defeated two measures that would have allowed recreational and medical marijuana within city limits last month. If you want marijuana in Compton, you'll have to get it on the city's always sizable black market.
"Drugs have pillaged black and brown communities," 61-year-old James Hays Jr., told the Los Angeles Times. "It has taken all of our talent away from us. It makes our neighborhoods bad neighborhoods to live in.”
"The voters in Compton decided this decision was the healthiest and most forward-looking for our community," explained Councilwoman Emma Sharif. "I don't believe bringing marijuana into the community would've been good for the community.”
After years of sky-high crime rates and government corruption, Compton residents are finally getting a taste of normalcy. Crime is down, there's new leadership, home prices are rising, and big developers are coming to the city. The risk of opening the doors to the nearly all-cash legal cannabis industry is just too high, residents wager. The city also estimates it would have cost $6 million in added enforcement and processing of license requests.
It's a shame, said Dermot Givens, an attorney who specializes in marijuana licensing. He thinks the city could have made a "fortune" by capitalizing on its history as the birthplace of "the Chronic."
But money can't buy everything.


To the Editor:
It Isn’t Your Town—It’s You – Vote NO on Measure T
Poem expressing the sentiment of Fillmore residents taken from the 1920 May Day Festival bulletin.
“If you want to live in the sort of a town, like the sort of a town you’d like, you don’t have to slip your clothes in a grip and start on a long, long, hike.
For you’ll only find what you’ve left behind, there’s nothing that’s really new, it’s a knock at yourself when you knock your town; It isn’t your town—it’s you.
Real towns are not made by men afraid lest somebody else gets ahead, where everyone works and nobody shirks, you can raise a town from the dead.
And if while you make your personal stake, your neighbor can make one, too; Then Fillmore will be what you want to see—It isn’t your town—it’s YOU.
By William Thaw Deniston.
Protect your children and family’s safety, health and virtue as well as Fillmore. Vote NO on Measure T.
Courtesy Safeguard Fillmore

Letters to the Editor
September 9, 2018

To the Editor:
Dear Fellow Residents of Fillmore:
I hope all of you are ready to vote NO on Measure T, which seeks to legalize indoor Marijuana cultivation businesses in Fillmore.
I have been collecting information during the last several years on Marijuana and cannot, for the life of me, understand why some believe any kind of Marijuana cultivation would be a good business idea for our small city. Why would we want to produce any product that can harm children in our city?
The Ventura STAR ( 9/5/2018) reported that “THC may remain in breast milk for up to 6 days” and that for infants who are affected, “there is the possibility of harm to the brain and skills like concentration, attention, and impulse control.” This harm could be lifelong. I have recently read in Reader’s Digest (July-August 2018) that Marijuana use by teens is increasing, and that many teens no longer see Marijuana smoking as a health threat. Yet, Dr. Shannon Levy MD, of Boston Children’s Hospital states, in What Pot Does to a Teen’s Brain that “…one out of every 6 teens who smoke Marijuana will become addicted.”
I strongly believe that although MEASURE T on the November Ballot is for businesses which cultivate “Medical Marijuana” that the situation could quickly change to the cultivation of “Recreational Marijuana” when these cash only businesses, which self report their income, begin to claim, as they did recently in Ojai, that they could not make a profit. I have read the City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis of Measure T and I am deeply concerned at the words “The City Council is expressly authorized to amend or appeal the ordinance without restriction.”
MEASURE T will hurt someone’s child, if not our own. Read about Measure T. Talk to your friends and neighbors. This may be the most important vote in Fillmore history, as it may change the character of the town, forever. Fillmore has always put the welfare of children, first.
Think about kids and their future. THEN VOTE NO on MEASURE T on November 6.
- Marion Schuck

Letters to the Editor
September 5, 2018

To the Editor:
Re: Commercial Marijuana Problems in Cities
I wish to publicly express my concern about the complications and dangers the City of Fillmore will face if Measure T passes this fall. I will periodically send you articles I have found about problems other communities have had to deal with as a result of allowing commercial, marijuana businesses into their cities. The attached illustrates how the City of Berkeley had to lower its pot tax (see “Berkeley Lowers It’s Pot Tax” here https://www.californiacitynews.org/2018/02/berkeley-lowers-its-pot-tax.h...) because of competition with the black market. Lowering its tax has to significantly reduce any profit margin they hoped to realize, especially when considering the additional costs in public safety, emergency medical care for increased addition, overdoses, etc. which have been proven to follow initiation of commercial marijuana businesses in cities. Let’s not be foolish enough to invite those problems to Fillmore.
Those who legitimately need medical marijuana already know how and where to obtain it. As a long-time resident of Fillmore, I am gravely concerned that allowing one type of marijuana businesses to operate here will open the door to other types of businesses, and have greater negative consequences on our community than any financial gain, or convenience for a small percentage of our citizens, will bring.
Joan Archer
Fillmore Resident

Letters to the Editor
August 29, 2018

To the Editor:
TUES 3/6/2018
The Escondido City Council has unanimously approved a cannabis ban so stringent that it has earned Escondido a new nickname as the "Just Say No City”.
It's a moniker Mayor Sam Abed says he is proud to embrace.
"We're against the sales, the delivery, the dispensaries, everything. We don't want marijuana in our city”.
Under the new ordinance, no form of commercial marijuana is permitted within city limits. No dispensaries. No cultivation" No deliveries whatsoever.
Escondido residents can grow up to six plants indoors and possess up to an ounce of pot because state law already grants them that right. But that's it. The council has also imposed stiffer penalties on adults who allow minors to consume pot, other drugs, or alcohol on their properties. Those penalties include fines of up to $10,000 and even jail time.
Marijuana advocates have vowed to fight the city's cannabis ban at the ballot box. Police Chief Craig Carter, who also supports the ordinance, says the city welcomes the challenge.
Annette M. Sula, Director of Safegaurd Fillmore

Letters to the Editor
August 22, 2018

To the Editor:
Dear Fillmore,
I am writing you this letter in hopes that I may convince you to vote against all pot related business, cultivation, testing, distribution, manufacturing and whatever else they throw at you this election year.
Our community has a strong “family community” life style, always has and always will. We may be poor in finances but we are rich in so many ways that money can’t buy. So tell the City officials and the pot companies WE ARE NOT FOR SALE.
Why not allow them to come into town? 7/28/2016 Fillmore Gazette paper states “Fillmore says no to Marijuana”, Chief of police report from information gleaned from the states of Colorado and Washington “overall message, don’t do it”. Hospital visits are up as well as DUI’S and car insurance (7%) in Colorado linked to pot. Here is the person who works for the safety of us all asking us not to do it, warning words from others dealing with the problems that were unforeseen from this business.
About 300+ residents came out to a council meeting to say no and only about 12 residents and visitors were in favor. Pot business spends big money sending people from Oakland to council meetings speaking in favor of marijuana. At the 8/8/17 City council meetings the pot industry lied to our community with mail home flyers about “40% off water and sewage utilities for every household” if you showed support of a medical cannabis facility in Fillmore at the meeting. They also offered on their web site a celebratory meal after the meeting. Fillmore stood strong and voted no. This meeting had many people show up in support but they were mostly from out of town; 20 out-of-towners and five residents in support and 93 residents not in favor.
At 6/25/17 public forum meeting, written and oral comments were documented as follows. Benefits to cultivation: income(11) jobs(7) progress(3) regulations to comply with state law(3)med marijuana grown locally for those who need it(2) support AG industry/crop diversity(2) and now, concerns about cultivation: Increased crime and safety(20)slippery slope cultivation processing to dispensaries(9)youth at risk(9) fear of drug cartel activity area(7)negative city image(7)unwanted local travelers(7)more homeless(3)financial impact to families(3)dysfunctional families(2)low paying jobs(2)water use(2)property value loss(2)waste/trash/pollution/environmental concerns(2)smell of pot(2).
There was a comment board that was filled entirely from people who said, “there are no benefits”. The forum was to get feedback from local residents and yet again two tables had non-residents who commented on the pros.
At 8/9/16 council meeting the Fillmore Unified School Superintendent and school board passed the following resolution that states ”whereas, the Fillmore Unified School District governing board believes the presence of marijuana cultivation, sales, and distribution in this community is contrary to the interests of the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens and the desires to preserve the rights of the citizens to live and work in a community where drug abuse is not accepted and the citizens are not subject to the adverse effects of drug abuse.’
There is so much more to write but the long and short of it is that most Fillmore residents do not want this in our community. I feel that those who do not take the time to come and voice their opinion in public in favor cannot be really taken seriously since often times they are out-of-towners posing as “residents or local community members”.
Please vote for leaders who OPPOSE Measure T this election year and vote NO on Measure T. The decisions of the City of Fillmore greatly impact those citizens and communities just across the bridges in all three directions.
Kathy Pace

Letters to the Editor
August 15, 2018

To the Editor:
Many citizens have been meeting to oppose Measure T, which will be on the Fillmore Ballot, November 6, 2018. Measure T asks voters approve establishing indoor commercial marijuana buildings and businesses in Fillmore.
In July, we went to Fillmore City Hall to find out how we could write the Argument Against Measure T and were given instructions and the forms for writing this counter argument. We were also given the instructions and forms for writing a Rebuttal to the Argument for Measure T, and the dates these forms and signatures would need to be turned in.
We worked weeks on the Argument against Measure T and it was submitted and stamped received by the city clerk on August 1, 2018.
After receiving a copy of the Argument for Measure T on August 3, we worked on the Rebuttal to the Argument for Measure T, which was due August 13, 2018. When we took the Rebuttal Forms, Argument, and Signatures for a review to Fillmore City Staff on August 11, 2018, however, and asked questions, we were told by the city staff that they would have to get back to us with answers.
Instead, the deputy city clerk called us to let us to let us know that Fillmore does not allow rebuttals to their ballot measures and has not allowed any rebuttals to measures for two years.
As we seek further clarification on this process, and as the date for submitting our Rebuttal to the Argument for Measure T has now expired, we are attaching it here, so that the people of Fillmore can have this important information. We invite anyone interested in learning more about Measure T, to contact Annette Sula, Director of Safeguard Fillmore, at 805 524-5585.
Susan Jolley


To the Editor:
Final Rebuttal Letter
Measure T is another mistake. Outsiders get wealthy on us, they walk away, and we are left with fallout that affects our community for decades.
This proposal is not “modest.” From the east, bunkers may line the 126 from the riverbed, to a block from Saint Francis, and across from the Los Serenos homes. From the west, cultivation may line both sides of the highway, adjacent to El Dorado Mobilehome Park (City of Fillmore docs).
Aside from the visual blight on our town, most realtors can tell you what happens to property values when the Marijuana industry moves in. Residents of Carpinteria, one of the first to allow Marijuana cultivation, are now worried about property value loss directly related to this industry. (Ventura Star 05/12/18.)
Once established, it will be impossible to contain the deep pockets of this industry. Initially committed to “Medical Marijuana” sales, Ojai just added recreational purchase. Calaveras County issued growing permits and then rescinded them, when it realized the costs of this industry far exceeded the taxes and is now facing a multitude of lawsuits to force the allowance of Marijuana production.
This is Common Sense. Tell city government to stop spending tax dollars on Marijuana Propositions and start finding legitimate city revenue sources to enrich this Beautiful Valley.
Our city’s fate is in our hands. Vote No on MEASURE T and tell the Marijuana Industry that the “Last Best Small Town” is smarter than they thought and, NOT FOR SALE.

Letters to the Editor
August 1, 2018

To the Editor:
I'm writing regarding last week's Letter to the Editor. It was a typical response in today's political discourse; attack the messenger without using facts or presenting the issues. Kelly Scoles letter stated "you" fifteen times. The response stated "you" once. Today's discourse is void of rational arguments, decaying into personal attacks of loud screams, name calling, and attacks. All to discredit the messenger and making their words not worthy of consideration.
Scoles emotional attack on someone she disagreed with included tag words: "desperate, toxic,[cry]ing, defensive, dismissive, judgmental, authoritarianism, hateful and afraid". Surprisingly xenophobic, racist, bigoted, homophobic and privilege didn't make their way in. Then there was a question of whether the editor should be allowed an opinion on his values regarding society, simply because Scoles contends that "half" of society disagrees with that point of view, implying that size of the crowd/mob should dictate what gets said or heard. Not once were fact presented to explain her argument, only emotional attacks.
I will present my own "tirade" using facts and first hand experience to explain why, after 30 year, I removed myself from the liberal Democratic "cocoon" 15 years ago.
Today our education system is completely controlled by the far left, (not an opinion, facts back that up) yet they take no responsibility for its condition. Example; While attending a class at a California university, I saw students/members of the nonprofit A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (a pro-Palestinian anti-Israel anarchist organization) receive class credit for making ANSWER posters. Those posters were used later that week to protest in the streets while burning our flag. I witnessed first hand how our schools and university embrace anarchists with open arms, but patriotic loyalty to our nation or disagreeing with anything the left is pushing will get you a failing grade. Not to mention that the LAUSD (2nd largest district in the USA) lowered the graduating GPA requirement to 1.0 which is a D average due an inability to teach usable skills needed in a functioning society. Today schools teach "social justice," anarchy, how to protest the "hateful" and "racist" American culture. Most social clubs are racially based and receive almost all the financial support available. Education's social engineering requires skin color, ethnic pride, being unisex, emotions/feelings take priority not just in the "studies" classes, it's promoted in all classes. I was shocked at how pervasive it is. Actual history, which teaches society not to repeat the mistakes of the past has been replaced with group/clubs like MECha; an untrue myth/con promoted by the left to install a feeling of entitlement in a specific segment of society.
Political correctness controls every discourse on campus and demands everyone feel guilty if not conforming to the new world order. Today a third generation of students are entering our indoctrinating education system where students must believe they are citizens of the world, not of this country. They must carry the guilt for the sins of the past, agree that minorities are all victims and ignore all those innate traits they are born with, even their sex. Indoctrination requires that society work as a group/gang/whole and that free thought must be extinguished and emotions become the road map to follow. Our own Fillmore High School still has an English teacher that throw our flag on the floor, stomped on it stating it was "Just a symbol".
The left has little respect for our Republic and Constitution, which tries to give equal rights to all. But our laws get in the way of their Progressive power thus law enforcement must be seen as unjust. For years Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals has been in the works infecting our institutions and creating power machines by using schools, nonprofits, Hollywood, media, IRS, and today we see the CIA, FBI and DOJ being exposed. The glitter of entertainers/athletes convince the youth they are part of the "cool" group. While some of those same entertainers/athletes overdose from their drug abuse. But that's forgiven, everyone is a victim, no one needs to take responsibility, because today drug abuse is an illness. Remove the crimes and everyone stays clean.
Have you noticed Californians practically live in a dictatorship; the controllers live along the coastal beaches and those controlled live inland, many on the government plantation. In Los Angeles, it's 405 freeway that marks the division. The pawns are given sports arenas to keep them entertained, just like Rome. Note the growing homeless throughout the state, along with importing cheap labor, government entitlements, immigrants needed to increase the tax base and you have all elements that toppled the Roman Empire. But history isn't important in schools, right?
If you're a home/property owner, would it surprise you to learn that for years the left has been using nonprofits, including C.A.U.S.E., to overturning Prop.13 and raise your property taxes. Yes, 501c3 nonprofits (like churches) get your tax dollars in the form of grants to promote leftist ideology and issues, which is what 501c4 PAC's are legally able to do, not 501c3's. But laws don't matter to the left. I guess Brown taking all the State's Redevelopment assets was not enough to feed the hungry lefts need for more money. Remember, to the left you're a citizen of the world, and you have to pay for it.
Our Republic is not perfect, if it were, Hillary Clinton would have been charged with destruction of evidence and Obama would be required to tell us why he lied to our citizens, saying he did NOT know Hillary was using a private server, when the facts show he was one of the 13 people using it to communicate with her. We would also be asking why Hillary, Obama and Rice lied about the 9-11 attack in Benghazi; remember, "It was a video". Have you liberals even asked yourselves why they lied? What excuse have you been told? Don't you want the truth? Just tell yourselves that's old stuff, we don't care or "What difference does it make now anyway?" Well four of our citizens were killed and I do care and want the truth.
Our Republic is not perfect, but far better than anything else out there, especially socialism; think Venezuela. President Trump is doing/working on many of the promises that got him elected. Not pandering to both sides of the "resist" movement whose goal is to keep the status quo that has slowly harmed our country; many didn't notice until it couldn't be ignored. The call for attacks, like Maxine Watters dissolves us into a third world country, where laws and a middle class barely exist. This is not the Democratic Party of years ago that I was proud to be part of. Not even close.
Jean McLeod


To the Editor:
Re: to Kelly Scoles letter and Martin Farrell response:
For a number of years now I have subscribed to the Fillmore Gazette. I have always read the Editors Realities. Sometimes I agree with them, sometimes I have read them and said Realities"??
I am a direct descendent of a signer of the Declaration of Independence, He was also a contributor to the Constitution wording. So I take its application to our American lives seriously. My Grand Mother wouldn’t allow less. The foundation and development of both documents was based on, we Americans wanted freedoms we were not getting from the countries our countrymen were from, as well as taxation
Many, many hours weeks and months were spent putting together a Constitution they could agree on and live with. Supposedly the wording was to be forever and always applicable to American life, no matter real living, and evolutionary/changes.
A two party system of government evolved. Now Republican and Democrat, and some independents. Oh yes we even have some Green party and other extraneous parties developing. Nowhere in the document does it say one party is superior or has more position than the other, we are supposed to be equal. Liberal vs Conservative is interesting but neither here nor there, wording vanilla ??
I have been voting for 56 years. Thirty six of those were as a devout Republican, and the difference as a registered Democrat, although in that time, I voted for the person I thought would be our best leader and represent our country first.
It only changed for me, with the impeachment of Bill Clinton. I had been at home recovering from open heart surgery. (Within the time the hearings were televised and I watched all of them/it.) Representative Henry Hyde was the committee chair Republican, and Representative Conyers for the Democrat. The number of committee personal were not balanced more Republicans than Democrats. The process for deciding on the articles of impeachment was terrible.
I thought for sure these alleged fine Representatives could surly be collaborative and put together a solid agreed to process. Hyde was domineering and Conyers was run over more times than I can remember.
I thought and still do, if these supposedly educated People are all we have, we are in serious trouble. (The issue of impeachment was occasionally blurred between lying about an affair or infidelity denied. and other less pronounced issues.)
This Nation since inception has had Presidents and Congressional people who have had their (Human) failings and affairs. Until our fine investigative occupations of our country started to share what had been, personal issues not for sale, we were not enticed by malicious information.
It is now a mud flinging sport.
After the Impeachment had been realized, I decided I could not stay affiliated with a Republican party that could not collaborate with the Democrats. We needed Americans, for the best interest of the Country. We looked like fools then and still do today. The blast and outright astonishment was the information that came to light after the Senate acquitted Clinton. All of a sudden the news hit::
Mr. perfection personified Henry Hyde had an affair, This article is from the Congressional records files through Wikipedia.
This carefully crafted facade, however, is beginning to show cracks. As the House geared up to impeach President Clinton last fall under Hyde’s leadership, the pious Roman Catholic defender of family values and stern opponent of abortion was embarrassed by Salon’s exposure of his lengthy affair with a much younger woman while he was married and serving in the Illinois Legislature. When Hyde stridently pressed the impeachment case in the Senate, despite overwhelming public sentiment against removing the president, he appeared more right-wing sectarian scold than righteously sententious Solon.
Newt Gingrich also had extra martial affair along with the below information article As Newt Gingrich looks to complete his improbable political comeback, his opponents won't let him (or the electorate) forget about the scandal that ended the first act of his political career—a string of 84 ethics complaints in the House that culminated in a $300,000 sanction. "Newt has a ton of baggage."
Then the Speaker designate per this article from the congressional Wikipedia files: The Speaker-designate, Representative Bob Livingston, chosen by the Republican Party Conference to replace Gingrich as House Speaker, announced the end of his candidacy for Speaker and his resignation from Congress from the floor of the House after his own marital infidelity came to light.[15]
Two other notable members of Congress Dan Burton and Helen Chenoweth also resigned because of Martial affairs.
So I think that you might consider, all these People and their affairs, as liberals too, certainly they took the liberty to do as they wanted.
The above is for clarity of my views, of your distinguishing "liberals" based on some yesteryear platform. No one is a saint. I am a Christian I have been married 50 years this October.
President Trump. I Voted for him. I really thought he would-be a badly needed change. A Successful CEO of his company. With appreciation for a budget, goals, accountability, commitments Governmental process improvements. Cost savings planning Ya know controlling our treasury etc.
He should be working these possibilities with Congress for these actions; after all they are his party. None of those are apparent they would all be major improvements for spending our money. Money "Of the People by the People and for the People" fewer tax increase
Yesterday Secretary Of State Pompeo appeared with the Senate Foreign Relations committee... One major view point by the Republican senate chair, Senator Corker was quite informative and allowed me to understand what I had been thinking.
He said ::
“Mr. Secretary I can tell you we are very happy with the work you have been doing for our country. You and Secretary Mattis are doing outstanding work. How do you explain that every time President Trump opens his mouth the words seem to be contrary to your notable actions.?"
His answer was "Senator everything we have been doing is at the, .direction of the President" Unfortunately the President needs to not talk so much. (My words)
Honestly those words are as close as I remember, but right on in meaning. That question sub-concisely is what I hear as well. counterproductive to the country.
I do not accept that because he is President that he can be narcissistic, exaggerate, and demonstrate the posture of a benevolent dictator. Demeaning all in his path, here at home, and particularity with our allies. Even Mitch Mc Connell took exception with his mouthy words with our Nations allies.
I can tell you there is nothing in the Constitution with regard to bath rooms or any other personal sanctuaries, I choose the men's every time, I will say in South Korea they have coed if you will, facilities what a surprise I had.
Allow me to put out just a thought, I am a gun owner and they are not going anywhere. The Second Amendment if you really reflect on what were the living conditions when the 2nd was written.
we were in a war with England, we were entering an uncharted country with Indians and other inhabitants that did not like us, Our army was very limited and our population was spread far and away from each other, no phones no mail, no electronic media. They needed protections
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
It does not say it cannot be reviewed and changed as the country may decide --another amendment?? But we like to hang on to whatever we view is our right, not what may need some additional thought for today's real time life/conditions.
I think that there are many differences in beliefs by our fellow Americans.
To defame or discredit their lives is too sanctimonious for me. It is never going to change even if you and I agreed; the ACLU will tumble us around.
Congress itself has eroded to near useless performance. Both the House and Senate are dysfunctional in terms of collaborative working/planning. Seems like one of them has to submit a legislative proposal while the other is off on some other non -connecting agenda. The two should work the same issues and when done coordination and finalization would be faster. Right now it looks like nothing is being achieved
The Supreme Court = 1/3 the power of the United States Government
The Supreme Court is MIA. I know the process has been a case must have gone through the lower courts before the Supreme Court takes a look.
There are however issues that only the Supreme Court can decide and could clear known issues in advance, there by having resolutions in place. Almost like a repair Manual?? Example what questions do we hear every day:
1) Can the President pardon himself
2) Can the President face indictments?
Just both of those would settle recent questions and allow both the President and the country to know the Courts position.
There is no reason they cannot get involved, only precedent holds them outside the Countries morass.
My Grandmother is Grace Bartlett 3rd Cousin to Josiah Bartlett of New Hampshire signer of the Declaration of Independence
A staunch Republican friend of mine sent me the below:
Raymond S Brown Sr.


To the Editor:
Your editorial of July 25, 2018
The First Amendment gives us the right to spew whatever is on our minds (generally, short of yelling fire in a crowded theater or deliberately inciting violence). However, we are often called upon to consider our duties as humans and Americans, and sometimes just as ethical people, to determine our personal limits in that constitutional exercise.
I would not have responded to your second editorial (July 25, 2018) except it failed to address the one essential issue of my LTTE and tippy-toed right over the second. Perhaps I did not make myself clear:
First, the most essential and egregious. You referred (July 18) to persons with sex identification issues as being a human “sub-species.” Do you have a constitutional right to say such a thing? You do. But, since you brought it up, what happened to “Judaeo-Christian values” here? The “good news” of Christianity made it clear that all God’s children are fully human and loved. Their issues are God-given and have existed since creation (these “pseudo-identifications” are not new, Martin. You are just now aware of them). Humans who respect heavenly authority are obliged to respect heavenly creation in all its forms. God alone will judge. I fail to see how this “saddles” you but, as I said before, I hear your pain.
Clutching your pearls and insisting that you don’t make judgments about who are “normal traditional citizens” is belied by your own words: you asserted and subsequently doubled-down that there are “normal traditional citizens,” the identity of whom you can discern from your knowledge of our constitution. Your judgment of exactly what “normal” and “traditional” means is left unexplained but vaguely tied to your perceived oppression by liberal judges and justices who create “innovative” protections (in negotiating, known as “making the pie larger”), an agony which you suffer in communion with “traditional Constitutional adherents.” Perhaps we should have only one political party, one which reflects only your views. No, wait, the world has tried that, many times, and it has always ended badly.
I am happy to ignore your screeds against Democrats, liberals, Democratic Socialists, feminists or any woman not interested in being nurtured by your sanctification/protection program for womanhood (at least in public bathrooms). We can take care of ourselves. But some people struggle a little more than others with issues the rest of us may not personally confront. Why, as a question of personal ethical limitation on the exercise of First Amendment Rights, permit your fears to dehumanize others?
Lordy, Martin, if you have some imprimatur or nihil obstat issued by the Almighty to pass judgment on those of mankind who do not share your views or experiences, or just that group that exists in America, please disclose it. Because if you can, the New Testament has been sorely misunderstood. If not, as you say, “God bless them all.”
Kelly Scoles

Letters to the Editor
July 25, 2018

Being familiar with your views on humanity and politics, I generally give your “editorials,” at best, a swift glance before moving on to local news. But your cry for help of July 18, 2018, was so desperate and toxic that it cannot go without acknowledgment. I will leave aside your usual tirade against Democrats and liberals.
We already know that you will assume whatever posture necessary to defend authoritarianism, and in the current president you have realized your dream of a nascent “strong man.” Someone who will decide who is worthy and who is “other.” Someone to determine the rules, lay them down without pity, and enforce them without compassion. Like a very nasty Daddy. You will even give him a pass when your brain cries desperately for you to be “taken aback.” Nope. You will take this president’s “word for it” even though he is a consistent and notorious liar.
You dismiss fully half of this country’s and this city’s population that disagree with you, and you do it in the most defensive, dismissive, judgmental and, yes, even hateful way. Who are you to determine what “normal traditional citizens” believe? How would you know? Who are you to determine that human sex identification issues belong to a “sub-species?” What gives you the right?
The answer is that you are afraid of anything that doesn’t reflect your personal views, biases, and treasured sense of impending doom. Of “liberals.” Of anyone who does not reinforce your cocoon. I know perfectly well that there is no changing your views. For some reason, you have to think as you do. It makes you feel safe or superior or righteous. But, still, your cry for help from a threatened world is unmistakable. I abhor your views, but I acknowledge and am sorry for your obvious pain.
Kelly Scoles,


To the Editor:
Fillmore Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations that made The Sespe Creek Car & Bike Show 2018, a wonderful event that keeps a tradition that has been established for 32 years & continues to grow. Thank You, Silver Sponsor: William L. Morris Chevrolet – Bill & Grant Morris Community Sponsors: Diamond Realty Theresa & Henry Robledo, Aguirre Financial & Insurance, El Pescador Mexican Restaurant, Ay Chihuahua Restaurant, Vallarta Restaurant,
Central Station; Fillmore, Ca., Victor Magana, California Air Conditioning & Heating - Frank Murillo, New York Life Ins., Financial Service - Agents: Arthur Sanchez, Mark Soovajian, Remax Realty - Fillmore Agents: Ray Galvez, John Holliday and Anna Arriaga.
Fillmore Chamber of Commerce