Letters to the Editor
October 23, 2019

To the Editor:
In February 2019, FUTA and FUSD began negotiations for the 2018-2019 school year. As a matter of practice, our negotiations have begun and ended in the same year. Unfortunately, Fillmore Unified was unwilling to negotiate a fair settlement prior to the conclusion of the school year in June. On Tuesday, October 29th FUTA and FUSD will once again meet with a state mediator in effort to reach a fair settlement for the 2018-2019 school year. FUSD has one more opportunity to provide a settlement that begins to honor the persistence and dedication of its greatest assets, the educators of this wonderful community. I implore the school board and the leaders of Fillmore Unified to bring this conflict to an end and begin building bridges that will benefit the students we are all here to serve.
Tammy Ferguson,
FUTA President