By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009
This is a response to Bob Stroh’s letter. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, May 27th, 2009
Fire Chief Bill Herrera stepped down from his position during Tuesday’s regular council meeting. We owe him a debt of thanks for the good work he did during a particularly difficult transitional period for the department. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, May 20th, 2009
The heated dispute between the Fillmore Unified Teacher’s Association (FUTA) and the school board and district continues. The Gazette has published the letter from Fillmore Unified School District Board President John Garnica, this week. It was received too late for publication last week. I think it raises some questions that should be answered. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, May 13th, 2009
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, April 29th, 2009
Councilwoman Laurie Hernandez has voiced objection to my description, in last week’s Realities, of the condition with which she is struggling. I had characterized her problem as an “addiction”. The problem is more accurately described as alcoholism. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009
Well, the plot thickens at city hall. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, April 15th, 2009
The early retirement of Fillmore Finance Director, and one-time Assistant City Manager, Barbara Smith, was not announced during Tuesday’s regular council meeting, at her request. Please watch the meeting on Channel 10 – 6:00 p.m. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
Publishing a website, can sometimes be a real pain. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, March 25th, 2009
Before I forget, for about the fifth time, I want to thank the staff of our Santa Paula Hospital for its exemplary work. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, March 18th, 2009
Let’s all remember to turn out for the grand opening of the Skateboard Park, Saturday. It is a thing of beauty, as it should be for a $million-plus. Even before opening it has become a hugely popular gathering place for kids from all over the county. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
During the past year or so several people have stopped me and asked whether I had read what was being published on a particular blog. A couple of times I checked it out only to discover a lot of trash talk by a small group of obviously damaged personalities who cover their libel with pseudo names. But this was quite a while ago and I don’t usually bother with blogs, with the occasional exception of the Gazette’s. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, March 4th, 2009
I have too much to cover in the half-hour remaining to finish this column, so I’ll have to be brief. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, February 25th, 2009
The city owes a debt of gratitude to those individuals and institutions which have followed through with the Military Banner Program honoring Fillmore’s men and women presently serving our country. Thanks to the work of Fillmore School Board member Virginia de la Piedra, with the City of Fillmore, Fillmore Unified School Board, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9637 and the Fillmore Sunrise Rotary, we can appreciate the new banners displayed from light posts on Central Avenue. This is a bold statement of the pride the residents of Fillmore have in our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guard service men and women. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, February 11th, 2009
Google doth make experts of us all
A response to Councilwoman Washburn’s letter Ms. Washburn, The actions you have taken during your first few weeks on council corroborate this assessment. Your most recent letter also reflects the problem. As with so many previous alleged statements of fact, your statement that Mr. Payne’s duties under his contract with the City of Fillmore “...have been completed” is false. Four of the seven commitments are on-going, such as use issues with KDF; bond issues (new variable interest rate bonds as low as .4 percent, substantially less than the present 4.3 percent) available; the sewer rate pro-forma; and miscellaneous tasks (always in play) remain now and at the time of Mr. Payne’s resignation. You should have known this. Your other objections (cell phone, computer workstation and office) seem childishly petty. The phone was used continuously on city business. It would be ridiculous to demand that Mr. Payne pay for communications with the city in the course of his city work. The city should provide the tools to complete city work. Payne’s job was, basically, to save the city money (like the $814,000 he did save). Was that worth a cell phone, computer and work station? Reasonable people would say yes. After all, you asked these things for our new city clerk who is paid $25.00 per month and saves the city nothing. You state that you “disagreed” with Mr. Payne on “some” issues. I can’t think of any major issue on which you agreed with him. Your nagging insistence that PERC should be the builder of our water treatment plant, when they have never before constructed a membrane bio-reactor (a specialty) is indicative of your misplaced self-confidence. Would you have someone build your house who had never built a house before? Then, why a $30 million, state-of-the-art plant? You stubbornly opposed our Design, Build, and Operate (DBO) contract for the same plant – until Santa Paula used that model for the construction of their plant – which caused you to change your mind. I don’t expect you to have passed a class on the law of contracts, Gayle, but we expect council members to understand the basic elements of a contract – which Mr. Payne had with the city. What did you expect to negotiate with him? It’s too obvious that you have never had an understanding of Payne’s true value, because you don’t understand his achievements during the past 20 years. Both you and Mr. Brooks come to the council with an extraordinary, agenda-driven arrogance. What have either of you accomplished that would place you in a position to judge Mr. Payne’s professional achievements for the city? You both have questioned Mr. Payne’s ethics by accusing him of having a (city created?) conflict of interest. You have both questioned the quality and value of his performance, when he has saved (most recently) $814,000 for the city. You, Brooks, and Mayor Walker, together with that merry band of mischief-makers that supports you, have caused more than a year’s delay of the treatment plant, and wasted more than $1 million in unnecessary expense by your incessant, repetitious (asked and answered) questioning of expert opinion of the highest order. Your questions have often been foolish, such as “Can’t we save a little money by not using this non-reactive concrete?” You do a lot of loose research, but seldom sufficient homework. You have essentially fired the winning quarterback at half-time. Now you had better see who’s left on the bench. Maybe you can Google-up someone. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, February 4th, 2009
Those of us who know of the extraordinary work Fillmore’s former City Manager Roy Payne has done during his 20 years on the job, and how essential his talents and experience have been to the smooth operation of business park plans, and the water treatment plant, also know how much his presence will be missed now that he has resigned. Mr. Payne submitted his resignation Tuesday. Mark that day on your calendar and take note of where city development stands today. Check city development progress six months from now; I predict a dramatic and expensive downturn. Why? Because there is no one with Mr. Payne’s talents, experience, integrity, and institutional memory to take his place. The blind forces of arrogant stupidity have inflicted enormous damage to city development through its gratuitous, unremitting stream of disrespect for Mr. Payne. Watch closely the cost in time to be lost and treasure to be wasted in attempts to fill Mr. Payne’s shoes, all because three intellectual pygmies on council (and two off) persistently and deliberately chose to ignore the advice of legal and business experts, and took disagreements personally. Read Mr. Payne’s letter of resignation thoughtfully. It is also posted on For me, it brings back vivid memories of the past 20-plus years in Fillmore. It evokes memories of Fillmore before and after the catastrophic Northridge earthquake. It also illuminates the achievements of the man who rebuilt this town from the scattered bricks and massive, post quake confusion. He gave us hope – he gave us a sparkling new town! Roy Payne was the man who orchestrated our recovery, who found the grants, ordered the work, and hired the people necessary to get the job done. Ask the opinion of any previous Fillmore City Council member about Mr. Payne’s achievements. They all agree (except for Gary Creagle; see intellectual pygmy reference) his work has been indispensable to our success. Goodbye Mr. Payne. Thanks for 20 spectacular years of hard work. (More on this next week) |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, January 28th, 2009
Having to write a column on Tuesday night council meetings has always been a challenge because we go to press Wednesday around noon. This leaves little time for patient analysis. From one standpoint, however, our two newest council members make analysis a little easier. By now, those who attend council meetings, or watch them on Channel 10, should know what I’m talking about. Council team members Gayle Washburn and Jamey Brooks have entered the arena: Jamey as the sword-swinging budget enforcer, and Gayle the super confident number-cruncher. I would feel more confident if either one of them had a clue to what they are doing. Both were elected to council positions by promising dramatic changes. The target of most of their displeasure is our Special Projects Manager Roy Payne. They seek to have him removed from his present duties which include overseeing the construction of the new business park. They would also like to get rid of our Director of Public Works, Bert Rapp, and City Manager Tom Ristau. Without exception, I have had issues with all three in the past. But it would be unusual indeed to agree with every decision made by city management. There’s no doubt in my mind that team Washburn and Brooks bring a stubborn determination to the council which is focused on cutting just about all spending at any cost, for any project. They have already distinguished themselves at the first two meetings by voting NO on several projects critical to the health, safety, and welfare of Fillmore’s residents. The Washburn-Brooks coalition voted (incomprehensibly) “no” at first efforts to purchase acreage in the Highway 126 bridge area, which ultimately will cost the city nothing, and would guarantee Sespe Creek storm flow in perpetuity. This would save hundreds of homeowners from having to purchase expensive flood insurance. Then there was the issue of accepting a GRANT of $315,000 to acquire (from the Fillmore Irrigation District) a few acres at the northeast area of the bridge over Highway 23. The city would have to come up with 10-percent to make the deal go. This acquisition is critical for the completion of 415 feet of the bike path, and the completion of the levee to the northeastern abutment of the bridge. This was a grant from CalTrans. Washburn and Brooks voted no. Thank God Councilwoman Patti Walker understood the importance and joined with Steve Conaway to explain the importance of the CalTrans Bicycle Transportation Account Grant, or the path and levee would remain unchanged. Then there was the effort by Washburn-Brooks to cancel Roy Payne’s contract to facilitate the business park and other work. After Conaway, and KDF Community Manager Rod McDonald explained how critically important Payne’s assistance has been, and remains, to the timely completion of the park, an ad hoc committee was formed to look into the terms of the contract. Again, Washburn and Brooks exhibited their ignorance of facts, but an eagerness to vote. The last two council meetings have been extraordinarily long, ending at 1:45 a.m. and 11:48 p.m. due to the naive combativeness of these two. My intentions were to say a few words about Clay Westling as our new City Clerk, and the curiously intense efforts by the Washburn-Brooks group to puff-up the job’s responsibilities. Westling appears happy with the outcome and is now seated comfortably at the council dais. He was mislead by overzealous Washburn-Brooks supporters and has now learned that, for example, he cannot attend executive and/or staff meetings, and cannot have all city records under his immediate control. Anyway, what I hear is that Clay is a genuinely nice guy and everyone seems to get along well with him. Amen. With the new city council now easily able to vote contrary to what might have been expected of the old council, it is gratifying to see Mayor Patti Walker’s common sense and experience swinging the vote in the right direction on critical issues. We should all hope this sort of common sense prevails into the future. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
President Obama has taken office; most conservatives feel like taking cover. The most unqualified man in presidential history is in the driver’s seat as Commander in Chief of our armed forces, head of CIA, FBI, and numerous other military and civilian intelligence services. He also controls both houses of Congress and is leader of the most radically liberal political faction in the country. The worrisome thing is that Obama was chosen because of his race, not because of any particular qualification. Any number of black Americans could have filled the position with educated intelligence and deep experience. But few among these talented men can match the mysterious oracular presence of Mr. Obama. And so, he has been chosen because of his race and speaking ability, by 95 percent of his race. If racial identity and speaking ability are enough to successfully defend this nation against its many deadly enemies and save a collapsing economy, he will succeed. But, these are not the qualities required at this time in history. So, this tsunami of triumphalism from the Left is just so much emotional confetti tossed into in the winds of war. Unless human nature changes dramatically during the next four years, Barack Obama will drive America over a cliff. From a traditional point of view Obama is judged, as desired, by the quality of his character, not the color of his skin. Traditionalists and conservatives see little to commend his character. His only accomplishments have been to succeed to higher office with the assistance of an army of Chicago’s worst political weasels. His long-time pastor (Wright) is a virulent, racist hate monger. He has kept the company of criminals and terrorists. He has nominated to cabinet level office scofflaws and men who pimp for notorious criminals and active terrorists. His appointments and associations are an index to his character, which is black indeed. But, for the true conservative Christian, Obama is a true abomination. His philosophy of life (who is protected from homicide) spells four more years of slaughter of the innocent children waiting to be born. On this issue there is no worse person in or out of government, and millions of children will continue to die under his presidency. How bad? Read this: The Obama Debate Every American Should See "The most telling debate Barack Obama ever had was not with John McCain but Patrick O'Malley, who served with Obama in the Illinois Senate and engaged Obama in a colloquy every American should read. The Obama-O'Malley debate was a defining moment for Obama because it dealt with such a fundamental issue: The state's duty to protect the civil rights of the young and disabled. Some background: Eight years ago, nurse Jill Stanek went public about the "induced-labor abortions" performed at the Illinois hospital where she worked. Often done on Down syndrome babies, the procedure involved medicating the mother to cause premature labor. Babies who survived this, Stanek testified in the U.S. Congress, were brought to a soiled linen room and left alone to die without care or comforting. Then-Illinois state Sen. Patrick O'Malley, whom I interviewed this week, contacted the state attorney general's office to see whether existing laws protected a newborn abortion-survivor's rights as a U.S. citizen. He was told they did not. So, O'Malley -- a lawyer, veteran lawmaker and colleague of Obama on the Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee -- drafted legislation. In 2001, he introduced three bills. SB1093 said if a doctor performing an abortion believed there was a likelihood the baby would survive, another physician must be present "to assess the child's viability and provide medical care." SB1094 gave the parents, or a state-appointed guardian, the right to sue to protect the child's rights. SB1095 simply said a baby alive after "complete expulsion or extraction from its mother" would be considered a "'person, 'human being,' 'child' and 'individual.'" The bills dealt exclusively with born children. "This legislation was about preventing conduct that allowed infanticide to take place in the state of Illinois," O'Malley told me. The Judiciary Committee approved the bills with Obama in opposition. On March 31, 2001, they came up on the Illinois senate floor. Only one member spoke against them: Obama. "Nobody else said anything," O'Malley recalls. The official transcript validates this. Obama made three crucial concessions here: the legislation was about 1) a human being, who was 2) "alive" and 3) "outside the womb." He also used an odd redundancy: "temporarily alive." Is there another type of human? Here he made another crucial concession: The intention of the legislation was to make sure that 1) a human being, 2) alive and 3) outside the womb was 4) "properly cared for." O'Malley tightened the logical knot. "(T)his bill suggests that appropriate steps be taken to treat that baby as a -- a citizen of the United States and afforded all the rights and protections it deserves under the Constitution of the United States," said O'Malley. But to these specific temporarily-alive-outside-the-womb-human beings -- to these children who had survived a botched abortion, whose hearts were beating, whose muscles were moving, whose lungs were heaving -- to these specific children of God, Obama was not willing to concede any constitutional rights at all. To explain his position, Obama came up with yet another term to describe the human being who would be protected by O'Malley's bills. The abortion survivor became a "pre-viable fetus." By definition, however, a born baby cannot be a "fetus." Merriam-Webster Online defines "fetus" as an "unborn or unhatched vertebrate" or "a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth." Obama had already conceded these human beings were "alive outside the womb." "No. 1," said Obama, "whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is protected by the equal protection clause or other elements of the Constitution, what we're really saying is, in fact, that they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that would be provided to a -- a child, a nine-month-old -- child that was delivered to term." Yes. In other words, a baby born alive at 37 weeks is just as much a human "person" as a baby born alive at 22 weeks. Obama, however, saw a problem with calling abortion survivors "persons." "I mean, it -- it would essentially bar abortions," said Obama, "because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an antiabortion statute." For Obama, whether or not a temporarily-alive-outside-the-womb little girl is a "person" entitled to constitutional rights is not determined by her humanity, her age or even her place in space relative to her mother's uterus. It is determined by a whether a doctor has been trying to kill her." This exemplifies the character of the man claiming to defend civil rights. He has no moral sense or compassion for the most innocent and defenseless of human beings. I agree with those who affirm that America will have neither peace nor prosperity again until we stop killing our unborn children. No issue is more compelling. Next week – a few words about the last city council meeting and the embarrassing attempt to enhance our new City Clerk’s power and prestige. People! The job pays $25 per month. There’s a reason for that. |
By Martin Farrell — Wednesday, January 7th, 2009
As the City of Fillmore gets down to business with its new council, I would like to make a few comments. Strong differences of informed opinion are a sign of civic vitality. It’s a good thing. What is not a good thing are intense and prolonged expressions of hateful disagreement the city has experienced during the past year. We are in a completely new fiscal environment now. Thank God we financed most of our big projects when we did. It is unlikely that, had we waited, we could do so now. I hope, and Fillmore residents have a right to expect to see, civil cooperation on our new council. In many ways Fillmore is envied by other cities for its balanced budget, and large emergency SURPLUS! This didn’t just happen. Let’s give credit where it’s due. Emotional conflict of the past aside, everyone must wish the new council well. Success will be measured in one way by whether it does as well fiscally in the next couple of years as we have in the past. We are in an entirely new, hostile financial environment. All Fillmore businesses are feeling the pressure of state, national, and global economic decline. In my opinion it will only get considerably worse, sooner than later. In one important way we can counter this recession by shopping locally. We are starting the New Year with one unequivocally wild success – our new skateboard park. It will open officially in May, after the landscaping is finished. Once again, let’s make it a Happy New Year. |
By Martin Farrell — Thursday, January 1st, 2009
Happy New Year to all Gazette readers. This is the last edition of 2008. By any measure this has been an extraordinary year. I wish it had been a happier one. |
By Martin Farrell — Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008
A Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to all Fillmore Gazette readers. We hope you all have a warm and peaceful holiday. The day started abruptly, with a call to the police department warning of a bomb “on the roof of city hall”. Shortly thereafter, Santa Barbara Bank and Trust, across the street from the Gazette office, was robbed at gunpoint. The Sheriff’s Department responded quickly with a small army of specialized deputies, including the K-9 units, helicopter, and what appeared to be SWAT-type personnel. The robber is currently at large. On a much happier level, I just returned from our new skateboard park. It is opened for a few days before Christmas so kids can try it out. The place was like an ant farm on a hot summer day. The kids think it is “awesome”. One father came over to me and asked that the Gazette be sure to thank the city for providing the park. His son had been dreaming of the place for several years. |