FIRST: Congratulations to all graduating classes of 2024! God bless you all, keep you safe, prosperous, and voting for Donald Trump - to assure those outcomes!


Well, I was under the weather last night, my usual scribbling time, and it’s press time today. So, I must do a Liberal abracadabra (consider it a prayer, not an incantation) and pretend I have more time to scribble, which I don’t.
Some short, boring but significant truths:

Our nation, together with the rest of the world, could soon come to a sudden stop if the so-called free world fails to arm itself quickly and show implacable resolve to defend against Communism, Islamo-terrorism, and the Globalist Deep State.
American government at every level is subverted to the point of inviting Civil War. The left has made “normal” unwelcome and bastardized science. Leftist pornography has thoroughly corrupted our children, and our legal system, state and federal, betrays our Constitution.

That’s all folks – except for prayer.



A short response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi Kelly,

Once again, reading your letter this week is like taking another trip through the looking glass. A popular word in political discourse these days, taken from psychology, is “projection”, meaning that side “A” accuses side “B” of doing exactly what side “A is doing. Projection is a heavy duty lie which activates the tactics of untruth. Republicans here are being accused by Democrats of activities Democrats thrive upon. This is an unconscionable disregard for the truth, a devious tactic favored by the Democratic Party to fool their naïve members and satisfy their Deep State.
Your Projection examples abound: No. 1, “MAGA …his plan for political chaos …in search of anti-democratic authoritarianism…”. Truth: Trump seeks normal democratic government: controlled borders, lawful, trustworthy law enforcement, crime control, inflation control, military order, etc. Biden fears that “non-whites” would create “jungle” schools - remember that?

Other projections: No. 2, “…perpetual efforts to instill…chaos into American life.” Trump seeks exactly the opposite. No. 2, law and order, clean-out corruption in the AG’s office; No. 3, order: secure the border and deport 10-million dangerous illegal aliens; and No. 4, strong national defense, he had Afghanistan secured. “Trump made laughably false conspiracy claim…on warrant for ‘illegally’ hiding national security documents at Mar-a-Lago authorized Trump’s assassination.” Hyperbole, but: “a motion to suppress evidence seized during the FBI’s August 2022 raid of Mar-a-Lago revealed shocking new details about the bureau’s plans to use deadly force and even engage the former president and his security detail that day [Secret Service] if necessary. This document is just one of many court filings recently ordered unsealed by Judge Aileen Cannon.” As a president, Donald J. Trump had authority to declassify and retain government documents. Biden had stolen the documents. Had no authority to obtain or retain them.

Projection No. 5, Ridiculing Trump’s appeal to Supreme Court on issue of absolute immunity. It is a case of first impression and uniquely important to presidential governance. Otherwise, A president could be sued or criminally charged for such things as surrendering $85 billion in military arms to the Taliban and pulling all military protection out before civilians.
Outrageous Projection No. 6: You say “Trump plans to remake the government…” What? Now you’re accusing Trump of stealing Obama’s master plan to “completely rebuild America”. But for me, the most outrageous Democrat Projections to Republicans, are your allusions to abortion as a “reproductive bodily right”, a confusion of “rights” and murder. Next to that horrendous Projection is your criticism of Republicans for guarding against “what your child should read”. We conservative Republicans recognize a solemn DUTY to protect innocent children from illustrated pornography advertising unnatural homosexual acts. America’s morals are historically Judeo-Christian; we fought many wars over this issue. Truth-loving conservatives stand unmoved in recognition of this duty to honor Matthew 18: 6: “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

You complain that “Logic, consistency, and truth are optional” to a Trump presidency, yet your last paragraph betrays this entire brass band of fatal, illogical Projections.

My ultimate worry: Without God we don’t have a chance, BUT: “Some scientists seriously believe we could live forever by the 2030s. Here's what you need to know about the 'longevity escape velocity' theory.” Story by (Hilary Brueck). These thoughts are typical of liberal Democratic Party strategists. Like the foregoing Projections, they are, in a word, CRAZY!

(Note) Kelly: Our souls live forever in eternity, and our bodies will catch up - in Heaven or Hell.



I’m starting too late tonight, so my response to Kelly Scoles’ letter will have to be short. Kelly brings up the perpetual Gaza-Palestinian question, the “Trump election fraud” trial, and the (unfair?) condemnation of our “justice system” by sycophantic Republicans seeking his 2024 reelection. This is a long and difficult list of issues to address – especially at a time, like this morning, when the country learned that most of the Gain-of-function and origin of Covid19 tale was an enormous liberal lie. Dr. Tony Fauci and his minions need solitary confinement for life. But that’s not all! We now know that government agencies learned how to delete emails (evidence) completely. In other words, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) has been manipulated - FOR YEARS! Maybe Hillary was an early learner? Senator Rand Paul’s Covid accusations are now fully substantiated. We need a new Center for Political Disease Control. We can start with our diseased judicial system and work our way through the Democrat Party. We have lost the Judeo-Christian core of our Republic at the juncture of a critical presidential election – and war.


Palestinians are historically the great haters. For 1,400-years they have taught their children, from pre-school age, to hate all people who do not believe in Islam, the “infidels”, especially Christians and Jews. The word Islam means “submission” in Arabic and refers to the sacred duty Muslims have to force Islam upon all “unbelievers”, more than 6-billion of the world’s population. Their holy book, the Quran, is very specific about how life is to be lived, by everyone. Their mission is to fight and convert Infidels (non-Muslims) to the faith. Infidels are to be given three choices: first, conversion to Islam. If conversion is refused, Jews, and Christians (“People of the Book”) could be spared only if they paid the jizya tax (essentially slavery), otherwise the only remaining choice is to fight to the death. Islam has been a religious conflagration for Christians and Jews for 1,400 years. “Palestinian residents are predominantly Sunni Muslim, with small Shia and Ahmadi Muslim inclusions.” What we have here is the paradox of the immovable object (Israel) versus an unstoppable force (Islam). A paradox which could switch positions. In the impossible event that both sides would agree to Judeo-Christian ethics, that kind of “submission” would bring peace. If trustworthy, ethical determination won’t work, we will continue with “might makes right” into that inevitable nuclear Armageddon.

No time to explain modern Israeli founding and development here, except to remind that Israel gave Gaza back to the Palestinians, administers the West Bank, gave Sinai back to the Egyptians, and the Golan was under military administration until Israeli law annexed the territory.
All these areas were won in numerous defensive wars, all which Israel fought with extraordinary tenacity against overwhelming odds.


Kelly, that you would even think of discussing the ethics of what has become of our judicial system boggles my mind. This country is in such a dangerously terrible condition it may not survive. Your understanding of the phony Trump criminal cases must have been acquired from the lying lips of Michael Cohen. It will take 50 years for our judicial system, state and federal, to rehabilitate its reputation – if possible. A Shysterism pandemic is gaining, and functioning, upon us.


A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi Kelly,

You site a lot of times, places and events but never seem to get the causes, effects, and significance right. It always seems the stubborn misinterpretation of facts betray your conclusions. In the case of the Palestinians here, I hope you acknowledge the fact that they carefully chose to ambush the Israelis, who were peacefully enjoying themselves at a music festival on October 7, and tortured, mutilated, raped, murdered the men, women, children, beheading infants and pre-born, in order to destroy the state of Israel. Like their demonic cousins, the Russians, they intended to start a war!
This satanic activity was carefully planned for more than a year, for the purpose of destroying Israel. This was not just a recent bloody dream of Hamas victory by land, sea, and air. It was the same malignant terrorist dream from the year 632 A.D., about Judeo-Christian annihilation. It is central to the 1,400-year-old Islamo-Jihadist theology, an indelible mindset, designed for perpetual bloodshed.

You say, “I emphatically did not equate the Holocaust with Gaza.” But you did. You condemn “Israel’s genocidal acts in Gaza” and “Israel’s 75-year national policy of apartheid.” Historically, “The first known use of “genocide” was in 1944” with the exposure of Nazi death camps. You say the Israelis should be expected to “sympathize” with others who fear “annihilation”. Deliberately starting wars here is not indicative of “being targeted for extinction.” A quick reminder: “Since 1948, Israel has fought a number of conflicts with various Arab forces, most notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, and 2023–present” and won them all against overwhelming odds! You might ask who should be most reasonably concerned with the horror of being “targeted for extinction.”

As to “Israel’s genocidal acts in Gaza”, Palestinians would not have Gaza if Israel had not given it to them, at the expense of all those Israelis who were forcibly removed from their homes in Gaza to accommodate Palestinians. These people want nothing to do with the mythical two-state “solution”. They want all of Israel destroyed, removed from the map; they want all Israelis dead. The odds against Israel enjoying a normal, peaceful existence are slim because authentic Islam demands hatred of Judaism. Here are some of the Israel-haters: Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh, Brunei, Sudan, Algeria, Malaysia, and Pakistan. Israel’s population is 9.558 million. Overall, this amounts to billions of Muslims against millions of Jews. There are scores of Islamic Israel-haters. There is but one Israel.


As for the fraudulent Trump trials, they are (in the estimation of the most eminent jurists) perhaps the greatest scandal in American juridical history. It’s beyond my patience now to comment upon, except to say, Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen are emblematic of the morally debauched character of the Democrat Party today. May it be destroyed in the next presidential election for the sake of public health. Only a Democrat would believe Cohen about anything.


God bless Ukraine, Israel, and Donald Trump – each fighting for survival in a duplicitous world.


(comment on Nuclear War Scenario) first.

A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi, Kelly,
When have we ever agreed on basic facts?

In the years that I’ve followed Clarence Thomas as a Justice of the Supreme Court, I have found him to be utterly honorable and consistently trustworthy. I cannot say the same of many others during that time.

As for the (6-month) Congressional delay of ammunition to Ukraine, its final recent approval may now be too late. It’s coming in, but too slowly. Remember that old horseshoe nail saying? A pox on Congressional members of either party who held up the assistance. They all know more than a thousand men are being killed each day while they dithered for political points. Republicans mostly to blame, even some I otherwise admire.

Addressing that pseudo argument about mandated “separation of church and state” you speak of; there is no prohibition of religion in our Constitution. Language pertaining to the non-establishment of religion, as I have mentioned numerous times before, is all about prohibiting official, tax supported religion, any official state religion. It’s never been about excluding religion from government to avoid its moral influence. Franklin famously reminded us that the new Republic could not survive without religion.

As for the university student riots, it’s not possible to just “…[leave] aside” discussion of these pro-Hamas proto terrorists. In commemorating the thousands who were murdered mutilated, burned alive, buried alive, and kidnapped by Hamas that bloody day, I failed to include the babies Hamas beheaded, and the pregnant mother who was disemboweled. Hamas assassins were and are foaming-at-the- mouth “animals” and deserve to be treated as mad dogs. Much of the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza is due to traditional cowardly Hamas tactics, hiding behind their own people, using them as human shields, stealing their food and water. No one wants to be near the Palestinians, especially the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, because the Palestinians are raised to be a violent, reflexively hateful people. They are also notoriously untrustworthy, like communists. Let the IDF finish the job. They know better than the U.S. how to win wars!
Your comparison of Israeli treatment of Palestinians to Nazi treatment of Jews during the Holocaust is false, shocking, and disgusting. Please remember, on that bright peaceful day of October 7, Hamas assassins (with Palestinians) murdered 1,700 innocent Jewish residents gathered at a festival, kidnapping hundreds of others. Israel’s mantra has always been “NEVER AGAIN” They mean it. There will be other wars, but never another Holocaust! Holocaust deniers come from the fanatical, ignorant tribes of Judeo-Christian haters, with their knives drawn against all other faiths – about 7 billion people.


War is beginning to dominate world news. I was born the year WWII began with the attack on Poland. When that war ended in 1945 the atomic era was upon us. Russia had stolen our nuclear secrets, as did India, Pakistan, and China soon thereafter. World stability radically changed. During the 40s and 50s America was saturated with basic knowledge of defensive civilian measures against an atomic bomb attack. We practiced the “Duck and Cover” tactic. From that time any nuclear power could end world civilization by attacking its nuclear neighbor.

Over the years I’ve read many books on surviving nuclear war. I’ve come to believe that “survival” here is a non sequitur, that is, it makes no sense. A recent best-selling book entitled “Nuclear War, a Scenario”, by Annie Jacobsen, recalls the essence of all those other books on nuclear war. This book is highly explicit about the exceptional horrors of nuclear conflict. It provides a clear look at the physics, mechanics, timing, and psychology of nuclear warfare, coming to a theater near us, possibly soon. What’s missing is the spiritual structure in the problem. Without acknowledging Almighty God in this scenario there can be no hope, and it’s faith that establishes hope. Yeah, I know, too preachy. But from a Judeo-Christian point of view, we’re talking about avoiding Armageddon.

Jacobsen’s book lays out the consequences of a universally devastating nuclear war. I find it interesting that this book agrees with military strategy and, also, with several Marian apparitions like La Salette and Garabandal. As horrific as the conflagration depicted in the book is, the apparitions detail still greater chaos with a much greater loss of life.
I believe the only workable tactic to stop our four main enemies from thinking of starting a nuclear war is to make them understand, with lead pipe certainty, that they will be immediately counter attacked with greater force. We should leave no doubt. Rational enemies will understand; irrational enemies would end civilization, of which they are a part. But prayer is omnipotent.

This is not the column I wanted to write today. However, I hope people will read Jacobsen’s book: Nuclear War, a Scenario. It is clear, factual, and should be frightening to those without faith.


A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi, Kelly,

I had no idea who or what “Ginny-skunk” was until I did a little research. A Tick-Toc creature? A communist skunk? Aren’t they all? I remember Pepé Le Pew but not Ginny. Why should I bother about Ginny when the Democratic Party has for years provided a surplus of political Looney Tunes’ characters?

However, today that Party has graduated a new breed of civic lunatics, poisonous to the Republic’s health, submissive and ignorant. Deprived of traditional Judeo-Christian ethics and virtues through our captured educational system, they have devolved into facilitators of kakistocracy. This unusual word describes a government “run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.” For example, Joe Biden is a kakistocrat, as is his entire Cabinet, with legislative, and judicial wings plus media, comprising his kakistocracy. Being led by kakistocrats for decades has infected generations of new citizens, particularly college and university students. One cannot easily understand that we “are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights” if God has been kept in the academic closet.

This learning deficit is responsible for the herd mentality we see at Columbia and other universities today. Here treacherous professors direct their naive terrorist acolytes by honoring the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Taliban, and Islamic State killers. These sophomoric students shout “Death to America” while attacking campus order, burning the American flag, and raising the Hamas colors. They honor the Hamas terrorists that ambushed Israel on October 7 bringing total war to a nation at peace, murdering 1,200, mostly civilians, kidnaping 250 hostages (women and children), raping, torturing, and diabolically mutilating victims, burying children alive, and burning infants to death in front of mothers. Refer to video evidence. Hamas supporters brag they will repeat this butchery “again and again and again.” And these imbecilic protesting students expect the normal public to pay off their student loans?!

Any student enrolled in any American college or university who supports Hamas or its co-demoniacs, should be expelled, and be placed on the FBI watch list. Any similarly disposed foreign student should be deported immediately or jailed. Those 10 million illegal aliens, with their dedicated terrorist adjuncts who continue to pour across our borders unopposed, will soon require military control. Half of this threat is caused by stupidity – the other half by design.

Israel has been a trusted friend of America’s since 1948. I can think of no other nation which has had to repeatedly fight and win its wars - against the same enemies! She is the last, the only, hope for freedom, democracy, and Western influence in the entire Middle East. More even than Ukraine, Israel has always been outnumbered by her enemies, 20 to one. Palestinians do not want peace or the so-called two-state solution. They only want Israel dead – “from the desert to the sea”. They can never be allowed to achieve that.

Once again, a savage war has been thrust upon Israel. Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time for everything, including “a time for war and a time for peace.”

Benjamin Netanyahu is today’s Joshua in this time for war.


Speaking of Ukraine, the six-month-long congressional delay of ammunition may cause a Russian victory at this point. Have we all been somehow so infected with Biden’s dementia as not to understand that America is able to handle two critical emergencies (border and Ukraine) at the same time - maybe four or more? As the Ukraine war is taking 1,000 enemy soldiers PER DAY, and nearly as many Ukrainians, that war should be of highest priority. The lethality of that war by year’s end could reach one million.


A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi, Kelly,

I had no idea who or what “Ginny-skunk” was until I did a little research. A Tick-Toc creature? A communist skunk? Aren’t they all? I remember Pepé Le Pew but not Ginny. Why should I bother about Ginny when the Democratic Party has for years provided a surplus of political Looney Tunes’ characters?

However, today that Party has graduated a new breed of civic lunatics, poisonous to the Republic’s health, submissive and ignorant. Deprived of traditional Judeo-Christian ethics and virtues through our captured educational system, they have devolved into facilitators of kakistocracy. This unusual word describes a government “run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.” For example, Joe Biden is a kakistocrat, as is his entire Cabinet, with legislative, and judicial wings plus media, comprising his kakistocracy. Being led by kakistocrats for decades has infected generations of new citizens, particularly college and university students. One cannot easily understand that we “are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights” if God has been kept in the academic closet.

This learning deficit is responsible for the herd mentality we see at Columbia and other universities today. Here treacherous professors direct their naive terrorist acolytes by honoring the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, Taliban, and Islamic State killers. These sophomoric students shout “Death to America” while attacking campus order, burning the American flag, and raising the Hamas colors. They honor the Hamas terrorists that ambushed Israel on October 7 bringing total war to a nation at peace, murdering 1,200, mostly civilians, kidnaping 250 hostages (women and children), raping, torturing, and diabolically mutilating victims, burying children alive, and burning infants to death in front of mothers. Refer to video evidence. Hamas supporters brag they will repeat this butchery “again and again and again.” And these imbecilic protesting students expect the normal public to pay off their student loans?!

Any student enrolled in any American college or university who supports Hamas or its co-demoniacs, should be expelled, and be placed on the FBI watch list. Any similarly disposed foreign student should be deported immediately or jailed. Those 10 million illegal aliens, with their dedicated terrorist adjuncts who continue to pour across our borders unopposed, will soon require military control. Half of this threat is caused by stupidity – the other half by design.

Israel has been a trusted friend of America’s since 1948. I can think of no other nation which has had to repeatedly fight and win its wars - against the same enemies! She is the last, the only, hope for freedom, democracy, and Western influence in the entire Middle East. More even than Ukraine, Israel has always been outnumbered by her enemies, 20 to one. Palestinians do not want peace or the so-called two-state solution. They only want Israel dead – “from the desert to the sea”. They can never be allowed to achieve that.

Once again, a savage war has been thrust upon Israel. Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time for everything, including “a time for war and a time for peace.”

Benjamin Netanyahu is today’s Joshua in this time for war.


Speaking of Ukraine, the six-month-long congressional delay of ammunition may cause a Russian victory at this point. Have we all been somehow so infected with Biden’s dementia as not to understand that America is able to handle two critical emergencies (border and Ukraine) at the same time - maybe four or more? As the Ukraine war is taking 1,000 enemy soldiers PER DAY, and nearly as many Ukrainians, that war should be of highest priority. The lethality of that war by year’s end could reach one million.


It’s midnight and I’m tired. I regret too many things were happening today. A very short response to Kelly Scoles’ letter will have to do.

Hi, again, Kelly,

I guess it will always be the battle of the facts on this site. It often seems we are arguing from two different realities, though there can only be one, like truth.

Take for example the idea of “women’s reproductive rights”. We often talk about abortion when these words are mentioned. Now, I would say abortion has nothing to do with “reproduction” at all. As a fact, it has only to do with destruction--the opposite. It’s only reason for existence is to assure the killing of a very small human being before it can be born naturally.

Identifying abortion as in any way relating to “reproduction” is not factual. In reality it’s a contradiction. Some quick synonyms for “reproduction” are: breeding, procreation, propagation, generation, and spawning. From a Woke, radical, progressive Democratic point of view, preborn babies being nurtured by their mothers are as easily aborted as pond larvae. However, most people still agree that babies are eternally more precious than larvae, though they can be disposed of with equal disinterest. Though every living thing was, and is, created by God, only the human baby is created with a unique immortal soul.

Not to put too fine a point on it, Kelly, but what God wills for humanity trumps our Bill of Rights – though that is also part of His creation. The key here is God, and at least acknowledging His natural law, a fact too often ignored.
Moving right along – Different presidents [certainly] have different policies. Biden’s policies are killing America. Accelerating that process are his minions, like Merchan, James, Bragg, Cohen, Jack Smith, and the Fani. I think of them as the shyster six. Anyone taking a critical look at America’s foreign and domestic activities today, as sponsored by the Democratic Party, necessitate shouting “fire” in this theater because of Biden’s arsonous polices.

One spark to watch is Biden’s student debt forgiveness. His attempt to “lift a lifetime financial burden” can only burden those who are debt free, or who paid-off their debt. For the progressive Democrat, life should be free of such debts by forcing those without higher education to pick up the bill. I recall slowly paying-off mine, when $10,000 was high pay (not me) and $6,000 was significant debt. If our professionals are to be respected, they should pay their own way, not foist that debt upon others. The entire educational system has become a scam! How else can these facts be explained? “Oct 2, 2023 — Topping the list at nearly $50.9 billion at the end of fiscal year 2022, Harvard has the largest endowment among National Universities ...” Harvard is just the top of the list. “As of FY2023, the total endowment market value of U.S. institutions stood at $839.090 billion, with an average across all institutions of $1.215 billion and a median of $215.682 million.” “…total pay range for a Professor at Harvard University is $126K–$231K per year.”

Everybody seems to be getting rich off students; the emphasis is clear: “The Clemson Tigers head coach signed a substantial 10-year $115 million contract in 2022, and his average annual salary of $11.5 million makes him the highest earner by a thin margin. March 11, 2024 Scholarships.”

Somewhere between college endowments and coaching salaries the reason for education has been lost.
“MAGA dreams to redefine our government and society” may be the only way left to save the Republic.


April 10, 2024

Hello, Kelly. Welcome back; welcome also, Patti:

I’m still adjusting to our new computer-writing program. I hate it already (but may adapt)! For example, the old program’s spell check had one key. The new program has morphed from that beautiful simplicity to an arena called “Editing”, and to a heading called “EDITOR” which introduces “Corrections” (spelling and grammar), and “Refinements” “Clarity, Conciseness, Formality, Inclusiveness, Punctuation Conventions, Resume, Sensitive Geopolitical References, Vocabulary”, Etc. “Similarity:” “Insights” Document “stats.” Lastly, “Feedback- tell us what you think about EDITOR.”
Answer: Questions remain. For example, it promotes that enfeebling WOKE concept of “inclusiveness”, which is just another word for clutter. It is rumored there was a special AI “conscience key” designed for Democratic Party leaders, which activated a buzzer when a lie was detected, in a (futile) attempt to keep them honest. This innovation was removed from
inventory due to incessant buzzing.


A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi, Kelly:

Just an opening note. I am repelled by any inappropriate reference to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If Trump participates in this sort of sacrilege, I do not hesitate to condemn it. I am not embarrassed or shy about defending my Christian religion, which is Roman Catholic. With few exceptions, I always defend others as well, though I condemn Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill’s praise in support of Putin’s Ukrainian war. I pity atheists, agnostics, and those who do not believe in eternity. I guess life on earth for these folks amounts to something like “Well, I was born here, as all my ancestors were. We just sort of come together, live for various lengths of time, join in human activities, good and bad, then we just disappear.” Doesn’t make sense to me.


As to the criminal charges brought against Trump, they are evidence of the demise of American jurisprudence, a mockery of the rule of law. I don’t just disagree with what so many judges, DAs, AJs, and their minions have done to the law in America, I firmly believe that our Constitutional system has fallen into the hands of enemies of the Republic.


Trump’s “increasing his use of dehumanizing (“they’re animals”) and darkly apocalyptic language” are expressions of that rarest of political commodities, truth. Israel was attacked by “animals” who murdered, tortured, mutilated and kidnapped 1,400 innocent partygoers on November 7th , 2023. What they did to women was Devilish. His speaking about monstrous weapons and an “Oppenheimer-like doomsday” are not fantastical descriptions or a “wallowing in fear, doom, threat, and violence.” Normal people, during normal times, should never live in fear. But reasonable people should be fearful, if that fear motivates intelligent preparation against serious threats to life and freedom – as do China, Russia, etc.
In America’s case, there is strong expert military consensus identifying post-Soviet Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and numerous smaller Islamic theocracies, as “imminent” threats to Western civilization. Israel, and America in particular, are vulnerable, rated “very weak,” on defense; unprepared to defend themselves on two fronts simultaneously, now even questionable on a single front fight. As for myself, I have great confidence in particular relevant Marion apparitions approved in the Catholic Church, which agree with military assessments. I’m aware of the sharp skepticism expressed by unbelievers. This is no surprise; it has never been otherwise. As a thoroughly personal matter, I believe we are most vulnerable this year. I am certainly not some sort of prophet! I’m also not a pessimist. I’m just a conservative, traditional Catholic writing as a realist, scrutinizing pertinent facts as I can see them. In the present case, both the best military estimates and the apparitions agree. Whether you agree as well, or not, is irrelevant. The facts will out, as the Bard has said.

The news from Washington today is dire relative to Ukraine (even Israel!). Congress, especially Republicans, have turned against our best friends. We are betraying them, and we will pay dearly for this betrayal. Israel is the last hope for democracy in the Middle East. Ukraine is the last hope for peace in Europe.
This is a time of diluted democracy and the absence of a strategic Western goal. We’re into the playoffs without a game plan. The bulwarks against fascism, communism, terrorist Jihadism, and just plain crime, are Israel and Ukraine. Without them – Kraken.


The events speeding up the approach of global war should now be obvious to everyone. Many would mark the beginning when Russia attacked the nation of Georgia in 2008. Russia just took what they wanted, and still retains 20% of Georgia's land. Russia was scolded by the West for its bloody aggression, but nothing was done.

Then we have Russia's annexation of Crimea on 18 March 2014. By 24 March 2014 it was completed. Again, NATO and the Free World did nothing but scold. Putin was just being naughty, again.

So, no one should have been surprised when Russia's appetite, aroused again for an easy meal, finally focused on the whole of Ukraine. When you facilitate a serial killer, you will get more murder. From Putin's point of view this would simply be another scalp for his imperial coup stick - another virtually uncontested weekend war.

However, as tyrants typically do, he overplayed his hand. Though the Free World again howled with indignation, they did very little when it counted most. NATO did not unequivocally tell the world that it would back Ukraine to actually win the war. Instead, NATO promised only nebulous support for Ukraine for "as long as it takes." The problem here is that NATO is not in command of time; if help is needed immediately, help at a time uncertain is insufficient - "for want of a nail the war may be lost."

Our national defense, with its famous "military industrial complex" is proving to be a Potemkin-like fraud. We are abandoning Ukraine in the middle of the fight because our government lacks a strategic objective. We lack effective leadership at a time when nuclear war is imminent. Ukraine's military is superb; despite being out-gunned and out-manned 10-to-1, they have destroyed a third of the vaunted Russian Black Sea fleet and nearly 300,000 enemy soldiers. Our lack of a strategic objective concerning Israel is identical to that of Ukraine. Both wars must be won or Western civilization will collapse into an Eastern Islamo-Communist nightmare. It's a sort of demonic challenge multiplied by the billions, with Communist China, N. Korea, post-Soviet Russia, and Islamic theocracies.

Our enemies in this swiftly glowering war cloud are seeking this war. They, Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, and other Islamic forces, justify it as an exceptional opportunity; the Western powers are greedy, weak, degenerate, and unable to see the immediate danger facing them. This situation will clearly not end with a whimper. It will end with hypersonic nuclear missile bangs, due to enemy overreach, frustration, and miscalculation. On the enemy side, this will be the greatest pyrrhic victory in human history. (Just my humble, unhappy, inexpert opinion)

I cannot write about a happy future when all I see ahead is confusion, chaos, and war. Our present administration has spent three years assuring this outcome, which at least half the American citizenship refuse to acknowledge. Mesmerized, we watch 10-million illegal aliens (hundreds of thousands dedicated terrorists) flood across our borders with impunity - and do nothing. Expecting nothing? Inexplicably, our president has facilitated hundreds of thousands more by plane. Our military is being attacked in Syria as we do nothing. Our industries are not on a war footing, ie: making planes, bombs, and drones in meaningful numbers. Our support for Ukraine and Israel is waning, as Biden attempts to instruct Israel on warfighting. We have forgotten that 90 percent of assistance to Ukraine goes into US war industries, not in cash to Ukraine.

Listen to retired General Ben Hodges! If it were not for his recent anti-Trump opinion (I see no realistic option to Trump in this emergency) I would wish him in as V.P. Absent that possibility, why don't we ever hear of Mike Pompeo? He lead the CIA when it was honorable, the State Department as well. He is a brilliant, quintessential leader, of sterling moral character.

(Note: Too much stuff; too little time.)


I wish a very joyful Easter season to every person of good will!


It's about time for a little good news for the nation. "The triumphant USA is now producing more oil and gas than any nation ever has. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) said in January that US domestic production of crude oil for September 2023 set a new all-time high of 13,247,000 barrels per day. Happy fact: it was the most oil any nation on earth had ever managed to produce in a single month." (David Blackmon, March 26, 2024.)

We're energy independent again, despite every effort by Democrats to force us into electric vehicles and cut off pipelines. "Whereas [from H. Res. 987) then-candidate Joe Biden is quoted as saying, “I will end fossil fuels.” He can't do it now! It's fun to read all of the 32 "Whereases" in House Resolution 987, which Resolved, That the House of Representatives— (1) denounces the harmful anti-American energy policies of the Biden administration; [Etc.]. Whereas President Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office, preventing over 11,000 jobs, hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day, and millions in revenue." How sweet it is - "the light, sweet grade of oil being produced from US shale" that is.
"By 2012, production from Texas, which had amounted to just a little more than 1 million bpd in 2008, had risen to 3 million bpd. In November 2023, Texas produced 5,657,000 bpd, and would rank as the 4th biggest producing nation on earth if it were a standalone country." This is all due to American technical innovation, the fact that most of the oil-bearing ground is privately, not federally owned, and, best of all, "a timely law signed by Barack Obama. He probably didn’t really realize it at the time, but former President Barack Obama essentially issued a full speed ahead order in December 2015, when he signed an omnibus spending bill into law that contained language repealing a 1975 ban on exports of US crude oil." Now, if we can kick-start our famous military industrial complex to give Lend-Lease support to Ukraine and Israel, with the same determination, they will crush Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, and the world will be much safer. That means putting America on a war footing. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition - in that order!


America has six stated Constitutional goals: "to form a more perfect union, to establish justice, to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty." It seems to me that the "common defense" should come before the others, or we will lose those "blessings of liberty" we have so dearly won. That means we have to fight those who would take our liberty. In World War II we had to fight Hitler, the Imperial Japanese Army, and Mussolini. The war took 6 years because America was late to the fight. However, once we became "Freedom's Forge", producing one third of all allied armaments during that war, nothing could stop us. At that time, we were able to turn on a dime.

Today, hypersonic nuclear missiles provide no trustworthy options to military readiness. The only meaningful deterrence to Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and North Koran threats is to provide a clearly audible NATO sound - that of the click of a nuclear trigger being moved from the safe to the firing position. Not a "hair trigger" but a trigger off of the "safe" position. This establishes a limit rational persons respect, "Thus far and no further" as France has notified Russia about its border. The enemy must understand that further aggression will trigger an immediate nuclear reaction, ending their gamesmanship in a nuclear vapor. In Yankee parlance, it's a "triple dog dare!" No room for misunderstanding here.


A short book recommendation: Peter Schweizer's Blood Money. See how the Chinese Communist Party drugs America, with our help.



I grow tired of writing about world conditions each week, but those conditions threaten those of us trying to live in a peaceful democracy. Most of our world has not adopted peaceful democratic order; they live in aggressive, murderous dictatorships or bloody psychopathic theocracies (or under their control). That causes the conflict within the world's population, which has never known total peace.

What distinguishes these nations among themselves is freedom, its presence or absence. History shows us that nations without civic freedom tend to be sociopathic, fundamentally violent. I can't think of any exception to this rule. Dictatorships are responsible for culling humanity of hundreds of millions of innocent human beings over millennia. It's an evil of antediluvian heritage, with Cain being the first felon. A second fatal flaw of dictatorships is their abhorrence of Judeo-Christian virtue; they lack the necessary healthy conscience to do good and avoid evil.

So, it's the same old evil guys that keep plunging our world into bloody chaos. Christian democratic nations often identify dictators as forerunners of the Antichrist, the evilest being of all creation. From WWII we can clearly see this ancient evil in Stalin, Hitler, and their minions. Nazism was destroyed, but the USSR has morphed into the Russian Federation, with identical DNA.

Why do these demonic dictatorships persist? Their all-consuming passion is to acquire power, supreme power, Godless power. Their motto has always been "Might makes right." Today they comprise China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and all those who support them. These slave states hold tenaciously to their motto. Opposed to this tyranny are nations comprising the "Free World", including America, 32 nations of NATO, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. Our motto is understood to be "Peace through strength," but we have abandoned this ideal for convenience and the good life. However, no strength, no peace. The Free World is unprepared to defend against China and Russia, et al on the eve of destruction. The Free World is dying for lack of leadership (e.g. Secretary of Defense Gen. Lloyd Austin, Gen. Mark Milley former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown Jr.). Woke losers all. Then there's the lengthy roster of even more colorful Cabinet clowns and freaks.

This wordy preamble is trying to focus on America's immediate self-inflicted vulnerability as we face our global foes.
Headlines today: "Communist Cuba on Brink of Collapse..."It's America's shame that Cuba, as a communist threat, wasn't overthrown long ago. Watch now as we take no action while China, and/or Russia, savoring the sweet smell of weakness, move in, again, 90 miles away. We have made too many near fatal mistakes of judgment. This is how republics die. Elsewhere: "Judge gives illegal felon right to firearms." No nation can survive such apparent congenital stupidity while fighting enemies of "normal" sense. We cannot continue to play by the Marques of Queensberry's rules while our enemies engage Jack the Ripper tactics. Israel and Ukraine are our FRIENDS. We will need lots of friends as the coming big war evolves. Let's help them full bore. Our problem today is recognizing that the Biden regime is cancer of a treasonous nature, on a scale unique to American history causing national disintegration. The only person tough and savvy enough to bind the wounds is Donald Trump; he well knows the enemy, both foreign and domestic, though his opposition to Ukraine/Israeli assistance is almost enough for me to withhold my vote.

But the perpetual danger lies in ignoring God: 2 Chronicles 7:14 New King James Version (NKJV) If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

If we don't act, trusting God, we may as well follow Biden's white flag and kneel to the enemy. But they'll have to take my dusty M1 first.


I'm having to shoehorn this week's REALITIES into the paper during significant technical changes, so I have to keep it short.


A response to Kelly Scoles' letter:

Hi Kelly,

Sometime soon I'm going to list all of the evidence I can find to substantiate the claim that America is a Christian nation. That will take more space than what is available to me today. But you say, "I cannot forget the silly thing about St. Augustine [Fla.]." Clearly, you do not appreciate the traditional power of "Dibbs," which can be traced to a time in antiquity, even before my childhood, when a man's Dibbs! was his bond, when Dibbsters everywhere had a sense of hopeful certainty and security in cultural transactions. But it's true, the tradition of Dibbs is slightly disfavored today as a surety measure. That's too bad because it was a quick, easy, and cheap way to establish a dubious right.

It is certainly true that our Constitution does prohibit the establishment of a state religion. But, as usual Kelly, you join those many folks who don't understand this clause, you misinterpret the meaning. The word "establishment" here has nothing to do with the "separation" of church and state as liberals typically misunderstand it. On the contrary, the Founders each encouraged religion. The "establishment" they rejected was like the religion in England at the time, where the religion was legally "established" as being the official state church, the upkeep which was (and is today) paid for out of national taxes. An English subject, for example, could not practice his religion if he were Catholic. Catholics, particularly during Elizabeth's reign (particularly priests), could be hunted, arrested, and "drawn and quartered" if caught in country. Most people believed in God and took religion seriously in those days.

As a kid I enjoyed asking people to identify the "longest word in the English language" said to be Antidisestablishmentarianism, a political position that originated in 1850s Britain. "[This] position opposed proposals at that time to remove the Anglican Church's status as the established church of England, Ireland, and Wales." The so-called "wall of separation between church and state" was a term coined by Thomas Jefferson, referring to these "official" state churches, as in England. The Antidisestablishmentarianism folks won the argument, and the "established" church remains there to this day - but never in America. Except for the "Dibbs" reference, all last week's history on St. Augustine, Florida is accurate.


Last week's State of the Union extravaganza was indeed a "pow, pow, pow case" (Peggy Noonan) for Biden. Methamphetamine and its cousins do have that pow effect. The State of the Union resurrection of Joe Biden's mind was both spectacular and short-lived. His next day hangover shows that feisty performance was truly off the shelf. I bet they kept some Narcan handy.


Your last remark "...only cobwebs will remain" sadly seems more appropriate viewing this nation's future as military support for Ukraine and Israel are abandoned. True, by every standard financial measure, we can't afford to assist any of our allies. But, by golly, we're determined to show God just how to heal His weather patterns, transmogrify His human creatures, and popularize pornography for children. We have become a proud and foolish people who are headed into unprecedented disaster near this year's election. We've been practicing the art of unpreparedness too long. The present administration has washed away the patrimony for 10 million American citizens with a torrential flood of criminal aliens. We've cast our freedoms before the enemy.

If, like Belshazzar, we are weighed in the balance and found wanting, maybe Artificial Intelligence can save us?



A response to Pat Collins' letter:

Hi Pat,

I fully embrace my "responsibility" to tell the truth regardless of consequences. I always expect to be challenged on alleged facts. But today I think naïveté weakens your challenge.

Trump deserves treble damages for the defamatory blitzkrieg he has endured from Democrats and their Deep State minions since he won the presidency. But if we are to use "Barnum" in the same sentence with Trump, let's be fair. The Smithsonian tells us he was a slave-owning Democrat."But by then [Civil War] I was a Democrat—one of those nondescript Democrats, who are Northern men with Southern principles." He also won a seat, as a Democrat, on the Connecticut General Assembly in 1865. There is a parallel here; however, while Barnum fooled gullible Americans, Biden continues to do so, but on an exponentially larger scale. And that's a fact.

The kraken-like body of criminal evidence on Joe Biden should, by now, terrify every Democrat loyalist, as well as right-thinking American citizen. The evidence, you might say, is prima facie beyond any conceivable doubt. Reasonable people should be astonished at the scope of criminal treachery that legal operatives like: U. S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Judge Arthur Engoron, Attorney General Letitia James, District attorney Fani Willis, Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade, Judge Juan Merchan, Judge Tanya Chutkan, Special Counsel Jack Smith, District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and Andrew A. Weissmann -- treacherous Deep State Democrat minions - cause. So much for "equal justice under law”. More than one Fani needs to be kicked out of our legal system here. Having to witness and endure the machinations of this Star Chamber gang forces an indelible contempt for today's brand of law. The felons control the bench! Hamilton was wrong in Federalist No. 78, when he says, "the judiciary branch is the weakest because it has no influence over either the sword or the may truly be said to have neither force nor will, but merely judgment". But corrupt judicial judgment can annihilate the Republic, as the above judicial felons are doing.

Trumped-up charges include 44 federal charges and 47 state charges, all of them felonies, including racketeering charges in Georgia.
A response to Kelly Scoles' letter:
Hey Kelly, we've had the Golden Gloves for a long time, why not Golden Shoes?
I will avoid responding to your second paragraph allegations because they are ridiculous in themselves and frantically delivered.

About "negotiation and compromise", some issues cannot be compromised, like the question of legality in the Russian war against Ukraine, with a total number of deaths approaching a half-million, forced emigration in the millions, and destruction of hospitals, schools, and living spaces in near millions. Russia is, again, evil, Ukraine innocent. This is a classic Natural Law question, as well as civil and criminal. America has a duty to help Ukraine and should separate the congressional bills between our border emergency and our Ukraine emergency; both emergencies caused by Democratic Party policies. We will, very soon, find out how infinitely more expensive it will be for Americans, in blood and money, when our abandonment of Ukraine facilitates WWIII. It's way past time for America to "get religion."
Conservatives place "a woman's reproductive health" at the highest priority - right up there with the right to life itself with all little preborn boys and girls. There's nothing so beautiful as a newborn baby. Let's preserve the health of both mother and baby.

No sane American "extols" Putin, but Biden has traded with the enemy for millions from Putin's Russia, as well as communist China and a half-dozen other foreign enemies.

America was a "Christian nation" from the beginning - that's a fact. St. Agustine, Florida, "The longest continually inhabited European-founded city in the United States – more commonly called the "Nation's Oldest City." "St. Augustine, Florida was settled by [Catholic] Spanish explorers long before Jamestown and the Plymouth Colony."
No more time.


Welcome back, Patti Walker, Pat Collins, and Kelly Scoles. It's great to confront so many opinions freely and publically. Look what happens when this is attempted in Putin's Russia, North Korea, Iran, or communist China - all slave states. God bless America, where a person can call the president a liar, thief, and a traitor, without being shot, poisoned, imprisoned in Siberia, or thrown from a high-rise building. Too bad our Congress rejects Ukraine's right to continue to enjoy these same freedoms.

As usual, time and space are scarce this week. I may have to cut back a little.

Hello Patti Walker. Very nice to hear from you again. Thanks for reminding us that Senator Ted Cruz tried to get H.R.2 through the Senate, which would have essentially fixed the border scandal, but was defeated by Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer who would not bring the bill to the floor. Remember also, Schumer was the radically liberal guy who publicly threatened two Supreme Court Justices (a felony) for their conservative voting.

Hello again, Kelly Scoles. Well, Kelly, I don't think your Monopoly Man monocle example of a "Mandela Effect" is valid. Most people know it's the Peanut Man with the monocle, and Mickey Mouse wore button-down pants, before he transitioned.
You ask, "But what is it called when people hear something of consequence but dismiss it?" We might mention here the infamous "Biden Effect" where he "never partnered with son Hunter", and the laptop was proven to be "Russian disinformation" by 50 former intelligence officers.

Trump's anger over NATO's general failure to provide the promised 2 percent of GNP for defense is an understandable hyperbolic reaction. Except for a couple of NATO states, most have been delinquent for years. The one million promised 155mm artillery rounds have not been delivered, while North Korea is reported to have delivered three million rounds to Russia. This failure to deliver is killing Ukraine.

Any Trump expression of approval for Putin, as far as I'm concerned, is wrong under any circumstances. Putin, in my opinion, is a miniature antichrist. He's possessed; and that's all I have to say about that, as a Judeo-Christian.
Tucker Carlson facing Putin acted like a little boy, too timid to ask the important questions. In his ignorance, Carlson has savagely insulted President Zelenskyy, even calling him a "rat". Carlson was, I agree, "pathetically sycophantic”. I'm no longer a fan. Putin certainly does know "how [conveniently] gullible half the American electorate is". Naive thinking like this sickens me; the deadliest American cultural weakness. I recall, with disgust, sentimental stupidity in President George Bush's remarks about Putin: " “I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy,”... “I was able to get a sense of his soul." Americans in general don't understand the satanic danger in communism. I grew up having received a strong sense of this deadly reality from my schooling. This is no longer taught; we've become utterly naive. Communism is pure evil, the greatest murdering machine of all time to date; never to be trusted. Seeking treaties of trust with communist regimes is a fool's errand, in which Americans specialize, never seeming to learn.

Hello Jean McLeod:

I apologize for so little space this week. Thanks for contributing. I can only say that I agree with your point of view completely. Write in again!

I believe that if Ukraine loses to Russia World War III will erupt. Indeed, I think it has begun. America is beginning to abandon Ukraine, and possibly Israel. Both nations are strong allies of this country, as are Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines. Stop calling China a mere "adversary"! It is a self-declared "enemy" who has thoroughly infiltrated America; 400,000 PRC students in US colleges and universities; 22,000 illegal Chinese crossed the southern border in the past few months. The Chinese are buying-up US farmland in hundreds of thousands of acres, near military bases. I have the greatest respect for Chinese people. I have no respect for the Chinese Communist Party - our greatest military threat.


UKRAINE: Just learned that Ukraine (out-gunned 10-1) has retreated from the city of Avdiivka, fought over for months. They ran out of ammo. So much for our promise to assist "as long as it takes." I'm beginning to hate Republicans as well as Democrats. Now we will soon begin to pay the Russian piper directly, with our blood. While we are thinking about defending Taiwan, and NATO, as well as Israel (all in jeopardy), we will be shocked to see our own military unreadiness. Our weakness is betraying all of our friends. Go back and read the brilliant paper from Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA): (h It's Costing Peanuts for the US to Defeat Russia. (Nov 18, 2022) Ukraine has lost 300,000 men and most of its infrastructure defending against Russia, with millions having to emigrate, emigration being the enemy's most effective, non-kinetic weapon today. Let's hear it for Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States! (Had to patch this in as Ukraine may now be losing to Russia, thanks to our betrayal.)

Those who oppose assisting Ukraine and/or Israel are too dangerous and/or stupid to be in Congress. The deliberate collapse of our borders is an emergency situation. The possible defeat of Ukraine is also an emergency. That Israel may have to nuke Iran, causes alarms to sound. These things will force us into war - one, world-wide, the other civil, facilitated by our treacherous Fourth Estate.

I feel like I'm re-living a grotesque reversal of a 1950s movie matinee moment, when the cartoons ended with a Disney musical climax and announcement: "That's all folks!"


Well, I'm pleased to see that I may be busier than that three-legged tap dancer on ice responding to both newcomer, Pat Collins, and my liberal veteran opponent, Kelly Scoles. Let the games begin!

I would just ask my debate opponents, and myself as well, to respect "Ockham's razor" and keep things simple. I don't have space to respond to a flood of personal attack adjectives, which may not be factual. But I do not hesitate to characterize Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas as a supercilious ass deserving a supreme Mike Tyson punch in the face every time he launches a lie (but that would be mortally redundant), because it's true. I know that conservatives and liberals perceive reality differently, but there is only one reality, so man cannot "transition" to woman, there are no extraterrestrials, and demons are real. Making contrary claims doesn't elevate a lie to the status of truth.

With another reality, that of imminent war on my mind, I'm going to shorten my responses this week to unload my concerns.
(Note): Having serious tech problems. Hope I can finish this column.

Just a couple of random answers to Kelly's and Pat's letters:

I call the immigration bill an "abomination" because it permits the continued flow of illegal immigration, and child sex slavery by Mexican drug lords, continued flood of fentanyl, terrorist infiltration , and creation of new illegal alien gangs (NY). The sheer volume of illegal masses infecting the Republic as never before, didn't dissuade Democrats from permitting thousands more. Common sense should be sufficient for most people to understand this threat. You (Pat) see this as a "treasure trove" of low wage, easily abused labor for Republicans? That's clearly slanderously false. Thank God traitorous Mayorkas was finally impeached! Now, let's hope the Senate has the guts and virtue to convict and kick him aside. This can't happen though because he does Biden's bidding regardless. Even among notoriously corrupt Democrats, Mayorkas is a most insufferable liar.

America has many defense challenges; the two greatest are military readiness, and a Trojan Horse Democrat boarder policy which will end our sovereignty soon if not stopped. Democrats are all in for a permanent Republic-killing supermajority - not good for democracy.

I have to divert the discussion to the national defense peril we are confronted with at this time. It is unparalleled in America's history. I've been surveying the expert military opinion concerning Free World military readiness and it is beyond alarming. European nations admit they are unprepared to defend against Russian attack. Throw in Communist China and North Korea, as well as Muslim Iran and its many minions, and hear that, except for Poland and Finland, we couldn't last more than a year after any coordinated attack. This is not a conclusion spouted by my unprofessional self. This is a near universal admission by NATO. South Korea and Taiwan are no better off.

Common sense alone tells us that such a worldwide conflict can be expected this year. Fanciful talk of being ready in a few years is just suicidal nonsense. Having a mentally deficient Commander-in-Chief, and a silly political floozy for vice-president, only heightens the threat by absentee leadership, and invites the wolfish instincts of our anti-Judeo-Christian enemies. Our government is too historically naive to understand the common evil of our enemies. This struggle is primarily spiritual.

I don't have time this week to talk about the immediate weakness in NATO, especially France, England, Italy, and the Baltics. Russia is the immediate threat. NATO has no army of its own, only a poorly coordinated group of small national units, underfunded and unready. The Free World has never before been threatened by so many nuclear enemies, and fake friends.

Both Ukraine and Israel must be supported in time or America will be unable to help either its European or Asian allies, while defending itself at home. Don't rely on my opinion, read what NATO leaders are admitting today. It doesn't help my negative world view that all those Marian Apparitions and warnings exactly coincide with NATO warnings and the growing strength of the enemy’s readiness.

Who wants to be the one who, while standing in the glowing, irradiated cinders of New York City, can somehow signal "I told you so!"

"At 7:58 a.m., Lt. Cmdr. Logan Ramsey, who was in the Ford Island command center, ordered the message to be sent out that would resonate through history: “AIR RAID, PEARL HARBOR. THIS IS NOT A DRILL."


This week it is my privilege to respond to two letters, from Kelly Scoles, and from a new resident of Fillmore, Pat Collins. Thank you both.

I'm also pleased that both take exception to last week's Realities. During the 34 years I have published the Gazette I have encouraged readers to express their opinions, signed or anonymous, especially if they strongly disagree with the publisher. Without visceral negative reactions to my column, I wouldn't write it. So, thank you both again.

Out of respect for a new voice, I will answer Pat's letter first - and with equal respect, my friend Kelly's, second.
Hi Pat. Great to hear from you. The Gazette is a rare thing to be sure; I believe it's the last traditional small town weekly newspaper in southern California. When we began publication in 1989 there were eight web newspaper presses in Ventura County; today there are none. The Gutenberg-like breakthrough of computers and the internet, ironically, has killed thousands of newspapers, big, small, and nano, like the Gazette. Hard to tell which may turn to dust first, the Gazette or its publisher. But, as a wise old actor once said, we endeavor to persevere!

You should not be disheartened over last week's column (I hope you're sitting down), before I reveal the Gazette's unique character - she's authentically conservative in a meaningful, traditional way. Always has been, always will be. To those Americans who take pride in American freedom and independence (like you, I'm sure) this fact should stir an appetite for vigorous discussion, as I have engaged with my liberal friend Kelly Scoles for several years now. While I have the greatest personal respect for Kelly, we strongly clash in our opinions most of the time. She, for example, regards Hunter's laptop as unimportant, while I think Biden should be impeached, convicted, and imprisoned for treason. Slightly different takes making for healthy, respectful debate.

Last example, Pat; they falsely accuse Donald Trump of instigating "insurrection" at the Capitol on January 6. Liberals (very obviously) lie about this short (4-hour) incident. Typical example: "The heavily armed, Trump-incited mob attack of Jan. 6, 2021, was an attack not just on the U.S. Capitol building, but also on democracy and the rule of law." This is a typical, liberal Democrat "opinion" disguised as news. A truthful, factual report should have stated there were NO "heavily armed" citizens there, no fires, no damage to statuary, leisurely walk invited through building. Fisticuffs outside, but in fact peaceful inside, compared to all 2020 BLM riots in hundreds of cities, costing, in insured damage, $2 billion, and described by media as "mostly peaceful".

At least 25 Americans (civilians) were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020. "Violence raged at US protests in at least 140 cities. More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer following the police killing of George Floyd", compared to one person killed at the Jan. 6 "insurrection" by a grossly negligent Capitol policeman, exonerated.

Arrests, convictions, and imprisonment following this true 2020 insurrection: Virtually none. Total insured property losses incurred during the George Floyd riots come in at "At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020 ... Nine of the people killed during protests were demonstrators .."

But for the 4-hour Capitol riot: "Approximately 749 federal defendants have had their cases adjudicated and received sentences for their criminal activity on Jan. 6". The persecution continues. "But over 95% of Antifa and BLM rioters charges were dropped," While, (CNN) years after the January 6 insurrection, the Justice Department continues to press forward on the biggest investigation in FBI history, with 700 people already arrested and hundreds more offenders still at large and several more years of prosecutions ahead. And continuing to falsely call it an "insurrection".

Pat, I endeavor to discipline my statements by confining them to facts, always open to scrutiny.

As for those (9-million) "attempting to come to this great country of ours", I only oppose those coming unlawfully. I'm all for law and order, and this total disorder may bankrupt our nation and invites our fanatical enemies to have their way. Our nation's largesse should never be under duress. And the "welfare of [your] children are directly threatened by this flood of illegal immigration at every level. How many more of the world's 8-billion should we invite to our teeming shore?" Your "huddled masses" are sinking the ship of state; better to assist them in their own countries.

While you are certainly not "anointed" to make decisions for others, loyal American citizens like yourself are free to educate yourself, debate, persuade, and vote, just as Kelly and I do each week. That's a duty of citizenship. The immigration bill is an abomination which only perpetuates the broken borders crisis. Like the border, support for Ukraine and Israel are separate, urgent necessities. We must assist each of them, quickly, regardless of cost, or soon pay with our freedom. We could do this easily if we had not been such spendthrifts for so many years. Now we have no viable alternative.
Again, welcome to the forum, Pat.


Hi Kelly. Sorry I'm so far off base this week (about 500 words). I need to practice more discipline like Pat suggests!
About my "vile statement " concerning Biden and his radical liberal cronies being "evil". "Evil" is just an extreme form of "bad." And I believe good and evil are irreconcilable. Biden is evil because he habitually does evil things; it's his and his family's nature. Evidence of his evil can be found in the infamous Hunter laptop which reveals Joe's ravenous appetite for other people's money through shakedowns, and his bartering of the nations' policies. No time to open this fact up, again.

We conservatives do lament the passing of Rush, an honest genius and spectacular teacher.
You question "Trump's mental, emotional, and legal decay?" I'm astonished you would mention these things after enduring three years of Joe Biden' involuntary cerebral antics.

The man must fart more succinctly than he speaks. He is a walking threat to climate change. As to "Trump's lack of morality, integrity," etc. If Biden is your moral standard here it's no wonder you ignore the truckloads of felonious self-enrichment he has secured during his gigs as Senator, Vice President and Commander in Chief.

(note): I apologize for writing this long column. I didn't have time to write a short one.


A response to Kelly Scoles' letter:

Hi Kelly,

Just to be up front with you, Kelly, I hate anything that looks like a secret world financial demigod; and they are all over the place. I recall when Black Rock touted control of $10 trillion dollars (since, down a little); and then there're outfits like Freemasons, the Bavarian Illuminati, Skull and Bones (regret Bill Buckley and at least one Bush were members) and Bilderberg. These are the uberhumans who think of themselves as God's subcontractors. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that, "The rich are different from you and me” and his friend Ernest Hemingway supposedly retorted, “Yes, they have more money.” Weirdly, these are the only words I remember from Fitzgerald, but they fit here. Wealth unnaturally elevates the human ego; pocket change can even grow to monstrous proportions like Mammon. I guess that's why we have a Fear and Greed Index; Greed can drive us like a Rockefeller or Carnegie while a recession or depression stunts the growth. While billionaires are a dime a dozen today, some will exhaust themselves to become the first trillionaire. But even the trillionaire is a relative pauper compared to the self-made dictator who owns his own country and all of its inhabitants. His riches are self-perpetuating, at least for a term of life, almost like Midas and Scrooge McDuck, because he prints his own money, determines its value, and the value of his dominated subjects. Remember Zimbabwe's central bank allowed its citizens to exchange the country's almost worthless currency for US dollars. Its $100-trillion-dollar note [was] worth just 40 U.S. cents. He [Robert Mugabe] also played at being his own god, like China's Xi, Russia's Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un, demigods all, soon to face their true God, without saving face.

My apologies for the digression. I hope you are not too surprised to learn that I am also concerned about the extraordinary absence of financial justice throughout the world today. I have to be careful to avoid being called a "communist" for questioning our balance sheet. The unfairness is outrageous, and abuse is rife. A quick example of abuse on the Democratic Party side can be seen in the $400 million gift by Zuckerberg to Democratic Party brokers in the last presidential election. Just think of that sum and ask if it influenced the outcome of the election. Who else could match it? Bottom line for me, every gainfully employed man should be able to buy a house, as was possible only a few decades ago.

So, Kelly, I'm going to have to chicken-out and remain mum about the solutions I lack to remedy this serious problem. I do know, however, that I would avoid at all costs any proposal proffered by anyone even remotely smelling like a Biden. That man is a liar and a traitor, whose actions, with Barack Obama, may well precipitate the end of America as we have known her for 248 years. As for Abigail Disney and Valerie Rockefeller, a much simpler and faster solution to the problem they raise is available; why not simply have all people of "extreme wealth" gift a generous portion of their cash overflow to the country coffers, without forgetting struggling weekly newspapers? With an almost lascivious greed infecting the remnants of our national virtue, time is not on our side. I don't suggest this in jest. But wait! We could lower inflation from 9-percent under Biden, to 2-percent as under Trump, and pay the worker a living wage. Maybe then we can return to 10-cents for a cup of coffee (with free refills) and $50,000 for a modest house, like it was in my 30s.
If Democratic Party efforts to secure our borders provide a clue to future events, we may also have to return to a barter system, which worked so well for millennia.


Kelly, I have to confess that today I'm fixated on war and have almost no interest in politics, except as it relates to war. Many well-informed people tell me that the momentum of WW3 is leaning against America and that we will soon be caught unprepared. They say that if we abandon Ukraine and Israel for the foolishness of things like climate change, "social justice" confusion, and crazy transgender obsessions, we will be fatally challenged by our enemies. The U.S. is about 5 years late in preparing for war, and NATO is just awakened to the imminent threat of nuclear attack by a coalition of well-prepared Russian, Muslim, and Asian enemies.

Remember those empty store shelves during the pandemic? China has announced another biological which it brags of being 100-percent fatal, which is the pinnacle of success for biological terrorists. And what is the western mindset today? NATO assured Russia a while ago that it would not employ nuclear retaliation if it nuked Ukraine; instead, NATO would use pinpoint conventional attacks on all Russian positions. So, a rational enemy may well just take advantage of notorious Western naiveté with a nuclear Blitzkrieg. Why should Russia, et al, undertake a long war (like Ukraine) when it could win a short one with a surprise nuclear attack?

Trying to argue the obvious gives me a headache.


A response to Kelly Scoles' letter:

Hi Kelly,

Just to be up front with you, Kelly, I hate anything that looks like a secret world financial demigod; and they are all over the place. I recall when Black Rock touted control of $10 trillion dollars (since, down a little); and then there're outfits like Freemasons, the Bavarian Illuminati, Skull and Bones (regret Bill Buckley and at least one Bush were members) and Bilderberg. These are the uberhumans who think of themselves as God's subcontractors. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that, "The rich are different from you and me” and his friend Ernest Hemingway supposedly retorted, “Yes, they have more money.” Weirdly, these are the only words I remember from Fitzgerald, but they fit here. Wealth unnaturally elevates the human ego; pocket change can even grow to monstrous proportions like Mammon. I guess that's why we have a Fear and Greed Index; Greed can drive us like a Rockefeller or Carnegie while a recession or depression stunts the growth. While billionaires are a dime a dozen today, some will exhaust themselves to become the first trillionaire. But even the trillionaire is a relative pauper compared to the self-made dictator who owns his own country and all of its inhabitants. His riches are self-perpetuating, at least for a term of life, almost like Midas and Scrooge McDuck, because he prints his own money, determines its value, and the value of his dominated subjects. Remember Zimbabwe's central bank allowed its citizens to exchange the country's almost worthless currency for US dollars. Its $100-trillion-dollar note [was] worth just 40 U.S. cents. He [Robert Mugabe] also played at being his own god, like China's Xi, Russia's Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un, demigods all, soon to face their true God, without saving face.

My apologies for the digression. I hope you are not too surprised to learn that I am also concerned about the extraordinary absence of financial justice throughout the world today. I have to be careful to avoid being called a "communist" for questioning our balance sheet. The unfairness is outrageous, and abuse is rife. A quick example of abuse on the Democratic Party side can be seen in the $400 million gift by Zuckerberg to Democratic Party brokers in the last presidential election. Just think of that sum and ask if it influenced the outcome of the election. Who else could match it? Bottom line for me, every gainfully employed man should be able to buy a house, as was possible only a few decades ago.

So, Kelly, I'm going to have to chicken-out and remain mum about the solutions I lack to remedy this serious problem. I do know, however, that I would avoid at all costs any proposal proffered by anyone even remotely smelling like a Biden. That man is a liar and a traitor, whose actions, with Barack Obama, may well precipitate the end of America as we have known her for 248 years. As for Abigail Disney and Valerie Rockefeller, a much simpler and faster solution to the problem they raise is available; why not simply have all people of "extreme wealth" gift a generous portion of their cash overflow to the country coffers, without forgetting struggling weekly newspapers? With an almost lascivious greed infecting the remnants of our national virtue, time is not on our side. I don't suggest this in jest. But wait! We could lower inflation from 9-percent under Biden, to 2-percent as under Trump, and pay the worker a living wage. Maybe then we can return to 10-cents for a cup of coffee (with free refills) and $50,000 for a modest house, like it was in my 30s.
If Democratic Party efforts to secure our borders provide a clue to future events, we may also have to return to a barter system, which worked so well for millennia.


Kelly, I have to confess that today I'm fixated on war and have almost no interest in politics, except as it relates to war. Many well-informed people tell me that the momentum of WW3 is leaning against America and that we will soon be caught unprepared. They say that if we abandon Ukraine and Israel for the foolishness of things like climate change, "social justice" confusion, and crazy transgender obsessions, we will be fatally challenged by our enemies. The U.S. is about 5 years late in preparing for war, and NATO is just awakened to the imminent threat of nuclear attack by a coalition of well-prepared Russian, Muslim, and Asian enemies.

Remember those empty store shelves during the pandemic? China has announced another biological which it brags of being 100-percent fatal, which is the pinnacle of success for biological terrorists. And what is the western mindset today? NATO assured Russia a while ago that it would not employ nuclear retaliation if it nuked Ukraine; instead, NATO would use pinpoint conventional attacks on all Russian positions. So, a rational enemy may well just take advantage of notorious Western naiveté with a nuclear Blitzkrieg. Why should Russia, et al, undertake a long war (like Ukraine) when it could win a short one with a surprise nuclear attack?

Trying to argue the obvious gives me a headache.


A response to Kelly Scoles' letter:

Hi again, Kelly,

I regret that last week's Realities was less than clear for you. Because you saw it as "a perfect example of the challenges of our discourse" I would appreciate a chance to clarify a few things.

My criticism of General Charles Brown (now chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) for racist policies, and your denial of his "embracing race-based hiring and promotions in the military for the sake of diversity" awakens a famous saying: "Facts speak louder than words", and the facts here are crystal clear. "Diversity and inclusion are now focal points in Air Force personnel decisions. Chief of Staff of the Air Force Charles Q. Brown has been a major backer of the DEI efforts. Brown said in the fall of 2020 that DEI was a key focal point of recruiting and a factor in promotions." "Shortly after assuming office, President Joe Biden signed three separate executive orders directing all federal agencies to commit extensive time and resources towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts.” The Heartlander, 7-7-2023.

General Brown has served as the Air Force Chief of Staff since 2020. The Heritage Foundation's "2023 Index of Military Strength" notes that under his tenure the Air Force's military strength has descended from "marginal" in 2021, to "weak" in 2022, and to the lowest mark of "very weak" in 2023. Brown's command style prioritizes diversity, but the inexorable diminution of military strength raises grave concerns about the practice. The intentional selection of personnel based on race and ideology prompted the watchdog group the American Accountability Association to file a complaint about possible violations of the Constitution for illegal hiring practices. Breakdown: as of June 30, the active-duty Air Force was 71 percent white, 15 percent Black or African American, 4.3 percent Asian American, 1.2 percent Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, and less than 1 percent American Indian or Native Alaskan. About 16 percent identify as Hispanic or Latino. Sept. 9, 2021.

“[Brown's] unwavering support of identity-based quotas and DEI imperatives is sufficient to justify and rationalize the purge of the depleted pilot corps of competent aviators that is composed of too many white males. With deep divisions within the military and the uncertainty of its ability to defend the country, General Brown's leadership style comes into question. An effective leader cannot adhere to an ideology that denigrates many of those under one’s command. Leadership embodies Eisenhower's humility as it relates to blood and sacrifice, the qualities imbued in Shakespeare's St. Crispin's Day Speech, and Chiang Kai-Shek's testimony to morale and spirit." (Scott Sturman)
How badly is Brown's intense racist DEI hurting our military? The Army alone has assigned more than 10,000 soldiers, equivalent to about three brigades, to recruiting duty.

A major conflict would break the AVF [All Volunteer Force]—an open secret in defense circles, but something that few in Washington want to discuss. Over the past year of fighting, Russia and Ukraine have both taken casualties equal to at least half the active-duty U.S. Army. Trying to explain this problem to liberals is, I think, a waste of time, regardless of its importance. Brown is fanatically engaged with promoting DEI because, regardless of his extraordinary personal success in the military, he nurses resentment for perceived past racist career injustices, a sharp chip on his shoulder for which the white man (particularly the white pilot) should pay. It's ugly, but it's a psychological fact. Brown is the last man who should be in charge of our military forces.

Last comment on Brown's suitability for overall command: Kelly, we have to look at what he is doing, not so much at what he says to placate his accusers. That's his big deception.


About Nikki Haley's comment on the causes of the Civil War: Nikki is an intelligent, articulate woman. I don't understand why she answered that voter's question in that way. It's somewhat a puzzlement. I'm stunned, however, by your criticism, one of those "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" type of things. Kelly, may I remind you that South Carolina was a Democrat state when it started the Civil War! Remember, Democrats were also responsible for all that slavery, and all of that bloody post-Civil War fallout, like Reconstruction, KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, all that Democrat stuff. Republicans are the ones that fought to the death to end slavery. Democrats fought to the death to keep their slave culture. So, I should fault Nikki for not acknowledging the Democratic Party's historic guilt, but I won't elaborate, except to say she should certainly have mentioned the word slavery.

The Temecula school is wrong to hide the fact that the Democratic Party started the Civil War.
You are right, Kelly, as you say, to recognize that "some people still censor or deny uncomfortable historical truth..."