Letters to the Editor
August 22, 2024

To the Editor

In order for democrats to “save our democracy” they now urge us to vote for the candidate they installed without a single vote, after lying to everyone about the incumbents health, in order to prevent a primary that their non democratically elected candidate easily could have participated in, yet she made a clear choice not to. Additionally, followers must avoid critical thinking and not attempt to recognize or discuss that their candidate was polling in the single digits when she failed to become the Democrats presidential nominee in a much fairer appearing primary process 3 and a half years ago. So in their demented mindset, brought to them via the elite owned media which has been constructed to control the opinions of their lowly subjects (that’s us for the slow people reading this), and in the name of democracy, they must be compelled to ignore this rigged process for their latest supposed freedom fighter and avoid any critical thinking in favor of the usual face value approach. Then laughably, they tell us for the sake of the country, get out there and vote for this lady in order to “save our Democracy” despite the fact that she unquestionably and blatantly skirted around the democratic process with the help of the incestuous media apparatus firmly in the oppressors control. What an absolute clown world we now find ourselves in. Should we really have expected anything else from a portion of the populace that actually believes a child’s sex at birth does not determine gender (given they haven’t been aborted and had their tissues sold for science and profit)?

And all the while, the Kelly Scoles of the world, riveted to their boob tubes and National Propaganda Radio, with their world class Trump Derangement syndrome and confirmation bias, dutifully report the propaganda served to them on a weekly basis as if its the gospel without ever once apologizing for all the times they were dead wrong along the way. Jim Jones would not be infamous today without followers of this ilk, and when you look into the composition of his followers, the similarities are many. Truth be told, todays media would portray Yeshua himself (real biblical name is not Jesus by the way, but we can save that bait and switch for another day) as a crazed local carpenter guilty of spreading horrible disinformation that is deemed harmful and dangerous by their own pre-chosen lot of nefariously funded religious experts, who would then work to censor him and convince their devoted flock of seemingly lobotomized sheep that they were only doing so for their own good. May God (real biblical name is YHWH in case accuracy still matters) help us all.

R. Shiells


Letters to the Editor
August 15th, 2024

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I have not read all 877 pages of the Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership 2025 The Conservative Promise,” or the “playbook” for the first 180 days of the ”next Republican administration” drafted by Russ Vought, a former Trump OMB official and member of the RNC’s platform committee, or Heritage CEO Kevin Roberts’ book outlining Project 2025 (“P/2025”) which has been removed from publication until after the election because there’s no need to rile up the base this close to the election.

P/2025 is a dystopian rejection of the language and spirit of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. When word began to circulate what it was really proposing, every cable show except FOX analyzed it. Following the revelation, Trump passionately claimed ignorance about it and the people involved. In truth, he knows all the participants, has employed half of them in the WH, extols the Heritage Foundation, and is very much aware of the contents of P/2025.

P/2025 is the blueprint for a “second American Revolution” (“bloodless” unless anyone resists), a plan to alter government function, process, and authority.

1. Plans for an autocratic system that will remove safeguards inherent in the Constitutional “balance of power” between branches of government and give the president sole executive authority (“Unitary Executive”). It dissipates democracy (recall Trump’s promise to Christians that 2024 was the last time they would have to vote, after he “fixes” the system).
This is a decades-long plan (at least since Reagan). To create numerous truly dependable authoritarians, with Jerry Falwell’s help, they devised a hybrid of the church militant of Far-Right Christianity and Republican politics. A form of conservatism imbued with divine authority. Bingo.

2. To reward that base, P/2025 proposes to legislatively infuse varying levels of White Nationalism with “Old Testament Christianity” (where Christ’s admonition of Love Over Law is ignored for that of a vindictive, jealous deity). Legislation will define family structure in “covenant marriage,” force progeny over women’s reproductive rights, cultural rules, and the religious biases of the government. “Freedom” will be available only within those government-imposed parameters.

P/2025 proposes, within the first 180 days, to restructure the power and function of government. To reinstate Trump’s executive order regarding Schedule “F” (Biden rescinded it) and dismiss current non-partisan federal employees and replace them with vetted Republican political appointees in “confidential, policy-determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating positions.” There will be no contradiction of the Chief Executive (what Trump so admired about the dictator Orban). Vetting and training have already occurred.

P/2025 proposes the abolishment of multiple federal agencies, including the Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Transportation Security Administration, whose functions would be eliminated, subsumed by other agencies, or privatized.

“Privatization” has been an objective of Republican economics. One definition of “fascism” is “the corporatization of government.” History has shown that placing governmental functions in the hands of chosen private entrepreneurs gives them greater power, produces less transparency, but creates wealthy political donors. All responsible to only the “Unitary Executive,” the single ultimate authority. Exactly why we fought the American Revolution against King George and WWII against Hitler and the Emperor.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.


Letters to the Editor
August 8th, 2024

To the Editor:

Martin, I hope you are writing The Great American Novel in your spare time, because it would be a shame to let your prodigious imagination be limited to mere Editorials. You do want everyone to practice your Old Testament Christianity and enforce it with laws (against same-sex marriage, parents’ choices for their children, women’s reproductive rights, suppression of studies of racism, etc.) no matter their personal beliefs. You vilify Putin, forgetting that Trump servilely compliments him at every opportunity, and you believe “depraved” Liberals are not qualified to govern in this democracy (shades of Limbaugh). Your talent is at its apex when you claim that Trump’s values are Judaeo-Christian. Just sayin’, fiction is clearly your genre.

Recently, Trump addressed “my beautiful Christians” to urge them to come out in droves for the coming election, but advised, “You won’t have to vote in four years, because the country will be fixed, and frankly, we won’t even need your vote anymore.” “Fixed” is outlined in Project 2025 on voting rights. Republicans everywhere were disbelieving, shocked, or made pathetic excuses. Google it.

Trump implied he would leave office voluntarily after four more years. “I did last time. I keep hearing… “he’s not going to leave” [see above].” Trump did not leave voluntarily at the end of his term. He instigated an insurrection against the certification process, still claims he was cheated, and is now saying that there won’t be a need to vote after 2024. He again called to purge dissenters from the Republican Party.

At the National Black Journalists Association last week, “macho-man” Trump at first refused to go on stage unless they agreed not to fact-check him (they declined), objected to “nasty” questions from “rude” female journalists who raised his past racial statements, questioned VP Harris’ racial heritage, and was pulled off early by his team when he began to implode.

Trump’s trash-talking America extended to the Biden Administration’s achieving the release of Americans and other prisoners in Russia. Biden managed to get allies to agree against their own interests in the negotiations. Trump lost his chance for that predicted “favor” from Putin and responded with his usual non-statesman like petulancy, and the MAGA House responded with a demand for yet another hearing. Meanwhile, Trump has refused to debate Harris on ABC as agreed.

Bullies often self-soothe by inflicting derogatory names on their opponents, but Trump has failed to stick one to VP Harris. For now, it’s her “low IQ” and her “cackle,” her full-throated and strong celebration of enthusiasm and mirth in laughter. She has optimism and hope for the country and our democracy (like FDR, JFK, Reagan, Obama, and Biden).

But Trump knows that, unless he can sell his base a menacing, apocalyptic view of our future without him, distrust and dismissal of their fellow Americans, and dispense with democratic processes like voting, the MAGA Plan will not succeed. Hope, optimism, democratic commitment, and laughter are the last things he can handle.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
August, 1, 2024

To the Editor:

As a former American History and Civics teacher, who has spent more than my share of time studying the US Constitution and the discussions that took place around it, I’m fascinated by the position of Christian Nationalists.

Before the Constitution was ratified and when they had every opportunity to write God and church into it, there were lengthy discussions about that very subject. And they chose not to. The very definition of deliberately.

For any Catholics out there, who think that when they were talking about Christians back then, they were talking about Catholics? I hate to tell you, they weren’t talking about you. My own ancestors, who were active in those discussions, are credibly believed to have sheltered the conspirators who beheaded King Charlie for his Catholicism. They still aren’t talking about you. So put that aside before it bites you.

What I find most fascinating is the fixation on the 10 Commandments. Not that there’s anything wrong with them. I believe in living by them. Unfortunately, your golden calf, Trump, thinks they are a checklist for what to violate. And they are in the Old Testament. Not the New Testament. You know, the one based on the teachings of the Christ.

If it’s Christianity you’re interested in, how about a little focus on what Jesus taught? Take the Sermon on the Mount, for example. There He gave us the Beatitudes. As a refresher, here they are for your consideration.

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for what is right; they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful; they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart; they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of what is right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Now ask yourself. What is Christian?

Razor wire in the river or food for hungry schoolchildren?

Tax breaks for the rich or programs to support middle class workers?

Unrestricted pollution or care of the earth?

I would love to live in a truly Christian Nation. Christian in practice, not in empty proclamation.
Pat Collins,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
August, 1, 2024

To the Editor:

Martin, if I recall correctly, you have always tended a bit “gloomy.” I assumed it was because we all failed to meet your standards of heavenly perfection. Politically, I saw you as “conservative,” longing for the “good old days,” but now you are a Far-Right Radical, partisan about the Constitution, committed to telling other people what religion they should follow, how to raise their children, and what values they should practice (Trump excepted). Yet, you defend Trump and other political officials, including SCOTUS, when they repeatedly violate what appear to be your personal morals and ethics, because they are authoritarians.

As have non-believers, Judaeo-Christians, too, have perpetrated atrocities over the centuries. For instance, the Holocaust, and the Russian attack of Ukraine Many people claim religious moral values, but very few seem to live them, even as they try to coerce them in others. While moral conduct may derive from religious ideals, it always arises, or doesn’t, from the impacts of conscience.

Your commitment to Ukraine, which I also support, is inconsistent with your endorsement of Trump. In a recent telephone conversation, Trump teased Zelensky, promising a “fair” peace treaty if he is elected in November. But in a plan prepared by General Keith Kellog and Fred Fleitz, who both served as chiefs of staff in Trump’s National Security Council (2017-2021), the “peace” would be based upon the territories occupied at the time of the cease-fire. Trump already knows Putin won’t cede ground, so it will be up to Ukraine.

Those terms would be an endorsement of invasion by a larger country of a smaller country to gain territory and dominance, a betrayal of democratic-leaning countries, and a weakening of NATO. An international stunt encouraging future conflict and world-war. Brilliant.

Trump’s admiration of despots is motivated by his fear of them. He is enamored of Kim Jong Un, has complimented Putin on his “genius” attack on Ukraine, extolled Orban, and has indicated his lack of support for NATO unless the members “pay up,” or “Putin can do whatever the hell he wants.” “America First,” is another blatant example of Trump’s short-term, hustler view of U.S. interests. While MAGA celebrates that small-world idiocy, China and Russia are financing transportation and infrastructure projects in Africa, South America, and elsewhere, creating future allies, as Trump denies familiarity with Project 2025, whines about nickels and dimes, and prepares tax cuts for billionaires.

I don’t know all MAGA individuals. My criticisms are of facts. The MAGA movement under Project 2025 endorses, knowingly or not, the Republican authoritarian model to supplant much of our government, and to create a forced religion-based social and legal order.

Equating constitutional concerns with “Hunter Biden’s laptop” is all you got, Martin? Two years of tax resources and Republican voodoo warnings and hearings on the President being head of the “Crooked Biden Family” went nowhere. Any apologies for that?

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
July, 25, 2024

To the Editor:

The RNC Convention was a glitzy event including fourth tier “celebrities,” a stream of Trump family members, including a 3-year-old granddaughter who looked like a rent-a-kid on his knee, and people celebrating with sanitary napkins on their ears.
The promised “new and gentler” wounded warrior first called for “unity,” forgetting that he had recently called half of the citizenry “losers and haters,” and “traitors.” After 15 minutes on the teleprompter, the “uniter” was exhausted and, after reverently confiding that “the ear is the bloodiest organ in the body,” restored the same old hate mongering at which he excels.

He decried Democrats who “have weaponized the DOJ” by prosecuting him for his personal malfeasance and crimes, but failed to mention that Republican Project 2025 plans to do exactly that in their “second revolution” to authoritarian government.
MAGA’s candidate is a man who nearly four years ago incited an insurrection against the US Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and still insists falsely that he won the 2020 election, though no Court including SCOTUS agrees, has been twice impeached while in office, is the subject of serial indictments, was found liable for sexual assault and defamation, and convicted of 34 felonies including fraud.

The RNC and Trump loyalists are desperate for the base to ignore all that messy business and Project 2025, so altered their Party platform to avoid subjects like abortion and planned expansion of control over women’s bodies, tax breaks for the wealthy, and the change of the federal power structure to a Republican authoritarian model in Project 2025. The GOP faithful seemed giddily unconcerned about the chasm between truth and what the nominee really plans.

On Sunday, President Joe Biden, under increasing pressure to withdraw from the presidential race from within his Party because of a serious fumble in the earlier presidential debate, and his inability to rest those fears in subsequent interviews, endorsed VP Kamala Harris.

While I fault Democratic operatives for a number of moves along the way, I am grateful Biden understood that, for all the outstanding things he accomplished for the ordinary citizens of our country, his particular experience of being in his 80’s was a detriment to public confidence in 4 more years. Only a handful of presidents have had the courage and faith in America to step aside for the good of the country. Joe is one of them.

In contrast Trump, the transient “uniter” went on Truth Social to condemn Biden’s decision because his team would have to “start all over again” and advocated for reimbursement to the RNC. In a genius foreign relations proposal, Trump proposed taking North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to a New York Yankees game to soothe his mania for nukes. Yeah, Trump. You got this.

But Trump can relax. He has already secured his singular, highest possible achievement as the most ignoble, feral, noxious gasbag in America.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
July 18, 2024

To the Editor #1:

In a lengthy smokescreen in last week’s Editorial, you deflected to Robert Bork’s rejection 40 years ago because he was a condescending, authoritarian, end-of-his-nose “originalist.” It was dwarfed by the dishonor of the Republican Senate when Mitch McConnell refused to even consider Obama’s SCOTUS March 2016 nomination of Merrick Garland because, at 9 months before the election, “it is too close.” But Republicans pushed through Amy Barrett’s confirmation on October 27, one week before the 2020 election. Republicans have repeatedly maneuvered undemocratically and disdained respect for the principles of democracy. Please boo-hoo your outrage about something that is not ridiculous.
In Trump v. United States, note that the “originalist” point of view is discarded by Repo SCOTUS when politically expedient (*).

Justice Sotomayor’s dissent to the Immunity Decision included, * “The majority today endorses an expansive vision of Presidential immunity that was never recognized by the Founders, any sitting President, the Executive Branch, or even President Trump’s lawyers, until now…and invents an unjustifiable immunity that puts the President above the law. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably.”

Justice Ketanji Brown-Jackson wrote: “Departing from the traditional model of individual accountability, the majority has concocted something entirely different: a Presidential accountability model that creates immunity - an exemption from criminal law - applicable only to the most powerful official in our government.”

CJ Roberts wrote that his three liberal colleagues had misinterpreted the majority’s opinion and were engaging in “fear mongering,” and “strike a tone of chilling doom that is wholly disproportionate to what the Court actually does today.” The familiar “don’t worry your empty little heads” dismissal.

Roberts scoffed at Sotomayor’s dissent, saying that her “most compelling piece of evidence consists of an “old debate” (ignoring that Alito argued the Middle Ages in his decision overturning Roe). * “But those statements reflect only the now-discredited argument that any immunity not expressly mentioned in the Constitution must not exist.” Note that the Republican SCOTUS “originalist” arguments are ghosted when it benefits their political objectives.

Trump v. United States proves that “originalism” is a fraud. Nothing in the Constitution provides for presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers that presidents in the new republic would not have unlimited power but could be prosecuted for criminal acts to enshrine the core principle that “no one is above the law,” and that the new republic would be free from the danger of an absolute monarchy rejected by the Founding Fathers.
The SCOTUS “originalist” Republican supermajority eliminates rights already in place (Roe v. Wade), denies expansion of rights to ordinary citizens (often gaslighting the truth, e.g., the Immunity Decision) and increases rights to the Executive and the Courts (but not to the Congress who represent the people at a more local level). They are making it up and increasingly embrace the objectives of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
July 18, 2024

To the Editor #2:

Thank you, Martin, for allowing two LTTE from me in this eventful week.

As of this writing, we do not know all the facts about the wounding of Trump at a Saturday rally in Butler, PA. The most intelligent, responsible thing we can do is postpone judgment until all the facts are known.

We do know that sniper Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, opened fire with an AR-15-style gun killing one person, critically injuring two others, and inflicting a minor wound which could have been much worse, to the ear of the Republican candidate for president, Donald Trump. Crooks was killed by the USSService (why were they not on the vantage point outside the rally?) President Biden condemned the attack and called Trump to express his hopes for a full recovery.

Apparently, Crooks was a registered Republican but donated $15 dollars to ActBlue, and a loner except for his membership in a pro-gun organization, Demolition Ranch. The perp reportedly had a large stash of weapons in this home. His motive is still unclear.

For three years, Trump’s violent rhetoric has warned that, if he is not returned to power, MAGA will erupt and the Constitution could be temporarily “terminated.” He has used the words “bloodbath,” “retribution,” “bedlam,” and “authoritarian.” He has mimicked mothers crying over their child dying of a drug overdose.

Evidence of false and hate-filled accusations, particularly from the Right, has reached such a toxic level that violence, as it always does, has turned toward even the one who first introduced it to recent politics.

Congressman Mike Collins,(R-GA) immediately pronounced that “Biden sent the orders.” VP candidate JD Vance (R-OH) echoed the accusation. Margie Green (R-GA) bleated: “We are in a battle between Good and Evil. The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars.” Others insisted that the President had refused to provide adequate USSS protection to Trump. This is madness.

In the podcast interview of Heritage Foundation and Project 2025, think tank leader Kevin Roberts declared that Democrats will be responsible for any political violence around the election. “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the Left allows it to be.”

So, a bloody civil war will be avoided only if Democrats capitulate to the threats of MAGA and Trump and surrender to the unconstitutional plans of Project 2025. If liberals or disaffected Republicans resist, they will be dealt with violently. This is the admitted Republican Plan for America but does not resemble the American Promise.

Either MAGA is eager to replace US Constitutional principles with authoritarian doctrine or can’t understand or don’t care about the implications to our democratic republic.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
July, 11, 2024

To the Editor of the Fillmore Gazette,

I am writing to advocate for the County of Ventura to take control of the Fillmore Western Railway and reinvigorate the train museum in Fillmore. The current state of the railway, particularly the dilapidated railroad bridge crossing the Sespe Creek, is a significant concern that requires immediate attention.

The Fillmore Western Railway is not just a mode of transportation but a vital piece of our history. It played a crucial role in the settlement and development of Ventura County, and as such, it deserves to be preserved and celebrated. By taking control of the railway, the county can ensure that this historical asset is maintained properly and utilized to its full potential.

Reinvigorating the train museum and offering regular train tours and events can bring substantial revenue to our cities and county. These activities will attract tourists, history enthusiasts, and families, providing a unique and educational experience while boosting the local economy. Moreover, preserving and showcasing our railway heritage can instill a sense of pride in our community and ensure that future generations understand and appreciate the historical significance of the Fillmore Western Railway.

I urge the county officials to recognize the importance of this issue and take the necessary steps to restore and maintain this invaluable part of our history. Investing in the Fillmore Western Railway and the train museum is not just about preserving the past but also about creating a vibrant future for our community.


Justin Gruetzmacher,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
July, 11, 2024

To the Editor:

This LTTE concerns only the majority opinion in Trump v. US, important because it is the most significant SCOTUS decision since Dodds and Bush v. Gore. Next week, the minority dissent. I hope to get to other significant SCOTUS decisions this term. I’m afraid this is necessarily a little academic, but not as bad as if I were a constitutional law scholar.
It is noteworthy that both Justices Thomas and Alito, both whose conduct raises serious issues of impartiality, participated in the decision with no objection by CJ Roberts. The 94-page decision made no attempt at public clarity, leaves a trail of undefined terms, and sends the mess back to Judge Chutkan to solve.Then, SCOTUS will decide if she’s right or wrong in guessing what they really mean. Here is one link: 23-939_e2pg.pdf (supremecourt.gov).

The “Immunity Decision” significantly increased the power of the Chief Executive, (consistent with Project 2025 of the Republican Heritage Foundation). The holding in Trump v. US is that a president operates with immunity from prosecution depending on whether the conduct is deemed “official” or “unofficial.” Core “official” constitutional conduct (e.g., acting as Commander-in-Chief) has absolute immunity. Other “official conduct” (communicating with heads of state) has “presumptive immunity,” meaning that unless the government establishes that the prosecution will not create a danger of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch and “official” conduct, the president is immune. “Unofficial conduct” is not immune from prosecution, with caveats.

So, a former president is presumed immune from criminal liability while in office unless the prosecutor can prove that the president’s criminal act was purely “unofficial conduct” and: the proof of criminality requires no showing of mens rea, or motive, or does not rely on conduct tied to “official acts,” wherein he is immune.
A slight crack in the marble is all we have to hold him accountable. He is the only American citizen to be “above the law.” That is not what the Constitution intended, especially to an “originalist.”

Only ex-president Trump has required labelling of his conduct and parsing language to save him from criminal liability. No other ex-president has been accused of trying to overthrow the government, was convicted by juries of two frauds, liable for sexual assault, and is forever sniveling that he is being victimized as “no president has ever before” (apologies to Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy). He insists that none of it is due to his aberrant conduct. It’s someone else’s fault, always.

Martin, you assert that Trump is being persecuted and is innocent because he says so. He needs people like you to trust him, no matter that experience and glaring facts prove he is a chronic liar, cruel about others, the epitome of self-congratulation and -aggrandizement, and a child when it comes to accountability. You need him to prove that your passion for authoritarianism in life, politics, and “Old-Testament Christianity” is valid, even if contrary to the Constitution.

Kelly Scoles,

Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
July 4, 2024

To the Editor:

Last week’s political and legal events were cautionary. In substance, the Presidential Debate was a contest between two elderly candidates for president, one who was overprepped and did not do a good job explaining his administration’s accomplishments on behalf of ordinary Americans, and a surprisingly semi-disciplined ex-president who unsurprisingly lied at every turn, who felt it necessary to insist he “did not have sex with a porn star (a unanimous jury found otherwise), who insisted on debating golf handicaps, and who must have gotten to the makeup tray first so there was little left for Joe. At Biden’s rally the next day when he vowed to do better, one could only wish that guy had shown up the night before.
While half the Democratic operatives lost their cookies the rest of us, while very surprised and unhappy with our candidate’s performance, know that debates are not a hard basis for success, and a lot is going to happen between now and November 5.

Some of the Democratic political class, busy wilting like violets, probably didn’t tune into Fox (and should occasionally) when Shannon Bream said, “He [Biden] had one bad night. He was sick. You know, it’s ancient history.” It is noteworthy that Biden did not offer any excuses, unlike Mr. Trump who always whines whenever he doesn’t like the outcome.

What is far more concerning are the decisions from SCOTUS this term. There is no way to describe each of them in just this LTTE because of length, but they have the potential to change America in a way that is not supportive of the rights of individual citizens. They are nearly all in favor of the government, and the “have’s” as opposed to the “have-nots.”
Every one of them is consistent with Project 2025, the Republican blueprint for remaking the government so that only the president, and his political operatives, will control the functioning of the government for a “one man rule,” also known as a dictatorship. Moreover, this SCOTUS is making itself central to even Congressional legislative authority. Checks and balances are quickly being eroded. This is not the America we have known. I will go through some of those cases next week, and then on to Project 2025.

On Monday morning SCOTUS, which has deliberately and strategically dragged its feet since December 2023 on the case US v. Trump, found that a president’s core actions and official actions (without defining them) are immune from criminal prosecution. Be aware that, unless you believe you have committed a crime, you do not need such an accommodation. No other president in 250 years has asked for or needed such protection, but Trump is the exception to that rule because of his criminal conduct and obvious disdain for the Constitution.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
June 27, 2024

To the Editor:

The end of the constitutional right of women to choose abortion was Trump’s orchestrated plan and he revels in it despite reports of tragic consequences. The three Trump SCOTUS appointees swore in confirmation hearings that they would respect “stare decisis” (recognition and respect for established law) if confirmed. But In Dodds v. Jackson, they reneged and overturned Roe v. Wade, because “abortion” was not mentioned in the Constitution. One can only assume they lied to Congress, a federal crime. The Constitution also does not mention “woman.”

This LTTE is not about Inquisition Catholic Justice Sam Alito, the freak flags, and all his lies about them, indicating at the very least an appearance of conflict of interest, for which even the scant ethics rules of the Court call for recusal, and which Alito refuses to honor.

This is not even about Justice Thomas’ acceptance, over the years, of $4.2 million from billionaire Harlan Crow. Or his word-game majority opinion that a “bump stock” is not a machine gun, though it leaves the trigger finger in place so that gun’s recoil continues to hammer the trigger and the rapid-fire deadly results are the same.

It’s about Republican SCOTUS adherence to a concept of “originalism” or “strict constructionism,” which holds that only specifically mentioned rights in the Constitution can be applied to cases before SCOTUS, and that the words of the framers must be read as they would have understood them at the time, with one glaring exception. An honest “originalist” could not now read the Second Amendment to allow civilian use of an AK-15 with bump stock when all the framers knew as “guns” were blunderbusses and flintlocks.

The framers also wrote the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to that Constitution identifying individual rights the government cannot annul. They expected coming generations of SCOTUS to be intelligent enough to relate the framework established by the Constitution to their future reality and rule consistent with its basic objectives. The Republican SCOTUS, and certainly Thomas, is adjudicating back to the 1700’s. The framers would have been embarrassed that 2024 “originalists” still apply their era-conventional cultural ignorance.

Justice Barrett, herself an “originalist,” nevertheless criticized Thomas for his increasing reliance on “law office history books,” and his “highly selective frolic through the archives” in last term’s Samia v. U.S. She also chastised Thomas for his argument for “originalism” as if it were a dispositive mandate in the Constitution when, in fact, it is not mentioned.
In U.S. v. Rahimi, Thomas was the sole dissenting vote to allow a violent domestic abuser to have a gun. For Thomas, the strictest, albeit incorrect “originalist” application of the Second Amendment prevails over common sense. Besides, in the framers’ era, it was legal to beat your wife.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
June, 20th 2024

To the Editor:

As a retired teacher, I was very happy to learn that the Fillmore graduates had visited their former grade schools and middle school to thank their teachers. It was a lovely thing for them to do. Teachers will never know how many lives they influenced. Some possibly saved. It is rare but wonderful to hear from a former student who expresses appreciation for what we did. Teachers have great power. They have the power to make or break a kid’s day; they have the power to make or break a kid’s life. May they always use the power well.

Mary Ford,
Fillmore Ca.

Letters to the Editor
June 13, 2024

To the Editor:

Some humorous events from last week. Dr. Phil ‘s love-fest interview with Trump was one instance. Those two were beneath each other’s outer layer of clothing before the lights came on. What a hoot!

Dr. Phil, a lapsed psychologist and former part-time jury selection consultant, claimed he “knows how courts work.” Phil insisted that President Biden can stop the states of GA and FL from prosecuting Trump for alleged crimes. Under the constitutional concept of “states’ rights” the federal government does not control state judiciary processes.
In a contest between two overstuffed narcissists, Phil lectured Trump on the danger of “retribution,” and declared before the credits rolled that, based upon his arguments, Trump would consider foregoing reprisals. Fat chance. Just a couple of old carny barkers hawking their goods on teevee. Phil shamed himself when he gave no pushback to Trump’s criticism of Oprah, who made Phil’s career.

Also, Judge Merchan felt bound to report a post from a purported cousin of one of the election interference jurors that he knew the verdict the day before it was announced. After a couple of MAGA hours of wailing and rending of garments, a self-proclaimed “professional shitposter” admitted his handiwork as an effort to “cause the biggest reaction with the least effort.” Easy to do with conspiracy theorists.
Our ex-president mused whether Taylor Swift is “legitimately liberal” or just pretending to be. In an excerpt from a book, “Bad Blood,” Trump declared, “I find her very beautiful…I think she’s very beautiful, actually - unusually beautiful!” Give it a rest already.

Also amusing, Ericka Andersen’s article in the conservative publication, “The Federalist,” argued that mega-star and national treasure Dolly Parton should prove her Christianity by condemning homosexuality as a sin. “Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior (‘be who you are,’ she’s said), is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity.”

The swift and tumultuous backlash caused her to retract. Andersen admitted on Saturday that the near-universal response made it clear she had unwisely used Parton in her argument. “Dolly is one of the few people who is beloved by all and who loves all. The world is lucky to have her.”

So apparently, Dolly gets a moral pass on this issue because she is so beloved and loves everyone [despite their sexuality]. All that love. Sounds like she is exactly Christ’s “vision for humanity.” Too bad there are so few like her.

Kelly Scoles
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
June 13, 2024

To the Editor:

I was astonished to learn this week that the Ventura County Board of Supervisors has tentatively voted to close both the ICU Department and Birthing Center at Santa Paula Hospital. The cited reasons are that closing these departments may save $5 million in the 2024-2025 Ventura County Budget.

I have read that the county budget is slated to be 2.86 BILLION dollars and that there is a Ventura County budget reserve of 170 MILLION. And while I understand the need for county departments to pay for themselves as much as possible, I also believe there are some public safety services that must be maintained for health equity, and the common good of all in our county. Are there no other places in this mammoth 2024-2025 budget that can be scaled down? I join with others in asking Supervisors La Vere, Gorell, Lopez, and Parvin to reconsider and vote to ensure that ICU and Birthing hospital access at Santa Paula Hospital remains an essential county priority. An overflow of patients to other hospitals, caused by these budget cuts, may indeed affect life in many county boundaries.

The cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore and the Neighborhood of Piru now include over 50,000 people and several convalescent homes. What are the odds that some of these folks may need the immediate care of an ICU? In an emergency, ambulance services generally take patients to the nearest hospital. If patients need to be transferred, many insurances may not pay the $1000 transfer cost. Sometimes transfers can take hours. There may be times when the ICU’s at VCMC, Community, and St. John’s are all full. What then?

While those in critical condition and expectant mothers in Piru may try to avoid the 45 minute drive to Ventura County Medical Center, and make their way to Henry Mayo Hospital, that facility, located in Los Angeles County, will often charge those from Ventura County a substantial “out of county” surplus fee. Closing our closest ICU when we are living in an active earthquake zone, near accident prone Highway 126, and in a somewhat violent society, means that some taxpayers/voters/children may be harmed permanently, and some may die, waiting for medical care that once was available.
We need at least 2 county supervisors and our Supervisor Kelly Long’s votes to overturn the tentative budget vote and keep these hospital departments open. The budget will be finalized by vote at the June 17 8:30am meeting of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. All concerned may either appear to speak at this meeting, or call each supervisor at their numbers listed below. The emails of the supervisors are listed as well, but many believe our concerned voices may speak louder than more written words right now. At this time, there is also a petition that has a reported 1000 signatures.
Thank you in advance for helping to remind our supervisors of their need to view the county in its entirety and avoid the closing of The Birthing Center and the ICU at Santa Paula Hospital. A vote to close these rural hospital departments on which so many depend would not only be a relatively small and unacceptable cut, but an unconscionable way to trim an almost $3 BILLION 2024 Ventura County Budget.

Supervisor Matt La Vere - 805 654 2703 - Matt.LaVere@ventura.org
Supervisor Jeff Gorell - 805 214-2510 - supervisorgorelle@ventura.org
Supervisor Kelly Long - 805 654-2276 - Kelly.Long@ventura.org
Supervisor Vianey Lopez - 805 654-2613 - Vianey.Lopez@ventura.org
Supervisor Janice S. Parvin - 805 955-2300 - Supervisor.Parvin@ventura.org


Mrs. Susan Jolley
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
June 6, 2024

To the Editor:

No one should gloat over the 34-count felony guilty verdict in the Trump election fraud case. It’s tragic for our country. A former president has now been found liable for sexual assault and fraud, and guilty of conspiracy to defraud voters in a general election. I doubt the rest of the world sees us as “The Shining City on a Hill” when this ill-tempered man with no control over his appetites, or care for honor, who hates half the country’s population, is a candidate to have his hand on the nuclear codes.

Trump daily heralded his innocence of all charges, and condemned our justice system because it had the audacity to hold him accountable. Law is for others. He insulted the judge, the jury, even his own legal counsel. He claimed he was prevented from testifying under the gag order, a lie, and later complained (as usual) that he had been prevented from taking the stand. Trump whined that the prosecution did not call witnesses who could have absolved him, though Trump’s attorneys had the right to call any witnesses but chose only two. Following the verdict, Trump claimed that the jury was “unfair,” because it was not comprised of only his voters. The eternal victim, who can’t tell the truth, can’t stop abusing others, and shows disdain for the Constitution and Judeo-Christian values, Martin. And yet, he meets your standards.
Please provide your source that Judge Cannon “discovered” the FBI intended to use lethal force at Mar-a-Lago. The FBI scheduled the execution of the search warrant for a time when the Trumps were not at home, to avoid confrontation. You are alleging non-existent “facts.”

“Biden stole official documents,” though he demonstrated full cooperation by identifying their presence, alerting the FBI, and being searched under warrant? Trump claimed phantom “permission” to have highly classified national defense documents in his personal possession, claimed he had declassified them just by thinking, and when challenged on his authority, moved them from place to place to avoid detection in an obstruction of justice, then showed them to others not authorized to view them. What you are asserting is provably untrue.

It is not your business or constitutional right in a free society to determine what my child or grandchild chooses to read or what medical attention they need, or what an adult woman does with her body. You forever criticize God’s creation if it involves sexuality you don’t understand. You make a mockery of the “freedom” you say you are advocating. You really mean freedoms as you and your like-minded approve. “Conservative values” means that personal choices absolutely are not the concern of “small government.”

We fought those wars for the Constitutional rights of all citizens, Martin, not for any particular religious beliefs. Many patriotic Muslims, Native Americans, and atheists, have lost their lives in battles for America.
Not a whiff of projection in my last paragraph a week ago, Martin. However, there were multiple Trumpian quotations that are chillingly similar to those used in Nazi Germany.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
May 30, 2024

To the Editor:

MAGA wants Trump to be the leader of the free world, a man who will tell any lie to advance his personal objective, simper and whine about being called out legally on his actions and knows that his plan for political chaos in search of anti-democratic authoritarianism, lodged in his tiny hands, has an eager clientele. Examples are legion.
In his perpetual efforts to instill distrust, victimization, and chaos into American life, Trump made the laughably false conspiracy claim that the search warrant for illegally hiding national security documents at Mar-a-Lago“ authorized Trump’s assassination. "Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger," he said. “Biden's DOJ was authorized to shoot me!" Fox went bonkers.

In fact, the warrant language limiting the use of weapons to defending against a “threat of deadly force” is standard in all FBI warrants and was also part of the paperwork in the search warrant at Biden’s home in DE. Trump and his minions reacted with frenzied hysteria to the fallacious accusation. When their accusations became amusing, they moved on to the next fabrication.

Contrary to his whining assertions of danger, Trump is now before SCOTUS arguing that a president should have absolute immunity to order the death of a rival so that Biden, under Trump’s reasoning, would be within his presidential rights “to kill Donald Trump.” Either Trump and Fox are not bright enough to see the dilemma, or they know that they can say anything to the base to fire them up. Logic, consistency, and truth being optional.

It is as clear as a stamp on the forehead, Trump plans to remake the government in the image of authoritarianism and abandon the Constitution when it becomes inconvenient for him. Remove the right to choose religion or none, reproductive bodily rights including contraception, what your child can read, who you can love, whether you are the right race to vote, whether your child’s right to life is less important than civilian military gun ownership. These things will affect you.
In his continuing disclosure of who he really is and what he plans for our country, Trump reposted on Truth Social a reference to the benefits of “the Reich.” He has rendered non-White immigrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of our nation, language used in Nazi Germany to describe the non-Aryan Jews. Trump has said that he and Kim Jong Un “fell in love… He is a very strong guy. He is the absolute leader of his country.” People listen but many don’t hear or understand. Or care.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
May 23, 2024

To the Editor:

Martin, your arguments against the Gaza Palestinians surviving at all is really an argument that their humanity is irrelevant because they follow the “wrong God.” For Israel, the Palestinian Wars are religious wars of entitlement masquerading as political conflict.

Israel is entitled to defend itself, and October 7 was a grotesque terrorist act by Palestinian Hamas. The taking of civilian hostages is a war crime. But the explicit Netanyahu response is that all Muslims in Gaza must die. Israel herded civilian Gazans to Rafah and now propose to slaughter them there, Hamas or not. To object is not to be “pro-Palestinian” and certainly not “pro-Hamas,” or anti-Israel. It is to recognize that civilian persons of whatever origin are being targeted for famine and death. It too is a war crime.

If you look at maps of the area since 1947, you will see a systematic occupation and annexation of most of what was Palestine into an ever-expanding Israel. Many Israeli Jews believe that the country belongs to them by right because: they occupied it first, over 1400 years ago before the Jewish Diaspora to Europe, and Judaeo-Christian roots and the Holocaust genocide entitle them as “the chosen people” to the Biblical land of Judah, exclusively and in perpetuity. No matter that Muslim Palestinians have occupied the land for 1400 years since then.

I urge you to go to this site to consider the views of one Jew on the current situation. https://www.transcend.org/tms/2024/05/the-shoah/

I have been following the Trump Election Fraud trial in NYC. The issue is whether the payment, made from Trump’s personal funds and labeled “legal expenses” to avoid identification as hush money payments, violated NY law as a campaign contribution to influence the outcome of the 2016 general election. I wouldn’t guess at the verdict.

But we got a first-hand glimpse of some of the people with whom Trump surrounds himself. Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen in Trump mob-speak revealing how he covered for Trump’s consistent avoidance of responsibility for his many transgressions, David Pecker’s “catch and kill journalism,” the Greek Chorus of Republican congressional sycophants condemning our justice system on Trump’s behalf, and the number of convicted persons in his circle, many working his 2024 reelection campaign.
The sad surprise is that so many people in our country, many of whom claim high, religiously inspired behavioral standards for themselves and prepare to impose them on us all, excuse and even celebrate the immoral and unethical underbelly of TrumpWorld.

Nearly all the people I know say they believe that integrity, respect, honesty, and honor matter in relationships. That standards of decency should instruct behavior. That scumbag conduct is not admirable. Some of them are MAGA. I wonder how they process TrumpWorld as the future of our country.

Kelly Scoles
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
May 16, 2024

To the Editor:

Clean up from last week. It is a common practice to target a people with uniformly negative characteristics, as you did the Palestinians, to make it easier to treat their humanity as non-existent or irrelevant and is racist. As it is anti-Semitic to scorn “all Jews.” Like the “simian” Irish were viewed two centuries ago.

I emphatically did not equate the Holocaust with Gaza. I said that a people who have experienced the horror of being targeted for extinction might be expected to be sympathetic to the annihilation fears of others, but many Israelis have always felt entitled to Netanyahu’s policies of apartheid or genocide against Palestinians. Just as the European whites did in South Africa, the English in Ireland. As we did with the Native Americans. Invade someone else’s country and blame them when they resist.

Trump could have entirely avoided last week’s testimony of Stormy Daniels in the NY election fraud case if he had just stipulated to the obvious “affair.” But he insisted that the $130K event never occurred, he is an innocent family man (“I did nothing wrong”), so Ms. Daniels’ testimony was needed to establish the reason for the “hush money” payment.
Ms. Daniels, however, was able to describe the contents of his Dopp kit, his anatomy, his silk pajamas, and a spanking. The failures of his defense counsel to enter objections to the sometimes-salacious details did further damage. After the “Access Hollywood” tape, his presumption of innocence in this regard is extinct. Fox knows (Trump is a “sex god”), his entire family including Melania knows, MAGA knows and, if he had a dog, it would know, too.

At a bizarre, vulgarity-filled rally in Wildwood NJ last weekend, Trump referred to migrants as “people from insane asylums and mental institutions,” riffed in mob-speak on “the late, great” Hannibal Lecter of “Silence of the Lambs” (1991), “a wonderful man” who “often times had a friend for dinner.” He falsely claimed again that his 2017 tax cuts resulted in more revenues to the government - when they in fact grew the deficit - and promised even more cuts. He also declared that offshore windmills were killing not just “all the birds,” but also slaughtering whales, though he did not clarify how the animals manage to swim through air.

Trump’s former “fixer,” Michael Cohen, took the stand on Monday and testified that his boss originally wanted to drag out the hush money payment to Daniels. “Just get past the election,” Trump told him. “I win, it has no relevance because I’m president, and if I lose, I don’t really care.” So much for his tender concern for Melania.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.

Letters to the Editor
May 9, 2024

To the Editor:

The apparently obscure “Ginny-skunk” remark referred to the legal stink of Clarence Thomas in not recusing himself from the Trump Immunity case even though his wife, “Ginny,” was prominently involved in election denial and the insurrection on January 6. Still, you raised some lengthy but important points.

I agree that the Republican House disgraced our country and itself in delaying aid, perhaps fatally, to Ukraine. That was not President Biden’s doing. Only Congress can authorize funding. You are consistently and deliberately myopic on this issue.

It is not within the authority of state-supported schools to treat religion as anything but an academic or cultural consideration. If a student must have religion incorporated into the curriculum, (s)he can choose to go to a religious school. Constitutionally, the government cannot be in the business of promoting religious beliefs per se.

Students have the right to non-violently confront the issues of their day. Leaving aside the non-student racist agitators, at Columbia University the protest is against the school’s holding stock in companies that are profiting from the Israeli war to abolish Gaza. To censure the government of Israel’s 75-year national policy of apartheid is not anti-Semitic, and is not necessarily “”pro-Palestinian,” but to blame all Jews everywhere for Israel’s genocidal acts in Gaza is anti-Semitic. The Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, was evil and what Israel is doing to the civilian population of Gaza is likewise despicable. Their mutual, decades-long intransigence is placing the world, including the futures of those students, at risk.
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel was fighting “human animals” in Gaza and “cut off electricity, supplies of water, medicine, [and] food,” in breach of Article 23 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949). Intentional starvation of civilians is a war crime. President Biden has called for ceasefire and humanitarian assistance for Gaza but is understandably unwilling to abandon Israel to Iran.

Both Israelis and Palestinians have invoked “From the river [Jordan] to the sea” for their purposes. Since “al-Nakba” in 1948, approximately 700,000 Palestinians have been displaced from their homeland to accommodate Diaspora Jews after the Holocaust, resulting over time in an Israeli apartheid. When Palestinians demanded at least freedom and equality, as Black South Africans demanded from their White counterparts, it was always rejected. In fact, Netanyahu’s Likud Party platform (1977) says, “The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable… between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.” That is not a “defensive” posture.

Netanyahu, most Israelis, and some Jews believe that they are sanctioned to commit any act of war and cruelty necessary to secure Palestine as Israel. Hamas is a result of that arrogance. I don’t know from Joshua, but incredibly imperious Netanyahu demands that we in the West support Israel, no matter what they choose to do in Gaza or anywhere else. But the Holocaust, as horrendous as it was, did not dispense to Israel the moral or historical right to deny Palestinians their freedom in that country and to perpetrate atrocities on their Arab neighbors. And not everyone believes it is our responsibility to enable it.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.