FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007182. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: J & J ENTERPRISES, 799 ALDERDALE CT., NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 VENTURA. SHOUSHU JIAO, 799 ALDERDALE CT., NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 1996 JAN. 25. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: SHOUSHU JIAO, OWNER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/18/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007142. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: SELECT LIGHT BULBS, 520 RANDY DR., NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 VENTURA. ERIC ALAN FRALEY, 520 RANDY DR., NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 04/15/11. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: ERIC FRALEY, OWNER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/18/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006652. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: JDG INVESTIGATIONS, 3613 TOWNSHIP AVE., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 VENTURA. JEFFREY DEE GOODWIN, 3613 TOWNSHIP AVE., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 06/01/01. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: JEFFREY DEE GOODWIN, OWNER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/10/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007002. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: REGION 9 PARTNERS, 4984 BARBADOS COURT, OAK PARK, CA 91377 VENTURA. BRUCE Z. BENNETT, 4984 BARBADOS COURT, OAK PARK, CA 91377, MARK SPEAR, 1534 N. MOORPARK ROAD #328, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 05/01/11. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: BRUCE Z. BENNETT. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/17/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006560. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: PIEDRA BLANCA EQUINE VETERINARY CARE, 900 ORANGE ROAD, OJAI, CA 93023 VENTURA. RED MOUNTAIN LAND & FARMING L.L.C., 900 ORANGE ROAD, OJAI, CA 93023. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CALIFORNIA. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: RED MOUNTAIN LAND & FARMING LLC, MANAGING MEMBER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/09/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006046. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: VENTURA COUNTY MARKET, 116 S. MILL ST., SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 VENTURA. PARMJIT SINGH BEHNIWAL, 102 KENNEDY AVE., VENTURA, CA 93003, RANVIR KAUR BEHNIWAL, 102 KENNEDY AVE., VENTURA, CA 93003. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: HUSBAND AND WIFE. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: PARMJIT SINGH BEHNIWAL, PARTNER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 04/28/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006666. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: NO COVER MEDIA, 141 N. VENTURA AVE. SUITE B, VENTURA, CA 93001 VENTURA. NO COVER, INC., 141 VENTURA AVE. SUITE B, VENTURA, CA 93001. STATE OF INCORPORATION: NEVADA. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 05/01/1997. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: NO COVER, INC., MARK RASMUSSEN, CEO. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/10/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006958. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: STREET LOYAL MANAGEMENT & MARKETING, 141 N. VENTURA AVE. SUITE B, VENTURA, CA 93001 VENTURA. NO COVER, INC., 141 N. VENTURA AVE. SUITE B, VENTURA, CA 93001. STATE OF INCORPORATION: NEVADA. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 02/01/10. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: NO COVER, INC., MARK RASMUSSEN, PRESIDENT. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/16/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006653. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: THE RAIN DRAIN, 569 CONSTITUTION AVE UNIT C, CAMARILLO, CA 93012 VENTURA. CAL 2000 INC., 569 CONSTITUTION AVE. UNIT C, CAMARILLO, CA 93012. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CALIFORNIA. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 01/02/1996. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: CAL 2000 INC., PRESIDENT, MARK KARCH, PRESIDENT. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/10/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007165. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: 1) FIRST AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 2) FIRST AUTO GROUP, 2283 FIRST STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CALIF., 93065 VENTURA. D.H.E. & ASSOCIATES, INC., 2325 FIRST STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CALIF., 93065. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA 1574701. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 11/91. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: D.H.E. & ASSOCIATES, INC., DARRELL COLETTO, PRESIDENT. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/18/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006851. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: SCOTTY’S BODY SHOP, 3400 SUNSET DR., THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91361-4925 VENTURA. SCOTTY’S BODY SHOP INC., 3400 SUNSET DR., THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91361-4925. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA 2931647. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 05/30/2006. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: SCOTTY’S BODY SHOP INC., JAMES RAIMONDI, OWNER/PRES. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/12/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006861. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: SERVPRO OF CAMARILLO OXNARD, 232 REDDINGTON CT., CAMARILLO, CA 93010 VENTURA. P.V. & ASSOCIATES, INC., 232 REDDINGTON COURT, CAMARILLO, CA 93010. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA C2846132. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 01/20/2006. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: P.V. & ASSOCIATES, INC., PATRICIA S. VUJOVICH, PRESIDENT. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/12/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006895. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: EXCEL ELECTRIC CO, 409 CALLE VERACRUZ, NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320-6787 VENTURA. MEHRDAD MOTALLEBI, 409 CALLE VERACRUZ, NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320-6787. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 09/18/2006. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: MEHRDAD MOTALLEBI. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/13/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006863. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: XPRESS APPRAISAL SERVICES, 1076 WHITECLIFF RD., THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360-5232 VENTURA. SARA LYNN BRACK, 1076 WHITECLIFF RD., THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360-5232. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 09/20/2006. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: SARA BRACK. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/12/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006841. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: CURIEL FLOOR COVERING, 1620 DAKIN AVE., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 VENTURA. PEDRO CURIEL, 1620 DAKIN AVE., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 09/13/2000. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: PEDRO CURIEL. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/12/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006844. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: LOPEZ TRUCKING, 2720 ACACIA ST., OXNARD, CA 93033-4605 VENTURA. ISMAEL LOPEZ, 2720 ACACIA ST., OXNARD, CA 93033-4605. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 05/17/2006. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: ISMAEL LOPEZ. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/12/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10005952. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: 1) WEST VENCO REAL ESTATE 2) WEST VENCO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 3645 SAVIERS RD. SUITE 11, OXNARD, CA 93033 VTA. HENRY D. VELASQUEZ, 567 W. CHANNEL ISLANDS BL. #350, PORT HUENEME, CA 93041. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: HENRY D. VALASQUEZ. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 04/28/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006283. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: CELTIC FASHIONS, 410-E BRYANT CIRCLE, OJAI, CA 93023 VENTURA. PHILLIP RUSSWIN VIVIAN, 311-D SUMMER ST., OJAI, CA 93023. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 07/01/07. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: PHILLP RUSSWIN VIVIAN, OWNER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/04/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007338. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: GRANATELLI AUTO SPORTS, 3097 LOS FELIZ #12, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 VENTURA. JOE GRANATELLI, 29105 THOUSAND OAKS BLVD. #H, AGOURA HILLS, CA 91302, SPENCER THOMAS, INC., 320 VIA COLINAS, WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: SPENCER THOMAS, INC., PRESIDENT BY DARRELL BRADBROOK. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/23/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10006944. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: 1) CAMARILLO POOL AND SPA SERVICE 2) CAMARILLO POOL & SPA SERVICE 3) CAMARILLO POOL SERVICES 4) CAMARILLO POOL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 5) CAMARILLO POOLS & SPAS 6) CAMARILLO POOLS AND SPAS 7) CAMARILLO POOL & SPA 8) CAMARILLO POOL AND SPA 9) CAMARILLO POOLS, 5211 MEADOWVIEW DR., CAMARILLO, CA 93012 VENTURA. ROBERT S. KELLER, 5211 MEADOWVIEW DR., CAMARILLO, CA 93012, NICOLE KELLER, 5211 MEADOWVIEW DR., CAMARILLO, CA 93012. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: HUSBAND AND WIFE. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: NICOLE KELLER, OWNER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/16/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007159. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: 1) NANNETTE KELLER 2) FILLMORE INDUSTRIAL APPAREL, 908 B STREET, FILLMORE, CA 93015 VENTURA. NANNETTE KELLER LLC, 1371 CLIFF AVE., FILLMORE, CA 93015. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: NANNETTE KELLER LLC, CEO, ROGER A. KELLER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/18/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007388. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: 1) XTREME AUTO WRAPS 2) XTREME GRAPHICS AND DESIGN, 166 SAILWIND CT., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 VENTURA. SCOTT ERYN GUERBER, 166 SAILWIND CT., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065, TIFFANY GUERBER, 166 SAILWIND CT., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: HUSBAND AND WIFE. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: SCOTT GUERBER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/24/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10007063. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: SMD ATHLETICS, INC., 2343 ARCHWOOD LANE SUITE 141, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 VENTURA. SMD ATHLETICS, INC., 2343 ARCHWOOD LANE SUITE 141, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 05/14/11. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: SMD ATHLETICS, INC., PRESIDENT, SONNIE M. DA COSTA. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/18/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10005918. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name: AJF HANDYMAN, 1622 PRIDE STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 VENTURA. ARTHUR J. FREED, 1622 PRIDE STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (Date): 04/11/11. I declare that all information in this statement names is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: ARTHUR J. FREED. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 04/27/11. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, MAY 26, JUNE 2, 9, 16, 2011
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S. No: K524209 CA Unit Code: K Loan No: 0018376947/APARICIO Investor No: 11077691 AP #1: 050-0-192-020 POWER DEFAULT SERVICES, INC., as duly appointed Trustee under the following described Deed of Trust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (in the forms which are lawful tender in the United States) and/or the cashier's, certified or other checks specified in Civil Code Section 2924h (payable in full at the time of sale to T.D. Service Company) all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property hereinafter described: Trustor: DORILA APARICIO Recorded August 29, 2005 as Instr. No. 20050829-0213785 in Book --- Page --- of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of VENTURA County; CALIFORNIA , pursuant to the Notice of Default and Election to Sell thereunder recorded February 22, 2011 as Instr. No. 20110222-27633 in Book --- Page --- of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of VENTURA County CALIFORNIA. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST 17, 2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 653-653 1/2 SARATOGA ST., FILLMORE, CA 93015-1443 "(If a street address or common designation of property is shown above, no warranty is given as to its completeness or correctness)." Said Sale of property will be made in "as is" condition without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest as in said note provided, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. Said sale will be held on: JUNE 15, 2011, AT 11:00 A.M. *AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE GOVERNMENT CENTER HALL OF JUSTICE, 800 SOUTH VICTORIA, VENTURA, CA At the time of the initial publication of this notice, the total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the above described Deed of Trust and estimated costs, expenses, and advances is $665,917.56. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. Pursuant to California Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date of the notice of sale is filed; The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Date: May 17, 2011 POWER DEFAULT SERVICES, INC. as said Trustee, as Authorized Agent for the Beneficiary CHERYL L. GRECH, ASSISTANT SECRETARY T.D. SERVICE COMPANY 1820 E. FIRST ST., SUITE 210, P.O. BOX 11988 SANTA ANA, CA 92711-1988 The Beneficiary may be attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained may be used for that purpose. If available, the expected opening bid and/or postponement information may be obtained by calling the following telephone number(s) on the day before the sale: (714) 480-5690 or you may access sales information at TAC# 936172 PUB: 05/26/11, 06/02/11, 06/09/11
File No. 20110518-10007183-0
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
BPM Sports Partners, 15668 Borges Ct., Moorpark, CA 93021; County of Ventura
David Lawrence Bilgen, 15668 Borges Ct., Moorpark, CA 93021
This business is conducted by an Individual.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
S/ David Lawrence Bilgen
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura on May 18, 2011.
NOTICE-In accordance with Section 17920(a), a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires five years from the date it was filed with the County Clerk, except as provided in Section 17920(b), where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration.
The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16/11 CNS-2104141#
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 20110517-10007046-0. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s): 1) WORLDWIDE SALES, 1170 KIRKFORD WAY, WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91361, VENTURA COUNTY. JEFFREY T BROOKE, 1170 KIRKFORD WAY, WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91361. This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL Registrant(s) has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: JEFFREY T BROOKE. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/17/2011. NOTICE: In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than change in the resident address of a registered owner. A new Fictitious Business Name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE, 05/26/2011 06/02/2011 06/09/2011 06/16/2011
File No. 20110517-10007013-0
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Social Spice, 282 Camino Cortina, Camarillo, CA 93010, County of Ventura
Jonathan E. Boring, 282 Camino Cortina, Camarillo, CA 93010
This business is conducted by an individual
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
S/ Jonathan E. Boring
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura on May 17, 2011.
NOTICE-In accordance with Section 17920(a), a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires five years from the date it was filed with the County Clerk, except as provided in Section 17920(b), where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration.
The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16/11 CNS-2106586#
File No. 20110518-10007184-0
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
Aptus Web Services, 2681 Night Jasmine Dr., Simi Valley, CA 93065; County of Ventura.
Articles of incorporation or organization number filed with the California Secretary of State: C3362758
State of incorporation: CA
Protek It Solutions, 2681 Night Jasmine Dr., Simi Valley, CA 93065.
This business is conducted by a Corporation
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A.
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
Protek It Solutions
S/ Carly Dobbe, Treasurer
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura on May 18, 2011.
NOTICE-In accordance with Section 17920(a), a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires five years from the date it was filed with the County Clerk, except as provided in Section 17920(b), where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration.
The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16/11 CNS-2104144#
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. 09-0026271 Title Order No. 09-8-082731 Investor/Insurer No. 132102254 APN No. 052-0-293-065 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 10/27/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER." Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by ROBERT RAMIREZ, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, dated 10/27/2006 and recorded 11/02/06, as Instrument No. 20061102-00233038-0, in Book xx, Page xx), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Ventura County, State of California, will sell on 06/16/2011 at 11:00AM, At the main entrance to the Government Center Hall of Justice, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93001 at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 993 ARRASMITH LANE, FILLMORE, CA, 93015. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $495,848.64. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier's checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an ''AS IS'' condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. DATED: 06/10/2009 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale Information (626) 927-4399 By: - Trustee's Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. ASAP# 3998542 05/26/2011, 06/02/2011, 06/09/2011
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. 11-0006520 Title Order No. 11-0004303 Investor/Insurer No. 1694518708 APN No. 052-0-121-035 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 01/06/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER." Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by JUAN AVALOS, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, dated 01/06/2004 and recorded 01/16/04, as Instrument No. 20040116-0010946, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Ventura County, State of California, will sell on 06/16/2011 at 9:00AM, Four Points by Sheraton Ventura Harbor Resort 1050 Schooner Drive, Ventura, CA 93001 Grand Ballroom at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1046 SESPE, FILLMORE, CA, 93015. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $237,821.23. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier's checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an ''AS IS'' condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. DATED: 05/17/2011 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale Information (626) 927-4399 By: Trustee's Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. ASAP# FNMA3992083 05/26/2011, 06/02/2011, 06/09/2011
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. 11-0013411 Title Order No. 11-0009641 Investor/Insurer No. 1704702938 APN No. 052-0-013-090 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 08/27/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER." Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by JESUS JASSO, AN UNMARRIED MAN, dated 08/27/2007 and recorded 09/04/07, as Instrument No. 20070904-00170957-0, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Ventura County, State of California, will sell on 06/16/2011 at 11:00AM, At the main entrance to the Government Center Hall of Justice, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93001 at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 756 EDISON LN, FILLMORE, CA, 930151010. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $284,300.90. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier's checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an ''AS IS'' condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. DATED: 05/26/2011 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale Information (626) 927-4399 By: Trustee's Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.ASAP# FNMA3996358 05/26/2011, 06/02/2011, 06/09/2011
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS #: CA-11-418136-CL Order #: 110019258-CA-LPI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/6/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): MARTIN J BONALES AND GABRIELA BONALES , HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded: 11/9/2007 as Instrument No. 20071109-00207726-0 in book xxx, page xxx of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of VENTURA County, California; Date of Sale: 6/20/2011 at 11:00 AM Place of Sale: At the main entrance to the Government Center Hall of Justice, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93001 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $511,038.40 The purported property address is: 602 MOUNTAIN VIEW ST FILLMORE, CA 93015 Assessor's Parcel No. 050-0-201-115 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, please refer to the referenced legal description for property location. In the event no common address or common designation of the property is provided herein directions to the location of the property may be obtained within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale by sending a written request to Aurora Loan Services LLC 10350 Park Meadows Dr. Littleton CO 80124 Pursuant to California Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: [ 1 ] The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; [ 2 ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 . If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. Date: Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714-730-2727 or Login to: Reinstatement Line: 619-645-7711 Quality Loan Service, Corp. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right's against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. ASAP# 3988631 05/26/2011, 06/02/2011, 06/09/2011