Letters to the Editor
June 29, 2023

To the Editor:

I just became aware, this past week, of a Letter to the Editor regarding my call for a Traditional American Family proclamation. For reference, my call for the proclamation can be found here.


I appreciate that Tess Allen, the Executive Director of the “Diversity Collective Ventura County,” felt my call for a Traditional American Family proclamation required such an exigent response. After all, the community Tess represents is threatened by the concept of the traditional American family. I’m not sure why our traditional American values and the idea of a traditional family is such a threat to their beliefs and ideology but, apparently, they are.

In reading Tess’ letter, I’m reminded that some political ideologies will distract from a point they don’t like by trying to redirect and refocus the reader’s attention like some slight-of-hand magician and that’s what was attempted here. This tactic is part of the Alinsky method of engagement, which is as worn out as the arguments themselves; they used to work but Americans have become wise to the tactic and, like the bullying they use, the tactic is no longer effective.

So, reading her letter and sensing the urgency in her tone, I’m left wondering a few things. How would a proclamation regarding traditional families have any effect whatsoever of what the Diversity Collective is doing? Why does the concept of a traditional family threaten you and make the need for your response such an urgent matter? After all, you’re free to push the idea of untraditional family. The rest of the Fillmore community will continue to value the traditional family.

And, on the topic of traditional American family values, are the moms of young children here in Fillmore aware of the drag show that was hosted by One Step a La Vez for your children while you were at work? If not, check out this letter to the editor.


This group (One Step) is in your school district, working with your kids while they’re at school. Moms…are you OK with your kids’ exposure to adult entertainment or do you still hold traditional family values? I call on moms in Fillmore to join with Safeguard Fillmore to ensure your kids are taught what school is supposed to teach, leaving moms and dads to raise their own kids. Show up at Fillmore school district meetings and demand that One Step be removed from your kids’ schools.

Tim Holmgren,
Fillmore, Ca.