Letters to the Editor
June 22, 2023

To the Editor:

On Friday, June 16, 2023 One Step A La Vez held a Pride Party between the hours of 1-4pm, where a Drag Queen Performance was performed for the kids.
I wanted to alert the Fillmorians about this as I feel like most would not agree with the sexualization of our “at risk” kids. I also feel that holding such an event when most parents work is unacceptable.
This is what I posted to several groups on Facebook and Next Door:
“Are you okay with a program meant to help “at risk” youth, celebrating pride month, with a Drag Queen show?? Because a local program here in Fillmore did just that!
This agenda is being pushed hard here in Fillmore and I wanted to share some stats:
Per UCLA 2022 study:

Only .5 of our entire countries 334 million populous identifies as LGBTQ
Daily Science shared a study showing 2% of youth are in gangs
CDC published a study proving 1 in 36 8 year olds have an autism spectrum diagnosis, in CA 44% of 8 year olds have a diagnosis

I share these numbers because gangs are a way bigger issue with youth than those identifying as LGBTQ. Why isn’t an after school program designed to help troubled youth, placing their focus where it’s really needed??
Having a child on the spectrum, I can tell you that the majority of spectrum disorder kids don’t feel right in their bodies… that doesn’t make them trans, but does make them a target for this trans agenda!
On a personal note, my son is on the spectrum and was lead to believe he was bisexual in high school. He is now in his mid-twenties and is definitely NOT bisexual. The sad truth is he would have done anything to “fit in” somewhere in high school.
We are sexualizing our kids and I think it’s time we stop and start allowing our kids to just be kids.
What say you??

**before you “hate” on my post, please know that I don’t care what you identify as, you do you and I’ll do me. I’m not homophobic and was supportive of my son when he thought he was bi. This post is NOT an attack on people who are LBGT but rather an attack on those who are SEXUALIZING OUR CHILDREN. I would be equally against female strippers performing for youth.”

The next thing I know I’m getting messages from people via Facebook Messenger who wanted me to send them my post as it had been removed from the Facebook Group: Fillmore Community News
Sadly, I’ve come to realize that City Council Member Albert Medez, who was present at the event at One Step, is also one of the moderators of the Fillmore Community News Group.
I feel a city council member should not be allowed to be part of censorship, harming our number one right, Freedom of Speech!

Dawn Marone,
Active Clean & Green Recommendations Link Private Wellness Community