Opinion: WOLF: A better ‘gay agenda’
Homosexuals can’t afford a wedding without a paycheck

Written By Dr. Milton R. Wolf

Americans are suffering under Barack Obama’s rule, and our republic faces an existential challenge. Federal spending is out of control, and Democrats refuse even to pass a budget. America’s credit rating has been downgraded, and a debt crisis looms. So what is President Obama’s response? Hey, look over there, a shiny object!

Once upon a happier time for Mr. Obama, he swore, “I’m going to keep talking about the issues that matter - about the economy and health care and education and energy.” That was in October 2008, when he claimed that Sen. John McCain was trying to “distract” you with other issues. But that was then, and now is the time to grade the president on those four issues.

Mr. Obama has to... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/may/18/a-better-gay-agenda/