A Memorial Day in a time of peace

Written by Robert Spencer

The war on terror is long over. The Taliban are not the enemy of the U.S. Military and intelligence training materials have been scrubbed of any hint that there is any Islamic jihad against the U.S. As far as the U.S. Government is concerned, there isn't. The Obama Administration has applauded and in some cases actively aided the "Arab Spring" that is bringing Sharia rule to Egypt, Libya and elsewhere, and is abetting through the courts efforts to procure special privileges and accommodations for Muslims in American businesses and educational institutions.

We are at peace, except for our hearts-and-minds operation appealing to the Noble People of Afghanistan. All is well. And so in these millennial days of peace, we look back in gratitude upon those who sacrificed all to preserve our nation and our freedom, and marvel at the wondrous times in which we live, when sacrifice is no longer necessary.

In reality, of course, it's Memorial Day, and the jihad is stronger than ever, more confident than ever, and we are everywhere in denial, with our government and law enforcement officials, as well as the mainstream media, more clueless or complicit than ever.

The millennial time of peace in which we live is, of course, illusory, and that will do nothing but become clearer and clearer in the coming days and months.

A huge adjustment in our political and military culture is called for if we are going to prevail. The only way we can truly honor the fallen today is to call things by their right names, see things clearly, and begin to move toward doing what is necessary to defend ourselves and Constitutional liberties.

As dark as the picture appears to be, an increasing number of people are waking up. And we must keep fighting. To do anything less would be to dishonor those we are endeavoring to honor today.