Fillmore High School Girls Tennis Team Prepare for 2019/2020 Season
Pictured above are this year’s 2019/2020 Fillmore Flashes Girls Tennis Team. Photos courtesy FHS Tennis Coach Lolita Bowman.
Pictured above are this year’s 2019/2020 Fillmore Flashes Girls Tennis Team. Photos courtesy FHS Tennis Coach Lolita Bowman.

Submitted by FHS Tennis Coach Lolita Bowman

I want to introduce this years Fillmore High School Girls Tennis team. Yes, the team is big this year. There are approximately twenty girls on the team; and I hear there are more on the way! As always, thank you so much to Fillmore High School for allowing me to coach again for the fourth year in a row; I know it is a privilege to coach a high school team. We are working on the rules of tennis and definitely getting into shape for the up-coming season which will begin about mid August. We are sprinting, stretching, and completing agility drills so we are fit to play a good game of tennis. The girls are getting better by the day, and once again I have a tennis court full of nice girls. One more thing, we are hoping the City of Fillmore replaces the tennis nets; one has a large hole, and the second net is without a center strap. All for now and thank you for reading this article!