10 and Under Filmore Dodgers take in First Place
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
10 and Under Filmore Dodgers came in first place here in the Fillmore Little League.The team was chosen to go to the play-offs and there they battled against Santa Paula Blue Jays 11-5 in the championship play-offs game to take third place in Saticoy on June 20. Pictured above are Manager/Coach Aric Diaz,Coach Kevin Richardson,Michael Richardson,Darian Delgadillo,Jose Avila,Tatem Frosberg,Steven Juarez,Chris Castro,Aric Diaz,Anthony Aguilera,Joe Joe Vaca,Diego Garcia,Joey Zepeda,and Saul Santa Rosa.Not pictured in the photo above is Coach Danny Aguilera.Si Se PUEDE!!!!!GO DODGERS!!!!! |