Senior Center News

Salad Bar
The salad bar at the Senior Center will now be held on Tuesday, the regular day, and expanded to also serve on Thursday each week. The 11:30 lunch on Thursday will be for the salad bar only and cost will be $2 for those 60 and older. Younger people will pay $4 and everyone is invited. If you wish to participate please called the Center, 524-4533, and make a reservation so there will be plenty of food. This activity is sponsored by the Senior Center and is not part of the regular nutrition program served the rest of the week with a hot meal. If you have questions, call the Center, 524-4533.

Welcome Beverly Fox
Beverly Fox has been welcomed to run the office at the Center as a temporary employee. She will be in charge of overseeing the activities at the Center with the usual group of volunteers and Board members. Please stop by and say HELLO to Beverly during regular Center hours.

Coffee & Treats
The coffee pot and box of “treats”, courtesy of Starbuck’s, opens the Center each morning at 8 a.m. If you want to drink coffee with friends, stop by and join the group of regulars there.

The Board at the Senior Center gave their best wishes to Bill Bartels when he retired last week. Bill was a major factor in keeping the Board on track and heading in the right direction and his assistance was greatly appreciated.

Nature Walk
The regular Monday nature walk will go Sycamore Canyon on March 22. Participants will leave from the Center parking lot at 7:30. Call the Center (524-4533) and get on the list so transportation can be planned for everyone. It should be an outstanding day to hike, view wildflowers and enjoy the fresh air.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission has discontinued the free bus service for seniors to the Center for the noon meal each day due to cuts in the State funding. If we are able to solve the problems, we will get a notice into the paper. Our seniors who are most in need of the noon meal will be the most affected by not being able to get to the Center for the food. The City and the Senior Center Board is working on solving the problem.