Classes for March & April, 2015 Along with special upcoming events.
533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore, CA 93015. Open 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Monday-Friday
Phone #: 524-4533 Lunch: Monday- Friday 11:15 Call 524-3756 by 10:30 to reserve a Lunch
Regular Scheduled Activities & Programs
Monday’s 8:00 Senior Walk / 8:50-Tai Chi Class / 10:00 Sketching Class / 10:30 Senior Chair Exercise
Tuesday’s 9:00 Yoga Class (NO class 3/31.) / 10:00 Mixed Media Art Class / 12:30-3 Gourd Class (see below)
Wednesday’s 9-10:30 Busy Hands / 10:30 Line Dancing / 10:00 Book Club February,18TH).
Thursday’s 9:00 Yoga Class (NO Class 3/31) / 10:30 Watercolor Class
Friday’s 9:00 Spanish Class / 10:30-11:30 Senior Chair Exercise
Dr. Hara: Wednesday. April 1st.& 15th..for his patients living in Fillmore with pre-arranged appointments.
Gourd Classes Tuesday, March 31st, & April 7th. & April 21st. at 12:30 – 3:00PM
Low Vision Support Class is March 26, at 10:00 Are you a “VIP” Visually Impaired Person? All VIPs, regardless of level of vision loss, are welcome to join this fun loving and supportive group every Fourth Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until noon at the Fillmore Senior Center. Come and learn useful techniques to deal with your vision, such as magnification, visual aids, living skills classes, talking books, library services, and more. Steve from the Braille will be here from 10:00-1:00 also. For more information you can call Brenda Birdwell at 805-886-6025.
Spanish & English “As a second language” Classes are taught by Carmen Zermeno on Friday’s. Spanish from 9:00 to10AM, The English class will start April 10 at 10:30-11:30 the requirements for the “English as second language” is at lease, 5 students attending regularly to have this class. Both classes focus on reading, writing & conversation. Both classes are a great way of learning to speak Spanish or English and have fun learning at the same time. Students should bring a binder or clip board to keep class lessons in. Anyone interested in the English as second language please call 524-4533 before April 7th.
Los viernes habrá Clases de Inglés y Español Principiante en el Centro de la Tercera Edad. La Clase de Español es a las 9:00 a.m. y dio principio en enero. La Clase de Inglés comenzará el 10 de abril del 2015 a las 10:30 a.m. Para que la clase de inglés de comienzo, necesitamos por lo menos 5 estudiantes que vengan regularmente. Las dos clases se enfocan en lectura, escritura, y conversación. Los estudiantes deben traer una carpeta donde puedan guardar su trabajo de la semana, un lápiz o pluma y ¡muchas ganas de aprender! EL costo es $3.00 por clase (contribución al centro) Si se interesan, llamen al 524-4533 antes del 7 de abril. Carmen Zermeño, instructora.
AARP DRIVERS SAFTY CLASS HAS BEEN “RESCHEDULED AGAIN TO APRIL 13 & 14 the class is 8-hours, split into two 4 hour parts, from 9:00 am-1pm The AARP’s Driver Safety Classroom course teaches how to avoid driving hazards and become a better, more aware driver. You must be 55 to take the class and to receive a reduction in insurance premiums. You must attend both days. AARP members have a discounted class fee. You will receive a Certificate for attending and it is good for three years. Call the Fillmore Senior Center to register in advance 524-4533.
CA law requires all auto insurers to offer a discount on premiums to qualified graduates age 55 and older.
Next Board Meeting: is scheduled for Monday, April 27 at 1:00 pm