Classes for November, 2014 Along with special upcoming events.
533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore, CA 93015 Open from 8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Phone #: 524-4533 (It always best to call incase schedules change)
Lunch: Monday- Friday 11:15 Call 524-3756 by 10:30 to reserve a Lunch
Activities & Programs
Monday’s 8:00 Senior Walk / 8:50-Tai Chi Class / 10:00 Sketching Class / 10:30 Senior Chair Exercise
Tuesday’s 9:00 Yoga Class / 10:00 Mixed Media Art Class / Gourd Classes see below.
Wednesday’s 9-10:30 Busy Hands / 10:30-11:30 Line Dancing (not on 22nd.)/ 10:00-11:30 Book Club (Monthly).
Thursday’s 9:00 Yoga Class /10:00 Low Vision Class / 10:00 Alzheimer’s & Dementia / 10:30 Watercolor Class
Friday’s “NO” Spanish Class Until January, 2015. / 10:30-11:30 Senior Chair Exercise
Senior Chair Yoga – The class is held every Tuesday & Thursday at 9:00am. Senior Chair Yoga is a gentle stretching class done on a chair or using a chair for balance. We provide chairs, mats, blankets and straps. Wear comfortable clothes that you can move and bend in and be prepared to practice in your bare feet. Also, come with an empty stomach. Classes are $3.00 each and all ages of adults are welcome. Call Janine at 524-4856 for more information.
Craft Fair/Boutique is scheduled for Saturday, November 8th from 9am – 2pm, more information to come. Those interested please call and get your name on our list. Space and tables are limited, table cost is $15.00 524-4533
Book Club: Next Book Club will meet on November 19th. at 10:00 am
BINGO: The 2ND and 4TH FRIDAYS OF THE MONTH FROM 6:30PM TO 9:30PM next one is 10/24/14
Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Support group is Oct. 23. requires an appointment, call Rosemary @ 484-6028 X207
Low Vision Classes: Are once a month. Next class will be (Oct 23rd.) at 10:00, Call Brenda to schedule an appointment at 805-630-3650 or call 524-4533 to confirm your coming.
Board Meeting: October’s Board Meeting has been changed this month to Monday, October 27th. at 1:00 pm
Gourd Classes: Next class is Monday, October 27th. (Changed to Monday for this month Only.)@ 12:30 pm
Dr. Hara: Wed. October 22nd as usual for his patients living in Fillmore with pre-arranged appointments.
Hi Cap/ Medicare: Monday, October 27 At 11:30-1:00 HI CAP “One Stop Shop for Medicare 2015” and Part D by Appointment Only. HICAP Counselor’s will run a Prescription Drug Plan comparison for you. You can pick-up an extra help application & information sheet at the Fillmore Senior Center, once you have filled it out you can mail it to HI CAP they will review your medications and have a report ready for you on October 27. If you prefer to just come in please bring a list of all medications your taking. You will receive counseling on Medicare Advantage Plans, Medigap and Medi-Cal please call 1-800-434-0222 for appointments or call the Fillmore Senior Center and let us know your coming, 524-4533
Fillmore Senior Center Annual Christmas Party will be December 19th This is our Biggest social event of the year for our seniors, There will be music, singing, refreshments & entertainment. More information to come in November.