Fillmore Senior Center News

Classes for Visually impaired or the Blind offered by Braille Institute
The Braille Institute is offering to hold classes at the Fillmore Senior Center for people who are blind or visually impaired. If you would be interested or for more information please call the Fillmore Senior Center at 524-4533

Library Book Case: The Senior Center is in need of another book case for it’s library. If you have an extra one we would gladly give it a good home. Give us a call 524-4533 we will pick it up.

Treasure Box Food Program
The Fillmore Senior Center is considering becoming a local Host Sites for the “Treasure Box”. The Treasure Box is a pre-assembled box packed with $75 - $100 worth of delicious, high quality frozen food offered to individuals and families for just $30 per box. Anyone interested in buying food through the Treasure Box Food Program should call the center so we know if there is enough interest to pursue this program. or for more information Call 524-4533.

Paper Craft/Scrap booking If you like cutting up paper, playing with glue & glitter this is you opportunity to catch up on some of the crafts you’ve been planning on doing but just don’t get around to doing. Bring your projects to the Senior Center on Friday’s at 9:00 AM. Make some new friends, have some coffee & a sweet roll even stay for lunch. For information on this work shop please call Nathalie at 421-7785

AAA Drivers Training Class will be offered again on July 12 & 15th. At the Fillmore Senior Center From 9am to 1. The class is in two parts, Please call 524-4533 to Sign-up. Taking the class gives you a discount on your Auto Insurance.