Please support the Fillmore Senior Centers Fireworks booth located on Hwy 126 in the vacant lot across from the
El Dorado Mobile Home Park. This is our primary fund raiser along with other donations for the year that enables us to provide specialized classes for Seniors 55 plus. We need Volunteers to help out at the booth, if you interested please call the Senior Center & ask to speak to Beverly for more details regarding time and days. 524-4533.
The Fillmore Senior Center will be looking for “New Board Members” in June, so if your interested please
come in and pick up an application, or e-mail us at fillmoresrcenter@sbcglobal.net we will send you an application. The only requirement is you must be 55 & live within the Fillmore Unified School District.
Viernes, Junio 14th. "El Grupo en Español de Alzeimer y Demencia se reúne en la biblioteca de 10-11 AM
Monday, June 17th. Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Group (in English) meets in the Library from 10-11 AM
The goal of Alzheimer’s Association is to educate everyone about the warning signs of Alzheimer’s, the importance of early detection and the resources available to help. What is dementia? Dementia is the result of disease, injury or medication. It is a group of symptoms that may include memory loss, confusion and changes in behavior. Memory loss that gets in the way of daily life is not a normal part of getting older. What is Alzheimer’s ? Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. It is a disease that attacks the brain and causes problems with memory, cognition and behavior. Alzheimer’s has a major impact on caregivers as they assume much of the physical, emotional and financial stress that accompanies the disease.
The Fillmore Senior Center Offers: “ Free Support Groups” both in English and Spanish. Family members have the opportunity to share information, develop care giving skills and provide mutual support in a small group setting, so they may benefit from a supportive environment guided by a trained facilitator.
Friday, June 14th at 10:15 AM. HICAP/MEDICARE Medicare Preventive Services: Medicare offers many free preventive services. This presentations will discuss theses many services. Durable Medical Equipment Procedures: Medicare has established new rules and regulations governing where and how you can purchase and/or rent durable medical equipment. The program which is called Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) will take effect July 1, 2013. This presentation will prepare you for the changes.
FOR June 13th. Through June 19th. 2013
533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore, CA 93015 Phone # 524-4533
Open from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m Lunch Daily: Call 524-3756 by 10:30 if your having Lunch
Regular Scheduled Activities & Programs
Thursday, June 13th. 2013 Friday, June 14th. 2013 Monday June 17th. 2013
8:30 Open Computer Room 8:30 Open Computer Room 8:00 Senior Walk
9:00 Yoga Class 9:00 Spanish Class 8:50 Tai Chi Class
10:00 Watercolor Class 9:00 Senior Chair Exercise 10:00 Sketching Class
11:15 Lunch 10:15 HICAP / MEDICARE 10:30 Senior Chair Exercise
10:00 Alzheimers/Dementia 10:00 Alzheimers/Dementia
Spanish Support Group English Support Group
Tuesday, June 18th. 2013 Wednesday, June 19th. 2013
8:30-12:45 Open Computer Room 9:30 - 5:00 Dr. Hara (Computer Room closed)
9:00-10:00 Yoga Class 9:00 - 10:30 Busy Hands (knitting & Crochet)
10:00 -12:50 Bingo 10:00 - 11:00 Book Club
10:00 -11:30 Mixed Media Collage Class 10:30 - 11:30 Line Dancing (No teacher today) 11:15 Lunch 11:15 Lunch