Fillmore Senior Center

The Fillmore Senior Center
330 Central Avenue, Suite C (Across from the Post Office.)
Fillmore, CA 93015. Phone #: 524-4533
Open Monday – Friday: 8:30 to 1:00 PM.
Regular Scheduled Programs & Activities
Monday - 8:00-9:00 Senior Walk / 9:00-10:00 Tai Chi Class / 10:30 Senior Chair Exercise.
Tuesday - 8:30-1:00 Open Computers / 9:00-12:00 Gourd (1st & 3rd Tuesdays of Month.)
Tuesday - 10:00-11:00 Book Club, (2nd Tuesday of the Month.)
Wednesday - 9:00-10:30 Busy Hands / 10:30 Line Dancing.
Thursday - 9:00-12:30 Open Computers / 10:15-11:30 Sketching Class.
Friday - 10:30-11:30 Senior Chair Exercise.
Mark your calendar for our upcoming events in November.
November 26 & 27 the Senior Center will be “CLOSED” for Thanksgiving.
Next Board Meeting: is scheduled for Monday, November 30th. at 1:00 pm.
December 18th. 10am – 2:00pm. Christmas Party at our new location 330 Central Ave, Suite C
AARP Drivers Safety class had to be re-scheduled to January18th & 19th this is an 8 hour class from 9 am to 1:00 pm
Please call to let us know you want to come 524-4533.
Fillmore Senior Center wants to wished everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
December 24 & 25 the Senior Center will be closed for Christmas, We will be “OPEN” New Years Eve and “CLOSED” New Years Day, January 1st.