Sierra High Warrior’s Students of the Week
Each week teachers get to choose a Student of the Week. For the first full week of school these superstars rose to the challenge: Christian Zamora for being respectful and maintaining a 98.7% in English-Mr. Chavez. Christopher Hernandez for always being respectful, positive, and showing integrity. He shows up early each morning and helps get PE equipment ready-Mr. Karayan. Julian Meraz for stepping up to get work done at Sierra and assisting in the office each morning before his day starts-Mrs. Henrey. (For Mr. Gonzalez) Angela Ramirez for being a class leader, willing to ask for help and willing to help others-Mr. Lomeli. Courtesy Sierra High School Website.
Each week teachers get to choose a Student of the Week. For the first full week of school these superstars rose to the challenge: Christian Zamora for being respectful and maintaining a 98.7% in English-Mr. Chavez. Christopher Hernandez for always being respectful, positive, and showing integrity. He shows up early each morning and helps get PE equipment ready-Mr. Karayan. Julian Meraz for stepping up to get work done at Sierra and assisting in the office each morning before his day starts-Mrs. Henrey. (For Mr. Gonzalez) Angela Ramirez for being a class leader, willing to ask for help and willing to help others-Mr. Lomeli. Courtesy Sierra High School Website.