New Bus Routes for Fillmore Students

Higher fuel costs and State budget shortfalls has necessitated a change in school bus routes for Fillmore Unified School District. Although we worked to consolidate stops throughout the school district, the majority of the changes for those students who live in town. Please check the new bus stops carefully.
Red Route – 1st A.M.
6:30 2330 East Telegraph Road @ Hopper Canyon Road
6:34 3210 East Telegraph Road @ Powell Road
6:37 Howe Road @ Torrey Road
6:40 54 Torrey Road
6:42 Main Street @ Sacramento Street
6:45 Main Street @ Colina Vista Apts.
6:50 3969 Center Street (Piru Square)
7:00 Torrey Road @ Guiberson Road
7:05 2317 Guiberson Road
7:07 1835 Guiberson Road @ Cavin Road
7:13 575 Guiberson Road
7:20 FMS
7:22 FHS
7:25 San Cayetano School
Red Route – 2nd A.M.
7:35 2950 East Telegraph Road
7:50 FHS
Red Route – 1st P.M.
Stops to be determined by area enrollment as needed.
Red Route – 2nd P.M.
2;55 FMS
3:07 FHS
3:23 2330 East Telegraph Road @ Hopper Canyon Road
3:27 2950 East Telegraph Road
3:33 3210 East Telegraph Road @ Powell Road
3:35 Howe Road @ Torrey Road
3:37 54 Torrey Road
3:40 Main Street @ Colina Vista Apts.
3:45 3969 Center Street (Piru Square)
3:50 Torrey Road @ Guiberson Road
3:53 2317 Guiberson Road
3:55 1835 Guiberson Road @ Cavin Road
Yellow Route – 1st A.M.
6:40 2317 Guiberson Road
6:42 1835 Guiberson Road
7:00 360 Via Roble (Newhall Ranch)
7:08 3794 Pacific Avenue
7:14 2330 East Telegraph Road @ Hopper Canyon Road
7:18 3210 Powell Road @ Hwy 126
7:23 Piru School
Yellow Route – 2nd A.M.
7:30 2950 East Telegraph Road (Rancho Sespe Housing)
7:40 3846 East Telegraph Road (Piru Country Store)
7:48 Piru School
Yellow Route – 1st P.M.
2:12 3794 & 3435 Pacific Avenue
2:20 2950 East Telegraph Road (Rancho Sespe Housing)
2:25 3846 East Telegraph Road (Piru Country Store)
2:30 Piru School
Yellow Route – 2nd P.M.
2:50 3183 East Telegraph Road (Buckhorn School)
2:55 2330 East Telegraph Road @ Hopper Canyon Road
3:00 2950 East Telegraph Road (Rancho Sespe Housing)
3:03 3210 East Telegraph Road @ Powell Road
3:10 2317 Guiberson Road
3:12 2050 Guiberson Road
3:20 54 Torrey Road (Tangelo Ranch)
3:35 360 Via Roble (Newhall Ranch)
Green Route – 1st A.M.
6:45 Main Street @ Colina Vista Piru Apartments
6:50 3969 Center Street @ Piru Square
6:55 3810 Pacific Avenue
6:59 3183 East Telegraph Road (Old Buckhorn School)
7:12 FHS
7:17 FMS
Green Route – 2nd A.M.
7:25 2871 West Telegraph Road
7:27 3117 West Telegraph Road
7:30 3441 West Telegraph Road
7:33 Sycamore Road
7:35 813 La Campana Road
7:37 1906 Old Telegraph Road
7:40 Mountain Vista School
7:45 FMS
7:49 FHS
Green Route – 1st P.M. – 1st Trimester Kinder 11:30 a.m.
Stops to be determined by area enrollment as needed : W. Telegraph Road, Sycamore Road, Grand Avenue
Green Route – 1st P.M. – 2nd & 3rd Trimesters – K-3 2:25 p.m.
2:25 Mountain Vista School
2:30 3117 West Telegraph Road
2:38 2298 Sycamore Road
2:45 1906 Old Telegraph Road
2:47 1796 Old Telegraph Road
Green Route – 2nd P.M.
2:55 Mountain Vista School (4th & 5th)
2:57 FMS
3:08 FHS
3:15 3117 West Telegraph Road
3:17 3441 West Telegraph Road
3:24 813 La Campana Road
3:28 1906 Old Telegraph Road
3:30 1796 Old Telegraph Road
Purple Route – 1st A.M.
6:30 1695 San Cayetano Street
6:33 2421 South Mountain Road @ Petit Ranch
6:38 South Mountain Road @ Jimenez Farms (Green Building)
6:40 20991 South Mountain Road
6:43 20089 South Mountain Road @ Stork Ranch (Turnaround)
6:45 20210 South Mountain Road @ One Penny Ranch
6:47 20760 South Mountain Road @ Arboleda Ranch
6:59 1476 Bardsdale Avenue @ Methodist Church
7:02 886 Bardsdale Avenue @ Hwy 23 (Barn)
7:15 FMS
7:18 FHS
7:25 Sespe School
Purple Route – 1st P.M.
Stops to be determined by area enrollment as needed.
2:00 Sespe School
2:15 Bardsdale Avenue
2:20 San Cayetano Street
2:23 2421 South Mountain Road @ Petit Rand
2:26 South Mountain Road @ Jimenez Farm
2:29 20991 South Mountain Road
2:35 20089 South Mountain Road @ Stork Ranch (Turnaround)
2:37 20210 South Mountain Road @ One Penny Ranch
2:40 20760 South Mountain Road @ Arboleda Ranch
2:48 1476 Bardsdale Avenue @ Methodist Church
2:51 886 Bardsdale Avenue @ Hwy 23 (Barn)
Purple Route – 2nd P.M.
3:00 Sespe School (4th & 5th)
3:05 FMS
3:10 FHS
3:25 Bardsdale Avenue
3:30 20991 South Mountain Road
3:36 20089 South Mountain Road @ Stork Ranch (Turnaround)
3:40 20760 South Mountain Road @ Arboleda Ranch
3:45 1476 Bardsdale Avenue @ Methodist Church
3:48 886 Bardsdale Avenue @ Hwy 23 (Barn)
Orange Route – 1st A.M.
6:35 Newhall Rand (Shop)
6:45 4227 Center Street
6:50 3969 Center Street (Piru Square)
7:10 FMS
7:13 FHS
Orange Route – 2nd A.M.
7:30 2950 East Telegraph Road
7:45 FMS
Orange Route – 1st P.M. – 1st Trimester Kinder 11:30 a.m.
Stops to be determined by area enrollment as needed: Hwy126 east of Fillmore to Cavin Road
Orange Route – 1st P.M. – 2nd & 3rd Trimester Kinder 2:00 p.m.
Stops to be determined by area enrollment as needed: Hwy126 east of Fillmore to Cavin Road
Orange Route – 2nd P.M. – 1st – 5th Grade
2:35 San Cayetano School
2:45 1468 E Telegraph Road (South Side Adams Hill)
2:49 1468 E Telegraph Road
2;50 1073 E Telegraph Road (Bottom Adams Hill)
Orange Route – 3rd P.M. – 6th – 12th Grade
3:00 FMS
3:07 FHS
3:15 1468 E Telegraph Road
3:25 Main Street @ Colina Vista Apts.
3:28 3969 Center Street (Piru Square)
3:45 Newhall Ranch (Tractor Shop)