Fillmore Rotary Recognizes Students to Join Military After High School Graduation
Rotary President Scott Beylik asked each of the veteran Rotarians to stand and state what service they were in. Those who stood were Dick Richardson, Joe Ricards, Bob Hammond, Ernie Villegas, John Garnica, and George Golden. This was followed by Rotarian Kellie Couse who introduced the graduating seniors who will be joining the US military and she presented with a military sash each. The students are (l-r) David Vaca, Air Force, Juan Luis Orozco, Marines, Mauricio Barajas, Marines and Christopher Valdez, Army. Congratulations to all! Courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson.
Rotary President Scott Beylik asked each of the veteran Rotarians to stand and state what service they were in. Those who stood were Dick Richardson, Joe Ricards, Bob Hammond, Ernie Villegas, John Garnica, and George Golden. This was followed by Rotarian Kellie Couse who introduced the graduating seniors who will be joining the US military and she presented with a military sash each. The students are (l-r) David Vaca, Air Force, Juan Luis Orozco, Marines, Mauricio Barajas, Marines and Christopher Valdez, Army. Congratulations to all! Courtesy Rotarian Martha Richardson.