Fillmore Graduates honored at CLU

A total of 323 students received bachelor’s degrees form California Lutheran University on May 17, 2009.
CLU is a selective liberal arts university located in Thousand Oaks. With an enrollment of more than 3,400 students, CLU offers 36 undergraduate majors and six graduate programs within the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business and School of Education. Students come from across the country and around the world and represent a diversity of faiths and cultures.

Fillmore graduates are Krystal Gonzalez, BS in Criminology; Cassandra Hernandez, BS in Biology; Enrique Hurtado, BS in Business; Melissa Hurtado, BS in Accounting; Jin Palacio, BS in Business; Ricardo Lopez, BA in Sociology/Criminology; and Victoria Hurtado, BS, Organizational Leadership.