FHS Registration Schedule

Freshmen Orientation and Class Elections will be held on Wednesday, August 15th in the gymnasium from 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 NOON. We are very fortunate to have the renowned motivational speaker Keith Hawkins coming to Fillmore to work with the freshmen, as well as train our upperclassmen to be school leaders. If you are interested in running for a Freshmen Class Office, Intent to Run forms will be available at orientation. Elections will be held before the end of the day. BBQ Hot Dogs will be served at noon. (Registration will follow beginning at 1:00 – see schedule below)

Registration will be held in Room 49 (Yearbook & ID photos) and the library August 14th & 15th

The registration schedule is as follows (times according to last name): Tuesday, August 14th - Juniors: A-H 9:00 am, I-P 9:45, Q-Z 10:30, Seniors: A-H 1:00 p.m., I-P 1:45, Q-Z 2:30. Wednesday, August 15th - Sophomores: A-H 9:00 am, I-P 9:45, Q-Z 10:30, Freshman: A-H 1:00 pm, I-P 1:45, Q-Z 2:30