FFA News

On October 2nd 24 Fillmore FFA members competed in the Opening and Closing Ceremony, 11 of whom also took the Best Informed Greenhand Test. The event was held at Ventura High School and the participants were judged on their dress, memorization, and overall presentation of their part in the opening and closing of each FFA meeting. Fillmore took home the trophy by getting 1st Officer Team, 1st Open Team, 1st Novice Team, and 1st Best Informed Greenhand Team. Also, in individual awards for the Opening and Closing Ceremony, Jaylene Ortiz received Outstanding Secretary and Jessica Manginelli received Outstanding Reporter in the Officer Section, Macie Wokal received Outstanding President and Hanah Saviers-Wishart received Outstanding Reporter in the Open Section, and Calvin Oubinarath received Outstanding Sentinel in the Novice Section. For individual awards in the Best Informed Greenhand Test, Jose Perez got 4th, Jane Ramos got 2nd, and Sarah Vollmert got 1st. As you can see Fillmore worked very hard to do well and we succeeded by taking every 1st place available. Fillmore FFA would like to thank our teachers who spent time with us at lunch, every day a week and a half in advance, and helped us do excellent!

Jessica Manginelli
Fillmore FFA Reporter