Week In Review: Put the Budget Process Back on Track
Senator George Runner
Senator George Runner
Serving the 17th District which incorporates portions of the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura and Kern counties.

This week Republican legislators proposed sweeping budget reform package aimed specifically at bringing common sense back to the budget process.
Chronic budget problems have plagued the state for more than 20 years. Reckless spending, poor planning and zero savings are crippling the State’s ability to address the needs of its citizens. Families in California have to live within their means. It is about time someone requires government to do the same.

We are proposing a variety of common sense approaches. Under the Republican plan, government spending would be controlled each year by a formula based on population and inflation. A rainy day savings fund would be put into effect as would policies that encourage multi-year budget planning and make it more difficult for the legislature to raise taxes disguised as fees.

With gas prices at almost $5 a gallon, groceries costs reaching record highs and mortgage payments on the rise, it is time to stop asking the taxpayers to bail out the government.

Clearly the Legislature hasn’t been able to discipline itself. Revenues have grown 40 percent in the last four years yet we are facing a $17.2 billion dollar deficit. Whether the economy is good or bad, the legislature cannot control its spending. Unless we take steps now to address long-term budget reform we will just continue in this boom or bust spiral.

The taxpayer should not be an after-thought when we plan spending programs. These proposed solutions help the Legislature prioritize and learn to control its spending – something Californians do every day.