Senator Runner responds to Harvey Milk Bill
Senator George Runner
Senator George Runner
Serving the 17th District which incorporates portions of the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura and Kern counties.

SACRAMENTO, CA – Sen. George Runner (R-Antelope Valley) today issued the following statements in response to Governor Schwarzenegger signing two bills - one that honors late San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk and another that recognizes same-sex marriages performed in other states:

“At a time when our education system, our transportation infrastructure and our public safety net are deteriorating, the last thing the governor needed to do was sign a bill to honor an abstract person who did very little for the general good of society.

“Harvey Milk, after all, was not a courageous trailblazer of civil rights like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks.

“As for signing a bill that recognizes same-sex marriage performed in other states, it's more than ironic that the Governor has twice vetoed California legislation that would legalize gay marriage but accepts it from other states. There is nothing brave or daring about the governor's act, and in fact, he has ignored the will of the people who voted against gay marriage in 2008.”