Runner invites public to join him and Tea Partiers at State Capitol on April 15
Senator George Runner
Senator George Runner
Serving the 17th District which incorporates portions of the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura and Kern counties.

Dear Friends:

In less than two weeks, thousands of Californians will convene at the State Capitol in Sacramento to protest the fiscal irresponsibility of state and federal government, and the egregious regulations brought on by AB 32- the Global Warming Solutions Act.

With the fury and fervor that defeated 2009’s Proposition 1A, Tea Partiers and other patriots will continue to demand that government live within its means and demand an end to AB 32 – a law so far reaching that it will dictate what we eat, what we drive and where we live and cause enormous increases to our energy bills.

I hope to see you at the April 15 event at the State Capitol – it’s your opportunity to let your voice be heard and fight for a more efficient and honest government!

For more information, click here:

George Runner