Runner Calls Tax Commission’s Recommendations Another Blow To Business
Senator George Runner
Senator George Runner
Serving the 17th District which incorporates portions of the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura and Kern counties.

SACRAMENTO, CA. – Sen. George Runner (R-Antelope Valley), a member of the Senate Committee on Taxation and Revenue, released the following statements in response to a proposal released today by the Commission on the 21st Century Economy:

“The most dreadful recommendation is the idea of creating another hidden tax. At a time when California’s business climate is the third worst in the nation and when its unemployment rate is breaking Depression-era records, the notion of a hidden tax will go over like a lead balloon with taxpayers and many economists.

“I cannot support any idea that will make California less competitive in business, kill jobs and evaporate the entrepreneurial spirit that Californian is known for the world-over. It’s obvious that further taxation will do all of these things, and in the process send California’s business climate to rock bottom and push our joblessness rate through the roof.

“Without doubt the proposal contains a handful of valid ideas – and perhaps the Legislature should cull some of these recommendations – but ultimately this commission and its report will get tossed into a pile that contains long-forgotten ‘great ideas’ of the past, and Californians will be no better off for the long-winded, drawn out efforts.

“Perhaps instead, Legislative leaders and the governor should get serious about supporting business and creating jobs – not unlike Michigan, which is giving incentives to green industry manufacturing instead of creating taxes — that will trickle down to the families hit hardest by these financial tough times.”