Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Endorses Steve Poizner

Rohrabacher Praises Poizner’s “Conservative Leadership”

Long-time conservative leader in California and Orange County, U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher endorsed Steve Poizner for governor. In making his endorsement, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher praised Steve Poizner’s “conservative leadership." You can view the video of Rep. Rohrabacher's endorsement below.

“Steve Poizner is the only candidate for governor who is willing to address the illegal immigration problem that California faces. We need a governor, like Steve Poizner, who is going to take a leadership role in turning off the magnets that drive illegal immigration and Steve is the only candidate willing to do that,” said Rep. Rohrabacher. “I trust Steve Poizner’s conservative leadership and I’m proud to endorse him to be our next governor.”

“Dana Rohrabacher is one of the most accomplished Republican leaders in the United States Congress and I am honored to accept his endorsement,” said Poizner. “It is time for California to halt the damaging regulations that have led us into our current economic mess and I look forward to Congressman Rohrabacher’s guidance as we work to get California back on track.”

Commissioner Poizner has also been endorsed by an overwhelming majority of Republican leaders and local elected officials including the California Republican Assembly, Rep. Tom McClintock, and Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich. In addition to Rep. Rohrabacher, Steve's support in Orange County is decidedly strong:

U.S. Congressman Gary Miller
Senator Bob Huff
Senator Tom Harman
Senator Mimi Walters
Assemblyman Curt Hagman
Assemblywoman Diane Harkey
Assemblyman Van Tran
Assemblyman Jeff Miller
Assemblyman Jim Silva
Former Senator Bob Margett
Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel
District Attorney Tony Rackauckas
Orange County Republican Party Chairman Emeritus Tom Fuentes
Supervisor Pat Bates