Radical Islam's Ultimate Goal- The Global Caliphate

Radical Islamists openly declare that world domination is their goal.

Caliphate- The establishment of a global community dominated by Islam and goverened by Sharia Law.

"History will make a new turn Allah willing in the opposite direction against the United States and the world's Jewish government. Due to the blessings of jihad, America's countdown has begun. It will soon declare defeat to be followed by the creation of caliphate."
Ayman al-Zawahiri

The Muslim Brotherhood "Project for North America" is a detailed document discovered in switzerland in 2001. This document became known within the intelligence community as "The Project." It is plan conceived and written by the Muslim Brotherhood, which the world's oldest and most sophisticated Islamic terrorist group created in Egypt in 1928. "The Project" details strategies and tactics by which Islamists can gradually infiltrate nations and ultimately dominate the world with Islamic political and religious ideology.
The War on Terror is a conflict that will not end. America and the West cannot effectively defend itself until the American people understand the nature and ideology of the enemy. Radical islam's grievance is our democratic system, where the rule of law comes from the voices of its citizens and not the voice of one prophet.
They cannot be appeased by apologies for who and what we are. The absolute revolutionary terrorist is a non-negotiable adversary. Compliance and negotiation are viewed as weakness and further encourages them

Last month the Muslim Students of America sponsored a meeting of over 700 students on the campus of UCLA, advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government, that ended with this pledge:
"I pledge Allah is my lord, Quran is my guide, jihad is my spirit, righteousness is my character, and paradise is my goal. I command what is rifgt and forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression and will die to establish Islam."
As unrest has sparked in Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, and Jordan, the Radical Islamists are seizing the opportunity to ingrain their goal of caliphate deeper and deeper.