Harvard Prof. Predicts EU Crisis Will Consume America…and Why You Should Care

Written by Becket Adams

Harvard University history professor Niall Ferguson says that Americans should be paying more attention to the eurozone crisis. He believes that the issues facing Europe are going to make their way to the U.S.

Writing in The Daily Beast, Ferguson explains why we should be paying close attention:

The first reason is that, with American consumers still in the doldrums of deleveraging, the United States badly needs buoyant exports if its economy is to grow at anything other than a miserably low rate. And despite all the hype about trade with the Chinese, U.S. exports to the European Union are nearly three times larger than to China.

Indeed, the EU and the U.S. economies account together for about “half the entire world GDP and for nearly a third of world trade flows,” writes the European Commission website.

Consider the $240 billion... http://www.theblaze.com/stories/harvard-prof-predicts-eu-crisis-will-con...