Governor signs Senator Runner’s ‘Michelle’s Law’
Senate Bill 1168 will give peace of mind to parents, students
Senator George Runner
Senator George Runner
Serving the 17th District which incorporates portions of the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura and Kern counties.

SACRAMENTO – Earlier this week, Governor Schwarzenegger signed legislation authored by Sen. George Runner (R-Antelope Valley) that allows dependent college students to continue receiving health insurance for up to one year upon taking an academic leave of absence due to serious illness or injury.

“This bill will prevent an unfair situation regarding insurance coverage from occurring,” Runner said. “Students should continue receiving insurance they or their families have paid for if they leave school for legitimate medical reasons.”

Michelle’s Law, or Senate Bill 1168, is named after Michelle Morse, a New Hampshire college student who contracted colon cancer. When advised by doctors to reduce her course load, Morse’s family discovered that she would be required to pay monthly continuation premiums of approximately $550 to keep her policy in effect.

“With this bill, ailing students and their families will be put at ease and allowed to focus on treatment and recovery,” Runner said.

Michelle’s Law goes into affect Jan. 1, 2009.