Gallegly votes to protect Americans from our enemies

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties), voted today for the National Defense Authorization Act. It passed the House today on a bipartisan vote of 283-136.

“Since 9/11, we have been at war with terrorists whose intent is to destroy America,” Gallegly said. “It is imperative that we provide our military men and women with the tools necessary for them to protect the United States.”

The act funds our national defense at $554 billion, $19 billion less than was authorized last year. It ensures that our troops deployed in Afghanistan and around the world have the equipment, resources, authorities, training and time needed to successfully complete their missions and return home; takes care of our military and their families; and makes investments needed to protect the United States from current and future threats.

It also codifies into federal law U.S. Supreme Court rulings made since September 11, 2001, on how military combatants are treated. It preserves habeas corpus rights for all American citizens while allowing our military the flexibility to fight al Qaeda and other terrorists. The bill does not expand military detentions or define the rights of American citizens beyond Supreme Court rulings and what was already federal law.