District continues to offer climate change presentation

(Ventura, CA) The Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board has requested that the Air District conduct public outreach on global climate change. As part of that effort, the District is continuing to offer a speaker’s bureau presentation on the impact of global climate change. The Power Point presentation discusses the current and future results of climate change and the work being done at the national, state and local level to reduce its impact. The presentation is constantly being updated for new developments on the topic.

Veteran District engineer Don Price has been making the presentations since 2008. He has been actively monitoring the issue for the APCD since the passage of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, and serves on a statewide committee on global climate change. He also has a personal commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. “I hope everyone who attends the presentation will go away with some ideas about reducing both their personal and business carbon footprint. I am targeting service, business, and community, senior, church, and college groups. I am looking forward to speaking with county residents about this issue.” The presentation can be tailored to fit a 20 to 40 minute time format. In addition, as part of the presentation, Price will distribute the District’s latest publication, The Ventura County Climate Change Almanac. To schedule a presentation, call Price at 805/645-1407.