Letters to the Editor
September 5, 2018

To the Editor:
Re: Commercial Marijuana Problems in Cities
I wish to publicly express my concern about the complications and dangers the City of Fillmore will face if Measure T passes this fall. I will periodically send you articles I have found about problems other communities have had to deal with as a result of allowing commercial, marijuana businesses into their cities. The attached illustrates how the City of Berkeley had to lower its pot tax (see “Berkeley Lowers It’s Pot Tax” here https://www.californiacitynews.org/2018/02/berkeley-lowers-its-pot-tax.h...) because of competition with the black market. Lowering its tax has to significantly reduce any profit margin they hoped to realize, especially when considering the additional costs in public safety, emergency medical care for increased addition, overdoses, etc. which have been proven to follow initiation of commercial marijuana businesses in cities. Let’s not be foolish enough to invite those problems to Fillmore.
Those who legitimately need medical marijuana already know how and where to obtain it. As a long-time resident of Fillmore, I am gravely concerned that allowing one type of marijuana businesses to operate here will open the door to other types of businesses, and have greater negative consequences on our community than any financial gain, or convenience for a small percentage of our citizens, will bring.
Joan Archer
Fillmore Resident