Letters to the Editor
November 20, 2014

To the Editor:
Hi Fillmore!
By the time you get this the scoping meeting regarding the Fillmore Works specific plan (AKA Superfund business& industrial park) will have passed. You may have missed the notice of preparation invitation but you received it via this paper a few weeks ago. I am in hopes that many people came out to give ideas and feed back on the project. Just today I received the December National Geographic and one of the articles in it is about…you guessed it! Superfund sites (p.129). We have one, so what to do with it now? I am still not sure putting people to work on top of it is the best idea we could come up with and what we want to be known for. If you would still like to give feed back send your ideas to Kevin McSweeney at city hall so they can be documented and researched. I am told there will be work shops in the future that the public can attend regarding all the. Thanks for your time once again,
Kathy Pace