Letters to the Editor
March 7, 2024

To the Editor:

“Those who oppose assisting Ukraine and/or Israel are too dangerous and/or stupid to be in Congress.” I agree with you on Ukraine, but it is the Republicans holding that country hostage while it is losing ground to Russia. Meanwhile, a Senate bipartisan, negotiated border reform and Ukraine aid bill sits ignored on the desk of Republican Speaker Johnson.
As usual, you perceive things as one-dimensional, binary, black and white, from the lenses of 1939 or pre-St. Pope John XXIII. It’s ridiculous to say that the decades of problems at the border, and Ukraine, result from Democratic policies. Republicans want the immigration problem to remain an election issue and are using Ukraine for bargaining leverage.
Sigh. You again assert as fact that settlements at St. Augustine, Jamestown, or Plymouth established America as a Christian nation. They didn’t. On the contrary, the First Amendment of our Constitution provides that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Repetition of historical inaccuracy becomes falsehood.

Upon request, I can provide a long list of instances where “sane American” Trump has proclaimed man-love for dictators Putin, Erdogan, Orban, and Kim Jong-Un, who govern with dire threat and terror. The 2024 Republican CPAC speakers included anti-Semites (Nick Fuentes), and Christofascists (Jack Prosobiec): ”Welcome to the end of democracy! We’re here to overthrow it completely!” [in favor of Christian nationalism]. See paragraph above, “First Amendment.”
You believe that the judicial/justice system is dedicated to victimizing the twice impeached, chaos addicted, sneaker-shilling, canary-tufted messiah wannabe, and adjudicated fraudster, defamer, and rapist ex-president. You fever up over President “Biden’s Crime Family,” without facts, yet you tippie-toe in gold tennies around Trump’s many felony indictments, legal judgments, and vagaries of truth.

Do you approve the growing legalization of child labor in red states? We get it that you believe women do not have the right to control their own internal reproductive organs but may ask special permission if they’re bleeding out.
Veil drop: The “star witness” against the Bidens in the endless $5M Burisma bribery hearings, Alexander Smirnov, was arrested for being a Russian operative and lying to the FBI about then-VP Biden’s complicity. And they had been warned of his incredibility. At Hunter Biden’s closed-door deposition before the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees last week, Biden hysteric and Oversight Chair Jim Comer left the hearing after a few minutes and asked no questions. The position of his tail was not disclosed in press reports.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.