Letters to the Editor
March 10, 2011

To the Editor:
Civic Pride arrived in the community and is working although many new to the community of Fillmore do not know what it is! Much work went into the many facets of the program which is operating as you read this article. Having been one interested in the program working with various citizens of the city we worked for civic pride in many ways.
A roster came to my attention as I was filing away papers and it was the Civic Pride Roster. So, I felt these citizens should be thanked once again with so many changes that have happened since the program was in operation.
In my opinion thanks should go to these individuals: Helen Archer, Andy Arias, Pat Couse, Bill Dewey, Judy and Ray Dressler, Sarah Hansen, Cindy Klittich, Jan Konter, Linda Nunes, Joe Zunia and Rosemary Fennel.
Conway Spitler