Letters to the Editor
June 29, 2023

To the Editor:

A response to a letter from Tess Allen (see letter June 15,2023). In reading your letter I wanted to say to you that I'm very proud and honored to be "positioned" and brought up in a "traditional Family". And yes, I'm white, Republican, and very much "likely" a member of a Christian Faith. Yes, I realize there are problems in families, but there is always a cure. Marriage is between a man and a woman and is ordained of God and, marriage is essential to God's plan. Success and happiness in the home is most likely to be achieved when the family is founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. These include faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and of course wholesome recreational activities that allow just being together. A great religious leader has said no other success can compensate for failure in the home. And another has said the home is a place to save society. You're right about the declining percentages etc. but the answer to your question is that many foster a variety of personal lifestyles, often driven by fun, freedom, and self-fulfillment, "As long it doesn't interfere with my career and personal interests then I'll marry and even have kids." This shows a focus on interests outside the home and family. The attributes that build successful marriages and families are sacrifice, love, consideration commitment, service, patience, endurance, and fidelity. They are often not found in declining relationships. Another leader has said, small storms, which everyone has to face in life, cause families to fall apart quickly in today's world, where almost everybody thinks they should be able to get everything they want without consideration of consequences. People get more and more selfish and less and less content. Not only do we need to rebuild trust in the value of marriage and family, but also faith in God.

Now your subject on LGBTQ+ and pride month. All this week I have been hearing about pride month, this LGBTQ organization, etc. Well perhaps, maybe the reason why you are seeing a rise in anti-LGBTQ is that it's getting pushed on a lot of people. If you want to live your life that way, great, but keep it to yourself and don't feel you have to flash it around. By flashing around I mean the deal with the nun sisters at Dodger stadium. That was a blatant disrespect of a person's faith and religion, and especially our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The pushing of rainbow colors for children's clothing, drag queens dancing here in town in front of our children who have not yet the ability to clearly discern this subject matter. Then there are the transgender pictures on Bud-Lite containers; why does everything have to portray LGBTQ+? Why can't we just enjoy Bud-Lite because it's a beer. And one more thing, why bring outsiders in from out of town? If you have a problem with the mayor and his decision on pride month, bring it to the council and then respect his office as mayor and his decision with the sustaining vote of the council. Sometimes the answer is just no because it does not uphold everyone's viewpoint. Go ahead, have your party, pay your fees for a group area at the park or wherever and enjoy being with others who are your equal. Or, if you really want to be noticed, give service in town or something. So in regard to your statement why we celebrate pride? If we lived in a world where all people regardless of intersecting identities were accepted, celebrated, and treated with equity and respect we would not need a month of pride. And you're right it just agitates; we should all be able to work together to find compassion and peace. So, with that, it could be a 2-way street. 2 wrongs don't make a right. If you want respect, give it. Don't push your lifestyle on others especially on the little kids and youth and not degrading religion. Parents have the right to teach their own children what they believe without society interfering. When a parent no longer has the right to teach, the whole family structure is wasted.

Fillmore, Ca.