Letters to the Editor
June 22, 2023

To the Editor:

The world’s oldest satirical publication, The Harvard Lampoon, founded in 1876, has ceased publication. Per editor-in-chief Dinsdale Piranha, “We give up. We just can’t compete with the Fillmore Gazette.”
The little known Fillmore Gazette, long rumored to be a mouthpiece for George “Spiny Norman” Soros, published an editorial on June 15, 2023 that Piranha cited as the last straw. The piece read, in part, “There are several trustworthy Republican presidential candidates today, but only Donald Trump can save the country right now.”
Lampoon publisher Doug Dinsdale also lamented the demise of his magazine. “The irony is dead. Long live the irony.”

Art Sandford,
Fillmore, CA