Letters to the Editor
July 20, 2023

To the Editor:

I am a concerned resident of Fillmore. I’m writing this letter to state my opposition to the drag queen performance on Friday June 16, 2023 at One Step A La Vez. I denounce FUSD’s and any council member support for this behavior in front of our youth. These are the children of Fillmore and I am committed to protecting them from sexualized and harmful behavior and teachings. I am also writing to say that I have a voice and a vote and I will use both to shield our kids and keep them safe.
It’s appalling to me that my little town and school district that I grew up in would have people and a district that would support something so ugly and disturbing for our children. I have heard some say that there is hate regarding this opposition but let me be clear I don’t hate the people I hate what those people are trying to do to our children and I won’t stand for it!!

I hope and pray that these protests will not go on deaf ears and that we can work together to keep our children safe and give parents the rights they have to keep their children safe and free from this kind of ugliness. Our children are worth fighting for!!

Thank You,
A concerned citizen and Aunt of Fillmore, Ca.