Letters to the Editor
February 23, 2012

To the Editor:
Re: VC Star article/column dated 2-15-2012 - Fillmore council approves paying.....by Anne Kallas
In paragraph 9 of the referenced column, where Anne Kallas quoted Mayor Washburn about the funding of the Senior Center doors, the Mayor was wrong again. The Ebell Club became aware of the lack of funding for automatic doors at the Senior Center in April. After many attempts by Annette Cardona, City facilities supervisor, to obtain grants, a final grant, which was finally created, was cancelled by Governor Brown who also cancelled many other pending grants. Many of the Ebell members are also involved in the Senior Center and were upset with this news. Ebell member Marlene Schreffler contacted Ms Cardona of the city to find out the particulars. Marlene then took the matter of the doors to the board and membership of the Ebell Club about possibly having the Club donate the $9000.00 (a significant sum both to the Club and supposedly to the City) required to buy and install the doors. The City and Senior Center were both notified that the money would be available at the Club's May Luncheon meeting. The doors were bought immediately and installed in July. Mayor Washburn presented a proclamation of thanks to the Club at the September 13 council meeting. This is documented in the Fillmore Gazette paper dated September 15, 2011 and the picture of Mayor Washburn, Donna Volker, president of Senior Center, and Fay Swanson president of Ebell Club is in The Sespe Sun dated September 13th, 2011. There was a ribbon cutting ceremony and plaque acknowledgement on November 14th. The Sespe Sun ran a picture of the ceremony with many of the Senior Center people and Ebell Club people in attendance. Contrary to the information supposedly supplied by the Mayor, the only cookies or bake sale involved in the accomplishment of obtaining and installing of these door was a short party after the ribbon cutting ceremony sponsored by the Senior Center.
Transmittal of misinformation such as in this case has extremely upset many of the hardworking and benevolent ladies of both the Ebell Club (donor) and the Senior Center (recipient). It is too bad the Mayor
cannot remember what she says and does and very sad that NO ONE on the City Council or the City Manager realized her mistake and took the initiative to correct this Mayor. The Mayor and Council need to publicly apologize to the Ebell Club for their mistake(s).
Thank you
Marlene Schreffler
2nd VP Ebell Club

To the Editor:
At their meeting on February 14, the City Council voted 4-1 to fund the public access gate at the Fillmore High School track and to seek reimbursement for the approximately $8,000 in construction costs. Those of us who will utilize the track, and those who have had to live with us without it, are very appreciative of this action. I would particularly like to commend councilmember Eduardo Gonzalez, whose recent presence on the city council made a significant difference to this decision and councilmember Steve Conaway who has been in the trenches on the issue for years. Thanks, too, to councilmembers Sipes and Brooks for their support. We are also grateful to the Parks and Rec Commission for keeping the issue alive. We appreciate the cooperation of the Fillmore Unified School District Board. We recognize that funding is tight and that there are many worthy causes. You have done something good for the health of this community and, indeed, have restored the faith of many that the concept of “community” is alive and well in Fillmore.
Initially, there will be a $25 per person per year charge for this use, payable to the City of Fillmore, to be adjusted to actual costs based upon the number of subscribers. This is because gate maintenance and insurance are required and the City feels it cannot commit to covering these charges under present financial constraints. Please see the City of Fillmore website (www.fillmoreca.com) for participation details or contact Annette Cardona at the City (524-3701) if you are interested in participation or contributing to the costs of the gate. Several community groups have offered to participate in the funding of the gate construction, and we are so grateful for their generosity and community spirit. Thanks to all of you who supported this effort through the years, those who lately joined the cause, and those who were there when a demonstration of community interest was needed.
No excuses, now. Get out that running and aerobic walking gear and start your stretching program. See you soon, on the track.
John Scoles
Joan Archer

To the Editor:
Re: Donation from Fillmore Women’s Service Club for Pride In America
The Fillmore Women’s Service Club has made a donation of $250 to the Science/Pride In America Club at Fillmore Middle School to support their Pride In America celebration that is held every year just before Memorial Day weekend. Pride In America Day is entirely devoted to celebrating America with the whole school participating. The day begins with students focusing on important aspects of America’s history and traditions in their classrooms. The students then attend an assembly that is opened with a formal posting of colors by a military honor guard and includes a tribute to veterans. It is followed by an American style picnic. Fillmore Middle School is proud to have inspired thousands of students to be patriotic Americans because of this special program. Mrs. Merrill, the advisor for the Science/Pride in America Club, was very excited to learn of the donation from the Women’s Service Club and intends to use some of the money for decorations that can be used for several years. Pride In America Day is planned by Mrs. Merrill and her students who learn valuable leadership skills in doing so. The public is always welcome to join the Fillmore Middle School students for this special day.
Mary Ford