Letters to the Editor
February 15th, 2024

To the Editor:

The immigration bill you call “… an abomination …” is the Republican bill. They got what they wanted, without any provision for “Dreamers.” They can’t take yes for an answer. They don’t want immigration solved. They admit Trump needs it for a cudgel against Biden. I say they never wanted it solved. They scuttled bi-partisan bills in 2006, 2008, and 2016. They do not want it solved because they want to use it to instill fear in voters—which is more important to them than fentanyl. They don’t want it solved because illegal immigrants are a treasure trove of low wage, easily abused labor—labor that largely benefits Republican donors. Republicans sell fear, not solutions. In case anyone missed their hypocrisy, they moved to impeach the immigration secretary while refusing him the money and authority to do what they say they want him to do, but of course, they don’t really.

Final points. 1/6 was an assault designed to thwart a constitutional process. That’s the difference between a riot and an insurrection. You know that. Just as you know Biden in no way committed treason. You have a sacred trust. You owe it to the founders to honor that trust.

Pat Collins,
Fillmore, Ca.