Letters to the Editor
December 1, 2016

To the Editor:
Here is a quote from an article about prop 64:
"Editors Opinion: The Gazette believes the approval of Proposition 64 will prove to have a horrendous negative effect upon our school children and upon the health and safety of our citizenry, young and old. These effects will prove to be uncontrollable."
This is like saying alcohol after the prohibition will have a negative effect on our children.
Marijuana has never killed a single person and yet is still villainized by people who have been fed bullshit from the government for 40 years.
I have used cannabis since I was 16 to help cope with stress and anxiety. It only will have a negative affect on people if they allow it to.
I served in the Army for 5 years and went to Iraq for a year while in service. I have come back and am contributing to society by being a productive member and following laws.
The fact that you do not see the positive aspects of this plant shows how truly lost you are as an editor.
I wish this city would be more progressive but unfortunately I think I may have moved to the wrong one of the citizens share your outdated view.
Maybe you should do some research before running a slam piece but I guess you guys are as credible as CNN when they tell you it is illegal to look at the wikileaks documents.
Good luck with your journalism but maybe hire a new editor with the integrity to be unbiased.
C Mac


From "C Mac" "Your editor is an idiot."
Dear Mr. Mac,
Thank you for the letter. I appreciate the opportunity to introduce you to some facts.
First, I wouldn't deny that "...alcohol after the prohibition [would] have negative effects on our children." It certainly had negative effects on this man when he was a child. No other substance had such a serious, destructive influence in my life. But anyone can search and discover similar negative effects of alcohol on millions of youth, in terms of death, disease, and cultural chaos - in the millions.
Second, in your words, "villainization" of marijuana is not government "bullshit", it derives from long-term scientific studies, which show serious brain damage (especially to youth) of marijuana use. Marijuana smoke is more toxic than cigarette smoke. Educate yourself, if all those years of marijuana use have not rendered your brain too foggy.
Third, I salute you for your service. I was also in the Army for 3 years; never saw combat so don't consider myself a vet. We trained very hard in special places for a war that didn't come until after my service. If your use of marijuana is related to service injuries that's fine with me, and I'm glad you're a productive, law-abiding citizen. You are apparently the exception to the rule. Most heavy pot users over long duration suffer significant mental and physical damage. Let's keep it away from our youth. It is most definitely a gateway drug which inspires failure, dependence, and an incessant.
Fourth, many readers over the years consider me a "lost editor;" sounds like the beginnings of a good novel. But this limitation has never caused me to confuse pot with anything remotely related to any "positive aspects" of the plant. Except for proper medical uses (and there are some) marijuana is a complete dead end for otherwise normal people.
Fifth, No, no, Mr. Mac, facts are never "outdated." I thank God that Fillmore is not a "progressive" city. Hillary is progressive, and where did that take her? Our city rejected Prop. 64 because we know what an outrageous insult its commercial introduction would be to so many young minds. That's just old-fashioned, conservative, God fearing, Judeo-Christian, common sense. Besides, pot attracts crime like Hillary attracts lies.
Sixth, "Maybe [I] should do some research...". I took that advise years ago, Mac. I challenge you to show me scientific evidence that marijuana is healthy, for anyone - ever.
Seventh, I'm not really the editor, Mac. I'm just the publisher. The piece you refer to was on the opinion page. It was an editorial. I'll bet you a subscription to the Fillmore Gazette if you can find an unbiased political editorial for me that's worth its weight in newsprint. If opinions were all unbiased there would be nothing useful to read.
I thank you for taking the time to express your own unbiased opinion.
Martin Farrell
The Fillmore Gazette


To the Editor:
In response to letter to the Editor on Thursday November 24, 2016,
First off, Thank You for your service to our country, without you we would not be "The Land of the Free because of the Brave", I salute you.
Secondly, I think it is "bullshit" that you move to our little town with our old school values and want to change it. Maybe you should go back to your big city and take all of your big city values with you.
No one is saying that medical marijuana is not needed, maybe it is, but that is total bullshit that you have smoked it since you were age 16 for stress and anxiety, that Doctor should have his license revoked for giving a 16 year old a prescription for "medical marijuana". This little town has seen it's share of tragedy due to alcohol and yes drug use including marijuana. For anyone to say its not addicting, again bullshit. I have seen it first hand as have many residents of our small town and it does lead to other drugs.
The citizens of this town don't want it here and that is our right to say so as it is your right to want it but leave the Editor out of it, he is reporting the news.