Letters to the Editor
August 30, 2012

To the Editor:
Last evening I had the opportunity to go with friends to the new movie; 2016 over in Thousand Oaks, CA. I don't go often and was amazed to find the largest theater filled to capacity. I didn't think many people go to theaters any more because of TV and DVDs. It was even more unbelievable when at the end of the documentary, there was a thunderous standing ovation, for no one other the audience and the attendants. This was totally unexpected.
I won't explain the content. It would be far better for everyone of you to make an effort to see the movie for yourselves.
Stan Mason


To the Editor:
Hello, I am Alex Mollkoy and I am running for Fillmore City Council. As most of you know I ran two years ago as a write-in Candidate. I also applied and was considered for appointment to the vacated seat of Patty Walker earlier this year. I firmly believe that this city needs a good shot in the arm. We have been on a collision course with many decisions of poor judgment. I feel it is now time to restore common sense to City Hall. I am asking for Your Voice and Your Vote. I promise to represent this city with honor and dignity. I believe that I am the one truly independent candidate in this election. If you are looking for City Council representation that is not influenced by political groups, than I am your Guy. Please vote for me on Tuesday November 6, 2012.
Thank you,
Alex Mollkoy
Candidate for Fillmore City Council


To the Editor:
Ventura County is in need of great leadership. We need someone with a strong personality who is not afraid to work with both sides to get things done, and I believe that person is Tony Strickland. With an economy that is worsening every day, we need Tony’s help to protect our local Naval Base that employs 19,000 people. Ventura County cannot afford to put those people out of work. Families will suffer, as will our local economy, and having grown up here in Ventura County, Tony Strickland is the right man to represent us. He understands the importance of keeping the Naval Base open, and he will do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Please join me in voting for Tony Strickland on November 6th. He is the heart and soul of Ventura County, and we need his bold leadership fighting for us in Washington.
Sarah Varela
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
Mr. Martin Farrell,
It has come to my attention that you published comments in the Gazette on August 1, 2012, that are false, intentionally malicious and defamatory. The specific comments were …
"Gayle, as is her habit, fought furiously to prevent the tower construction. Her objections were based upon her fears of harmful electronic emissions, unsightly appearance, and the location at Super Seal and Stripe next to the railroad. Washburn heard that the Planning Commission was prepared to approve the tower and immediately moved to appeal the decision.
The council majority denied any such attempt but at the August 23 [2011] council meeting, Washburn (appointed mayor) was finally forced to admit that her denial was false.”
"As so often before, they were soon to learn that it was unlawful to stop this cell tower construction; only the appearance of five Verizon attorneys at the council meeting finally put a stop to their reckless intentions."
“In the year 2012 appointed Mayor Gayle Washburn reluctantly overcame her fear of imagined radiation leaks from this site”.
Fillmore has a new Verizon cell phone tower! Despite Mayor Washburn’s energetic efforts to kill the project, a last minute phalanx of lawyers claiming such obstruction violated federal law persuaded the council majority to change its mind.
These are several incorrect statements you are publishing as facts. They are blatantly false and defamatory and deliberately mischaracterize the issue.
You were physically present and heard statements made by me, other Council members and the City Attorney, on public record, that clarified the actual intentions and events of the situation. You have chosen to disregard those statements and deliberately publish information totally contrary to what actually occurred. By publishing these statements you failed to take on the responsibility, as newspaper of record, to seek clarification or information from reliable sources, i.e., me the City Clerk, City Attorney or City Manager. Therefore, you did not conduct due diligence in publishing these comments.
Specifically, there were never any comments made about the cell tower itself, other than a request for public review of the project. Additionally, a letter was sent to the Gazette on August 1st detailing the circumstances of the proposed appeal. Never was any support or opposition of the cell tower discussed by me or any other council member.
You have published this information with a reckless disregard for the truth. The statements have been published in the Gazette with deliberate malice and intent to cause irreparable harm to my character and professional standing.
Demand is hereby made that you immediately publish a correction of these false, defamatory and malicious statements in order to mitigate the damage you have done. The correction must be published in the same degree and repetition as the original statements and subject to my prior approval of its content. I am also requesting a retraction and apology for the damage you have done.
The correction must be published by August 31, 2012.
Failure to respond by that date will be deemed a refusal to make any effort to mitigate the damage you have caused.
Gayle Washburn